Allah is good, Allah is gay!
I offer a more radical perspective for those queers who crave
liberation. The following two recent e-mails (identity of Angela is
concealed by this pseudonym) are no exception. Consider them a yummy
desert from your usual meal of hypocrisy, terror, frustration, and
---begin missives:
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
Received: 11/29/02
Subject: Re: Adam's rib joke
> Then Adam asked, "What can I get for a rib?"
> The rest is history....
It is time to drop heterocentric humor (and worship), and stop
ignoring the other sexual groups, particularly gays and
transexuals. So while of course it's a "cute" joke, it is also
a meme to implant hetero dogma. We need to create and spread
memes that recognize and honor sexual minorities, for a
Dang it, let's here about Adam and Steve for a change. If I
hear one more Adam&Eve joke, I think I'll puke...same goes for
any OTHER (pro-) hetero joke!
So I would be dishonest if I said that I really enjoy these
hetero jokes...which have been going on for centuries, this
same old hetero role-playing that pretends to honor women, but
really is a pressure valve to allow women to more readily
accept male supremacy (which is of course a terrible illusion;
same goes for heterosexuality).
So straight people (or as we queers call 'em "str8s") need to
include gay-friendly humor; instead of this continued bashing
of gays by spreading anti-gay, bigoted jokes. After all,
straights make jokes about all other minorities...and by
excluding gays, this helps keep us invisible to the
majority...and by telling only BAD jokes about gays, makes
things even worse.
Whenever a str8 person says "Wanna hear a gay joke?", 19 times
out of 20 you can be assured that it's really a hate- speech
meme. An example is the following signature I often come
across, in hetero e-mail:
"Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks."
Not only does this degrade us gays, but assumes women are also
inferior, and mere sex objects for hetero men. Now here's an
example of a truly gay-friendly joke that heteros can share
(and which I made up, as I don't think anyone else is doing
this; or at least I haven't come across any that did not
originate from yours truly):
"There's a little homo in every homo sapiens."
(But Goddess forbid that too many heteros would actually start
cracking gay jokes that are PRO instead of ANTI.)
To balance things out, I have been creating more and more
anti-hetero jokes that have some of the evil bite so many
"gay" jokes have:
"Let's secede from those who breed,
Make it sin to *not waste seed!"
"I'd walk a mile for a camel, two for
a sheep or goat, and three for a boy."
---old Muslim saying
You see, most heteros are so full of themselves, they won't
TOLERATE any such jokes...though they crack all kinds of evil
jokes about gays, women, and all other oppressed
groups...jokes which AFFIRM such oppression. (Not that queers
can be racist, misogynist, too...I'm mostly focusing on the
gay issue.)
As a mirror shaman, I reflect back samples of their evil...and
they scream and cry like little spoiled brats. Well, if they
can't take the heat (that they dish out), then they ought to
get out of the planet,
Don't tell me heteros shouldn't be made fun of...are they some
sort of sacred cow, while everyone else (read "non- heteros"
and "non-males") is fair game? Time for heteros to join their
own world; and see just how much fun we can have at THEIR
By "hetero" I mean "heterocentric" (or "heterosexist" or
"heterosupremacist"), not "heterosexual". I believe that
homophobia has been such a prolonged evil, that the few good
heteros in this world ought to come up with a NEW term for
their sexuality, that would distinguish them from the hetero
bullies (who are the majority, still, in this nation and many,
many others).
The following is another pro-queer meme, in essay form (when I
say "meme" I don't mean the entire essay, for memes must be
brief...I mean there are one or meme phrases planted within
the writing...and memes can also be IDEAS generated by a
longer piece of writing):
Angela, I encourage you to share this message with others in
your's time to not ignore the gay issue, but
include it in our family of conspiracy theorists and
paranormal enthusiasts. So feel free to forward this around,
as you do other subjects.
Do not take this personally, I am venting as well as
informing. I wouldn't do this, if I did not regard you as one
of the great spirits in this world. And thank Hera for that, I
P.S.: I think I'll include this message in my list of essays
on my website...using a pseudonym like "Angela" instead of
"xxxxxx" (to protect your privacy, while acknowledging your
angelic self).
From: Ezekiel Krahlin
Received: 11/29/02
Subject: Re: Str8 deaths
>So sad about the killing.
I'm rather joyful myself. Usually, it's the gay guy who gets
killed for not going back into the closet. I am supporting
this guy, with my letters. The outrage is just too much for us
queers to take this crap any more. Finally, a known homophobe
gets a taste of what we gays have been putting up with for
centuries: sheer terror, death threats, bashings, and
Let this man's outraged response (probably after months, maybe
years, of "sweet natured" lecturing by this "well-meaning"
lady...who is NOT a good Xian by any means. Let her stand for
the symbol of ALL hetero thugs: Next time it might be them)!
>Now both lives are destroyed!
Nope, just hers. The guy's alive, and is receiving much
support from our community.
> Every gay should stand up and tell the world
> that it is a usually matter of nature, not
> nurture that brings about the lifestyle of
> the gay.
Str8s created this evil, str8s are the ones to be told this,
not gays. On top of all this evil, you expect us to assume
RESPONSIBILITY for the murderers? That's blaming the victim.
How much education should women be obligated to do, to those
men who raped them? If a woman should kill a man who keeps
stalking her, sure it's a crime...but aggravated assault can
be considered in such cases, thus lowering the crime from
homicide to self defense.
No, we are at war now, for sure. We have neither time nor
space for lukewarm soldiers.
> That might put it all into prospective.
No it might not. It's already been tried many times over to
maximum effect. But still, the 'phobes continue to thrive and
bash. Why such outrage when one of 'em suffers the same fate
that millions of queers suffer now, around the world, and have
suffered for many centuries? Where's the outrage by this
woman's hetero friends, for her nagging and nagging about how
evil this young man is? Why didn't they ever bother to correct
her, and make amends with this young man? Don't you see that
they all FED INTO THIS SCENARIO, by regarding her as God's
Angel, and the boy as lost in the Devil?
Just because the devil wears a sweet face and is female, does
not mean the troops should lower their guard. In fact, this is
one clever method Evil uses to infiltrate our troops...with
gay-friendly heteros like yourself who distract our soldiers
by engaging us in what we SHOULD and SHOULDN'T do.
You are still in transition, Angela, in becoming part of our
queer family...and the things you need to learn still will
eventually make you realize the wrongfulness of your approach.
That's why I suggested in a past conversation, that you
withhold your opinions as you keep your ears, mind and heart
open to those gays who have befriended you?
Homophobes are as evil as Nazis: we should give them no
quarter in which to speak or act hatefully against gays. Do
not be fooled by old ladies of KKKristian persuasion.
> Gays have much to offer the world.
Now that all our munitions are well stocked, yes, I agree.
> But as long as gays are recognised
>as deliberately sinful
Etc. etc. I have no time to engage in such debates...just as
Churchill had no time for discussing with people who believed
that Hitler really isn't a danger.
> Ignorance holds no boundaries.
Including your own. You are still possessed by some of the
anti-gay brainwashing that has been inculcated to your, since
> Once again we all lose.
No, this time it's a strike for gay people. As I concluded
some years back: the only education bullies respect and
acknowledge, is pain. Which is nothing more than giving BACK
some of what they dish out to queers constantly (bashing,
murder, villification, job loss, family rejection, and
sometimes homelessness).
The gay guy is quite young, and no doubt was a victime of
aggravated assault that this "sweet lady" keep knocking him
over the head with. I will do my best to see that he is
released from prison as early as possible, on grounds of
aggravated assault...and if the lawyer is a true friend to
gays s/he will use that tact; for it is the TAngela.
You need to realize that I am not here to "educate" anyone,
including my comments here have been repeated
many times over in a larger, public venue: the Internet. To
engage very long with individual discourse would distract me
from my real mission: preparing our troops for civil war and
our consequent liberation, and inspiring and cheering the
troops along the way (as Bob Hope once did to the hetero
I predicted just such scenarios happening (gays finally rising
up against their tormentors), some years back. Like so:
Pennsylvania Dutch Gay Jesus says:
"Throw the hetero over the fence some hay."
---end of missives
Good for you. This will get the moslems wound up, and they have it
>Allah is good, Allah is gay!
My only problem with your post is the rampant homosexual
domination of young boys in muslim countries.
Surely you can't support that ..
A Reader Comments on Sodomy and Islam:
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 11:59:37 +0800 From: *** To: Steve Van
Subject: Re:
Dear Steve,
While preparing a course about Muhammad and reading through your
writing about him, I came across two statements, to which I would like
to you some extra details:
1) John Gunther in "Inside Africa" describes how the Berbers of
Morocco hate the Arabs, though both groups are Muslim. The reason is
that the Berbers are fiercely heterosexual, and Gunther tells us that
the Arab Muslims are very much given to the "vice" of sodomy. ( 18 )
I am a Moroccan and I lived there into middle age and traveled almost
all across the country. Berbers (especially those from the south,
souss) are also sodomites. Actually they are more sodomites then the
Arabs. Whenever, you go to a grocery store owned by a Soussi in
Morocco, in 90-99% of them, you'll find a young boy working there as
an apprentice by day and as the "boss" sexual toy in the evening.
Every Moroccan knows that. The people of Marrakech are well known to
all Moroccans as sodomites. They are 50-50 Arabs and Berbers.
One of the other famous sodomites areas is Essawira, especially the
town called "Labr3at L7enshan" (The Wednesday market of serpents). It
is commonly said that in that area even when men sleep with their
wives, they make them ware a men's hat and sodomize them.
2) The point is clear-- sodomy is a vice common to many Arab Muslims,
and this is well known to anyone familiar with Middle Eastern life. I
have had Arab converts to Christ warn me of this as I told them I had
a zeal to witness to Arabs. They were concerned for my sons. This
picture is still very real in Saudi Arabia where the desert Bedouin
are totally clean of sodomy, while the city-dwelling Arab men of the
Hadhramaut, Riyadh, and the northern cities, Mecca and Jiddah, are
well known for their lust for young boys. ( 19 )
Among the Arabs, the Gulf Arabs are the worst of sodomites. They don't
only sodomize, they get sodomized also... Not only Arab Muslims are
sodomites, but many other Muslims, like in Malaysia and Indonesia are
sodomites too. A Moroccan whom I met before told me the story of an
Algerian friend of his who was accused falsely (after him) of theft
and sent to jail for years because he refused to please the
second-Imam in the toilet of a mosque . The Imam followed him to the
toilet, touched his genital and asked him to sodomize him. When the
guy refused then he accused him of theft and sent him to jail. I have
heard of others whose genitals have been touched by other Muslims in
mosques during the salat...
One of the reasons I became disgusted about Islam and left the mosque
and began to attend Church instead, it was because a Muslim Indonesian
man made a homosexual action to me while we were in the mosque. I
rebuked him in front of everybody and immediately. Guess what happened
the next day? The Imam brought me the police and accused me of
breaking to his property, the mosque. He brought me to the police
station but when the police didn't find any proves for his accusation,
they asked me to sign a paper and promise not to go to his mosque
again. Since that day I never went to that mosque. When I started
telling the story to other Muslims, they ridiculed and teased me about
it. That was the time when God started to open my eyes and to lead me
to search for the truth.
If in the future any Muslim start to criticize to you some
"Christians" for being homosexuals, let me deal with him and show him
the plank which is in his eyes first. I hate homosexuality and I am
disappointed and mad at those "Christians" who tolerate homosexuality,
however, I won't let Muslims to use that "defect" in the weak church
to be used as a propaganda tool to try to spread Islam.
Your comments about Muhammad's obsession with is libido made me laugh
and laugh. I think the guy has a problem/complexity with it! Maybe it
was too short or it has a leprosy or a certain disease :-).
"I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the
government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future."
- Ibrahim Hooper, director of communications, Council on
American-Islamic Relations.