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'scientology' Doctrine Nr. 1: "Truth Destroys Everything" - (Version 2.8 on 12 August 2004)

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Leonardo Been

Aug 13, 2004, 6:27:28 AM8/13/04
'scientology' Doctrine Number One Is "Truth Destroys Everything"

5 August 2004

Version 2.8
on 12 Aug 2004

(Layout for
typewriter font;
with note for
TeX typesetting)

The outrageous lie "Truth Destroys Everything," is the basis, the
"formula of life" of 'scientology' - which is indeed a world wide
'con game,'

an activity of falsely gaining the trust of others, by means of
unsuspected, clever deception based on some highly evil use of
the subconscious of people,

by playing on the severe ignorance of others (also of
scientologists' severe ignorance) about life, and

on the desire of people (also of scientologists' intense
desire to make others and) to be made spiritually blind and
"comfortable" or 'Drugged'

(to be 'Admired' into and 'Admiring each other' into
Drugged Blindness),

in order to dominate the lives and the possessions of people,

to create for you on Earth a dictatorship and full blown police state
the likes of which you would feel highly uncomfortable imagining,

as they have it already inside their own 'scientology' Sea Org

which include wholly secluded 'Gulags' where all the
dissident 'scientologists' are kept away from the society,
and away from other 'scientologists,' bereft already of all
possessions and of all personal contact to friends or

to be re-indoctrinated, under forced labor, that the
most severe Psychopath (a compulsive liar without any
conscience) *(00) on Earth, that

"l. ron hubbard is their best friend and the greatest
and even 'the only friend' of Mankind" (not a joke!),

where the Psychopath (a compulsive liar without any conscience),
l. ron hubbard, is the wholly authoritarian "Source of all

with whom NOBODY may disagree, to whom nobody may add, from
whom nobody may distract, not even in the slightest detail,

other than lies suitable to Admire him, and to hide
his true nature from everyone

(which is not an uncommon sport, on Earth, for
Criminal Minds) *(0)

- and in fact, "all people of Earth" are targeted "to
become 'scientologists'," wholly dominated and wholly
indoctrinated into "what l. ron hubbard thinks is good
and bad," in order to "Clear Earth" from anything that,
and anybody whom that severe Psychopath, l. ron hubbard,
believes to be irrational -

and they are currently operating freely from the USA

(l. ron hubbard was an American national, a pathological liar, by
any rational standard a Psychopath *(00), chased away from or
else wanted and convicted in all other of the many countries he

But l. ron hubbard (the author of an endless quantity of outrageous
lies) disguises the lie that "Truth Destroys Everything" - just as
all 'scientology' terms are designed by him to disguise for his

for 'scientologists,' such as for Tom Cruise

who by the way also himself is a Criminal Mind or
Life Energy Vampire (all Criminal Minds are perfect
actors and perfect liars *(0))

- and, as you know, he does not have to act at
all, but naturally fits the role of a
Criminal Mind (such as in his recent movie,
or when he played a Life Energy Vampire in
an older movie, indeed fitting those roles to
a hair's breadth) -

as a 'scientologist' he is misled by, is not understanding,
is 'dyslexic,' can not feel the truth, and

he himself at the same time is also disguising for you, for
the society,

what l. ron hubbard actually intends:

Total eradication of any human rights and total
eradication of your feeling truth and compassion and

- an eradication which can be achieved ONLY by
gross and persistent and also forceful
deception, and then "therapy" to anchor the
lies and thus have "robots" (now called
'scientologists') to further overwhelm others
into being "robots" (or 'scientologists') -

and there is nothing that l. ron hubbard enjoys
more, than to completely deceive people, and then, to
dominate them all.

So, l. ron hubbard uses a made-up word, to camouflage saying that

"Truth Destroys Everything."

He calls it instead

'As-Is-ing,' and 'to As-Is,' (from 'seen As-it-Is')

(see for instance the booklet
'Fundamentals Of Thought' by
l. ron hubbard, the impostor,
the caricature of "wisdom")

making up a fake word and a fake concept (as the many other
fake words and concepts in 'scientology') but defining it
precisely - this one, 'to As-Is,' as

"To make something vanish by looking at the truth of it."

At the same time, he teaches all 'scientologists,'

"To lie about something, is the only way to
make ANYTHING persist, and thus to make life
persist at all."
(also from his "Fundamentals Of Thought"

The word to camouflage that outrageous lie,
is made up by him to be

"To Alter-Is,"

defined again precisely, by l. ron hubbard, as
given in the previous paragraph, above;

and the term 'Alter-Is' is made up by him, from
'to alter the way something is,' which he
contracts to "To Alter (the way something) Is."

This is taught to be the basis of all 'scientology'
subjugation (dominating) "therapy"

(enforcing "Do not ever actually look at or
feel the true condition of l. ron hubbard or of
his company of utterly evil beings - else you
will get sick, faint or even die"),

as well as of its "study" courses

(enforcing "It is NOT the Criminal Minds, like
also l. ron hubbard, who make you feel
unconscious and stupid and ugly" - but "ONLY
'words' do that to you"),

and of its "business" courses

(enforcing "Life is a game of overwhelming
others" - "people are machines that you can
learn to operate, and we teach you how to"),

even of its pretenses called "detoxification" programs

(enforcing "Poison stays forever in your body,
and only believing everything l. ron hubbard
says, and only doing ALL he says, can get it
out of your body").

The fact that the concepts made up by l. ron hubbard
are defined "precisely," is intended to make you
not aware of the underlying fact, that

the concepts themselves are entirely fake, and

That method is called a 'Double Lie.'

The first lie knocks out your awareness
so severely, that you then do not have
the Energy (the curiosity) left to
connect further,

to even start to suspect that the
underlying idea is a lie.

But you need the awareness of the
underlying lie, in order to label the
lie on top correctly as 'nonsense.'
(See References, below.)

An example would be: "In his
development, he has skipped the
'oral phase'."

(There is no such thing as an 'oral
phase' - but with "he has skipped
it," you are led away from seeing
the underlying lie, you are led to
believe the 'Double Lie' - both
lies make a pair that is believed,
that has been used, as if "it

Indeed Freud did that, also defining wholly
non-existing concepts about "what you are and
do and think," and he was also "applying
these," and thereby pretending these to exist
and be valid,

while they are nothing but lies about
you and about anybody, but describing
some of his own, entirely insane ideas
about himself.

Also Sigmund Freud, by the way, is a most
severe Criminal Mind, entirely, and clinically
seen also Psychopathically insane, as is
l. ron hubbard. *(00)

You know very well, that CRIMES are resolved by looking at and
thus revealing the truth of them.

And, contrary to the fake concepts of l. ron hubbard, you know
very well, that other things

do NOT vanish at all, by looking at the truth of them

- ranging from your happiness and your memories, the
fondest but also the most gruesome memories, yes, even
physical objects (contrary to the doctrine of the
mentioned con man, but) yes, these things can be
temporarily put out of sight and be hidden by "therapy"
or by hypnosis, by manipulating perception and
awareness. (see References)

Indeed, l. ron hubbard IS a Criminal Mind, and indeed
'scientology' IS a con game (a designed, organized,
maintained, world wide confidence trick) involving a lot
of loss of money to the society. (see References, below)

The "therapy"

on the surface, as bait for new-comers, PRETENDS to
'not evaluate for you what you must think or look
at.' But

that is prescribed by a Criminal Mind! And

prescribed so, that it only

allows you to "erase" what l. ron hubbard wants you to

Its followers 'As-Is' (they make seem vanish) all truth
about l. ron hubbard (ask any 'scientologist,' and you get
the proof, that)

it even "cures" or deletes, or as they
say and experience, it "erases" from
their memory and from their perception
and from their awareness,

the fact that the con man himself,
l. ron hubbard, died of an overdose
of drugs and of alcohol abuse.
(see References)

From this you can see, however, that

looking at the subject not from the viewpoint of the Criminal
Mind l. ron hubbard, but looking at the subject from a sane
perspective, and then

looking very precisely at the actual truth of Crimes, exposes these,
and gives you the way to undo those Crimes.

Those 'critics' of 'scientology' however, who do NOT want actual
truth about life,

are blindly defending anything

that 'scientology' PRETENDS to oppose, and

are blindly attacking anything

that 'scientology' PRETENDS to support, or that
'scientology' pretends to align with.

Then it appears obvious, that those 'critics of scientology'

who show continuously, that they do NOT wish understanding of
life itself, but

who destroy too much understanding of life, and also those

who deliberately oppose or destroy truth of life itself,

can never destroy 'scientology'

- and indeed, these 'critics' only want to 'fight scientology,'

but they achieve the opposite, they give it credibility,

by wrongly attributing spiritual knowledge to
'scientology,' that 'scientology' does not have at all;
these 'critics' give 'scientology' credibility by

thus promoting 'scientology' to the minds of those
who still feel some of the spiritual knowledge that
they once had, but that has been distorted and
destroyed, who still feel something of what they know
about life; but

those 'critics' wrongly attribute spiritual knowledge

which 'scientology' does not provide at all; but, as
part of the 'con game' 'scientology' PRETENDS to give
knowledge and abilities *(0)

that those 'critics' hate so much to be known and to be
understood and used by anyone at all;

those 'critics' wrongly attribute motives to 'scientology'

that 'scientology' does not have at all but PRETENDS
to have 'in order to align with the good guys,' like

"replacing" the evil and drug abuse by
money-controlled psychiatry and medicine, but

hiding, that ALL 'scientology' organizations
and all 'scientologists' are most strictly
bound NOT to touch any psychiatric patient,

and they are hiding, that they do look down
with the greatest contempt on anybody who
suffers from anything, that in fact they look
down on anybody who is not "up-stat" (anybody
who is not acquiring lots of money and
admiration, regardless of how he or she does
acquire it), and that most of all, they look
down on anybody with any mental or physical

anybody who gets sick, gets instantly dropped,
regarded as immoral and intentionally

that is not merely an attitude, but also
the corresponding actions are strictly
enforced by them with their 'Policy on
Sources of Trouble,' or in the jargon
that every 'scientologist' knows and

"Potential Trouble Sources" or
"PTS-people" are "not allowed 'on
line'" - but they are ALSO NOT
allowed to get their money back,

unless they are willing to be
"declared an enemy of Mankind" and
to never be communicated to
anymore by anybody connected to
'scientology,' and they can't get
their money back, unless they are
willing to

be declared 'fair game' for any
'scientologist,' meaning, freely
being harmed and lied to and
'destroyed utterly' by any
'scientologist,' who does so
out of 'Admiration for l. ron
hubbard;' (Sounds familiar to you?)

there is no such thing existing in
'scientology' as love and trust
and compassion and care, because
l. ron hubbard, its "Source," as
he wants to be called, is a most
severe Criminal Mind;

those 'critics' wrongly attribute activities to be
'scientology,' that the actual activity of 'scientology' does
not want at all, but does solely for Public Relations value,
such as

"helping" drug addicts off drugs, while
'scientologists' have no care whatsoever for
those who take drugs or who want to quit

as such people are all considered to be
'Degraded Beings' who must not be helped by
any 'scientologist' other than for 'creating
good PR;'

so that 'scientologists' can tell and print
that "what they are doing, is good community
work;" while in fact they are not the least
interested in community work,

not unlike like Oprah Winfrey, or Bill Gates, donating one
thousandth of their possessions, and that to some charity
that will not actually improve things to amount to much,
but that does "make a good impression on the very blind
(on you, that is);"

or Larry King interviewing the disabled and sick, but not
interviewing those who would heal them;

all examples of people who very loudly PRETEND to
have good intentions in order to hide and in the
meantime being unhindered in executing very different

To unmask such people, you LOOK AT WHAT ACTIVITIES THEY DO

Thus you will more easily find out their actual intentions.

Equally, many people that "fight injustice or suffering,
illiteracy, or cruelty and abuse, or illness" are actually
doing so in order to hide better their actual motives,
their actual intentions:

suffering, illiteracy, or cruelty and abuse, or
about illness.

This you also see in many die-hard 'critics' of 'scientology' - they
don't care about people either, and by not wanting actual truth about
life, you see them

blindly - without differentiation - defending anything that
'scientology' PRETENDS to oppose,

blindly - without differentiation - attacking anything that
'scientology' PRETENDS to support or anything that
'scientology' PRETENDS to align with.

Such 'critics' provide you with an endless barrage of data on their

which are not aligned or arranged by importance, and

often intentionally presented with obviously FALSE


which are, also intentionally, or out of sheer denial of
life itself, presented with highly inappropriate emotions,
where the 'critics' are

pretending to have social emotions about the suffering
or death of others, pretending emotions which these
'critics' themselves in actual life do not possess at

and they become only too obvious,

they are ridiculing real truth about life, and laughing real
care of others away, or

they are altogether ignoring completely the existence of
the most normal things about life and people, when such things
are mentioned,

because they themselves do not provide nor want actual truth about
life, the very truth that is

the only ingredient which CAN and obviously will destroy

Note: 'scientologists' themselves do only DESTROY
HUMAN RIGHTS, contrary to their current
"Public Relations," THEY DO NOTHING BUT

- it IS their 'scientology "ethics"
code' which is published and known -


EARTH - precisely like former East Germany,
or present North Korea, if you look inside the
'scientology' organizations and see their
rigid 'policies' and entirely fascistic
practices - under the dictatorship of

for everyone to unreservedly and
unconditionally admire, to trust and
also to believe the most atrocious lies,

not merely the most atrocious lies
about life (we are rather used to
that), but

also the most ugly and violent lies
about people, about individuals,

lies produced and most forcefully,
and convincingly, projected

by the individual whom some - certainly
not without rationality - consider and
experience to be a vile, treacherous,
abusive, contemptuous, repulsively ugly,
nauseating, an immoral being without any
conscience, pretending to preach morals,

in admiration and docile blindness to see the
truth of what any rational, caring observer
might call the actual reincarnation of Satan
himself, l. ron hubbard.

But via their front groups they promote that
'scientology' and that l. ron hubbard are
"defending human rights" - solely in order to
infiltrate Human Rights groups, so as to be
able to destroy these more easily

and to launch their Black PR campaigns
and their Covert Intelligence actions

those who DO defend Human Rights.

Some of their front groups are in this respect
put in place to discredit "the enemies of
l. ron hubbard and thus of 'scientology',"

and some of its front groups currently bear
the entirely misleading names that have become
typical of the "trade" of 'scientology' to
infiltrate by posing as:

"Friends Of The United Nations" (FOTUN), as
"Human Rights And Tolerance," and "Youth for
Human Rights International."

Certainly, these groups will be destroyed by
truth - truth, which 'scientologists' and
l. ron hubbard quite correctly assume to be

of scientology's criminal deceptions and
of its publicly known and published

On the other hand, those who wish and do acquire and promote a true
understanding of life,

those who are able to and desire to state the full truth of life,
for instance I,

can and do destroy 'scientology,' simply by thus exposing the full
understanding of 'scientology' - a con game on life, a virus on
life, a virus which can of course only be understood, and

'scientology' can be made to vanish,

by understanding life itself.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(0) 'The Con Game With The Subconscious - How Hollywood's Energy
Vampire Actors Approach Their Victims In Real Life'
(2 July 2004 - Version 2.5 on 18 July 2004)

'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing it' (20 Dec 2002)

'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity' {HRI 20031110-V2.1}
(10 November 2003 - Version 2.1 at 13 July 2004)

'Famous European Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity' {HRI 20040729} (29 July 2004)

(00) See also 'Without Conscience - the disturbing world of the
psychopaths,' in particular its Chapter 7. about 'White collar
By Robert D. Hare, University of British Columbia. (Guilford
Press, London. 1999)

Further Reference (b.), which is mentioned below, under

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some of the intentional line breaks
within a paragraph, but those
particular line breaks, if they are
significant, and sometimes they are,
these can be and only then should be
replaced by a comma for instance, to
keep the meaning intact.)

For reference (and for the promised References), I include the newest
version of

Koos' FAQ about the psychosis of alt.religion.scientology -
summarizing eight years of experience with it -
with some Footnotes by Koos on Small and Fine Particle Physics

22 May 2004

Version 3.5
on 31 July 2004

All the posters to that newsgroup

- and I am following the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology
since eight years now -

all the posters, from both sides ("for" and "against" 'scientology'),
are entirely

without honor (or without honour, if you like), and

without decency and

without courage (spelled 'corage' then, in Sioux City:),

without desire for truth,

without desire for understanding.

In fact, you will observe also in the "rational"
posters, a morbid and entirely unrestrained JOY of
not understanding others.

Then, it is their fiercely defended, and for some the

desire not to understand life itself; and even,
to most actively PREVENT any understanding of
life and of people; an overall intention that
is resulting in

a truly harmful 'dyslexia,' sparked off
in all posters by being either "for" or
"against" 'scientology,'

rather than 'being for' understanding
life, and thus for understanding that
'scientology' itself IS THE VIRUS,

a virus assimilated by providing
the pretense of being like life,
and of curing, but not at all
curing life, only insidiously

intending and bringing about the exact
opposite of what it advertises; while
'scientology' advertizes 'the ability to
read,' its "teachings" result in an

inability to read - and that also for those posters
who can write:

By their very writing, they show their
persistent inability to read

- reading, after all, is nothing else
than the ability to understand another
and to do so with the aid of the
agreed upon, physical symbols of
language. *(4)

(With the short-lived exception (Version 3.0) of Ted
Mayett, who for a fleeting moment opened up one
Angstrom* of his perception to connect a Nanotube**
to his vast but un-awake intellect of care.)

See the many References below, uncovering these things:

It may suffice already, just to read the subject titles of
these References, to get the whole picture.

When the posters here use these concepts at all (they hardly ever do),

that is to say, whenever they pretend to demand or pretend (even
to themselves) to follow these lofty but for them now entirely
meaningless qualities (honor, decency, courage, truth and

then it is solely a means "to smash opponents."

Welcome to 'alt.religion.scientology.'

They would not even do to themselves, nor to others - not to
you and me -

the favor (or favour, in case you do not know Sioux City),
to prove me wrong...

Leonardo etc. Been

'It is of no use walking
anywhere to preach
unless our walking
is our preaching.'

Saint Francis of Assisi


(1) See Definition of Time,

in the
Textnote: '(b) ----------- (Time)'
sub: ' ------ (The Present)'

as found amongst the footnotes of

'About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's Past
And Future' {HRI 20040617-V3.7}
(17 June 2004 - Version 3.7 on 21 July 2004)

(2) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'
(19 August 2002 - Version 1.2)

(3) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Persistent, Violent
Psychotics' (27 Feb 2003)

(4) 'Teaching To Read' (4 May 2003)

(*) Angstrom - a term from the period on Earth, when the Criminal
Mind Albert Einstein and others, promoted the idea
that perception and awareness, and thus time, are
determined by photons. *(+)

Photons are indeed particles with a mass that results
in the hitting energy from the speed of its mass, as
Newton already formulated it precisely

(E=mV^2 or, if the speed of a photon is C, then
of course E=mC^2)

but for which Albert Einstein got a Nobel Prize.

This dubious honor, bestowed on the Criminal Mind
Albert Einstein, was then used by him to advance the
idea, that awareness (of time) *(1) is determined by
photons, which he called a "Theory of Relativity,"
and he was

stating at the same time that it was just a
crazy idea, to prove how extremely stupid
humanity is, or "The more crazy an idea, the
more easily it is accepted by humanity."

This was indeed known to various dictators -
not only to those whose messages were received
by the populace, by 'hoi polloi,' *(++) through
a 'Volksempfanger.' *(+++)

The term Angstrom is then used here by me, amusingly, to show the
return of natural perception of truth

- as perception, also of truth, (as you all know and do) is
of course done by Life Energy,

with which you also perceive light or photons and/or
whatever your body's sense organs make of it -

when Life Energy is used.

This has given rise to various Human Rights Issues, which
describe what Criminal Minds do with that what also Criminal
Minds themselves - even though they vehemently deny it, which,
as you know, all Criminals do - perceive to be the truth.
(For instance as described in References b. and f.)
(See further, "Detecting Criminal Minds ..." *(2))

And other HRI's which describe how Criminal Minds influence and
distort the perception of others - which after all, is done by
means of Life Energy Particles only.
(For instance References g. and o.)
(See further, "Fine Particle Physics ..." *(3))

(+) Photons - Photons are indeed particles with a mass that results
in the hitting energy from the speed of its mass, as
Newton already formulated it precisely (E=mV^2 or, if
the speed of a photon is C, then of course E=mC^2).

The hitting energy of photon particles is expressed by
the magnitude of their vibrating speed,

which also determines to what extent they are
deflected by objects, (you know this from
radio waves) and thus, how fast these vibrate,

by consequence, determines the minimum size of
objects that can be detected by photons

of that vibrating speed (which you know
as the various colors of light),

in physics also called wavelength, and
expressed as a size in meters,
micrometers, or nanometers, and in

Angstrom being one tenth of a nanometer
(especially for easily referring to the
visible band such as the colors of

(++) 'hoi polloi' - Greek for 'the many,' meaning the populace, the
unthinking mass whose Life Energy is continuously
and so severely smashed by Criminal Minds, that
'hoi polloi' become incapable of feeling,
retaining, or even desiring truth that would be
most vital for them to defend their health and
their happiness.

Truth is knowing 'what happened (to you)
and who caused it.'

Life Energy contains perception and
memory, as well as the intention to
connect to these.

(+++) 'Volksempfanger' - (also 'Volksempfaenger') a radio that the
German households were allowed to have, and

by which they should and did listen to
National Socialist (Nazi) Propaganda
speeches and "news" - not unlike the glossy
magazines and 'newsletters' from
'scientology' and their front groups, that
contain as much truth and as many lies as the
German populace under Hitler was subjected to
and indeed felt to be true, and in the
beginning also believed.

(**) Nanotube - extremely small tubes, currently on Earth the
smallest tube structures that, under certain
laboratory conditions, can be made to form. They are
in the order of magnitude of molecules.
As the term indicates, their size can be measured in
nanometers, of which a thousand million would fit in
one meter, and slightly less in one yard.


a. 'You Can Not Successfully Fight Hate With Hate'

{HRI 20040501-V2.0}
(1 May 2004) (Version 2.0 at 22 May 2004)

b. 'Criminal Minds Know Themselves Very Well They Are Lying'

{HRI 20040520-V1.3} (20 May 2004) (Version 1.3 at 21 May 2004)

c. 'Rights of Criminal Minds'

{HRI 20040108} (8 January 2004)

d. 'Test for Sanity'

{HRI 20040519-2} (19 May 2004)


e. 'Clinical Psychopaths Hear Voices AND Execute Their Commands'

(28 June 2004)

f. '(Clinical Psychopaths posting here) They know very well about
themselves THAT they are entirely, rabidly, fanatically insane,
and wholly malicious'

(28 June 2004)

g. 'Mechanism Of Tremendous Lying Employed By The Con Man
l. ron hubbard'

(24 June 2004 - Version 1.5 at 25 June 2004)

h. 'l. ron hubbard Does Not Mind If People Hate Him, As Long As They
Destroy His Opponents'

(23 June 2004)

i. 'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity, To Morons'

(19 June 2004)


j. 'Do not support the little Sadam Husseins and the little Bin

(19 May 2004)

k. 'Why Criminal Minds Attack Also The Deception That 'scientology'

(13 May 2004 - Version 1.2 on 18 May 2004)

l. 'You ARE part of Life - also when you have been made to believe
"you make no difference"'

(5 May 2004)


m. 'All Criminal Minds Are Forcefully Compulsive Liars (And Also) Are
Energy Vampires'

(27 April 2004) {HRI 20040427-V2.0}

n. 'Major Cause Of Insanity or Suffering: Seeking Understanding,
Friendship or Guidance From Criminal Minds'

(25 April 2004)

o. 'Insane' "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive Them'

(22 April 2004) {HRI 20040422}


p. 'All 'scientology' Words And Concepts Are In Themselves Deceptions'

(14 April 2004)

q. 'Know More About 'scientology' Than 'scientologists' Themselves
- The Bliss Of Being Made Blind To Evil Forever'

(23 February 2004 - Version 1.31 beta on 24 Mar 2004)

r. 'Know More Than 'scientologists' Know About Themselves
- By The Greatest Expert On The Subject'

(14 January 2004 - DRAFT Version 2.1 beta on 8 Feb 2004)


s. 'Criminal Minds attack the most expert exposure of 'scientology' -
and so do Destructive Cowards'

(19 February 2004 - Version 2.0 on 21 Feb 2004)

t. 'ALL 'scientology "O.T."' And ALL 'freezone' "Upper Level Data"
Are Completely False'

(15 February 2004)

u. 'Deeply Black PR - How l. ron hubbard Sucks Away Your Life Energy
- (one of the many ways 'scientologists' are trained to use)'

(14 February 2004)

v. 'The Criminal Lerma Doctrine'

(13 February 2004)

x. 'ALL The 'Experts' Are Entirely Too Cowardly To Face The Extreme
Ugliness And Viciously Deceptive Nature Of l. ron hubbard'

(13 February 2004)

y. 'The Con Game With The Subconscious - How Hollywood's Energy
Vampire Actors Approach Their Victims In Real Life'

(2 July 2004 - Version 2.5 on 18 July 2004)

Copyright 2004 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate, and to encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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