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Problems with “Lebor Feasa Runda: A Druidic Grammar of Celtic Lore and Magic”

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Sep 15, 2009, 12:28:17 PM9/15/09
Problems with “Lebor Feasa Runda: A Druidic Grammar of Celtic Lore and
Magic” By Steven L. Akins.

I will begin with the first and most serious problem with the book.
The source material for this book has only ever been in the possession
of MR Akins. He also claims to only have a “German Translation” of the
work, not the original Early Irish. The story of how this book came to
light (according to Mr. Akins) is rather fantastical, and

Next the criticism over the actual name in old Irish would be Lebor
Fessa (or possibly Fesso) Rúnae (1) not Lebor Feasa Runda. Which leads
very nicely into the major criticism, which has been pointed at this
work. The pages of German text that Mr. Akins has posted online (2)
appear as hand written pages, and that the German on the pages
resembles English translated to German via a web translation service
(like Babblefish, or Google Language) (3). This has been attested to
by a number of native German Speakers as well.

So lets move past these glaring flaws in the premise of the book and
look at the content.

I will have to first note that the book has been written in a style to
try and emulate “High Shakespearian English” or to appear like “King
James Bible”. It is anachronistic and distracting. If one were
translating a German text to English for a modern audience, one would
use modern English I would have thought.

If we jump right into Chapter on3: of Tir nan’Og and the Aes Sidhe.

In old Irish this would have been Tír inna n-Óc and in moden Irish Tír
na nÓg. Either way he has spelled it wrong. He also confuses the
Túatha Dé Dannan with the Aes Sídhe (which unlike his spelling of Tír
na nÓg is old Irish). The Aes Sídhe are the “people of the Mounds”
which is whom the decendants of the Túatha Dé Dannan became. The
Túatha Dé Dannan themselves are not the Aes Sídhe.

This chapter revolves around a “creation myth” that bears more
resemblance to other “more classical” indo European peoples than the
Gaels. Namely the Greeks and Romans.

Akins would have us believe that before time there was but one deity
“Domnann. Now whom he thinks this deity is, is unclear. He claims that
this Goddess was a goddess of Darkness. I think that he means Domnu
(Old Irish), whom is possibly the primordial Goddess of the Deep
Ocean, and the Fomaire (aka the Túatha Dé Domnann or people of the
goddess Domna/Domnu). Whatever the case. Domnann was “alone” and from
the Darkness came Net god of Disruption.

Who is Net? Again I am guessing Neit (Néit, Nét, Neith) a god of War.
He is said to be the husband of the Morrigan (4). No where is he said
to be “God of Disruption”.

Domnann and Net give rise to Ernmas and Tuireann. HE calls them
“Goddess of the Earth” and “God of the Sky”. Which while fine Indo-
European iconology is not really accurate. She is a Mother god (not an
Earth mother!) who is mother too three trinities of the Túatha Dé
Dannan: Ériu, Banba and Fódla, the trinity of war goddesses the Badb,
Macha and the Mórrígan (who is also named Danu), and also a trinity of
sons, Glonn, Gnim, and Coscar as well as two other sons (Fiacha and
Ollom)5, 6. Similarly Tuireann meant “thunderer” .

Now this would mean that the Morrigan has married her Grandpa! Very
incestous. Not your typical Irish way of handling things!

Next we get a very Indus valley type myth of to Ernmas lying beneath
Tuireann and begetting Bel. Except Bel is not an Irish deity. Bel is a
Semetic deity, not Indo-European. Rather Bile. Who is indeed a
“shinning one” and “bringer of light”. Also begat was Danand (he means
Danu, the genitive form of "Danu" is Danann, and the dative Danainn
( Here Akins decides that she is a “moon Goddess” which is strange.
Because here name in Proto-Indo-European may be reconstructed as *dānu
and means flowing water. A River. Not the moon. He has stated that it
actually means “menstral cycle” for flow. He has no proof of this, he
just states this. So we have Danu moved from a River Goddess to a Moon

From here a lot of Begatting and a lot of other things go on.

Somehow Akins also decides that Net and Domman had other children who
got thrown out for being naughty little imps (Cain and Able any one?).
He calls these the Fomoraig. He means the Fomorians, Fomors, or Fomori
(Irish Fomóiri, Fomóraig). Whichin old irish is, fo muire (Modern
Irish faoi muire), "under the sea". It is interesting that he thinks
this. Because that is more closely related to the idea of the Titans
than the fo muire.

He then goes on to say the fo muire after being thown out of home went
to “Lochlann”. This is very interesting. Because in Gaelic. Lachlann
is Scandinacia. (7) This usage was first noted by the Annals of Ulster
in 853. A little late for Akins timeline.

Next we ger some more interesting behaviour. Apparently Brighid
(Daughter of the Dagda) was supposed to be married to Tuireann (hmm
more incest), but Cerna (more on that soon) the “Irish Horned God”
fell in love with her at first sight, and long story short, got thrown
out of Tír inna n-Ócinto Tech Duinn (the realm of the dead) and
became “Donn the Dark one”.

There is a really huge problem here. Donn was a King of the Sons of
Míl (the first Gaels to come to Ireland). He was the first of the
ancestors (Sinsir) to die on the actual soil of Eire, and as such
became the God of the Dead. He was never a Túatha Dé Dannan! The other
name he is known by is Da Derga (the Blood read God).

Cerna. Has never been recorded as an Irish being of anysort. Be it
Túatha Dé Dannan, the Son of Míl or whatever. Rather this seems to be
an attempt to take Cern, which is a name associated with Cernunnos.

Chapters two through 5 are takes on the standard series of “invasions”
of Ireland. They are written in the same “High english” that Akins
likes to use. They are short, and they are not as good as the other
versions out there.

Next the Túatha Dé Dannan show up in Ireland.

The First Battle of Mag Tuired. First I would note that Akins uses
many sources for this cahpter. None of which he cites, indeed he cites
nothing in the entire book. One glaring example is the passage “All
around black robed Druidesses with unkempt hair hanging over their
faces ran to and froe between the ranks of Warriors….” (8) compare
this to the description of Tactus (9) on the sacking of Mona during
the Icene uprising.

Next we have the Reign of Bres and the coming of Lugh. Both are
versions similar to that commonly cited. But again in the style Akins
seems to want to write this in. For whatever reason Akins then inserts
the Quest of the Sons of Tuireann in here. We then get the second
battle og Mag Tuired. Again it does nto vary much from the other
versions, but the language detracts.

Lastly in part one there is the gaedil. Akins seems hooked on the book
of invasions as a source of material that is 100% correct. The Sons of
Mil were the First Gaels in Irealand. He cites that Donn was the first
to die on the soil of Ireland. Despite Donn being Cerna earlier! Thus
We are to believe from the earlier chapters that Cerna was a member of
the De Dannan’s but also a Son of Mil?

That is the end of part one. A thoroughly disjointed mish mash of
Irish Myth, legend, and some fantasies from the author.

Part Two starts with “The Ways of Magic”. Here the author makes a
telling mistake. He says that all things in the mortal world are made
up of 4 parts, earth and air and fire and water. The 4 classical
elements. However the Irish did not follow this idea. Their idea of
elements was 9 fold called duile. (10) and (11) To this he adds the
modern “fifth” element “Spirit” as a linking force. What the author
obviously does not know is the Irish had a three fold cosmology of
Earth and Sea and Sky. This was linked togeher by fire. These are NOT
the 4 classical elements no matter how hard you try to make them so.
What this also shows is this is not authentically period as claimed.
No mention of duile!

The next chapter sells the common myth that the celts began the day at
dusk rather than dawn. There is no proof that this is so. Even if it
is poetically attractive. HE then goes on to list the “13 months)
which to be honest shows he has been reading too much of the White
Goddess. I say this because the so called “Celtic Tree Calander” is a
modern invention. Robert Graves is the main perpetrator. He took the
idea that there aare roughly 13 full moons in each year, and said that
the Celts must have followed this, and then gave the name of 13 of the
20 orgional Ogam/Ogham to the months. From here various new agers and
Neopagans, with out regard for facts, or culture have gone on to form
what is known as the “Celtic Moon Astrology”.

The next chapter ragards Ogam. If the Author would have us believe the
antiquity of these writtings it would be Ogam. Which is the old Irish.
Ogham is modern Irish. Yes I am quibling, howver the mix of old and
new Irish is a train wreck! HE also claims that Oghma created the
Ogham. Which is the common legend (and one I follow) yet he also
claims Ollamh Fodhla in the 8th century BCE was using Ogham. Evidence
shows that Ogam was not being used before the 3rd century CE. The
language of the first 4 acime shows this. The 5th acime (the forfeda
aka extra letters) were created to use borrowed words.

After Ogham we get Boibel Loth. Here Akins tries to cram into the
chapter the story of Scota daughter of the Pharaoh, the Sons of Mil,
and the Kinf of Scythia. No proof is offered.

Now we enter the realm of Magic ™

We learn of the “instruments for working Magic” which for all the
world to me looks like typical Cerimonial magic. The Slea Luin (spear
of Lugh) for air, except it is a druids want (and also the Spear of
Lugh as one of the treasures of the Tuatha is more akin to Fire than
air). The Claiomh Solais (Sword of Nuada) but really a cerimonial
knife (athme) which of the four hallows would be air. The Corie
Anseasc (the Cauldron of the Dagda, and yeah water would work here)
but really a challace in Akins eyes, and lastly the Lia Fail, stone of
Kings, here Akins says a stone with a pentagram and Ogham will do.

Next chapter a Circle of Conjuration. Yep we have a Peentagram. Two
things should be noted, the Irish did not seem to raise circles for
magic and they did NOT use Pentagrams.

We get a chapter of an invocation to the Goddess (Danu in her new role
as a moon goddess). Then in chapter 23 we get the old chestnut of Uil-
ioc (all heal or Mistletoe in Gaelic, MODERN Gaelic). Here we even
have the “golden Sickle” line of Caesar’s! A few points. Mistletoe was
not native to Ireland till the 18th century. Gold could not cut
misltetoe as it is to soft to hold an edge, and mistletoe is too tough
to let it keep any shape. Clearly this is a fabriaction building off
of a well known but aporaphil Roman account. Next we will get the
story of Snakes eggs….

We next get an incantation for fire how to make insnse, and the oil
of enlightenment. Before Chapter 23 on making mens or Talismans.
Neither are Gaelic (old or new) words, and Lamen are the toys of
Cerimonial magicians!

We get a sampling of ritjuals for the 4 fire festivals, but some how
that Cerna dude gets in. Damn party crasher! Also a consectration of
the Child. Oh and a spell to inhabit the mind of an animal! A love
spell, and the making of effigies (aka a poppet of Vudoo doll!) Lastly
a spell against the evil eye (wow the Gypsies got th Irealand that
long ago?). Ok this is typical neopagan toys. But I would say in the
place of the “effigy” one would authentically use a brain ball (the
brain of an enemy coated in many layers of herbs and lime, which cause
it to shrink, then fired via a sling at a family member of the brain’s
former owner). It’s not very legal, but very authentic ;)

This is where the book ends.

IT is a very poorly disguised fabrication, which borrows from many
sources, with no citation, no scholarship, and no Imbas!

(4) Sanas Cormaic (Cormac's Glossary)
(5) Lebor Gabála Érenn
(6) Cath Maige Tuired
(7) Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, Vikings in Ireland and Scotland in the Ninth
Century, available at "CELT".
(8) The Lebor Feasa Runda p28.
(1) and A circle of Stones: journeys & Meditations for Modern Celts,
Erynn Rowan Laurie, Eschation Publications Inc. Page 5

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 15, 2009, 5:10:33 PM9/15/09
> (9)

> (10)
> (1) and A circle of Stones: journeys & Meditations for Modern Celts,
> Erynn Rowan Laurie, Eschation Publications Inc. Page 5
> (11)

So ?

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 16, 2009, 11:28:52 AM9/16/09
On Sep 15, 11:28 am, Noinden <> wrote:
> Problems with “Lebor Feasa Runda: A Druidic Grammar of Celtic Lore and
> Magic” By Steven L. Akins.

> This chapter revolves around a “creation myth” that bears more

> resemblance to other “more classical” indo European peoples than the
> Gaels. Namely the Greeks and Romans.

So, what other "creation myth" have you come across in regard to the
Gaels? Funny, the only other creation myth I've seen in Gaelic was the
Jewish one, taken straight out of the Bible. Please enlighten us as to
what the creation myth of the Pagan Gael should properly be, if not
the one given in the LFR.


Sep 16, 2009, 11:34:23 AM9/16/09
On Sep 16, 10:28 am, Akins of that Ilk <>

Your myth does not appear similar to other Gaelic myths. There are no
surviving "Creation Myths" but there are "comming to Ireland ones". If
there had been a ceration myth it would have partly survived beyond
your made up book.

Simply put you have faked this. It has been proven to be a fake (based
on your ise of web based translation software).

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 16, 2009, 12:00:54 PM9/16/09

How does my using a computer-generated translation prove anything?
When I discussed publishing the Lebor Feasa Runda with the Thorenson
family, I had originally intended to include Henry Thorenson's own
German version as part of the book. Unfortunately, the Thorensons did
not want Henry's work published, as it would have made them
uncomfortable having Henry's past and career brought out. After Mrs.
Thorenson's death, her son requested that I return the photocopies
that she had sent to me. I did, having finished my own English
translation and was preparing to publish it by itself without the
German version, as I had agreed not to do for the sake of the
Thorenson's privacy. I have stood by their wishes ever since and have
never released any of Henry Thorenson's actual German translation of
the Lebor Feasa Runda.


Sep 16, 2009, 12:11:47 PM9/16/09
On Sep 16, 11:00 am, Akins of that Ilk <>
> the Lebor Feasa Runda.- Hide quoted text -

It proves that you have gone from English to German not German to

Hence it is a fraud.


Sep 16, 2009, 12:34:52 PM9/16/09

"Akins of that Ilk" <> wrote in message


I don't suppose it's ever occurred to someone so wedded to such simplistic
concepts of deity that there is no *need* for a "creation myth".....


Sep 16, 2009, 12:48:32 PM9/16/09
On Sep 16, 11:34 am, "Dana" <> wrote:
> "Akins of that Ilk" <> wrote in

Exactly! He does not get the tribal mind set. Then again he is not
wanting authenticity he is wanting hords of "racially pure" followers
to fawn over him.

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 16, 2009, 1:01:27 PM9/16/09
> Hence it is a fraud.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Believe what you want to believe - that is what people do anyway
regardless of whatever facts you show them. I would love to see a
Pagan movement that had the numbers that Christianity, Judaism, or
even Mormonism does, but it will never happen. Pagans lack faith. They
lack trust. They are too suspicious of anything that looks like
doctrine, and so, rightfully or wrongfully, they quickly rationalize
reasons for rejecting it out of fear of trusting and believing -
qualities that are inherent in other major religions.


Sep 16, 2009, 1:07:34 PM9/16/09
On Sep 16, 12:01 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

If anyone picks your book up and follows the ointment or Talsismin for
Lugh... you will have very few followers!

Your book has been proven to be a fake. Grow a set, admit it, and then
try to market it.


Sep 16, 2009, 1:39:02 PM9/16/09

"Akins of that Ilk" <> wrote in message


Wow! You really do hate and loathe the very thing you claim to be trying to

Pagans are suspicious of anything that looks like doctrine/dogma all
right--because they recognize them for what they are--tools of fear and
domination and enslavement!

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 16, 2009, 3:13:08 PM9/16/09
On Sep 16, 12:39 pm, "Dana" <> wrote:
> "Akins of that Ilk" <> wrote in
> domination and enslavement!- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Only in your paranoid imaginations. Doctrine is a tool that serves to
unify, strengthen and bring order out of chaos. Look at the joke that
modern day "Druidry" is......a bunch of liberal, tree-hugging,
feminist, multiculturalist hippies, fags, mongrels, and anti-
nationalists - the very antithesis of what Druidism historically was
and should be today.


Sep 16, 2009, 3:25:11 PM9/16/09

"Akins of that Ilk" <> wrote in message

Only in the view of a fascist racist hate-monger like you.

Doctrine is the tool of the tyrant and oppressor. Always has been and
always will be.


Sep 16, 2009, 3:26:25 PM9/16/09
On Sep 16, 2:13 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

> Only in your paranoid imaginations. Doctrine is a tool that serves to
> unify, strengthen and bring order out of chaos. Look at the joke that
> modern day "Druidry" is......a bunch of liberal, tree-hugging,
> feminist, multiculturalist hippies, fags, mongrels, and anti-
> nationalists - the very antithesis of what Druidism historically was

> and should be today.- Hide quoted text -

You love to all people paranoid Stevie. But you post no proof.

So modern day druidry is all liberals, tree huggers, feminists,
multiculturalists, hippies etc?

You have no idea. No group would let you in because you are incapable
of learning.

When I joined the ADF one of my first teachers there was a republican
and ex marine. He is now a known name in the CR world too.

Desptie what you say there is NO evidence that our ancestors gave a
damn about sexuality very much. Our Greek and Roman ones did not.
Germanic and Scandinavian civilizations actually saw male
homosexuality ok as long as you were giving it.

What you describe would also be the pagan movement as a whole.

Our ancestors were tribal people. They lived under a series of rules.
In Irish there is Na Buanna which is a list of “virtues” and ways to
spiritual power. The one you will never get with your bigoted ideas is
Aioícht (Ee-ocht) ie generostiy, hospitality, especially towards

This lack leads you further from the path of An Fhírinne putting you
on Bealach d’aimhleasa the bad path. You accrue from this Diach
(misfortune) as is shown by how every one is reacting to you. The only
favorable reviews are either those you created yourself or from those
who are gullible or wishful.

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 16, 2009, 4:34:03 PM9/16/09

Well, the book has been published. It is available world-wide and is
even being distributed as far away as Japan. Time will tell which
version of Druidism prevails, whether it is the form as set down
within the pages of the book I have published, or whether it is one of
the modern-day fabrications that try to pass themselves off as a
Druidic tradition. I have done my part to assist steering people onto
the right path, whether they follow it or not is up to them.


Sep 16, 2009, 4:58:29 PM9/16/09
On Sep 16, 3:34 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

Seld published. Don't kid yourself. Oh and as for "right path", you
already think you have the answer. Which means the one you provide is
NOT it.


Sep 16, 2009, 5:39:54 PM9/16/09
On Sep 16, 12:13 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

You've been reading McGrath's old posts here, haven't you? Sounds just
like him.

You're the one who compiles a bucket of shite from twenty or more odd
and mostly unrelated sources and makes a mockery out of Druidry, both
Historic and Modern, not the other way around.

Michael Magrath

Sep 16, 2009, 7:14:26 PM9/16/09

A am deeply honoured, Mr. Ohm !



Sep 16, 2009, 7:48:36 PM9/16/09

Well, you are certainly welcome, McCorset, as you both indeed sound
like two farts from the same cow.


Sep 16, 2009, 7:48:48 PM9/16/09
Akins of that Ilk wrote:
> How does my using a computer-generated translation prove anything?

Simple. Those passages you provided prove beyond the shadow of a
doubt that the whole text was first written in English and only then
translated to German.


Akins of that Ilk

Sep 16, 2009, 8:29:09 PM9/16/09
> NOT it.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Print on demand isn't exactly self publishing. I don't print the
books, didn't have to do all the design/graphics/layout, I didn't have
to obtain the ISBN #, don't have to warehouse them, etc. The publisher
does all that. They handle the orders and ship them out. Basically all
I do at this point is collect a royalty check every three months.

As you can see, I'm not something like the OBOD that prints up and
distributes monthly mail-order courses that they sell for hundreds of
dollars per year to individuals convinced that they are teaching what
OBOD considers to pass for modern neo-pagan revivalist Druidry. As for
other neo-Druidic organizations, I know of at least two others that do
basically the same thing. There is nothing wrong with it of course,
but it seems to me that the whole scheme is designed to make as much
money per individual buyer as possible (most of these courses go on
for three or more years to get to the highest rank or grade).

With the Lebor Feasa Runda, there is none of that. If someone wants
access to the information in it, they can purchase it as an e-book, a
paperback, or a hardcover volume for one single payment of a few
dollars, and have it delivered to their door as quickly as the next
day. No long, drawn-out "lessons", no monthly payments amounting to
hundreds of dollars, none of the hassels that go along with mail-order
correspondence courses; just a complete sacred scripture that provides
the reader with a comprehensive account of Gaelic Druidism, its
beliefs and practices.

So, yes, I can see where some of the other so-called "Druid"
traditions might have a problem with the Lebor Feasa Runda, as it
could potentially lead to a decrease in sales of their home-study
courses. That, along with the fact that their "traditions" have
nothing in the way of a sacred text to go by; they fear that they may
well be diminished by the publication of the Lebor Feasa Runda and
find themselves on the way out as a better alternative is within the
reach of those who seek to follow the Druid way.

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 16, 2009, 8:40:06 PM9/16/09

Nonesense. As I said long ago, I never received permission from the
Thorenson' to publish any of Henry's work, and out of respect for
their wishes, I haven't. I passed along a few pages of a German
translation of the Lebor Feasa Runda (done by means of a computer-
generated program as you pointed out), but I have remained faithful to
my word that I would not publish any of Thorenson's own work, and
would only publish my English translation of it, which is what I have


Sep 16, 2009, 9:19:16 PM9/16/09
Akins of that Ilk wrote:
> On Sep 16, 6:48 pm, "1X2Willows" wrote:
>> Akins of that Ilk wrote:
>>> How does my using a computer-generated translation prove anything?
>> Simple. Those passages you provided prove beyond the shadow of a
>> doubt that the whole text was first written in English and only then
>> translated to German.
>> Liar!
> Nonesense. As I said long ago, I never received permission


beyond the shadow of a doubt



Sep 16, 2009, 9:22:33 PM9/16/09
Akins of that Ilk wrote:
> With the Lebor Feasa Runda,

even the name is made up



Sep 16, 2009, 9:39:11 PM9/16/09

"Akins of that Ilk" <> wrote in message


Yes of course you have an exit strategy to explain why you can never ever
break your supposedly-honorable word to reveal your source.

You better believe that DA who wants to go after you will be looking into
that first (there's this lil thang called a subpoena....), since if it
really *were* an authentic manuscript, it would totally undermine his


Sep 16, 2009, 11:07:12 PM9/16/09
On Sep 16, 5:29 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

> Print on demand isn't exactly self publishing. I don't print the
> books, didn't have to do all the design/graphics/layout, I didn't have
> to obtain the ISBN #, don't have to warehouse them, etc. The publisher
> does all that. They handle the orders and ship them out. Basically all
> I do at this point is collect a royalty check every three months.

And, of course, you didn't have to go through the arduous task of
having someone actually validate your source
convenient. What, did you try Llewellyn first and they wouldn't touch
you with a ten foot cattle prod?

> As you can see, I'm not something like the OBOD that prints up and
> distributes monthly mail-order courses that they sell for hundreds of
> dollars per year to individuals convinced that they are teaching what
> OBOD considers to pass for modern neo-pagan revivalist Druidry. As for
> other neo-Druidic organizations, I know of at least two others that do
> basically the same thing. There is nothing wrong with it of course,
> but it seems to me that the whole scheme is designed to make as much
> money per individual buyer as possible (most of these courses go on
> for three or more years to get to the highest rank or grade).
> With the Lebor Feasa Runda, there is none of that. If someone wants
> access to the information in it, they can purchase it as an e-book, a
> paperback, or a hardcover volume for one single payment of a few
> dollars, and have it delivered to their door as quickly as the next
> day. No long, drawn-out "lessons", no monthly payments amounting to
> hundreds of dollars, none of the hassels that go along with mail-order
> correspondence courses; just a complete sacred scripture that provides
> the reader with a comprehensive account of Gaelic Druidism, its
> beliefs and practices.

Now, IF you had worded that just a little less negatively, you could
have had a really good selling point to a lot of people who are
genuinely hoping for something like that (which I'm NOT one of
though). Well, that and admitting that it's your own work and not some
long lost ancient tome. Yet, too late. Your book is being purchased
for the simple fact that people now want to dissect it as if it were a
frog in high school biology class. But, what do you care as long as
that quarterly royalty check keeps coming!

> So, yes, I can see where some of the other so-called "Druid"
> traditions might have a problem with the Lebor Feasa Runda, as it
> could potentially lead to a decrease in sales of their home-study
> courses. That, along with the fact that their "traditions" have
> nothing in the way of a sacred text to go by; they fear that they may
> well be diminished by the publication of the Lebor Feasa Runda and
> find themselves on the way out as a better alternative is within the
> reach of those who seek to follow the Druid way.

You just don't get it, do you? Most of those people you sent gratis
copies to would have loved to seen this thing as authentic, despite
their Tradition or what their Organization may teach. Most, if not
all, would have immediately posted it to their Organizations suggested
reading list and you would have had even more royalties rolling in
every quarter.

Ye Gods! Even if you had just admitted from the beginning that you bit
down on your thumb after you burnt it on a nice piece of salmon steak
you had on the grille and Imbas took over for you to compile all this
information together in one book! Slamming your thumb in your car
door, scalding your thumb on a nice cup of herbal tea you were
brewing...ANYTHING! Sadly, no, you didn't. Now everyone knows you're
lying about this book and, worst off, you know you're lying about it.

Is that Morann Mac Main's collar I see about your neck there? Cormac's
cup I see you holding aloft? Mochta's adze I smell heating on a fire
of blackthorne?

That collar looks a bit snug there, Stevie boy...

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 16, 2009, 11:41:04 PM9/16/09
On Sep 16, 8:39 pm, "Dana" <> wrote:
> "Akins of that Ilk" <> wrote in



Sep 17, 2009, 1:57:08 PM9/17/09
On Sep 16, 7:29 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

> reach of those who seek to follow the Druid way,

No the reason you face such hostiltiy is the obviously false nature of
the work (well proven now) and the racist attitude you show in public

Simply put, we don't like frauds.


Sep 17, 2009, 3:42:52 PM9/17/09
Noinden wrote:
> On Sep 16, 7:29 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>
> wrote:
>> On Sep 16, 3:58 pm, Noinden wrote:
>> So, yes, I can see where some of the other so-called "Druid"
>> traditions might have a problem with the Lebor Feasa Runda, as it
>> could potentially lead to a decrease in sales of their home-study
>> courses. That, along with the fact that their "traditions" have
>> nothing in the way of a sacred text to go by; they fear that they may
>> well be diminished by the publication of the Lebor Feasa Runda and
>> find themselves on the way out as a better alternative is within the
>> reach of those who seek to follow the Druid way,
> No the reason you face such hostiltiy is the obviously false nature of
> the work (well proven now) and the racist attitude you show in public
> fora.
> Simply put, we don't like frauds.

- and proselytizing BillyBob preachers peddling their phony "sacred texts"

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 17, 2009, 6:58:38 PM9/17/09

Frauds? You mean you don't like facts that deflate your own liberal,
left-wing notions of what you wish Druidism to represent. Whenever any
historical evidence is presented that goes against your make-believe
notion of what Druidry is in your own imagination, you brush it off
with contempt saying that those contemporaries of the Druids who wrote
about them had no idea of what they were talking about; whereas you
seem to think that you can throw out any information that you don't
like, and replace it with suppositions that have no evidence of
veracity and make of Druidism whatever you wish it to be - some sort
of quasi-shamanistic tribal medicine man type of animism as might be
found among the most backward and primative non-European cultures to
ever grace the pages of a National Geographic magazine.

Michael Magrath

Sep 17, 2009, 7:12:49 PM9/17/09
On Sep 17, 10:58 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

Hear Hear !


Sep 17, 2009, 7:32:24 PM9/17/09
Akins of that Ilk wrote:
> some sort of quasi-shamanistic tribal medicine man type of
> animism as might be found among the most backward and
> primative non-European cultures to ever grace the pages of a
> National Geographic magazine.

Congratulations. :-} Now you have aroused my interest in taking
your head; ragging on my very much European ancestry and all.

Are you man enough?
I travel lightly.


Sep 17, 2009, 7:34:03 PM9/17/09
Akins of that Ilk wrote:
> [....]

> saying that those contemporaries of the Druids who wrote about
> them had no idea of what they were talking about

Fellow Druids writing of their contemporaries would be something

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 18, 2009, 4:45:45 PM9/18/09

Clearly you are the one dishonoring your European ancestors by
insisting that the Druids were so primative in their spiritual
development as to not have yet developed a pantheon of deities on par
with the Greeks, the Romans and the Norse. You seem set on portyaying
the Druids of pre-Roman Gaul as some sort of shamans or medicine-men,
of the sort found among the Australian aborigines or the Native
American Indian tribes, or perhaps those large, lumbering creatures in
the "Dark Crystal" muppet movie. Whereas I on the other hand fully
agree with the contemporary comments made by writers of the time that
the Druids were likely the most advanced philosophers in Europe,
having knowledge of Pythagorean principles, and serving as not only
priests and teachers but also as astronomers, and scientists of their
day. The primitive culture that you try to fit the Druids into was one
from thousands of years earlier, belonging to the era of the cave
painings of Altimira and Lascaux and the Venus of Willendorf.

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 18, 2009, 8:01:54 PM9/18/09
On Sep 18, 8:45 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

Just as the Church tried to fit the Druids, congratulations Dan !

Michael .

Michael Magrath

Sep 19, 2009, 12:05:59 AM9/19/09
On Sep 19, 12:01 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

Now, can we hve PEACE here, please !
Akins' book is NOT the Be-All and End-All, what with about FIVE
HUNDRED witch-hunting posts against him up here , what on Earth for ?
No prosecution would deserve such intensity , time and effort unless
it was for HOMICIDE.
Cop on to yourselves, Dan & Noinden, you were neither of you ever
popular here, and you are getting more unpopular by the day !!!
Other ' Akins Posters' would do well to heed this advice.
Any new topics please ?

Michael .


Sep 19, 2009, 1:32:54 AM9/19/09
On Sep 18, 9:05 pm, Michael Magrath <> wrote:

> Now, can we hve PEACE here, please !
> Akins' book is NOT the Be-All and End-All, what with about FIVE
> HUNDRED witch-hunting posts against him up here , what on Earth for ?
> No prosecution would deserve such intensity , time and effort unless
> it was for HOMICIDE.
> Cop on to yourselves, Dan & Noinden, you were neither of you ever
> popular here, and you are getting more unpopular by the day !!!
> Other ' Akins Posters' would do well to heed this advice.
> Any new topics please ?
> Cheers,
> Michael .

Aww, aren't we picking on you enough? Not the center of attention
anymore? The rest of your little entourage stopped badgering you as
well? Just not getting your daily dose of "there is no such thing as
bad publicity?

Don't fret, you'll always be the tallest pile of shite I've ever had
the misfortune of dealing with.

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole

Sep 19, 2009, 1:51:51 AM9/19/09
Akins of that Ilk wrote:

> On Sep 17, 6:32 pm, "1X2Willows" <nos...@least.invalid> wrote:
> > Akins of that Ilk wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > some sort of quasi-shamanistic tribal medicine man type of
> > > animism as might be found among the most backward and
> > > primative non-European cultures to ever grace the pages of a
> > > National Geographic magazine.
> >
> > Congratulations. :-} Now you have aroused my interest in taking
> > your head; ragging on my very much European ancestry and all.
> >
> > Are you man enough?
> > I travel lightly.
> Clearly you are the one dishonoring your European ancestors by
> insisting that the Druids were so primative in their spiritual
> development as to not have yet developed a pantheon of deities on par
> with the Greeks, the Romans and the Norse.

In fact far more accurate, they being Europe and the "Upper Kingdom" all
developed their ideas from TARA and the Gaelic "Pantheon"!
High King or King of Kings is Tara.
Tara is the "Sacred Royals", the House of the Green Buddha, the Fishguy of
Mahayana, the White Dragon of the Shaolin Mnts, the Hands of the Han
Dynasty,� Lum to Fu Xi.
Hate to tell the Nazi's, but Asians had the Rainbow Bridge, well before
the Norse.

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 19, 2009, 4:01:44 AM9/19/09

Face it, Face up to it, you are finally gone fully insane as you are
showing to the world here, Dan, Noinden, Kent, for all to see in all


An Coibhi Drui

Sep 19, 2009, 4:06:12 AM9/19/09
On Sep 19, 8:01 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

The patients have taken over the Asylum, everybody has fled !

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 19, 2009, 8:04:23 AM9/19/09
On Sep 19, 3:06 am, An Coibhi Drui <>
> The patients have taken over the Asylum, everybody has fled !- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

All the bloody Jews have taken off for Rosshasanah or whatever they
call it.


Sep 19, 2009, 2:13:20 PM9/19/09
Akins of that Ilk wrote:

Look, the problem with you fundie preachers is always the same.

First, you've been so terribly indoctrinated with the dualist mindset
inherent in the Christian faith and the whole society that characterises
your behaviour, you cannot even fathom the possibility anymore, those
Druids of old (and the current ones as well) could have been doing both
experiential and second-source learning work instead of either/or. It has
got to be one or the other for you, doesn't it, although the historical
documents you plagiarized so dilettantish are peppered with references
to practices of the exact same kind you seek to tear down and make
fun of in your vitriolic rants about first cultures who haven't traded them
in, as of yet, for man-made "scripture" of alleged "revelation" designed to
fool and enslave the gullible masses both intellectually and spiritually.
- and screw them over financially in the process with this holy book
bullshit you're trying to peddle but that's another, lesser subject.

Second, you're so strikingly unable to differentiate and read all those
sources, Greek, Roman and Irish alike, for holistic content and in an
appropriate historical context rather than treating them as ideologic
scavenging material for your scams, you have to turn everything recorded
into a Disneyland of happy little stereotypes which would fit, and go to
support, your own personal Mickey Mouse notions of history, genealogy
and of course, Druidry. And you of all people accuse others of making
stuff up? The irony is simply mind-blowing.

Third and final, you, Mr. Steven L. Akins of Jasper Alabama have already
been caught in such an unprecedented amount of attempted deceipt and
bald-faced lies, you shouldn't be surpised everyone would run for the
door and check for themselves, whenever you claim the sky is blue.
Even worse, you lie, you know you're lying and you even know everyone
knows you're lying, yet you seem to mistake yourself for some smart
cookie who's got all those other idiots figured out, you do it over and
again and when caught by the presentation of overwhelming evidence of
your lies, you either try to change the subject or remain altogether silent.

Good bye now and better luck in your next venue, though there is good
reason to assume you won't find another one after your exposure as a
complete fraud not only here on ARD but about everywehere else on
Druid-related fori around the globe. May I suggest the so-called ARD Light?
I can guarantee you'll be welcomed with open arms amongst your own Ilk.

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 19, 2009, 2:34:37 PM9/19/09
> Druid-related fori around the globe. May I suggest the so-called ARD Light?

> I can guarantee you'll be welcomed with open arms amongst your own Ilk.

And as for your perception, Dan Willows Felber, you can't seem to get
it into your head that it is only, after all, your perception.
It is amazing that it has not yet dawned on you that you are looking
on the world, on everything, only out of your own head .

Long ago I trained to look on the world, on everything, from
multitudinous viewpoints simultaneously, and then decipher what I was
looking at outside of my own head .
This is the essential start of the process of Druidic training - and I
am sorry, but un this, you haven't even begun .

Not to worry, when you die and lose that dreadful self-centred ego
that imprisons you , you will start to learn, then, gradually , to
see , bit by bit, from a couple of vahtage points at the start, and
going forward, 3,5.8,13, 21, 34...a la Fibonacci...that's the best way
I can explain it...

Start by trying to think with one other person's mind, as well as your
own, if you can climb outside that imprisoning ego of yours , which I
fear for you that in your case is far too binding .

1X2 indeed :-)

Michael .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 19, 2009, 2:37:14 PM9/19/09
> Druid-related fori around the globe. May I suggest the so-called ARD Light?

> I can guarantee you'll be welcomed with open arms amongst your own Ilk.

The sky is not blue :-)

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 19, 2009, 9:30:36 PM9/19/09
On Sep 19, 6:37 pm, An Coibhi Drui <>

I shouldn't have posted, I forgot that the Jews here, ooops I meant
the Druids here, are observing the Sabbath Day
- Sorry, far be it from me to disturb your observance of your mother's
religion, Dan !

Michael .

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 19, 2009, 9:59:43 PM9/19/09
On Sep 19, 1:34 pm, An Coibhi Drui <>
> Michael .- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I'm quite familiar with the sort of person Dan is. He does nothing
constructive, contributes nothing toward any common good or goal, in
short his very existence has no influence on, or any effect upon, the
world that he is such an insignificant part of. His only means of
convincing himself that others take notice of anything he says or does
is to play the role of an obnoxious heckler, spouting off his
unsolicitef and unwanted remarks that serve only to disrupt and annoy
those participants who are actually interested in an intelligent
exchange of ideas and information. And so he will continue his
pathetic attempts at assault via cyber annoyance like a mindless
baboon slingiong its own feces, while the rest of the world moves on
without him; making their contributions to society and leaving behind
a legacy for which they will be remembered, even as he and his sort
are long forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the real movers and

Just a few examples of what one person can achieve when they put their
mind toward something constructive

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 19, 2009, 11:10:14 PM9/19/09

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 19, 2009, 11:17:25 PM9/19/09
On Sep 20, 3:10 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

I'd be interested in Mayor Goetz's opinion, how does he feel about
our Gaelic heritage, what it has to offer his city, maybe his opinions
on Druidry & the Ancient Druids, even on Pipe Band music, and how he
sees this marvellous event panning out in the future etc etc .

( If he keeps it up, at least he'll have the Scots - Irish vote tied
up, heh heh heh )

Delighted to read about it all, thanks,

AD Ireland.

PS: Give Mayor Goetz my regards and appreciation for his work ,

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 19, 2009, 11:28:13 PM9/19/09
On Sep 19, 10:17 pm, An Coibhi Drui <>
> PS: Give Mayor Goetz my regards and appreciation for his work ,- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

All that was 10 years ago. I was the one who originally suggested the
idea of a Highland Games to Mayor Goetz (a Milwaukee German transplant
who came to Jasper circa 1980 to manage one of Sam Walton's first
stores in Alabama). He was looking for ways to attract visitors to the
town and at the same time provide a venue of cultural appreciaton and
awareness among the residents, so the Highland Games was my proposal
to him to achieve those goals. In the end we organized a spectacular
event which brought upwards of 5000 visitors to the city. I also
helped a dear old friend of mine, Mr. Gibson McKenzie, to organize the
first Oak Mountain Highland Games in the city of Vestavia a couple of
years later. Goetz served for four years as mayor and has gone on to
serve as a chairman of the county medical board.

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 19, 2009, 11:40:03 PM9/19/09
On Sep 20, 3:28 am, Akins of that Ilk <>

Great, time for you to work your magic again on the present Incumbent
of the Mayoralty of Jasper, possibly bringing in Chairman Goetz to
help if he's available .

And, hey, you could possibly entice one of the fabulous Pipe Bands of
the N.Y.P.D. across to Jasper - they've been here in Ireland on
several occasions playing as honoured guests at the All-Ireland Pipe
Band Championships - sound fellows, great Pipers,

I socialised with them here in Kilkenny, we were delighted to have
them and welcome them to this, Ye Faire Citie, The Marble City of
Kilkenny, Medieval Capital of Irelamd during the Confederation of
Kilkenny 1642-1649 ( until, unfortunately, Cromwell put a stop to our
gallop ! ) . But this year we celebrate the 400th anniversary of one
of the Royal Charters of Kilkenny as a city .

BTW THere's always a marked decrease in crime here while the NYPD
contingents are visiting - pity some of them don't stay, heh heh
heh .

Michael .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 19, 2009, 11:42:34 PM9/19/09
On Sep 20, 3:28 am, Akins of that Ilk <>

Mayor Goetz must have fled Milwaukee when he looked into his crystal
ball and saw that Noinden was on the way :-)

Michael .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 19, 2009, 11:47:20 PM9/19/09
On Sep 20, 3:40 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

Seriously, those NYPD Pipe Bands are brilliantly organised and well
financed and they will travel anywhere for the love of the skirl of
the Pipes - so why not give them a buzz ?
But I see in my own crystal ball that, having read this, Ruiseart
phoning them on Monday...

Michael .

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 20, 2009, 12:39:07 AM9/20/09
On Sep 19, 10:40 pm, An Coibhi Drui <>

> Great, time for you to work your magic again on the present Incumbent

> of the Mayoralty of Jasper, possibly bringing in Chairman Goetz to
> help if he's available .
> And, hey, you could possibly entice one of the fabulous Pipe Bands of
> the N.Y.P.D. across to Jasper - they've been here in Ireland on
> several occasions playing as honoured guests at the All-Ireland Pipe
> Band Championships - sound fellows, great Pipers,
> I socialised with them here in Kilkenny, we were delighted to have
> them and welcome them to this, Ye Faire Citie, The Marble City of
> Kilkenny, Medieval Capital of Irelamd during the Confederation of
> Kilkenny 1642-1649 ( until, unfortunately, Cromwell put a stop to our
> gallop ! ) . But this year we celebrate the 400th anniversary of one
> of the Royal Charters of Kilkenny as a city .
> BTW THere's always a marked decrease in crime here while the NYPD
> contingents are visiting - pity some of them don't stay, heh heh
> heh .
> Cheers,
> Michael .

Despite the phenomenal success of the first year's event, the city's
Art's & Humanities Council, who had been invited to participate,
decided that they were uncomfortable with the name "Heart of Dixie
Highland Games" and wanted us to drop the Heart of Dixie (our state's
longstanding nickname) from the title of the event, because they were
afraid that the minority black population (some 12% of the city's
residents) might "take offence" over the use of the term "Dixie". They
also wanted to do away with the heraldic design I came up with for the
event, which featured a blue saltire outlined in white bearing 13
white stars on a red background, with a thistle, a shamrock, an Irish
harp and a Scottish bagpipe placed in the quarters between the
saltire, saying that because it was based on the design of the
Confederate flag, it could be construed as "racist" and a "whites
only" event. Because of that, and owing to the attitudes of some of
the other board members on the Highland Games committe, I resigned
from the board of directors after the first year. They went on to hold
a second event the following year, calling it a "Celtic festival" and
it only achieved about half the attendance, so the city withdrew it's
funding. The third year, the event was moved to an out of the way
location and died quietly due to the lack of committment and exposure.
A sad end to what started out with such hopeful beginnings, but a
lesson to those who are willing to compromise the integrity of
something in order to satisfy the least important elements concerned.

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 20, 2009, 12:59:59 AM9/20/09
On Sep 19, 10:47 pm, An Coibhi Drui <>

A friend of mine, a young man by the name of Ryan Morrison, actually
helped to organize a pipe-band for the University of Alabama in
Birmingham, who performed at the games in Jasper. He's quite talented
and entertained my own clan at one of our gatherings with his music.
One of the good things to come out of the Heart of Dixie Highland
Games was that it inspired some of the members of the Jasper Fire
Department to take up the bagpipes. Of course we have always had a
strong heritage of Bluegrass music here in the state, which is itself
a survival of Celtic folk music, played on fiddle and dulcimer
throughout the Appalachians. The Clan Drummond Society had its clan
gathering in Jasper to coincide with the games as well; owing to the
prominence of that particular clan in the area's coal-mining industry,
which is run by descendants of North Carolina's first colonial
governor William Drummond, a native Scotsman who was hung in 1677 for
his part in Bacon's Rellion.


Sep 20, 2009, 2:16:44 AM9/20/09
On Sep 19, 6:59 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

Just shows that people will believe something because they're afraid
it's true or they want it to be true.

Do you think all this makes you a great man? Are you well renowned in
your community because of your wonderful Cafe Press store? All I see
is someone out to boost their own ego and make a buck in the process.
None of what you show here is a "legacy", merely self-aggrandizement.
A little man trying to jump up and down to see the parade of life over
the heads of the crowd. Who's lives have you touched? Who's lives have
you enriched, not with your book, not with your clan badges and coffee
mugs, but with your presence in their lives? Druidry is a service to
those around us, not to ourselves, not FOR ourselves.

Just love the meta tags associated with you over at Amazon;
Fraud (9 connections)
Hoax (9)
Fake Lore (2)
Racism (1)
Racist Crap (1)

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 20, 2009, 6:13:02 AM9/20/09

That's the thing man. These things were not done for my own
enrichment, but for the benifit of others. The Cafe Press lot isn't
mine, it's just a sideline of a company that deals in Scottish Clan
crests and heraldic mementos. What is significant about it is that
they include merchandise bearing the Akins Clan crest right up there
along side the Stewarts, the MacDonalds, the Campbells and the
MacPhersons....why? Because of my efforts to establish my Clan and
have it recognized alongside all the others. I brought it out of
obscurity, that was my goal, and I accomplished it.

What have you accomplished for your people?

I founded and organized a cultural festival that celebrates the
heritage of my people, in my own home town; an event that proved an
outstanding success under my leadership, and was responsible for
helping thousands of visitors to explore their own cultural heritage.
That was a dream I had, and one that I achieved.

What have you achieved for your heritage?

I published a book that reveals for the first time in history the
mythology of the Gael, untainted by Christian influence. A book that
makes the sagas and legends of a people readily available to anyone
who wishes to read them, while at the same time providing instruction
for summoning the gods of those people, that they might be sought by
those to whom they rightfully belong as deities, as a means of
reconnecting my people with the legacy of their great Pagan spiritual

What have you done for your people?


Sep 20, 2009, 8:53:31 AM9/20/09

The same sould be asked of you. The clan Akins society distances it's
self from you. Your little Druid order is made up of pariahs nd
outsiders. You are a laughing stock on the fields of Crltic spirituality
and Scots clans.

What have you done little man?

I know what I have done and I don't need to toot my own horn.

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 20, 2009, 10:24:39 AM9/20/09
On Sep 20, 7:53 am, noinden <huathac...@gmail.cim> wrote:
> ...
> read more »- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Having detractors comes along with success. Do you think Charles
Darwin was a failure becase some people hate him and call him a liar?
Do you consider Abraham Lincoln a failure because half of a nation
revolted against him in a war that lasted for most of his political
career and ultimately resulted in his assassination? History is full
of men who accomplished great things and who were beseiged with
detractors and cursed and threatened by enemies who despised them; yet
for all that, they succeeded in accomplishing their goals, as I have
done with my own; whereas those who decried their accomplishments are
seldom remembered in the pages of history.

Michael Magrath

Sep 20, 2009, 11:28:23 AM9/20/09

The word Racist is done to death ! Anybody, like yourself, who falls
for that is not a Druid, couldn't possibly be because they are too
thick and stupid. You a Druid. Kent, really ? Now that is self-
promotion in a big way. Who trained you, who installed/initiated you ?
You want to learn simple things like Ohm's Law first !!!

You are the hoaxer, the Great Pretender, Kent, and nobody in their
right minds believes all the lies and slanders on Usenet, you're an
intolerant Wicky Wacky Yank, Kent, as thick as a constipated turd,
that's what you are Kent, whoever you are ???

Michael .

Michael Magrath

Sep 20, 2009, 11:31:18 AM9/20/09
On Sep 20, 12:53 pm, noinden <huathac...@gmail.cim> wrote:

Oh Yeah, Mr. Pee Haitch Dee , Haw Haw Haw

Michael Magrath

Sep 20, 2009, 12:13:53 PM9/20/09

Anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, can come here on Usenet Newsgroups, under
a pseudonym, and ACT and POST as if he is a Druid.
An ACTOR, that is all this ' Kent' is .
We are all above board here, under our proper names, except this '
Kent' who is the real hoaxer - this guy takes the biscuit for sheer
effrontery, for a brass neck -
All he does is spout racist BS .
And BTW arguments about who is a racist and who is not have no part at
all in determining who is a Druid .

Black/coloured people, for instance, have shown absolutely no interest
in Druidry, they're mostly Born Again Christians who do not like
Druids/Pagans/Wiccans, who regard us as ' The Devil's Children' -

So why should any Druid stick up for them, beyond regarding them with
tolerance and understanding ?

And BTW, Ireland takes them all in - the USA has in fact an embargo
against immigrants with tight quota systems, we do not !

So who in effect, in reality, is racist and who is not ?

It's all very fine to be sitting over there in the USA protesting your
love of everybody throughout the world here on Usenet - when you won't
let them in. HYPOCRITES the lot of you :-)

Meanwhile heroic little ireland does its best for all the oppressed in
the world by letting them in here and providing them with the best
dole in the world ( we haven't the jobs) , free medical care, free
hospitals, free university education, full rent allowances with almost
free apartments, social housing for their families - I could go on all
night !

When a few Yanks , a Swiss, a Kiwi, here on this Newsgroup throw '
racist' in our faces despite the fact that America has opted out of
looking after anybody in the world long ago - it's easy to sit back,
nouth and do nothing for anybody, typically American - you should be
ashamed of yourselves with your food coupons for your own unemployed
and vulnerable people, you should be doubly ashamed and embarrassed to
criticise ANY Irish man on the grounds of race !!!


Sep 20, 2009, 12:27:43 PM9/20/09
> [snip]

> Just love the meta tags associated with you over at Amazon;
> Fraud (9 connections)
> Hoax (9)
> Fake Lore (2)
> Racism (1)
> Racist(1)
> Racist Crap (1)

The lad obviously confuses bullshit immigrant nostalgia and the perpetuation
of urban myth by way of fraud and deception with "accomplishment".
What source of pride it must be... drawing others down into the same pit of
illusion because they might even be more ignorant of the facts themselves...

*clap clap clap*
There should be a medal or award for this.

Michael Magrath

Sep 20, 2009, 12:52:05 PM9/20/09


Get out and do something for somebody, get out and do something for
Druidry - and get back to us then .

You're just a big dirty poisonous mouth in the corner, not another
thing - and if you have never done anything for anybody or any cause,
at least do something for yourself - GET OUT AND GET A JOB, YOU LAZY

Michael .

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 20, 2009, 1:27:51 PM9/20/09
> There should be a medal or award for this.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

What is really telling is that those labels were applied by other
authors selling their books on Paganism/Druidry, etc. on Amazon.
Authors like Erynn Rowan Laurie, C. Lee Demeers, Ben Gruagach, Philip
Bernhardt-House, and others of the Seattle-area gay feminist liberal
pagan coetrie that are so afaird of any other viewpoint being shown
for Veltic Pagan spirituality that they immediately run screaming in
circles shouting "racist pig!" if anyone outside their viewpoint dares
to publish anything. I could easily post negative statements aboiut
their books, however I see no need to stoop to such childish behavior.


Sep 20, 2009, 2:17:41 PM9/20/09
On Sep 20, 9:27 am, "1X2Willows" <nos...@least.invalid> wrote:

> The lad obviously confuses bullshit immigrant nostalgia and the perpetuation
> of urban myth by way of fraud and deception with "accomplishment".
> What source of pride it must be... drawing others down into the same pit of
> illusion because they might even be more ignorant of the facts themselves...
> *clap clap clap*
> There should be a medal or award for this.

Oh, but there is. A pair of esteemed gentlemen used to present the
honors of this award on a weekly basis.

Rowan and Martin's "Flying Fickle Finger of Fate" award.


Sep 20, 2009, 2:25:33 PM9/20/09

"Kent" <> wrote in message

LOL!!! I remember that.....myself, I was always rather fond of the Farkle

Such a seminal influence from childhood, along with "That Was The Week That
Was". Watch 'em now and they're absolutely dreadful, though!

I saw Henry Gibson died the other day...


Sep 20, 2009, 2:25:46 PM9/20/09
On Sep 20, 3:13 am, Akins of that Ilk <>


> What have you accomplished for your people?

I'm quite content knowing what I have done for those around me,
without all the jumping up and down screaming "look at me! look at
me!" as you tend to do. For that matter, most of those I've aided over
time don't even know I had a hand in it. Sure, I've done "public"
things, but I don't flaunt them around like a Clan Badge. I prefer my


Sep 20, 2009, 2:44:59 PM9/20/09
On Sep 20, 10:27 am, Akins of that Ilk <>

> What is really telling is that those labels were applied by other

> authors selling their books on Paganism/Druidry, etc. on Amazon.
> Authors like Erynn Rowan Laurie, C. Lee Demeers, Ben Gruagach, Philip
> Bernhardt-House, and others of the Seattle-area gay feminist liberal
> pagan coetrie that are so afaird of any other viewpoint being shown
> for Veltic Pagan spirituality that they immediately run screaming in
> circles shouting "racist pig!" if anyone outside their viewpoint dares
> to publish anything. I could easily post negative statements aboiut
> their books, however I see no need to stoop to such childish behavior.

Yet, I don't see such inflammatory tags associated with such writers
as Gareth Knight, Issac Bonewitz, John Michael Greer, Ellen Hopman, or
even Skip Ellison.

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 20, 2009, 3:07:20 PM9/20/09

Nor did any of those authors apply inflamatory tags to my book (at
least to my knowledge). The ones who did seem to belong mainly to the
"Celtic-Reconstructionist" clique up in the Pacific Northwest, which
appears to be composed of LGBT authors who are decidedly of a far-left
leaning, feminist agenda.

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 20, 2009, 3:17:00 PM9/20/09

Well, I can give you that, you've evidently succeeded at being a
complete unknown.


Sep 20, 2009, 3:44:55 PM9/20/09
On Sep 20, 12:17 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

> On Sep 20, 1:25 pm, Kent <> wrote:
> > On Sep 20, 3:13 am, Akins of that Ilk <>
> > wrote:
> > > What have you accomplished for your people?
> > I'm quite content knowing what I have done for those around me,
> > without all the jumping up and down screaming "look at me! look at
> > me!" as you tend to do. For that matter, most of those I've aided over
> > time don't even know I had a hand in it. Sure, I've done "public"
> > things, but I don't flaunt them around like a Clan Badge. I prefer my
> > anonymity.
> Well, I can give you that, you've evidently succeeded at being a
> complete unknown.

Only as "Kent".

Oh, and Mikey's comment about everyone else here being "above
board"...what a laugh! There's more stinky "socks" here at times than
an un-emptied gym bag.

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 20, 2009, 5:01:02 PM9/20/09
On Sep 20, 2:44 pm, Kent <> wrote:
> On Sep 20, 12:17 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>
> wrote:
> > On Sep 20, 1:25 pm, Kent <> wrote:
> > > On Sep 20, 3:13 am, Akins of that Ilk <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > What have you accomplished for your people?
> > > I'm quite content knowing what I have done for those around me,
> > > without all the jumping up and down screaming "look at me! look at
> > > me!" as you tend to do. For that matter, most of those I've aided over
> > > time don't even know I had a hand in it. Sure, I've done "public"
> > > things, but I don't flaunt them around like a Clan Badge. I prefer my
> > > anonymity.
> > Well, I can give you that, you've evidently succeeded at being a
> > complete unknown.
> Only as "Kent".

No need to hide under an alias; by all means, feel free to use your
real name, I doubt it would make any difference as far as your
annonymity is concerned.


Sep 20, 2009, 7:47:28 PM9/20/09

Hard to believe. Here you go and even point it out to this hick in drag but
-caught-in-a-lie won't listen and does it again.

I certainly wasn't speaking of any labels when I wrote

The lad obviously confuses bullshit immigrant nostalgia and the perpetuation
of urban myth by way of fraud and deception with "accomplishment".
What source of pride it must be... drawing others down into the same pit of
illusion because they might even be more ignorant of the facts themselves...

but of that cheap wannabe celebritism he confuses with success in life.

Michael Magrath

Sep 20, 2009, 8:02:04 PM9/20/09

Bonewitz, not to be taken seriously.
Gareth Knight ? Now you're scraping the bottom of the barrel !
Ellen Hopman, a crochety old hag of a commie who has never contributed
anything to Druidry, or indeed to CR. In reality Hopman is a wiccan
( friend of the Farrars) who writes wiccan books and articles, useless
old scribblings too .
Ellison & Greer, OK, they don't bother anybody, but we have to bear in
mind that they haven't contributed anything either.
' Kent' , could be anybody, who knows, who cares ? So who cares what
this anonymous person thinks , says or does, absolutely no weight
whatsoever placed on his postings that are to be viewed with the same
contempt as anonymous letters, because that is what they are .
BTW Ireland and the Irish are not hung up on this racism thing at all,
so keep your racism to yourselves, we're not interested, FULL STOP .

Michael .

Michael Magrath

Sep 20, 2009, 8:08:47 PM9/20/09

But you are now the only anonymousd now here now penning your
anonymous postings just the same as if you were sending anonymous
letters, no difference whatsoever. Even Dan, Noinden & Co have the
courage to proclaim who they are, not like this slimy ' Kent' hiding
from the light under his little rock .
This anonymity is not only the antithesis of Druidry, it is downright
poisonous, penning poison pen letters in here anonymously - only a
Proper Fool would take any notce !

Michael Magrath

Sep 20, 2009, 8:14:52 PM9/20/09

Again, racism was not ever practised by the Irish, it is not a thing
you even hear discussed, or see written in our newspapers or on our
radio or TV media here, it is something that we irish do not get
ourselves or our country involved in, we never had any of America's,
or even Britain's problems about racism, and we won't because we will
not put up with anybody introducing the subject here in Ireland, so
keep your racism in your own societies, thank you very much, and
please don't trammel Druidry all the time with racist BS .

Michael .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 20, 2009, 8:59:59 PM9/20/09

This ' Kent' , could be Dan, or maybe Noinden... who knows ???


Sep 20, 2009, 11:15:53 PM9/20/09

I choose anonymity to keep shit-stains like yourself from haranguing
others that I associate with, plain and simple.

Only a "Proper Fool" would keep harping on such a trivial matter.

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 1:02:50 PM9/21/09

NO, no excuse whatsoever, you are an anonymous spiteful, poisonous and
cowardly liar hiding under the table with not the slightest courage of
your own convictions .

Michael Magrath

Sep 21, 2009, 3:05:17 PM9/21/09
On Sep 21, 5:02 pm, An Coibhi Drui <>

This ' Kent' carry-on is simply not tolerable on what is supposed to
be a Druid Newsgroup, some evil-intentioned little maggot sniping
anonymously from under his little stone. And anybody paying giving any
credibility to this dastardly and disgraceful behaviour is not fit to
call himself or herself Druid . Indeed I was a Fool myself to ever
pay any attention to this ' Kent' mischievous malevolance . But no
longer !

Michael .

Michael Magrath

Sep 21, 2009, 3:09:28 PM9/21/09
On Sep 21, 5:02 pm, An Coibhi Drui <>

Same as this Dan/Dana carry on, DISGRACEFUL and DISGUSTING out of the
one person, a so-called self-appointed Druid and scholar here who must
regard the rest of us here as Proper Eejits !!!

Michael .

Michael Magrath

Sep 21, 2009, 3:14:28 PM9/21/09

In fact the one person is running this Dan/Dana and Kent Unholy
Trinity here, in a disgraceful charade on here on this

Michael Magrath

Sep 21, 2009, 3:16:11 PM9/21/09

Also on alt.spirituality.druid, and who knows where else across the
net ???

Michael Magrath

Sep 21, 2009, 3:18:28 PM9/21/09

A smart little maggot though, when you think of it and all the
thousands of postings over eleven years from this Three-in-One
character who has fooled hundreds of members here since this NG
And for what ???

Michael .

Akins of that Ilk

Sep 21, 2009, 5:22:32 PM9/21/09
> Michael .- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I think the basis for this type of behavior is to create an illusion
that Druidry is nothing to be taken seriously, that it is bunk, which
no rational person would find of the least interest. It is an attempt
to disuade those who might otherwise be interested in following a
genuine Druidic path, to instead seek elsewhere for enlightenment -
perhaps some exotic non-European faith? Clearly those who are the
strongest proponents of multiculturalism and miscegenation are also
the ones who want to make Druidism into a silly flower-child tree-
hugging hippy religion of free-love, world-peace, racial equality and
sexual liberation, rather that the ethnically specific, pre-Christian
morality-based creed belonging only to the Celtic people. The same
holds true of the modern-day revivalist Druid orders and the Celtic-
Recons, who regularly crank out their little guide-books that succeed
in leaving the reader with the distinct impression that Druidism is
just a lame, hokey, watered-down version of modern, eccletic, neo-


Sep 21, 2009, 7:19:47 PM9/21/09
On Sep 21, 10:02 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

Keep it up, Mikey...six replies on this and five of them to your own

You're merely proving my point, Mr. "Proper Fool" McGrath.

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 7:26:59 PM9/21/09
On Sep 21, 9:22 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

Whatever, now you know you are opposed here by only one person with
three discernable ' personalities' , giving its principal name as Dan
T. Felber, and whose posting name is Willows 1X2 - it seems to be
trying in some mystifying way to emulate a version of the Christian
Trinity, though of opposite polarity, and it certainly HATES and
And me .
It brings in its Dana persona regularly when it needs backup, and its
' Kent' persona when it decides to go into all-out attack.
I think that the Dan T Felber name is in fact its correct name, and
that it is indeed a man born in Switzerland , about 50 + years of age,
in the States for about a quarter of a century, no occupation, reports
that it lives in various parts of the USA from time to time, an
unusual sort of a vagrant in that it is always on Usenet, probably via
laptops in hot zones.
It called to Ol Jim for an overnight once, it had got on really well
with Ol Jim here up to that - he turned on it and reported that it was
the most evil entity that he had ever encountered in all of his 75
years ( Jim had seen action as a Marine in WW11, Korean War etc and
was an honourable fellow, though witty in a caustic way, half Irish,
half Lakota ) . and reported in disgust that he couldn't wait for
Felber to leave his house and his company the following morning. Jim
reported that Felber has ' a pointy head' , whatever he meant by
that ? A Demon ?

But it is unique. nothing like it exists, as far as I know, in all
Druidry or Pagandom.
It also has a fabulous gift of languages .

( Of course that Noinden person is separate, from New Zealand in
Milwaukee, he upset all the pagans there at one time or another - we
checked and found that he had a past on the dark side , occult-wise,
back home in New Zealand. It claims to have a Ph.D, but does not act
like one, and his writing is a dead giveaway for working class, High
School level at best , claims to be a Druidic Warrior caste etc., I
suspect it is ashamed of a Maori ancestry couple with a Scots-Irish
Planter descent that was transported for actual criminality - not
patriotism or rebellion, as it has all the signs of an Orangeman ,
there are a lot of such in New Zealand - but not in Australia ) .

So those mysteries remain because people like this Felber and this
Noinden can never be straightforward and honest !

I think that recovery is beyond them, I hope not .

Michael .


Sep 21, 2009, 7:34:18 PM9/21/09
On Sep 21, 2:22 pm, Akins of that Ilk <>

> I think the basis for this type of behavior is to create an illusion

> that Druidry is nothing to be taken seriously, that it is bunk, which
> no rational person would find of the least interest. It is an attempt
> to disuade those who might otherwise be interested in following a
> genuine Druidic path, to instead seek elsewhere for enlightenment -
> perhaps some exotic non-European faith?

Yep, that's Mikey's plan in a nutshell. He's been spurned by every
Druid and Pagan Group in Ireland, so now he wants his revenge.

Just give the Kilkenny Garda station a call and ask about him. It's
been awhile since any of us have (which we all have), I'm sure they're
up for a good laugh about another Yank who's fallen for "the old
kook" (as they refer to him) and his story.

As to the rest of your post...well, absolutely nothing worth replying
to that ridiculous rant on.

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 8:46:18 PM9/21/09

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 8:54:04 PM9/21/09


AKA Dan/Dana/Kent/Willows 1X2 -


as outlined in all my postings above


Or, rather the one person behind this gigantic fraud on this newsgroup
over the past eleven years, is exposed for the utter charlatan he is
- Dan T. Felber !

Michael .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 9:00:23 PM9/21/09
On Sep 22, 12:54 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

And you use Non Sequitur statements rapidly, like a thief caught red-
handed as you are :

Even if the Cops were laughing at me and I were rejected by every
Druid and Pagan Group in Ireland ( as you allege in your ' Kent'
persona ) it would not follow that you are a real person, no more than
that Dana is !!!

Come off it , Felber, your bluff is finally and truly called by me, I
stand over it, your Grand Charade here is finally and well over .




( The old Three-Card Trick, Felber, eh )

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 9:16:16 PM9/21/09
On Sep 22, 1:00 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

And here's the rest of the Fakirs, here are all the Fools who know
more about Ireland than the Irish do themselves, BRING ON THE REST OF

For they will never have any power or influence to interpret Irish
Druidic history falsely, to try to impose on us Irish Druids idiotic
ideas and mores that neither we nor our land ever had !

( Notice ' He who stands beside Willows' amongst the fools - they
would do well to rid themselves of this Chancer Felber for a start,
and Searles would want to sit down and gave a serious thought about it
all, about all the wrong that is being heaped upon Ireland and her
Druids by these boys and girls, mostly Chancers, chancing their arms
like the idiotic pretenders that they really are, God Help them in
their mental contortions :-)


Michael McGrath,
AD Ireland,
Elected, Traditional, Hereditary .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 9:27:52 PM9/21/09
On Sep 22, 1:16 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

I therefore defy any one or any number of them to face me as Druid
upon the Land of Ireland.

AD Ireland.

( It is, however, noted, that they only sign a pledge against rape,
which is fine by me. I would sign it too, but only in bold letters at
the top, superseding all others therein signed, as I do that ) .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 9:37:18 PM9/21/09
On Sep 22, 1:27 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

.... as if signing a pledge against rape ever prevented one single
rape, whoever's idiotic idea that was !

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 9:41:45 PM9/21/09
On Sep 22, 1:37 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

We have a lovely, decent and warm-hearted girl of 24 dead here
tonight, her poor parents and sublings in stricken frief, raped by a
blackguard of a ' man' of 31 in Garda custody.

Life should mean life for for Scum like him , never to see daylight
again ! ( and a good merciless beating and kicking from the Garda
too !!! ) .

In Sadness,

AD Ireland .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 9:46:05 PM9/21/09

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 9:52:51 PM9/21/09
On Sep 22, 1:46 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

The culprit was charged and remanded in custidy at Castlecommer
District Court, County Kilkenny, later this evening.

On TV we saw the harrowing sight of the young victim being carried in
the Examiner's old coffin from her house...the remains of a young 24-
yea-old beautiful model girl who was loved by all the community.

If course the culprit will have to be kept in isolation from all
ordinary decent criminals ( ODC's we call them) for the remainder of
his days, or he would be murdered, slowly, in jail .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 9:54:55 PM9/21/09
On Sep 22, 1:46 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

Anyway, anybody who will have anyhting to do with Felber now, has no
excuse for it, and that includes Searles O'Dubhain -

When you lie down with dogs, Searles, you get up with fleas !

Michael .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 9:58:13 PM9/21/09
On Sep 22, 1:54 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

AND, BTW, I am a Gaelic Reconstructionist myself, all my life, ever
since I could understand speech, walk, and talk .

AD Ireland .

An Coibhi Drui

Sep 21, 2009, 10:02:26 PM9/21/09
On Sep 22, 1:58 am, An Coibhi Drui <>

And, yes, Akins, so as not to be associated with this Celtic
Reconstructionist Wiccan Thing, as scoffed at by Beresford Ellis
amongst others, I suggest that you also adopt the description of
Gaelic Reconstructionist for yourself, so as to differentiate yourself
from the Pretenders and their ' holy innocents' of followers that they
hold in thrall .

AD Ireland .

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