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Cheers Big Ears

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Jan 9, 2008, 11:48:32 AM1/9/08
I don't know what it is about these Belgium clowns ..ehem.... I mean
'Druids'.... that makes me laugh so much. Is it their simplicity (and
I mean that in an intellectually challenged way)? Is it their meeting,
'down the pub'? Is it their online fee-paying courses? Never mind. I
hope you get as big a laugh from their videos as I do.

The leader David Dom certainly looks like he smokes too much

Here the motley crew visit new members, the Young family in Cornwall.
Steve Young is the College co-ordinator on the 'Grove of Dana' and
when you hear his deep wisdom in this video (yes, I am being unusually
sarcastic) you will get a glimpse of the sort of mush these guys are
selling. They even have a course for youths. We will come to
'Karayana' later.

Here is their 'Training' as admitted by themselves. This achieved they
started 'performing' and selling internet courses. This is the
funniest! Once again, too much hydroponic guys.......

Jan 9, 2008, 5:12:35 PM1/9/08

I have read through some of their material. Although I do not find the
way they have their organization set up, or their methods, to be to my
liking, I will say that I commend them for doing something other than
sitting around and just "talking about it".


Jan 9, 2008, 6:11:41 PM1/9/08

So, nature lovers and enviromentalists = Druid. ( eyes left right)
well..I like that jeans are a part of their ceremony. Mum..we are
Druids, we wear jeans. Yes, looks that way young Talon.

Jan 9, 2008, 6:59:31 PM1/9/08
On Jan 9, 4:11 pm, aine <> wrote:

> So, nature lovers and enviromentalists = Druid. ( eyes left right)
> well..I like that jeans are a part of their ceremony. Mum..we are

> Druids, we wear jeans. Yes, looks that way young Talon.-

Like your viewpoint is any more stringent on the definition of

Have you even went to their site and read about what they do? How they
approach things? What they base their "lessons" on?

They approach "Druidry" from the Spiritual aspect, incorporating
authors such as Tom Cowan, Frank MacEowen, and John O'Donohue into
their reading list. Seeing as you are into the "visions" and
"spiritual memory" aspect of things, I figured you'd already be
familiar with these authors and this approach.

I know that Phillip Carr-Gomm of the OBOD is even associated with an
Organization that is rooted in the spiritual aspect of Druidry.

Is their approach on Druidry right?
Not for myself.

Is their approach a valid path?
For them.

Jan 9, 2008, 7:45:43 PM1/9/08
"Oh look mum, we're stoned. We're Druids too"

I think these have got to be the most inept stoners I have ever seen
pretending to be druids. They inhabit a realm someplace between Monty
Python and Saturday Night Live.

Here is the homepage on YouTube. Look at the 'favourites'

Still think these guys are on a 'Spiritual Path'? More like a path to
the 7/11 to buy more rolling papers.

"Whooooo Druid, let's burn a leaf watch Stargate SG-1..... Whooooo!"

I know I should'nt slag them off but they are just waaay too funny.

Word is, Steve Young, College co-ordinator on the 'Grove of Dana', was
fired for rather right-wing views since the famous five went exploring
in Cornwall and made their, "Mummy, we're Druids too" video. Who is
running the 'Grove of Dana' now for those eager young seekers? Imagine
going to these guys for instruction?

This is only slightly less funny


Jan 9, 2008, 8:05:30 PM1/9/08
On Jan 9, 3:59 pm, wrote:
> On Jan 9, 4:11 pm, aine <> wrote:
> > So, nature lovers and enviromentalists = Druid. ( eyes left right)
> > well..I like that jeans are a part of their ceremony. Mum..we are
> > Druids, we wear jeans. Yes, looks that way young Talon.-
> Like your viewpoint is any more stringent on the definition of
> "Druid"?<

Yes, yes it is.

I also did not throw brochures around because I am "crafty" and wait
for my kids to say, mum, we are Druids. In fact my kids are not
Druids, nor will I allow them to practice Druidry until I think they
exhibit Druid thinking or, they become of age, decide for themselves
and like everyone else come under scrutiny from me.

Ask any of my kids if I discriminate because they are mine.

> Have you even went to their site and read about what they do? How they
> approach things? What they base their "lessons" on?<


Jan 9, 2008, 8:35:39 PM1/9/08
On Jan 9, 6:05 pm, aine <> wrote:

> > Like your viewpoint is any more stringent on the definition of
> > "Druid"?<
> Yes, yes it is.

Good, as I was unable to tell from your recent discussions.

> I also did not throw brochures around because I am "crafty" and wait
> for my kids to say, mum, we are Druids. In fact my kids are not
> Druids, nor will I allow them to practice Druidry until I think they
> exhibit Druid thinking or, they become of age, decide for themselves
> and like everyone else come under scrutiny from me.
> Ask any of my kids if I discriminate because they are mine.

Again, good. I really didn't see that approach very adult myself.
Sitting down and discussing things as a family, yes, the subtle "I
want this for christmas" approach, no.

> > Have you even went to their site and read about what they do? How they
> > approach things? What they base their "lessons" on?<
> Yes.

Yet again, good.

Jan 9, 2008, 9:14:36 PM1/9/08
On Jan 9, 5:45 pm, wrote:
> Imagine going to these guys for instruction?

Personally, no. Like I said, I looked at their stuff and didn't find
it to be what I was looking for. But, I have met people who have went
through some of their course and found it to their liking. Not
speaking of "fluffies" either, people with their feet on a rather
level path.

When I had looked into their "college", they had a few more members
for their mentors that were a bit less "sketchy" (I guess would be a
good word for it). People such as Crow Dragontree (who I believe in
his mundane life is a respected teacher at Arizona State Univ,) and
Alferian of the "Avalon College".

The biggest hitch I had with the whole deal was having "Druid
Leaders" (such as "Phoenix" aka David Dom) that were just about as old
as the length of time I've been on this path. It just didn't gel with
me. I also observed one of their "online rituals" once, via their
chatboard. First off, I just don't have a place for "online rituals"
in my way of thinking. Second, it just seemed too chaotic. Ritual is
supposed to build cohesive energies, not scatter them about like
leaves in a windstorm. Then there's the pics of even thier "leaders"
using scripts during ritual...

Do I still think SOME of them are following a spiritual path? Yes.
But, when you bunk with the hounds, you're gonna get fleas.


Jan 9, 2008, 10:01:55 PM1/9/08
On Jan 9, 5:35 pm, wrote:
> On Jan 9, 6:05 pm, aine <> wrote:
> > > Like your viewpoint is any more stringent on the definition of
> > > "Druid"?<
> > Yes, yes it is.
> Good, as I was unable to tell from your recent discussions.<

All you had to do was ask.

> > I also did not throw brochures around because I am "crafty" and wait
> > for my kids to say, mum, we are Druids. In fact my kids are not
> > Druids, nor will I allow them to practice Druidry until I think they
> > exhibit Druid thinking or, they become of age, decide for themselves
> > and like everyone else come under scrutiny from me.
> > Ask any of my kids if I discriminate because they are mine.
> Again, good. I really didn't see that approach very adult myself.
> Sitting down and discussing things as a family, yes, the subtle "I
> want this for christmas" approach, no.<

Nope, that is not the point I am making. Not discussing as a family
(yes, we do that) the ability and Just choice to discern for
themselves. Ego-less choices.

They can be pagan, their religion can be their choice, Celtic based,
Bhuddist, Jewish or Christian etc.. I support any religion choice they

Druidism, they need to have their focus on truth,

The maturity to understand what it means on an every minute basis.
The stamina to take on the tests when they say they get something and
the Ancestors, Ancients, Deity, spirits hand them a situation to see
if that is shallow or taken to heart without their world falling

Just choices as what we see in this group. Do they get angry at others
who do things to them but have rose colored glasses on to their own
same or similar behavior.

Most of all, because we all fall or screw up from time to time, do
they have the maturity to learn and not do it again.

As their mother I can teach them the best I can to give them a head
start but like childbirth, talking about the pain is far different
then experiencing it and reacting to it yourself.

Druidry to me is something that without the 20 years of training from
teachers like was done, involves years of personal situations that
train you for the day you hear the Druid call. Then the real tests
begin. I was 30 and looking back my life had been in preparation for

Druidry to me is like passing seminary training. You get the Title
Priest after working hard then work harder because you accepted the
Title. For me it is a religion because I practice and see the Celtic
pantheon as my religion, yet the Druid part is an aside but on top of
to the religion. Something I earned but, still have to keep at it.

It is prestige. Saying you are balanced, think balanced and Justly.
Examine paths to each simple choice people make. Do I call him a moron
or fat idiot or do I hold my tongue. If I take that chance I know I
will pay for it somehow because I misrepresented what being Druid

It is not about nature, enviroment issues. It is about thought

Jan 10, 2008, 3:06:52 AM1/10/08
The "judgement" of Rasputin concerning the New Order of Druids, tells
more about himself than it does about whom he tries to judge. If he
even KNEW what he was talking about (who is the pot-smoker here?) he
would know that the courses are available for FREE. No fee paying
required at any point to access these courses.

Also, if anyone had made a more serious investigation, they would know
that Allanon and his family of Cornwall are no longer active on NOD,
and the college is now run by another administrator who is also mentor

Whether NOD is for you or not is your own choice, not everything is
for everyone. If you feel it's for you, you go there... if not, you go
somewhere else. Simple as that. But if you think that you are the one
who knows everything better than anyone else, and reserves the right
to put judgement on everything you don't agree with... then your place
is definitely not at NOD unless you're willing to crack your own ego
to bits.

And for the record, anyone who knows me knows very well that I do not
smoke pot, and that I have not even once smoked any kind of cigarette
in my life or taken any other form of drugs... Secondly, NOD is ran by
a "council" (not with any purpose of power but with the purpose of
"serving") because I don't believe in ultimate leadership becoming to
myself alone, nor do I care for actual titles and certificates...

It is easy to say that what someone else is doing is stupid and
whatnot, but why waste your time when you could do something more
constructive? Anyway have fun kiddo, hope you grow up one day.


Jan 10, 2008, 3:20:32 AM1/10/08

It is his opinions and thoughts. Your last line is an insult directly
aimed at him not thinking well of the Order. That tells me more about
you then he who gave a bad review.

Jan 10, 2008, 5:10:50 AM1/10/08
It is not an insult addressing his "opinion" but rather an observation
concerning his false information, claiming that I smoke pot, that the
courses require payments of fees, and other such ridiculous
statements. He's entited to his opinion, yes, not to spread false

> you then he who gave a bad review.- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -
> - Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -

Jan 10, 2008, 8:04:30 AM1/10/08
There is much false information freely presented on ARD = No
If you defend your self against a liar here you may be attacked by the
There are posters on ARD that are not 'druid' but abuse the term.
There is 'druidry' on ARD and there are fools and wise ones wherever
you may go...

It is your intention that is uppermost. Ignore fools and deny the
liars and
the falsehoods they shout. Standing up for truth is walking a Druid


Jan 10, 2008, 9:45:36 AM1/10/08

"aine" <> wrote in message


Jan 10, 2008, 2:20:49 PM1/10/08

Greetings DJ Daffid,

I assume you are David Dom. The DJ Daffid is a bit of a give away
since Daffid is Welsh for David and a lot of stoners use the title DJ
to denote their boogie-woogie nature.

Pushing right along DJ David. I did say, "David Dom certainly looks

like he smokes too much

hydroponic". I did not 'claim' you smoke dope. Neither have I changed
my opinion based on this little petulant outburst, DJ Daffid.

You must not have read my post very well as I already stated, "Steve
Young, College co-ordinator on the 'Grove of Dana', was fired". It is
not news to anyone who read my post that, Steve aka 'Allanon' is "no
longer active on NOD".

As for 'selling internet courses', I did make a sort of error there
and I admit it. You do not appear to charge directly for your couses.
I should have been clearer. I assume anyone taking one of your courses
would be expected to read one of the books you and your 'Order' have
cobbled together, based on you exhibited wisdom? Are these books part
of your course?

"Spirit of Dan: Works of Bardic Inspiration" $16.00
"Entering the Forest" $20.00
"The Celtic Chronicles" $25.00

"N.O.D. Audio Courses" don't have a price tag in your online shop.
Perhaps these are the free part? I assume a student working at their
PC will need a New Order of Druids Mousepad - $12.95? Perhaps a New
Order of Druids Large Mug for their coffee - $14.95?

Now I wouldn't like to say that this is just a money making racket. I
won't even say it is only an ego boosting exercise. People can decide
for themselves if DJ Daffid and his NODDY druids are "the most inept
stoners they have ever seen pretending to be druids" or not.

Here are some of the overprices items or as I said, "the sort of mush
these guys are selling" on their website:

New Order of Druids Classic Thong $9.95 (womens
New Order of Druids BBQ Apron $16.95
New Order of Druids Dog T-Shirt $14.95 (for
the Druid Dog)
New Order of Druids Rectangle Magnet (100 pack) $99.95
New Order of Druids 2.25" Magnet (100 pack) $89.00
New Order of Druids Mini Button (100 pack) $79.00
New Order of Druids Jr. Ringer T-Shirt $21.95
New Order of Druids Jr. Jersey T-Shirt $24.95
New Order of Druids Jr. Raglan $22.95
New Order of Druids Jr. Hoodie $30.95
New Order of Druids Women's Raglan Hoodie $32.95
New Order of Druids Women's Tracksuit $47.95
New Order of Druids Tile Coaster $6.95
New Order of Druids Keepsake Box $21.95
New Order of Druids Stein $15.95
New Order of Druids Large Mug $14.95
New Order of Druids Mug $12.95
New Order of Druids Throw Pillow $17.95
New Order of Druids Wall Clock $12.95
New Order of Druids Calendar Print $5.95
New Order of Druids Framed Tile $9.95
New Order of Druids Ornament $7.95
New Order of Druids Messenger Bag $19.95
New Order of Druids Tote Bag $14.95
New Order of Druids Greeting Cards (Pk of 10) $16.95
New Order of Druids Journal $9.95
New Order of Druids Sticker (Rectangular) $3.99
New Order of Druids Bib $7.95
New Order of Druids Infant Bodysuit $12.95
New Order of Druids Infant/Toddler T-Shirt $12.95
New Order of Druids Kids T-Shirt $18.95
New Order of Druids Kids Baseball Jersey $18.95
New Order of Druids Kids Sweatshirt $19.95
New Order of Druids Kids Hoodie $22.95
New Order of Druids Teddy Bear $14.95
New Order of Druids Boxer Shorts $14.95
New Order of Druids Men's Sleeveless Tee $19.95
New Order of Druids Baseball Jersey $22.95
New Order of Druids Ringer T $19.95
New Order of Druids Women's T-Shirt $18.95
New Order of Druids Women's Pink T-Shirt $19.95
New Order of Druids Women's Cap Sleeve T-Shirt $20.95
New Order of Druids Women's Long Sleeve T-Shirt $22.99
New Order of Druids Women's Tank Top $19.95
New Order of Druids Jr. Spaghetti Tank $19.95
New Order of Druids Trucker Hat $12.95
New Order of Druids Cap $14.95
New Order of Druids Value T-shirt $9.95
New Order of Druids Hooded Sweatshirt $30.95
New Order of Druids Sweatshirt $25.95
New Order of Druids Golf Shirt $21.95
New Order of Druids Long Sleeve T-Shirt $22.95
New Order of Druids Yellow T-Shirt $19.95
New Order of Druids Green T-Shirt $19.95
New Order of Druids Dark T-Shirt $19.95
New Order of Druids Organic Cotton Tee $21.95
New Order of Druids Fitted T-Shirt $21.95
New Order of Druids Ash Grey T-Shirt $19.95
New Order of Druids White T-Shirt $18.95

DJ David gets his funk on

NODDY gets his funk on

Really David, you guys are very funny. You should try comedy.

Cheers big ears!


Jan 10, 2008, 3:05:35 PM1/10/08
On Jan 10, 6:45 am, "Jim" <> wrote:
> "aine" <> wrote in message
> BITCH!!!!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Bite me..was that on the Legion Agenda for today? Usually you do this
when I have pissed you off for something completely irrevelant.


Jan 10, 2008, 3:10:34 PM1/10/08

<> wrote in message

It is not an insult addressing his "opinion" but rather an observation
concerning his false information, claiming that I smoke pot, that the
courses require payments of fees, and other such ridiculous
statements. He's entited to his opinion, yes, not to spread false


Welcome aboard, Dafydd, although I'm sorry the circumstances aren't happier.

Do be aware that this "rasputinamelora" is one of many aliases of Con
Conner's friend Guy de Cevrens/Cormac/"ardadmin001 - n" (the identical IP
addresses gave him away).

I can see that Con is such an upright fellow and staunch friend of you and
NOD, where he has enjoyed membership and support for some time now that he
is defending you with..............absolute silence. Charming. But then,
as I noted here a few days ago, word is getting around about what a fraud he
really is.

Hmmm.....Maybe Con & Guy should get together with Jim and form the Druidic
Order of Snakes in the Grass........



Jan 10, 2008, 3:56:00 PM1/10/08
And just so your buddy that honorable fellow Con Connor doesn't feel left
out, let's look at Druid School's price list.....

Druid School Homestudy Course - 115 Euros
"Celtic" Handfasting - 500 Euros
"Healing Seminars" (suitable for Reiki Masters!) - 500 Euros
"Geostress Balancing" - 350 Euros per days *plus* expenses (can't geostress
without an expensive hotel room and a steak dinner with champagne!!)
Ghostbusting - 600 Euros
Druid School Lectures - 150 Euros for two hours - plus those expenses again!
Psychic Readings - 60 Euros per hour
Personal Healing Service - Counselling, Reiki, Vortexhealing, Chakra
balancing, Rehydration, Herbal Detox / Colon Cleanse, Colloidal Silver and
Colloidal Gold (!!!!!?????) - 60 Euros per hour
Astro Natal Chart - 300 Euros per hour
Astro Transit Chart - 200 Euros per hour
"Celtic Druid Calendar Temple Map" - 25 Euros
"Five Roads to Tara Map" - 25 Euros

I hope he's giving you a generous cut for trying to take down what he must
imagine is his competition.


Jan 10, 2008, 3:56:02 PM1/10/08
There, there Dana don't get your New Order of Druids Classic Thong
($9.95 + $4 p+p) in a knot. Perhaps when you calm down a little you
could tell me if 'DJ Dafydd' is really David Dom?

I notice the contact phone number on the NOD products page is
1-877-809-1659, the same as for Caroline Adams Millers 'Gratitude
shop'. I know Caroline as a motivational speaker and performance

What is her connection with NOD? Is it simply that they use the same
method of selling online? I don't know much about this selling online
racket but perhaps DJ Dafydd will le-le-let us know when he ge-ge-gets

Her 'Classic Thong ($9.99 + $4 p+p) also looks like it might bunch up
a little. No wonder you're all so cranky if your walking around with a
permanent wedgie.

Jan 10, 2008, 5:14:07 PM1/10/08
On Jan 10, 1:56 pm, wrote:

> I notice the contact phone number on the NOD products page is
> 1-877-809-1659, the same as for Caroline Adams Millers 'Gratitude
> shop'. I know Caroline as a motivational speaker and performance
> coach.

It's all done through Cafe' Press, a company that sells generic stuff
imprinted with whatever logo or saying one can come up with. Any Cafe'
Press based merchandise site will have the same 800 number to order by

Jan 10, 2008, 5:37:34 PM1/10/08
I wonder why Dan/a has decided to attack me??? Or how she / he can
claim to be able to talk about honour, especially here on ARD where
such a concept is seen only for its historical amusement. Ireland's
Druidschool does offer goods and services to interested people, many
have left very positive comments - see website. Thank you for the
advert, even if you got some of it wrong and your attached comments
stink of rampant jealousy. All services and goods are related directly
to Druidism. Those who have not used our service or goods are not in a
position to comment from truth. Instead we get the 'lets bitch about
something' attitude that ARD is so famous for. Some of the comments
about Ireland's Druidschool by Dan/a are quite silly seeing as there
is no relevant experience from either of them to base their comment
on. So it seems that Dan/a see fit to attack me by insult and
character bashing. They show the world exactly who they are by what
they do.

I do not give a 'cut' to anyone, but when assisted in certain work
'fees' may be shared. I often 'work' free of charge and support many
good causes such as the front line of the Save Tara Campaign with
various forms of assistance, medicine and counseling. My fundraising
for charities and other uses of my time and resources are above
reproach. Perhaps they (Dan and Dana) have become infected with
McG....ism and cant help themselves and because of this they define
themselves by having an enemy - shades of corporate americanism....

Dan and Dana are to stop being bold or they wont be allowed to stay up
late on Friday night....

Jan 10, 2008, 5:43:25 PM1/10/08
Not much Druidism here....'lets bitch about something' attitude that
ARD is so famous for. Not too many Druids either... In fact no real
value in being here at all

I know...

If the *it* is reallly gone - guess what???


Jan 10, 2008, 6:01:40 PM1/10/08

<> wrote in message

[garbage snipped]

Why are you an official member of NOD while your buddy
Mr. wannabe Cello Chick in a Corset tries his best to
ridicule and tear them down here on ARD?



Jan 10, 2008, 6:09:22 PM1/10/08
On Jan 10, 12:10 pm, "Dana" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message

NOD kind of reminds me of a Brownie Troop. Alot of crafts, stories and
pagan parenting that was written in a pagan parenting Wicca book ten
years or more ago. Now if it was Wiccan it might be a nicer site then


Jan 10, 2008, 6:12:19 PM1/10/08
<> wrote in message

That's the ultimate reason for you being here, isn't it.
- to try to sit in judgment over who is and who is not, right?

Well guess what, twat*
You came to the party a little late.
Too late for taking you anything more as a souce for bemusement.


*PS I didn't come up with said title, so don't blame me for it.
I'm merely referencing Kevin's 'report' out of Ireland and trust him.


Jan 10, 2008, 6:24:43 PM1/10/08

"aine" <> wrote in message
On Jan 10, 3:12 pm, "1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote:
> <> wrote in message

Wow Dan, yet you want the wife to be respected.

If you mean to reference her opinion of your rather loose definitions
as inappropriate, then I can only report hers and mine as identical.


Jan 10, 2008, 6:25:36 PM1/10/08
"aine" <> wrote in message


For all I know (or rather not know, because I don't have a clue what's
going on there), I simply wonder why Mr. wannabe Cello Chick in a
Corset brought them up here on ARD.

I might be wrong but my best guess is: The drahmah between them
and HeilMikey has died down to the point of boring (for them) and
now he's trying to kick off another avalanche of dissent and conflict.

Never seen anything else by any of the parties involved.


Jan 10, 2008, 6:26:51 PM1/10/08
On Jan 10, 4:01 pm, "1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote:
> <> wrote in message

Elimentary, Watson...Elimination of competition...


Jan 10, 2008, 6:55:28 PM1/10/08
<> wrote

Elimentary, Watson...Elimination of competition...

Sure triggers the appropriate olfactory receptors, Sherlock.
Still pondering that Lancelot factor however...
Potential to skew and distort logic any time.



Jan 10, 2008, 7:39:02 PM1/10/08

"1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote in message

Still waiting Con!

still waiting...



Jan 10, 2008, 8:08:51 PM1/10/08
On Jan 10, 3:25 pm, "1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote:
> "aine" <> wrote in message
> Dan- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Seriously? Gods, I thought you supported it or had a Nemeton or E-
Nemeton. lol~ Wow, the power of subliminals.

Jan 10, 2008, 8:42:14 PM1/10/08
Dearie me Dan you do waffle on and on. I think it is you who actually
likes continual 'Dramah'. Good luck with that.

As for N.O.D. and David Dom: despite the fact that I was very critical
of them, it was more in jest than you seem to have perceived. I wasn't
joking when I said I found them likeable. It is easy to poke fun but I
would have to say, in all honesty, that David and the N.O.D. have good

There is a great deal to be admired in their organisation and their
internet presence. I see from their videos that they organise outings
and other events that also appear to be of help to many people.

I wish them the best of luck on their path. Perhaps we will meet
sometime at Tara.

Guy de Cervens

Jan 10, 2008, 8:51:27 PM1/10/08
On Jan 10, 4:55 pm, "1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote:

> Sure triggers the appropriate olfactory receptors, Sherlock.
> Still pondering that Lancelot factor however...
> Potential to skew and distort logic any time.
> ;o)

You know, there are versions of that tale that Lancelot was knowingly
and willingly brought into the situation by both Arthur and

But it does indeed have the perfume about it of produce past it's
prime in Hamlet's homeland...


Jan 10, 2008, 9:26:16 PM1/10/08

They obviously know levitating the spoon magick. I am going to
continue on with the Gomer Pyle-ness of them. I have nothing better to
do and I am being well entertained. I bet they have scout badges. Why
don't they just call it Danu though? That bugs me. (No offense to
Dana, just it bugs me about the Druids.


Jan 10, 2008, 9:31:53 PM1/10/08

"aine" <> wrote in message

Seriously? Gods, I thought you supported it or had a Nemeton or E-

Nemeton. lol~ Wow, the power of subliminals.


Once more... Please do take people's declarations at face value
once in a while, even if they post on Usenet.

Dan / Solitary


Jan 10, 2008, 9:42:02 PM1/10/08
Con Connor's best buddy and knigget in shining armour calling himself
<> wrote in message


> it was more in jest

(and more bullshit)


[sarcasm on]
Whenever I'm jesting around, I too make fun of people's speech
impediments although we're the best of friends otherwise.
[sarcasm off]

How classy.

You don't seriously think someone would buy that measly attempt
to weasel yourself out of a case of having gotten busted red handed,
do you.


BTW - any response from Volkmann yet? We're all waiting.


Jan 10, 2008, 9:56:29 PM1/10/08

<> wrote in message

Hey Bottom!

It's been hours and hours.

Care to answer a simple question?


Jan 10, 2008, 10:00:11 PM1/10/08

"I think it is you who actually likes continual 'Dramah'. "

No, no response yet but maybe he will contact you. Who knows. Not my
problem anyway. Have fun.

And remember, live life like there is no tomorrow


Jan 10, 2008, 10:01:01 PM1/10/08

<> wrote in message
> Dearie me Dan

[blahblah snipped]

Forgot to mention that this was one of those where you sound
just like Mikey.

since you asked...

Jan 10, 2008, 10:03:44 PM1/10/08
Oh thank you Dan. I will take that as a compliment. You are such a
nice man.


Jan 10, 2008, 10:06:04 PM1/10/08

"aine" <> wrote in message

> Why don't they just call it Danu though?

Legitimate question.
I asked myself the same when I heard about it.



Jan 10, 2008, 10:43:08 PM1/10/08
<> wrote in message

> "I think it is you who actually likes continual 'Dramah'. "

You're quoting yourself.
Is that something like jerking off?

> No, no response yet but maybe he will contact you. Who knows. Not my
> problem anyway. Have fun.

What do you mean "contact me".
The Con Man?
Thanks but I'm not that kinda' guy.

> And remember, live life like there is no tomorrow

That's me allright.
Like the spandex despite the fact I'm a woman?


Jan 10, 2008, 10:44:22 PM1/10/08

<> wrote in message

> Oh thank you Dan. I will take that as a compliment. You are such a
> nice man.

Actually, no I'm not.


Jan 10, 2008, 11:28:41 PM1/10/08
<> wrote

On Jan 10, 4:55 pm, "1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote:

> Sure triggers the appropriate olfactory receptors, Sherlock.
> Still pondering that Lancelot factor however...
> Potential to skew and distort logic any time.
> ;o)

> You know, there are versions of that tale that Lancelot was knowingly
> and willingly brought into the situation by both Arthur and
> Guenivere...

How perceptive. Methinks the old wound has everything to do
with what we had to endure for the past months in this place.

> But it does indeed have the perfume about it of produce past it's
> prime in Hamlet's homeland...

- a stone's throw across the waters from Belguim no less.



Jan 11, 2008, 12:33:38 PM1/11/08
> Dan / Solitary- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Which is why I checked out the website and then mentioned it. I
thought the College of Dana was was referring to you and Dana having a
part in it.

That means questioning everyones declarations, including yours Dan.


Jan 11, 2008, 12:36:23 PM1/11/08
On Jan 10, 6:42 pm, "1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote:
> Con Connor's best buddy and knigget in shining armour calling himself<> wrote in message

> [....]
> > it was more in jest
> (and more bullshit)
> Right.
> [sarcasm on]
> Whenever I'm jesting around, I too make fun of people's speech
> impediments although we're the best of friends otherwise.
> [sarcasm off]
> How classy.
> You don't seriously think someone would buy that measly attempt
> to weasel yourself out of a case of having gotten busted red handed,
> do you.
> Dan
> BTW - any response from Volkmann yet? We're all waiting.

I look at whats was written now that I understand where the Dana came
in and see it as jest and making fun of. People do that all the time
when they themselves find it humorous. Summerlands ring a bell Dan? ;)


Jan 11, 2008, 12:38:29 PM1/11/08
On Jan 10, 7:44 pm, "1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote:
> <> wrote in message

No, thats dead on truth. Proven and displayed. Not something to be
proud of in my book. Now powerful and knowing the art of evil is
different. Mean is just mean.


Jan 11, 2008, 4:12:49 PM1/11/08

"aine" <> wrote in message


Whatever I did and did not do in the past, poking cheap fun at
Searles' hearing loss would have never ocurred to me.
Especially not to get back at a third party who has nothing to do with him.

Even you, Lynn, are not going to be able to sweet talk such behaviour.

Elaine Stutt

Jan 11, 2008, 4:39:24 PM1/11/08

What is Danu? There are so many groups appearing and disappearing,
that I don't know which ones to assume are lasting or defining.

Is Danu, the group, Celtic Wiccan or what?



Jan 11, 2008, 7:56:52 PM1/11/08
On Jan 11, 1:12 pm, "1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote:
> "aine" <> wrote in message
> Even you, Lynn, are not going to be able to sweet talk such behaviour.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

You are such a class act. Poking fun at hearing loss..ya, you are so
above it all. How many pieces did you have my son in? Or egging those
on who were? How many viagra, drunk, taking drugs comments have you

After Jim posted "Bitch" my post..yet again, I got curious as to
how many times that was and in looking back, you and Jim have come up
with some of the most horrid comments to people. Hearing loss joke
looks like an endearment.

You are full of it if you try the eye for an eye excuse and almost
every time was out of someone not agreeing with how you felt,
questioned you on it without attacking. Piss, moan and whine about
personal info or people looking back in archives and you do it
yourself and work by threat of possible humiliation tactic and threat
of info exposed. Like using "Lynn".

Gods..Dan. Let me know if I should post my cell number for everyone
here so you do not have to go looking for something to pay me back
with. You are not going to like this one. Fact is, if you have valid
arguements you would not need to use these tactics or excuse your
behavior and bash everyone else doing the same.


Jan 11, 2008, 11:25:16 PM1/11/08

"Elaine Stutt" <cu...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote in message

Danu is seen as one of the very few pan-celtic, intertribal entities.
The other one is Lugh and Ogimos/Ogma are sometimes equated as well.
Some call her a Goddess, some an archetype. She's associated
with the sovereignty of the land and water especially. Namesake of
the rivers Donau (Danube) and posssibly Don. Some speculate she
is the source of the name "Tuatha De Danann" (tribe of Danu/Dana?)
which, of course, figures prominently in Irish myth and lore.



Jan 11, 2008, 11:42:22 PM1/11/08

"Aine" <> wrote in message

> You are such a class act. Poking fun at hearing loss..

> [snip]

That was an analogy for what did.
He poked fun at someone's stuttering problem while that someone
had never posted to ard nor did said person have anything to do with
conversations/fights/insults here.

- but you didn't get this of course.

I'll respond to you again when your words sound like the ones
of a rational person, Lynn.


Jan 11, 2008, 11:53:15 PM1/11/08
On Jan 11, 8:25 pm, "1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote:
> "Elaine Stutt" <cu...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote in message
> news:fm8nmc$mtd$
> > "1X2Willows" (n...@all.invalid) writes:
> >> "aine" <> wrote in message

> >>
> >> [....]
> >>> Why don't they just call it Danu though?
> >> Legitimate question.
> >> I asked myself the same when I heard about it.
> >> Dan
> > What is Danu?  There are so many groups appearing and disappearing,
> > that I don't know which ones to assume are lasting or defining.
> > Is Danu, the group,  Celtic Wiccan or what?
> Danu is seen as one of the very few pan-celtic, intertribal entities.
> The other one is Lugh and Ogimos/Ogma are sometimes equated as well.
> Some call her a Goddess, some an archetype. She's associated
> with the sovereignty of the land and water especially. Namesake of
> the rivers Donau (Danube) and posssibly Don. Some speculate she
> is the source of the name "Tuatha De Danann" (tribe of Danu/Dana?)
> which, of course, figures prominently in Irish myth and lore.
> Dan- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Thanks, I do not think I could have handled that one with my Aine
Stream of Consciousness writing.


Jan 12, 2008, 12:41:14 AM1/12/08
"Aine" <> wrote in message


I wish your Aine Stream of Consciousness reading of my signature
brand sarcasm was a bit more evolved than it apparently is. Not talking
about the above, of course, but comments made somewhere else.

- but you're welcome


Jan 12, 2008, 2:11:54 AM1/12/08
On Jan 11, 9:41 pm, "1X2Willows" <n...@all.invalid> wrote:
> "Aine" <> wrote in message
> - but you're welcome- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Well, it probably would if you accepted we will not always agree and
stop threatening me with contacting weirdos to get personal info on
me. That one weirdo, seriously has falsely accused 3 men of child
molesting and will suck you in and do the same to you. Not cool, not
even to those I do not like. Pathological lies.

Maybe we can argue without bringing that kind of thing as a weapon and
I do not champion myself about personal information. Divulging truth
or lies about my personal life does not silence me or sway my

I know I dance to a different bodhran and I process and write things
by color and energy in my head. Maybe it is why I see the different
realms and vision. Who knows.


Jan 12, 2008, 10:36:05 PM1/12/08

"aine" <> wrote in message


"evil" doesn't exist in a heathen vocabulary

Elaine Stutt

Jan 12, 2008, 11:39:55 PM1/12/08
"1X2Willows" (n...@all.invalid) writes:
> "Elaine Stutt" <cu...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote in message

>>>> Why don't they just call it Danu though?

>>> Legitimate question.
>>> I asked myself the same when I heard about it.
>>> Dan

>> What is Danu? There are so many groups appearing and disappearing,
>> that I don't know which ones to assume are lasting or defining.
>> Is Danu, the group, Celtic Wiccan or what?
> Danu is seen as one of the very few pan-celtic, intertribal entities.
> The other one is Lugh and Ogimos/Ogma are sometimes equated as well.
> Some call her a Goddess, some an archetype. She's associated
> with the sovereignty of the land and water especially. Namesake of
> the rivers Donau (Danube) and posssibly Don. Some speculate she
> is the source of the name "Tuatha De Danann" (tribe of Danu/Dana?)
> which, of course, figures prominently in Irish myth and lore.
> Dan

Oh, oops I thought it was a referance to a stream of neo-paganism
named after Danu. And that I'd never heard of.

Looked at one of the german language links. Looked like they
were trying to equate the Christian trinity and Mary as being
innate germanic deities. Weird.



Jan 13, 2008, 1:35:14 AM1/13/08
"Elaine Stutt" <cu...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote in message
> Oh, oops I thought it was a referance to a stream of neo-paganism
> named after Danu. And that I'd never heard of.

No, that one group chose to call a section of theirs "Grove of Dana"
and we were merely wondering why Dana and not Danu, that's all.

> Looked at one of the german language links. Looked like they
> were trying to equate the Christian trinity and Mary as being
> innate germanic deities. Weird. say the least...

The deeper you dig, the weirder it gets. Based on Blavatski's
Theosophy, basically, but with a germanic "blood and soil" twist.
Jesus was an Aryan and got killed by the inferior Jews only
because they were envious and unable to accept his spiritual
superiority yadda yadda and similar bushlip. To puke for, really.

There are some druid, wicca and asatru groups out there who
serve as an entry level recruiting vehicle although their public face,
intro literature and websites and such, look like run of the mill
neo-paganism to the uninformed seeker.


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