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Re: My husband really did it

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Lisa Ruby

Jul 1, 2005, 11:35:09 PM7/1/05
The Xenu story serves at least two purposes.

1) It is a test to see how well the mind control techniques
(processing) have worked on the aspiring OTIII. Mind control techniques
are a science as well as a demonic "art" and Scientology uses their own
members as guinea pigs to perfect these techniques. This is one reason
they have so much rank in the NWO network. Mind control is integral to
global government.

2) The Xenu story serves to make Scientology look like a silly,
harmless "cult" in the eyes of the public. How can people who believe
such a silly story be
a danger to anyone?

I know this for a fact because I have seen Scientology posters on Free
Republic use the Xenu story repeatedly to try to make people dismiss
damaging posts about Scientology. (I'm not a poster over there anymore.
They banned me for talking too much about Scientology.)

Lisa Ruby


Jul 1, 2005, 11:40:53 PM7/1/05
"Lisa Ruby" <> wrote in message


You are only looking at half of the picture.

In 1978 "The Year of Tech Breakthroughs" L. Ron Hubbard said about the NOT's
"It's like an old story half remembered". And he was right.

OT III Addresses only those entities which are easily gotten into
commmunication with with.

The really "hard" part is what follows and is what L. Ron Hubbard meant when
he said "It is like an old story half remembered".

New OT IV Handles drugged body thetans, and New OT V, VI, and VII deal with
dormant ones, which is a whole different category of case, requiring special
new training and processes..


Skip Press

Jul 1, 2005, 11:56:33 PM7/1/05
In article <91oxe.2063$rQ5.878@trndny04>, Infotroll
<> wrote:

Uh huh.

What all those "levels" require are steps.

Steps away from the bullshit called $cientology as quickly as possible.

The eyes of the world being thus on our Country, it is put the more on its good
behavior, and under the greater obligation also, to do justice to the Tree of
Liberty by an exhibition of the fine fruits we gather from it.

-- James Madison

Lisa Ruby

Jul 1, 2005, 11:55:09 PM7/1/05
Infotroll wrote:

>New OT IV Handles drugged body thetans, and New OT V, VI, and VII deal >with dormant ones, which is a whole different category of case, requiring >special new training and processes..

Yes, I know the Xenu story is integral to Scientology. I'm not
disputing that. (I like too.)

My point is that one needs to have succumbed to sophisticated mind
control techniques to truly believe this. There are no witnesses to
the Xenu story--Hubbard's word is that Scientologists have to go on.

I wonder if there are people who do not believe this but pretend that
they do in order to continue "up the bridge." Or is this impossible
with the supposedly all-knowing e-meter?


Jul 1, 2005, 11:59:02 PM7/1/05


"Lisa Ruby" <> wrote in message


It is impossible.

If you are on the level then you are running body thetans, period.

It is you the Pre-OT who decides to continue or not, and based on some of
the stories in this newsgroup and elsewhere about Scientologists who were in
Scientology and went up the levels and left, it is really easy to see why
some of them packe up and left.


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Lisa Ruby

Jul 2, 2005, 12:10:40 AM7/2/05
Infotroll wrote,

>It is you the Pre-OT who decides to continue or not,

OK. This is probably an exception but in Margery Wakefield's book, The
Road to Zenu, she just wasn't "getting it" on the OTIII level and was
finally sent home. She complained that she was not getting it --and
they got rid of her.

They "off-loaded her" and it was not her choice. (I'm sure she is glad
about this now.)


Lisa Ruby

Jul 2, 2005, 12:27:10 AM7/2/05
Margery mentioned the phrase, "over the rainbow" in her book, The Road
to Xenu.

"Maybe," I thought excitedly, "maybe they're going to send me "over the
rainbow" (the Scientology code words to refer to the location, unknown
to anyone except a very few select Sea Org members, where Hubbard was
in hiding).

This phrase comes from the Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz is used in
government mind control operations:

"The Sun setting the following day was used as a trigger for slave to
forget events. For the cat alters a certain word is given to trigger
them to go "over the rainbow" after an event in order for them to
SAME" --programmed in by using the scripture. "GO INTO THE SEA OF
FORGETFULNESS" --a hypnotic structure in the mind to forget.
Waterfalls are also used as a hypnotic image to forget pain and

Since Scientology is a government sponsored and protected "cult" and
since they do use extensive mind control techniques, it follows that
they would use some of the same trigger words.


Jul 2, 2005, 12:31:47 AM7/2/05
"Lisa Ruby" <> wrote in message


That is a sizeable defense, but where is Margery Wakefield today?

A. K. Myers

Jul 2, 2005, 11:29:02 AM7/2/05

Nah! These levels are designed merely to keep extracting money from
those brainwashed enough to think they are getting some benefit from
running them.

After literally trillions of bts being "handled" with these "special
processes", this scam cult has yet to show me one OT as described in 0-8
The book of basics.

I chased the BT rainbow many moons ago and it has taken this long for
the brainwashing to wear off.

I had a major cognition just a few minutes ago and my tone arm is
floating. I am ready to attest to the EP (end phenomeon) of all the
OT levels.

Are you ready for it??

Here it is:


My sucess story is in the mail!

A.K. Myers
Old OT7, Class VI
in da free zone since 1983
done with "the tech" since I found ARS

Phil Scott

Jul 3, 2005, 11:49:37 PM7/3/05

"Lisa Ruby" <> wrote in message

Well kiddo, you are very bright and you do your own research.
You are very very welcome here on ARS.

You might consider appointing yourself a postion with the
ARSCC (central committee) wdne... and going for some SP
levels.. Id say you are at least SP 3 already. or more. I
forgot which level you get awarded for being shot at.

Phil Scott

> Lisa Ruby

Phil Scott

Jul 4, 2005, 12:32:24 AM7/4/05

"Lisa Ruby" <> wrote in message

When I walked into the OT-3 course room after passing a bunch
of security checks and picking up my copies of Elrongs hand
written original OT-3 processing instructions ..I sat down to
read them and knew instantly that this had to be mostly crap.

But I had heard so many 'big wins'... from others about the
'awesome...wonderful..bla bla' and I had real gains in
spots (mixed with the utterly disasterous apsects) on lower
level stuff so I assumed that regardless the bogus appearance,
that running the processes would be fruitful...

I finished OT-3 on my own initiative from a diferent
perspective that it had been advertised... the volcano crap
never did register with me. I ran it but not much of any
actual phenomena or gain or whatever resulted.. finally I
applied a wholesale view sort of like someone might decide to
see his cultural brainwash as sets of mnemes...and blow them
off wholesale. I did that...that felt good. And attested to
the level. Passing a meter check and questions on the 'end

However as you very astutely observed the brainwash hooks had
to be set firmly before the OT-3 'test' was administered...and
those hooks were on the 'clearing course' that many of us
skipped... I did 'power processing'.. but skipped the clearing
course...then did OT 1. 2 . 3 etc. so for me and apparently
others the hooks were not deep enough and a lot of people left
after OT-3... and many many more left after OT5. I left
after OT-5 but later took a stab at doing OT6 and 7 at Flag
and didnt know it but was set up to be fair gamed, to oblivion
if possible. 1986 .... recovery took years...I left Flag,
red tagged and an absolute basket case.

I felt like warmed over death...

Idenics worked for me though in 1991 (the antithesis of
scientology in most but not all aspects)... I was mostly
healed of the worst of it after took another 10 years
for most of the brainwash to wear off.

All through this at the orgs and missions I met people who
were in charge on staff ... or on the fringes of staff who
behaved as if they knew it was a scam they behaved incredulous
at me when I would voice some of my 'realizations'...about
like a person would who was running some insane experiement
and one of the subjects swallowed the impossible bait... they
acted surprised and would question me on why I felt that
way... this is not the scn way at all... these questions were
very odd in that context... here they were selling the brain
wash, claiming that they too were on board with it... then
questioning me incredulously about it etc.

...and at flag people wearing the sea org uniform who couldnt
speak the scieno language... to me, obviously not scns...but
there to observe would be my guess.

Having said that, as you are familiar there may well be such
as some form of 'demonic possession' and I have had one
experience with an old girl friend on the phone, hooked on
drugs and alcohol....

I was applying about 10% of Hubbards strategy as laid in on
the OT-3 materials, and 90% dreamed up on the spot that turned
out to be entire oposite of anything hubbard ever wrote...
that worked like gang busters... she ceased drinking and
drugging, started loving her kids and husband again and has
been more than fine ever since. getting better each time I
talk to her... then a slight relapse and I sent her to an old
time ex scn woman... her insights etc provided the final cure.

One of scn's hottest hooks is that scn addresses some real
phenomena, and a person notices that, but in a totally bogus
way at 'upper levels' ... that leaves the person caught in
that dillema...and stuck with massive problems because of
it...problems others cannot easily resolve because of the
extreme insanity and twisted perspectives involved....and all
the lies told by those completing a 'level'.... whom just
paid thousands of dollars or so had better find some
'wins'...or they get declared 'no case gain'...and loose
family and business connections.

Regarding the 'all knowing' works to the extent
it reads mental activity and stress etc.. the brains
resistance changes with the presence of neurotransmitters or
not. (and the current flow does induce the production of
these and I think I was hooked on them...I craved being on the
. But it can also be caused to read on ones halucinations and
desires that you get all those reads that you can
follow up on.

sort of like me convincing you that your father was a
chicken... then you dreaming up that you were an egg
once...which of course is partially true... so it
reads...becuase you know the egg / sperm origins of human
life... and you have rationalized already that your father was
a you rationalize that you were an egg once too.

Now you assume that indeed your father was a chicken
etc...because it reads on the meter.

I hope this helps answer your question.

Phil Scott


Phil Scott

Jul 4, 2005, 12:40:57 AM7/4/05

"Lisa Ruby" <> wrote in message

Very interesting...and good research. If you are not 100%
accurate here Id hazard a guess from what I know and have
experienced that you are the very least 80% right.

Phil Scott


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