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Lie Lie Lie, Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie

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gerry armstrong

Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

Everyone knows that Hubbard said that he had to lie to people to
control them.

He was only telling a bit of his truth; that is, he was lying. The way
Hubbard really controlled people and his replacement model controls
them is to get them to lie for him. Once a person lies for the cult he
is in its control. If he quits lying for the cult he is no longer in
its control, and no longer a Scientologist.

Having people lie starts with their first success story. If they tell
the truth they cannot continue in Scientology. They lie after every
auditing session and after every level up the grade chart. They lie
about abilities gained and "OT phenomena." They lie about Scientology
every time they "disseminate."

As people advance in Scientology they are required to tell different
organizational lies. The top Scientologists, those who have advanced
farthest in this "applied religious philosophy," are required to
commit perjury in court. They lie about who runs Scientology. They
lie about its history, nature, finances and intentions. They lie about
the GO, OSA, Hubbard and Miscavige.

If anyone refuses to tell a lie he is hauled "off lines" and could
easily become fair game. He knows that if that happens everyone in the
organization will lie about him.

Scientology's black PR/DA practices are in large part intended for the
controlled cult members. As long as the OSA PR and legal operatives
spread lies about people who are telling the truth about the cult,
these operatives remain controlled. Get all Scientologists to lie
about the people telling the truth and you control all Scientologists.
If the operatives or Scientologists refuse to spread the black PR they
are out of control and must be themselves black PRed lest their
dedication to the truth infect the cult.

It is an organization based on telling lies. All of its lies trace
back to Hubbard and Miscavige, the source and the source's apprentice.
They are also the chain of lies' weakest links. Who but fearful
criminals require that the people in their control lie for them? And
who but criminals would have such disdain for people in their care?


Cornelius Krasel

Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

gerry armstrong ( wrote:
> Having people lie starts with their first success story. If they tell
> the truth they cannot continue in Scientology.

I tend to disagree. I believe that the first success stories are
often honest. Only later people don't get the big wins any more and
therefore have to invent them. If the first course were not a success,
why would people start in the cult at all?

(At least this is my impression from reading various books. I have no
personal experience with Scientology whatsoever.)


/* Cornelius Krasel, U Wuerzburg, Dept. of Pharmacology, Versbacher Str. 9 */
/* D-97078 Wuerzburg, Germany email: SP4 */
/* "Science is the game we play with God to find out what His rules are." */

Tilman Hausherr

Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

In <>, (gerry
armstrong) wrote:

>Having people lie starts with their first success story. If they tell

>the truth they cannot continue in Scientology. They lie after every
>auditing session and after every level up the grade chart. They lie
>about abilities gained and "OT phenomena." They lie about Scientology
>every time they "disseminate."

I also disagree - the first success stories are often true, but the
person doesn't realize that 1. the "success" is due to the fact that
*every* self-help method provides immediate success, 2. what Hubb says
is often just obvious stuff. Looking up words you already know is
useless, even if it provides the feeling "hey, what I knew all the time
was true all the time".

Tilman Hausherr [KoX, SP4]

Resistance is futile. You will be enturbulated. Xenu always prevails.

Find broken links on your web site with "Xenu's Link Sleuth":

Ted Mayett (KoX)

Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

When I finished the method one co-audit, 1994, I'm given a typed up
"success story" to sign. It say's something like; I have completed
the course, understand and can apply the materials, and that I have
fully regained my earlier education.
I would not sign it. Absolutely refused to, I wrote some little thing
about; "the course was great and fun to do."

Actually, it was not a typed up success story I was to sign, it was a
printed piece of paper that was probably sent in from Bridge or
something like that. Probably sent to all the orgs. As I think about
it, perhaps this is what the New Standard Tech is.

Ted Mayett OT 1.1


Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

In article <>, (Cornelius Krasel) wrote:

>gerry armstrong ( wrote:
>> Having people lie starts with their first success story. If they
>> the truth they cannot continue in Scientology.
>I tend to disagree. I believe that the first success stories are
>often honest. Only later people don't get the big wins any more and
>therefore have to invent them. If the first course were not a
>why would people start in the cult at all?
>(At least this is my impression from reading various books. I have no
> personal experience with Scientology whatsoever.)

The lie is that such success stories are spontaneous - the pc feels so
great he just has to tell the whole world about his wins.

In fact, success stories are mandatory - they are insisted upon by the
cult. Any pc who refuses to write a success story after auditing is
sent to ethics to have his "crimes" investigated. He will either cave
in and write the success story or get kicked out of the church for
being an "anti-social" personality.

Once they're written, success stores are presented to raw meats as
evidence that scientology works. The church doesn't tell potential
recruits those testimonials were coerced.

I remember being asked (with no possibility of refusing and staying in
Scientology) to write a success story after my first auditing session.
At first I balked; if I had wanted to write a success story on my own
initiative I would have done so. After thinking about it for a while,
I realized I couldn't come up with any reason *not* to do it, so I
wrote about the positive results of my auditing session. I naively
believed focusing on positive things was a part of the process, and
was necessary to do the trip. That was when I started lying to myself
about Scientology.


Your SP Declare is waiting for you at the end of the Bridge.
Sign up now for your next step.

Tilman Hausherr

Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

In <6202ev$dp4$>, (wgert) wrote:

>Read the Rogues Gallery of ARS Bigots

Still broken links:

Xenu's broken link report

Root URL:

Broken links by link:
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 400 (no object data), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):

6 broken link(s) reported


Broken links by page:
\_____ error code: 404 (not found)
\_____ error code: 404 (not found)
\_____ error code: 404 (not found)
\_____ error code: 404 (not found)
\_____ error code: 404 (not found)
\_____ error code: 404 (not found)
\_____ error code: 404 (not found)
\_____ error code: 400 (no object data)
\_____ error code: 404 (not found)
\_____ error code: 404 (not found)
\_____ error code: 404 (not found)

Dave Touretzky

Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

In article <620783$>, spbill <> wrote:
>In article <>,

>Once they're written, success stores are presented to raw meats as
>evidence that scientology works. The church doesn't tell potential
>recruits those testimonials were coerced.

Absolutely! When I visited the Denver Org, I was shown sample success
stories posted on a bulletin board, and told that when people complete
a course they could write one "if they felt like it." The ones I saw
were pretty lame. I think I would need to take a special course just
to learn how to write crappy, content-free success stories in the
accepted Scientology style.

Let's see if I can do it.... "I experienced TREMENDOUS WINS on this
course, and my CERTAINTY is much increased! I'm so GRATEFUL TO RON
for giving us this wonderful technology that's making us FREE!"

-- Dave Touretzky, graduate of the ARSCC "How to be PTS/SP" Course


Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

Wgert wrote:>>The problem here is that Wgert can't conceive of anyone not
acting in
the same manner as he did - i.e. with dishonesty. Thus, he tries to
generalize his opinion to try and fit "everyone".


amazing wgert, you cannot conceive of someone posting something that does not
spin and lie madly just like you.


Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97
to (Cornelius Krasel) wrote:

>gerry armstrong ( wrote:
>> Having people lie starts with their first success story. If they tell
>> the truth they cannot continue in Scientology.

>I tend to disagree. I believe that the first success stories are
>often honest. Only later people don't get the big wins any more and
>therefore have to invent them. If the first course were not a success,
>why would people start in the cult at all?

>(At least this is my impression from reading various books. I have no
> personal experience with Scientology whatsoever.)


The problem here is that Gerry can't conceive of anyone not acting in

the same manner as he did - i.e. with dishonesty. Thus, he tries to
generalize his opinion to try and fit "everyone".


john smith

Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

In article <>, (MikeSmith3) wrote:
>On Tue, 14 Oct 1997 05:38:22 GMT, (gerry armstrong)
> wrote:
>>Subject: Lie Lie Lie, Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie >Lie
>That's 15 lies in a row Gerry.
>You must be going for the Wollersheim record.

It's a good thing they're not in competition with Scientology itself. They'd
have a looooooong way to go!


Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

>Subject: Lie Lie Lie, Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie
>From: (gerry armstrong)

>Everyone knows that Hubbard said that he had to lie to people to
>control them.

>He was only telling a bit of his truth; that is, he was lying. The way
>Hubbard really controlled people and his replacement model controls
>them is to get them to lie for him. Once a person lies for the cult he
>is in its control. If he quits lying for the cult he is no longer in
>its control, and no longer a Scientologist.

Very well put, Gerry Armstrong. This couldn't have been said better.



Oct 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/14/97

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997 14:50:22 +0200. (Cornelius Krasel).
From: University of Wuerzburg, Germany.
Wrote on the subject: Re: Lie Lie Lie, Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie
Lie Lie Lie Lie:

>gerry armstrong ( wrote:
>> Having people lie starts with their first success story. If they tell
>> the truth they cannot continue in Scientology.
>I tend to disagree. I believe that the first success stories are
>often honest. Only later people don't get the big wins any more and
>therefore have to invent them. If the first course were not a success,
>why would people start in the cult at all?

Success stories are often forced. I wasn't able to attest to the comm
course before I had written a success story. Did I do that? No, of
course not. So, the result was that I never attested for the comm
course. Others that was on the same course did write their forced
success stories, and therfore they could attest. It's all a scam, easy
as that.

Success stories are in my experience of no value whatsoever, since it's
expected that everyone that completes any course in the criminal cult
writes one. I have talked to people that admitted that they made it up
only to be able to attest to whatever course or level they were doing.

"Somebody some day will say 'this is illegal'. By then be sure
the orgs say what is legal or not."
-- L. Ron Hubbard, HCOPL 4 January 1966
***** Body thetans? We don't need no stinking Body Thetans! ******
********** **********
*** Public PGP key: ***
****** (Anti-Cult) *******
Victimized by the Co$. "Deadfiled" in at least one Org. Seen too
much, heard to much, lived too much. Security Coded hard disks
too much. Have been reading NOTS too much. Having chronic
pneumonia. As Arnold said: I'll be back......

Yavo Lem

Oct 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/15/97

On Oct. 14, 1997 (wgert) wrote:

The problem here is that Gerry can't conceive of anyone not acting in the same
manner as he did - i.e. with dishonesty. Thus, he tries to generalize his
opinion to try and fit "everyone".

Read the Rogues Gallery of ARS Bigots



I am not a Scientologist, but I have listened to what Gerry Armstrong and
others have said and written. In addition, I have read some of what both you,
Russell Shaw and your supporters have to say. Need I tell you what I have


Ex Mudder

Oct 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/15/97

>gerry armstrong ( wrote:
>> Having people lie starts with their first success story. If they tell
>> the truth they cannot continue in Scientology.
>I tend to disagree. I believe that the first success stories are
>often honest. Only later people don't get the big wins any more and
>therefore have to invent them. If the first course were not a success,
>why would people start in the cult at all?

>(At least this is my impression from reading various books. I have no
> personal experience with Scientology whatsoever.)

That's a tricky one. Most early success stories are a result of a
"feel good" reaction from something you went through, and they hit you
up for the success story and more money before you have a chance to
come down.
But, yes, the first success story may not be a lie. But many of the
later ones are.

Did Scientology's Standard Tech kill Lisa McPherson?

Ex Mudder

Oct 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/15/97

In article <>, (gerry armstrong) wrote:

>Everyone knows that Hubbard said that he had to lie to people to
>control them.
>He was only telling a bit of his truth; that is, he was lying. The way
>Hubbard really controlled people and his replacement model controls
>them is to get them to lie for him. Once a person lies for the cult he
>is in its control. If he quits lying for the cult he is no longer in
>its control, and no longer a Scientologist.

Beautiful explanation, Gerry.


Oct 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/15/97

Mike O'Connor

Oct 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/15/97

In article <6202ev$dp4$>, (wgert) wrote:


> The problem here is that Gerry can't conceive of anyone not acting in
> the same manner as he did - i.e. with dishonesty. Thus, he tries to
> generalize his opinion to try and fit "everyone".

You sound like a psychiatrist. Is that what you're trying to be? -Mike

Geoffrey Burling

Oct 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/15/97

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997 05:38:22 GMT, (gerry
armstrong) saith:

>He was only telling a bit of his truth; that is, he was lying. The way
>Hubbard really controlled people and his replacement model controls
>them is to get them to lie for him. Once a person lies for the cult he
>is in its control. If he quits lying for the cult he is no longer in
>its control, and no longer a Scientologist.
When former members talk about the phenonema of mind control inside of
CoS, I wonder if what they are talking about is the well-known effect
of lying to oneself has.

Frequently a person will deny the truth of what she/he feel to be true
out of pressure (either real or perceived) from the group around
her/him - even to her/his own injury. For example, the victim in an
abusive relationship will try to accomidate the abuser, hiding up his
or her actions to the outside world, & lying to oneself how she or he
felt about these actions. This denial arises from their perception of
both what society expects (loyalty to one's spouse/lover), & how
she/he preceives oneself (e.g., I am not worth respect).

The activities of the CoS appear to follow this pattern. First they
undemine the new recruit's confidence in her/his own knowledge of the
world - which is possible because every rational or sane person will
admit to her or his incomplete knowledge of the world. Then they are
taught to routinely lie about themselves: as other posts in the
original thread point out, in order to have a step checked off from
one's checksheet, the student MUST write it up as a ``win" - even if
the student does not believe that a win occured. Then, because they
cannot help but feel insecure about their achievements within
Scientology, the recruit (now a regular member) is forced into a world
view that makes all but a select few within the organization insecure
about their status within the organization. Lastly, if the member
makes it this far, she/he is exposed to the NOTS teachings, which
undermine once again all that she/he held certain about their life
within the CoS. (No wonder at that point many members either leave or
suffer a nervous breakdown - the wog term for a ``psychotic break.")

I'm probably reopening another round of flamewars by suggesting this
(or just by using the words ``mind control"), but it is a point I
believe needs to be raised.

Olympic-Class Bore

Return address altered to foil spambots. Change ``cyberpromo"
to``agora", & your email will reach me.


Oct 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/15/97

wgert wrote:

>The problem here is that Gerry can't conceive of anyone not acting in
>the same manner as he did - i.e. with dishonesty. Thus, he tries to
>generalize his opinion to try and fit "everyone".

Apparently it fit Hubbard. Confirm or deny THIS quote, wgert:

"the only way to control a person is to lie to them." --L. Ron Hubbard

Now your ass is in a deep crack, pal. If you deny it, anybody who cares
enough to read Hubbard's "On Control and Lying Policy" can show that YOU
are the liar. If you confirm it, you acknowledge that your precious Source,
whose every word is law to you, advocated lying as a means of control. Of
course, you could try to weasel out by saying Hubbard never wanted to
"control" anyone, but the laughter would go on for days around these parts.

Then you can tell us about TR-L. Go ahead, we're waiting. And by the way,
already know the truth, so don't bother trying to lie about that, either.

"Clear the Wallet" -- the real Scientology agenda

Michael 'Mike' Gormez

Oct 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/16/97

In article <>,
nob...@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous) wrote:

> Apparently it fit Hubbard. Confirm or deny THIS quote, wgert:

> "the only way to control a person is to lie to them." --L. Ron Hubbard

> Of course, you could try to weasel out by saying Hubbard never wanted to

> "control" anyone, but the laughter would go on for days around these parts.

Then start laughing, because that's exactly the point a Dutch scieno
tried to make: "he warned us of people who want to control."

That Hubbard quote was quite a concern for the cult in the beginning of
the controversy in the Netherlands. So much so that an article in a
obscure newspaper by the same "journalist" who bought their newkid
story, said the same thing as the scieno. Oh, did you know that the
OTs (no, not the NOTs) were stolen? Neither did I. By the same clueless
"journalist": "... the documents on Internet were already in 1983
stolen from the church in Denmark." - (LC 14.11.95)

BS of course.


Perry Scott

Oct 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/16/97

Geoffrey Burling ( wrote:

: Frequently a person will deny the truth of what she/he feel to be true

: out of pressure (either real or perceived) from the group around
: her/him - even to her/his own injury.

This aspect of Scientology-brand mind-control (wdne, apparently) was
adequately explained to me in entry-level college psychology class
without the m-c word.

In an attempt to promote its sanity, the mind looks for justification of
its actions. When an unjustified action is committed (reporting a Big
Win, for example), the mind makes up its own reasons.

The mind-control part of this comes from the coercion that is placed by
Scientology on the person, requiring them to write up a win to advance
to the next step. Further coercion is applied when the person must
stand up in front of a group of total strangers and recite the win. If
there wasn't a win, the person has just lied to themself and to the
group. The person must now create a justification to prevent an
internal lie. One easy way to do this (I did it) is to gloss over the
non-wins and inflate a Little Win into a Big Win.

In effect, the person creates another lie (there was a big win) to cover
the previous lie (there was no win at all).

: I'm probably reopening another round of flamewars by suggesting this

: (or just by using the words ``mind control"), but it is a point I
: believe needs to be raised.

Now you did it Geoff.

: Geoff

Perry Scott
Co$ Escapee

Garry Scarff

Oct 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/17/97

Michael 'Mike' Gormez <> wrote in article

> In article <>,
> nob...@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous) wrote:
> > Apparently it fit Hubbard. Confirm or deny THIS quote, wgert:
> > "the only way to control a person is to lie to them." --L. Ron Hubbard

It's a misprint. Meant to say "lie with them". ..Oops, there goes my penis
envy again.

Mike O'Connor

Oct 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/17/97

In article <>, (RonsAmigo) wrote:

> Mike O'Connor wrote:
> >You .............psychiatrist................trying to be? -Mike
> >
> Mike, why are you are still hiding?
> Amigo

Hello. Who pays you? -Mike

Mike O'Connor

Oct 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/17/97

In article <>, (RonsAmigo) wrote:

> Perhaps if you had had some slight sense of personal integrity
> you would have found more success in Scientology.

William Barwell

Oct 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/17/97

In article <6202ev$dp4$>, wgert <> wrote:
> (Cornelius Krasel) wrote:
>>gerry armstrong ( wrote:
>>> Having people lie starts with their first success story. If they tell
>>> the truth they cannot continue in Scientology.
>>I tend to disagree. I believe that the first success stories are
>>often honest. Only later people don't get the big wins any more and
>>therefore have to invent them. If the first course were not a success,
>>why would people start in the cult at all?
>>(At least this is my impression from reading various books. I have no
>> personal experience with Scientology whatsoever.)
>The problem here is that Gerry can't conceive of anyone not acting in
>the same manner as he did - i.e. with dishonesty. Thus, he tries to
>generalize his opinion to try and fit "everyone".

Once again, I could post teh claims of Dianetics FAQ.
Do people really get perfect memories and high IQs with Dianetics?
No. How about OT claims? Do you get the big OT powers Scientology
claims with Stupidology processing.

How about exteriorization with full perceptics as Hubbard promised?

No? Scientology is all lies. It promises big miracles and palms off
weakling little wins and self delusion instead.

Armstrong woke up to that when he saw from Hubbard's own papers and
diaries that Hubbard was a liar through and through. And realized Hubbard
had lied to him, made big promises and instead, merely taught him to be
self deluded. Just like you and many other Scientologists.

Many later wake up to it and realize, they were defrauded and taught the
trick of self delusion. As the ex-members here, Gertie. Someday, you will
too. Some snap a little sooner that others and some fight it. Some
have big hopes that they will obtain the big fake promises of Hubbard, but
you won't. All you will have is a bunch of little self delusions and a few
signed win statements you now know are false. Ask the others here,

Can you really exteriorize with full perceptics? Clears are supposed to
do this easily. Magician James Randi willpay $1 million dollars to any
Scientologist who can prove this. Simply exteriorize and read a short
phrase on a piece of paper pinned to the wall in an ajoining room.
I have made this challenge for nearly three years here now, Gertie, and no
Scientology Clears can do this. No OT can do this. Here is a chance to
earn a million proving Scientology is true and Hubbard was right.

All we get is lip and bluff and unsupported claims.

Can you do this Gertie? No? Perfect memory as Hubbard promised was a
proven fact with mere Dianetics? No. All you have is self delusion.

The ultimate dishonesty. Intellectual dishonesty, self delusion.

No, Gertie, it is you who are dishonest and it is the ultimate dishonesty,
the maximum dishonesty possible, you lie to yourself.

Dare you put Hubbard and Scientology to the test?
If so, I will send you Randi's official address to take his challenge.

And this is your challenge. Put up or stop being dishonest to yourself
and the world. Put up or stop lying to ypourself and the world. Put up or
stop deluding yourself, you are not deluding teh world by the way.

Take Randi's challenge. Exteriorize and show it is not an illusional state
of mind. Or find some OT that can, and will split a million bucks with
you by showing he or she can read that paper pinned in a room with their
OT exteriorization powers.

We know the perfect memory, no colds, shrink that enlarged nose claims of
Dianetics is false.

Put up or shut up, stop lying to yourself.
Tell me when you want Randi's address.

Pope Charles
SubGenius Pope Of Houston

Garry Scarff

Oct 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/17/97

RonsAmigo <> wrote in article

> gerry armstrong wrote:
> >
> >Having people lie starts with their first success story. If they tell
> >the truth they cannot continue in Scientology. They lie after >every
> >auditing session and after every level up the grade chart.
> Is this what you did?
> I think you really believe what you wrote in the above and that's scary!

> Perhaps if you had had some slight sense of personal integrity
> you would have found more success in Scientology.

What Gerry has yet to answer is how he could sue, agree to take
Scientology's $$ in an $800,000 settlement, then claim that the settlement
is null & void? In declaring this, did Gerry take the moral road and
return the $800,000 in blood money? No. He keeps it, celebrates with it &
spends it. Now, that's integrity.
> Amigo


Oct 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/17/97

gerry armstrong wrote:

>Having people lie starts with their first success story. If they tell
>the truth they cannot continue in Scientology. They lie after >every
>auditing session and after every level up the grade chart.

Is this what you did?

I think you really believe what you wrote in the above and that's scary!

Perhaps if you had had some slight sense of personal integrity
you would have found more success in Scientology.



Oct 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/17/97


Oct 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/17/97

In article <>, (RonsAmigo) wrote:

>Perhaps if you had had some slight sense of personal integrity
> you would have found more success in Scientology.

If Ron's Amigo had any sense of personal integrity he would have
gotten out of that cult long ago.

William Barwell

Oct 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/19/97

In article <01bcdb2c$7dbe51c0$cde0a1cd@scaarf>,

Garry Scarff <> wrote:
>RonsAmigo <> wrote in article
>> gerry armstrong wrote:
****************** Deleted ******************

>> you would have found
more success in Scientology.
>What Gerry has yet to answer is how he could sue, agree to take
>Scientology's $$ in an $800,000 settlement, then claim that the settlement
>is null & void? In declaring this, did Gerry take the moral road and
>return the $800,000 in blood money? No. He keeps it, celebrates with it &
>spends it. Now, that's integrity.

Nope, He did it to get other people off the hook. Flynn swore that the
bad parst of the agrreement Gerry was asked to sign were so bad as to be
utterly unenforcable under the law. Gerry took him at his word and it
was a mistake. Flynn had lied to him.

This is a tragedy. Now, what is your excuse for thr tricks and lies you
played for Scientology on CAN?

Oct 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/19/97

In article <62dm7v$2dc$1...@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM>,

Yeah, right. The one person who will stretch the truth to justify his
breaking the law then fleeing to Canada to evade responsibility places
blame elsewhere - a common symptom in troubled individuals in denial.

As per your question, I have no excuses , have never made them, and
won't. During the time I was with Scientology, I was quite proud of my
OSA activities & satisfied with their results. Interesting thought
though - I sometimes think I should have followed orders and murdered the
two appointed critics - I would have far more integrity on this newsgroup
than I am afforded now.

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