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Hovercat Redux

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Jan 28, 2003, 3:06:36 PM1/28/03
Today's word is "Flixie," which seems to be the name for the sylvan
goddess of syrupy poems:



>On a woodland rock by a waterfall,
>bent on her knees, in a shaft of light,
>sits a beautiful woman, so perfect -- yet small.
>Save the wings on her back, no impossible sight.

>Tho she couldn't know I watched (I sat so very still)
>she looked into my eyes as tho I'd spoken.
>Tanning in her gaze, I'll speak, if I ever find my will,
>tho I know with her my will's already broken.

>She stood, as tho for me, brazen in her gaze,
>daring me to try to look away.
>Her challenge telepathed to me and stole all my awareness,
>except her smile, inviting me to stay.

>Then she dove into the water, swimming to my side,
>and motioned I should come and sit beside her.
>Walking up to her is a very awkward stride.
>I sense no wish has ever been denied her.
>Tho we talked of many things, and spoke for many hours,
>I can't remember any of her words.
>I can remember how I felt, the colors of the flowers,
>the way our hearts were flown on wings of birds.

>I still see her when I can, when I walk that woodland way.
>Our moments may be few, but they are treasured
>And my heart is praying hard I'll never know a day
>when we can't share a moment being pleasured.

Ooh...wait, Flixie is also goddess of Swedish Furry sketchblogs:


You'll find Flixie on page 1 of the "old stuff" section.

Interestingly, while nonsense words like "flixie" unfailingly turn up
surprising and/or interesting content, the perfectly logical phrase,
"Swedish Furry Sketchblogs" gets nothing.


Rich Holmes

Jan 29, 2003, 3:55:44 PM1/29/03
to (Pugg) writes:

> Ooh...wait, Flixie is also goddess of Swedish Furry sketchblogs:
> <>

Sometimes you have to dig pretty deep into a blog to find anything
interesting, but this one is pay dirt right at the top:

Hey Everyone I am back, of course i never left..

If you consider the internet world in a sense I have vanished but I
remain alive and kickin..

I got kicked out my house and moved in with my boyfriend a motnh and
a half ago. Its an excellent relationship. but I live in his room
and it stresses me the fuck out. and i have absolutely nothing to
do. he is the first guy to treat me with respect and no matter how
much shit I put him threw he is always still there clinging to me
*gag* sometimes to hard..

I love him so much, and no its not one of those other shitty
relationships I have been in.. We are going to get married around
april We are hoping April 3rd. He hasnt proposed yet but does have
my engagement ring ordered. so it is all a matter of time.

Anyone who wants to come to my wedding is totally invited, I want
everyone I love and who I am freinds with to be there if they can
make it.. *hugs* Anyways on the low note I am as broke as a joke and
I have no way of getting a job because I have no way of
transportation so things are moving slow as fuck.. and so I have
decided to take my artwork a little higher and I am going to start
selling it again.. If anyone can help throw me a few key lines.

OK, so we've got: a excellent relationship, but it stresses her the
fuck out to live in his room, but they're getting married in two
months, but he hasn't proposed yet, but the engagement ring is in the
mail, but she puts him through a whole lot of shit, but he still
depends on her, but she doesn't like it.

And we're invited to the wedding. ARKPLE! Let's all show up --
sounds like vast amounts of fun, if psychotic women and their totally
disfunctional relationships are your idea of amusement.

- Doctroid Doctroid Holmes <>

Sewing buttons is just about the easiest thing you can do with a
needle and thread, aside from hurting yourself. -- Ben Wolfson


Jan 28, 2003, 4:23:49 PM1/28/03
Previously on ark, we heard Rich
Holmes<> say:

[About the surprisingly dysfunctional blog-content of a teenage furry
artist who calls herself Likwid-Ice:]

>And we're invited to the wedding. ARKPLE! Let's all show up --
>sounds like vast amounts of fun, if psychotic women and their totally

>disfunctional relationships are your idea of dating.

I fixed your post so that all the ARKD00DZ will show up.


Andrew Pearson

Jan 30, 2003, 1:08:45 AM1/30/03

Well most of them, except the gay ones and the married ones. Oh, I dunno
though, on seconds thoughts perhaps all of them will stay away because
the fallout from an event of that nature has got to be scary.

Could make for some interesting posts from whomever steals Liwkid-Ice
away at the altar though.

Yes, on reflection the only polite thing to do is to ruin the wedding
and steal the bride and/or groom away. Let's see: will it be Dag
Right-square-bracket-gren with his swaggering Finnish charm? Or manly
Warshingtonian Joe Manfurr? Or maybe an Arkchyxor coming out of
left-field with a cunning Lisbonian manouvre? Are there any pictures of
the BF in the blog?

Also, I like RH's use of ARKPLE! as an exclamation.

WARNING: The fly, the fly, the fly be on the turmut.
Gokmop Salt, a.r.k. Sun, 1 Dec 2002 17:59:22 +0000 (UTC)

John Burrage

Jan 30, 2003, 4:32:02 AM1/30/03
Rich Holmes<> wrote:

>And we're invited to the wedding. ARKPLE! Let's all show up --
>sounds like vast amounts of fun, if psychotic women and their totally
>disfunctional relationships are your idea of amusement.

YOU BEAUTY! Sounds like a HOOT, I'll be there, wherever "there" is.
Should we have a whip round for the present? Although ... I arranged a
fundraiser for George Hammond a while back, but I heard he's dead now
or something so we could use the money to buy a present instead.

Will you be the one who interjects at the "forever hold their peace"
part, or can I? This is going to be great!

John Burrage
"That makes one year to go before I'm headline news
in every newspaper in the world." - George Hammond,
1 July 2002.

Glenn Knickerbocker

Jan 30, 2003, 7:13:21 AM1/30/03
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 07:08:45 +0100, Andrew Pearson <>

>Could make for some interesting posts from whomever steals Liwkid-Ice

AHEM. Weren't we just talking about "whom"? Were you even paying
attention? Do you think we do this for our health?

ŹR - At Ebay you'll find a great range of Doom

Rich Holmes

Jan 30, 2003, 11:01:56 AM1/30/03
to (John Burrage) writes:

> Will you be the one who interjects at the "forever hold their peace"
> part, or can I?

Neither. At that moment there will be the sound of a modem
connecting. Then we dim the lights and start up the projection
monitor. We'll set the browser home page to
<>, so that'll come up
first, but then we'll hand the mouse over to whoever's officiating and
say, "Here, have fun!"

Rich Holmes

Jan 30, 2003, 11:17:49 AM1/30/03
Andrew Pearson <> writes:

> Could make for some interesting posts from whomever steals Liwkid-Ice
> away at the altar though.

Clearly you have not been paying attention. L-I specifically said

I love him so much, and no its not one of those other shitty
relationships I have been in..

So she'll wait until the reception to dump him.


Jan 31, 2003, 11:18:01 AM1/31/03
Rich Holmes wrote:

> if psychotic women and their totally
> disfunctional relationships are your idea of amusement.

You mean that there's some OTHER KIND of woman?!! Damn,
I should get out more often!

Aw, hell, I probably wouldn't be attracted to her anyway.



Jan 31, 2003, 1:12:20 PM1/31/03
Previously on ark, we heard Andrew Pearson <> say:

[About the impending nuptials of famous internet artist, Likwid-Ice:]

>Yes, on reflection the only polite thing to do is to ruin the wedding
>and steal the bride and/or groom away. Let's see: will it be Dag
>Right-square-bracket-gren with his swaggering Finnish charm? Or manly
>Warshingtonian Joe Manfurr? Or maybe an Arkchyxor coming out of
>left-field with a cunning Lisbonian manouvre?

Eilonwy! I choose you!

>Are there any pictures of the BF in the blog?

Well, yeah, but according to them, he's some sort of wolf or Huskie or

>Also, I like RH's use of ARKPLE! as an exclamation.

Hey, if a bunch of us get together in Anaheim and we all meet up at
the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, would we

I just can't bring myself to say it. I'm so sorry.


Kevin S. Wilson

Jan 31, 2003, 1:23:58 PM1/31/03
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 18:12:20 GMT, (Pugg) wrote:

>Previously on ark, we heard Andrew Pearson <> say:

>>Also, I like RH's use of ARKPLE! as an exclamation.
>Hey, if a bunch of us get together in Anaheim and we all meet up at
>the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, would we
>I just can't bring myself to say it. I'm so sorry.

What's wrong with the word "quorum"? (pronounced QUAHRRRRRRUM).

Kevin S. Wilson
Tech Writer at a University Somewhere in Idaho
"You can safely ignore Kevin in order to
maximise life's experience." --A. Loon, in alt.religion.kibology

Andrew Pearson

Jan 31, 2003, 2:26:17 PM1/31/03
Glenn Knickerbocker thundered these words across the still atmosphere of ark:

> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 07:08:45 +0100, Andrew Pearson <>
> wrote:
> >Could make for some interesting posts from whomever steals Liwkid-Ice
> AHEM. Weren't we just talking about "whom"? Were you even paying
> attention? Do you think we do this for our health?

And the mighty Rich Holmes observed:

> Clearly you have not been paying attention. L-I specifically said

> I love him so much, and no its not one of those other shitty
> relationships I have been in..

> So she'll wait until the reception to dump him.

Oh dear. You got me bang to rights guvnor's. Attention? I don't know the
meaning of the word, ittes sumfink to do wiv stayin in arfter school, innit?


Jan 31, 2003, 3:07:15 PM1/31/03
to (John Burrage) writes:
>Rich Holmes<> wrote:

>>And we're invited to the wedding. ARKPLE! Let's all show up --
>>sounds like vast amounts of fun, if psychotic women and their totally
>>disfunctional relationships are your idea of amusement.

>YOU BEAUTY! Sounds like a HOOT, I'll be there, wherever "there" is.

I'd go but I think it would completely dispell any mysterious aura about
me that I may have created. Also, the thought of spending time with
people more dysfunctional than me is scary. The up side of going would be
that I'm friendly and incredibly good-natured in real life so I would
definitely make money and influence friends. Or something.

* * *
Stacia * *
"it's the department of explodiations, sir.
we've come to detonate your buttocks."

Talysman the Ur-Beatle

Jan 31, 2003, 6:27:40 PM1/31/03
to (Pugg) writes:

> Previously on ark, we heard Andrew Pearson <> say:
> [About the impending nuptials of famous internet artist, Likwid-Ice:]
> >Yes, on reflection the only polite thing to do is to ruin the wedding
> >and steal the bride and/or groom away. Let's see: will it be Dag
> >Right-square-bracket-gren with his swaggering Finnish charm? Or manly
> >Warshingtonian Joe Manfurr? Or maybe an Arkchyxor coming out of
> >left-field with a cunning Lisbonian manouvre?
> Eilonwy! I choose you!

yeeeesh, and people think *I'm* crazy because I remember Echo Three.

Jeremy Impson

Jan 31, 2003, 6:59:41 PM1/31/03
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Talysman the Ur-Beatle wrote:

> (Pugg) writes:

> > Eilonwy! I choose you!
> yeeeesh, and people think *I'm* crazy because I remember Echo Three.

Ahh yes, the lurverly Echo Three. I'm pretty sure that Nick B. kidnapped
her before he went to Yurp, where he sold her into slavery for the price
of Eurail pass.



Jeremy Impson

James Vandenberg

Jan 31, 2003, 8:30:40 PM1/31/03
Kevin S. Wilson <> wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 18:12:20 GMT, (Pugg) wrote:
>>Previously on ark, we heard Andrew Pearson <> say:
>>>Also, I like RH's use of ARKPLE! as an exclamation.
>>Hey, if a bunch of us get together in Anaheim and we all meet up at
>>the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, would we
>>I just can't bring myself to say it. I'm so sorry.
> What's wrong with the word "quorum"? (pronounced QUAHRRRRRRUM).

Fear my new bureaucratic terrorist organisation: Al-Quorum!

James Vandenberg Email: james at
GPG FP= 65AB 179A D884 EDC6 216D FE6A 6833 02BC 4425 4F70
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur. ICQ: 151135390
Beware! Sometimes forks and candles fall from the sky.

Bryce Utting

Jan 31, 2003, 8:45:36 PM1/31/03
Kevin S Wilson <> wrote:
>>Hey, if a bunch of us get together in Anaheim and we all meet up at
>>the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, would we
>>I just can't bring myself to say it. I'm so sorry.
> What's wrong with the word "quorum"? (pronounced QUAHRRRRRRUM).

it's got that funny little tricky "qu-" at the front of it.

we used ter 'ave a Proim Minster -- friendly chap, none too bright,
accidentally at the helm of the bunch of Tory flakes who'd given him a
quiet unchallenging home for the better part of four terms -- who once
did to the simple, innocent prefix "quasi-" something that was much,
much worse than what the current free world lunatic is even capable of
doing to the much-abused "nuclear." he now runs the People's Bank of
the current Allegedly Left-Wing Centrists, and buggered if I can work
out the message there.

speaking of Proim Minsters, a motorist got 'imself lost in the tangled
roads of mumbletyfsck Auckland (see the other post I'm busy writing
RITE NOW), some suburb crawling with lawyers, anyway, just the other
day. he waved down a tidily-dressed female pedestrian carrying a
briefcase, got directions, and drove off, and only THEN realised 'e'd
been talking the t' Proim Minster, without a DP or indeed *any* form
of security in sight. and do you know what this means? AND DO YOU?

she'd slipped her minders AGAIN. to what? go shopping? carry out
her sordid on-going affair with her husband? no, much much much
worse, and the briefcase gives it away: SHE'D GIVEN 'EM THE SLIP TO GO

damn politicians. can't trust any of 'em.


Whose TITAN Elbow

Jan 31, 2003, 7:34:24 PM1/31/03
Talysman the Ur-Beatle <>schreef in

>> Eilonwy! I choose you!
> yeeeesh, and people think *I'm* crazy because I remember Echo Three.

What else do you "remember"?

``Although xylitol has a relatively long organic chemical history, the
first half of this century was rather eventless from xylitol's point of
view...'' -- Professor Kauko K. Mäkinen

Andrew Pearson

Feb 1, 2003, 12:35:10 PM2/1/03
Pugg wrote:
> Previously on ark, we heard Andrew Pearson <> say:

> >Are there any pictures of the BF in the blog?
> Well, yeah, but according to them, he's some sort of wolf or Huskie or
> something:

If they really for real were doggies, then it would be highly likely
that kliboligists would take them away. To hug them and pet them and
stroke them and feed them and give them worming pills and let them play
with dead squirrels filled up with crack cocaine and chase rats in
Beable's sugar-field.

I wonder if that works for people too?

Andrew Pearson

Feb 1, 2003, 12:41:17 PM2/1/03
"Kevin S. Wilson" wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 18:12:20 GMT, (Pugg) wrote:
> >Previously on ark, we heard Andrew Pearson <> say:
> >
> >>Also, I like RH's use of ARKPLE! as an exclamation.
> >
> >Hey, if a bunch of us get together in Anaheim and we all meet up at
> >the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, would we
> >
> >I just can't bring myself to say it. I'm so sorry.
> >
> What's wrong with the word "quorum"? (pronounced QUAHRRRRRRUM).

Have you seen the price those piratical scoundrels be asking for a
Quorum Jolly Roger?

Damn thing hasn't even got a steering-wheel. Or a crotch.

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