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Let's settle a few things here

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Karl Denninger

23 wrz 2000, 03:00:0023.09.2000
Hash: SHA1

Gee, you "fine" folks are still here, eh?

How's it going Odun? Michael? Bill? Brian? Still having fun in Chicago?
Still driving people away? It sure looks like it - you appear to have
picked up a few new members for the Odun fan club of late.

Some nameless person put me on the distribution list for their last
anonymous "mixed" post here. Obviously they know how to read, after
having gone back through the crap you've been spewing. Gee, how nice
of them to make a present of that in my email this morning.

How silly of me to drop my spam filters thinking that I wouldn't need
them anymore.

God, what a waste of perfectly good electrons.

For the record, and this will be my first (and last) post to these groups
on this matter:

1. My last posting to your little group (alt.religion.sabaean) was,
I believe, in February of 1999. That's some 18 months ago.

2. I left your silly bogus "religion" more than FOUR YEARS ago, in
1996. And no, silly little boys, I didn't go join up to Willy
or Labrada or anyone else. Your games and bullshit soured me
PERMANENTLY on anything having to do with any religion similar
to or connected with your claimed "traditions."

So sorry to disappoint you, but I found a religion and path for
myself and my family that doesn't go sticking its hand in my
wallet all the time, not to mention being based on hatred and
venom - something you displayed COUNTLESS times in public, in
sermons and in your "festivals" and "meetings" while I was
associated with your little group.

Despite your grandiose claims of how your little temple would
"spread thoughout the world", it hasn't happened, has it? You
might want to look at all the hatred and venom you hold in your
hearts and minds for the reason why.

3. Your silly rituals and claims of "gods" are, IMHO, just that -
silly. In my opinion they're a complete waste of money, time
and effort. Its all just a bunch of rocks and pots, nothing more.

You are a complete waste of time and effort as well. That's why
I've not bothered to come in here and read your crap, say much
less post about it.

4. Yeah, I was the fool for following your silly tripe. I wised up.
Tough noogies for you, but far better for my life. I'm FAR better
off without you than I ever was with you, and that's a FACT. I
LIKE my life, and all your bullshit predictions of doom and gloom
were just that - bullshit.

5. NONE of the tripe you've posted in this thread is true. Your
scurrilous and libelous comments have all been saved, though,
and if they continue I might decide I'd like some real estate
investment property in Chicago.

You decide if you want to continue to play your silly little
game and risk that outcome.

I refuse to be baited by your tripe, and I refuse to answer
point-by-point. I also refuse to drag other people, some
innocent and some VERY guilty, through the mud. Yes, that
includes your remaining "members", Odun. I simply don't care
about your "friends", "associates", "temple members" or
anything else.

6. I don't care if you live or die. Your silly religion was a waste
of several good years of my life, and disrupted many years of
my life and its stability. It was the single most destructive
thing I've done since being born - far worse than ANY of the other
mistakes I've made as a human. It was, however, MY mistake, and
unlike you I take FULL personal responsibility for being STUPID
enough to get involved in and stay with your silly little line
of bullshit for as long as I did.

Yeah, I fell for it hook, line and sinker.

What you can't stand is that years later I spat that same hook,
line and sinker back out and walked off. I tossed all those
worthless rocks and pots in the dumpster as the trash that they

So now every person who dislikes you and gets put through the meat
grinder (and comes out pissed off, as many do) is suddenly tagged
with my name. Gee, that's nice. I guess I should feel proud or
something that you're still pissed off at me after all those years
for leaving your silly little control and power game behind without
so much as a glance back over my shoulder.

Well, I'm not.

Bluntly: Your silly little farce and my foolish involvement with it is
a closed and written-off chapter in my life. Its over and has
been for years. Your continued infantile obsession with my
departure from your group is proof positive of your inability
to think in the present - say much less the future.

I revoked your ability to aggrevate me years ago. Your obsession
with me - and with my departure from your group - lives on.

In your own small mind and that of your followers, that is.

Get over yourself Odun. And you too Michael. And Bill. And Brian.

You're just a handful of gnats on the ass end of humanity, and simply
aren't important enough for me to care about one way or another.

No, its not even worth reading your tripe.

No, I'm not gone off the net either, as The Anonymouse claimed. I'm
still around. I do things that interest me these days, not those that
interest other people. Gee, what a fool THAT person is to think I care
enough to forward me their crap.

Its all crap. Theirs, yours. All the same. All crap. The only two
people with an ounce of good sense in these threads are Eoghan and Cat,
neither of whom I've met but both of whom have called you and your "group"

Quoting posts made through anonymous remailers (all of them false, by the
way) doesn't help your credibility either. In fact, all it does is mark
you as a malicious twit - as if you needed any further documentation on
that point.

I have no reason to post through remailers or by cloaking my identity.

I have the gonads and personal chutzpa to put my name on my postings and,
when there is a reason to question their authenticity, digitally sign
them - which I'm doing here. You want to verify my signature? My public
key is on my web page. Be my guest.

You want to respond? Go right ahead. I won't read it. I've got another
machine that I own (far, far away from me) set to archive all the crap you
spew, and save it for later in the event your conduct reaches a level of
outrage that is worthy of action by me, but I've got ZERO interest in your
little "religion", "temple" or claims. I've also got zero interest in
your "Internet presence."


Grow up, children, and get a life.


Four years isn't enough time to bury your hatred eh?

Gee, what does THAT say about your "philosophy"?

Something to think about, eh?

Have a nice day.

- --
- --
Karl Denninger ( Internet Consultant & Kids Rights Activist Cost-effective Consulting Solutions Working to protect children's rights

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