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Biblical, One With Little Horn possibly Found, Mobile Audit Club founder also has Wing or Fin remnants...what is going on

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Kurt Brown

Dec 5, 2006, 10:19:39 PM12/5/06
<p>I have to wonder if we are not captives or slaves on this planet, if we the true humans or a collection of humans were used and are used in some manner.  We likely have differences from various planets, possibly, or various islands.  For instance, I have what appear to remnants of wings on my spine under X-ray, four or five on each side.</p>
<p>  There are the humane and the inhumane regardless of morphology, and if there is a creator, I hope the creator allows the former to reign.  Much of history may be distorted as I have noticed some men of all races appear to be humane and some are not.  I believe that our children on this planet are being manipulated at birth. </p>
<p> Protect your children.  I fear possible injections or alterations of either of the hemispheres of the brain, thereby crippling us and making us the lower caste for eternity, never to escape this damned planet or their or "IT's" grip.  I believe in birthing children in protected environments with relatives doing the work and nature.  </p>
<p>If we can seal the environment of gestation and the eggs that are fertilized, we may be better off.  What I am talking about is assuming the natural mother was damaged by something akin to neutrinos which zip through space and earth unaltered.  Thereby, having the second generation of eggs, that of the daughter, protected as she would be protected at birth, although already in effect euthanized by our environment.  The eggs however are premature and develop without interference in the third female.  The same goes for the sperm of a male.  The eggs are likely more important in protecting, but the sperm is half, so in my theoretical shelter from the hogs breath of the beast, I protect both.  This is no longer a joke.</p>
<p>  I want the Alabama government doors open or  I want them dealt with as invading force.  I want all Americans to be able to vote, or I want their elections and politicians attacked.</p>
<p>  The bible speaks of having to beware of the one with the little horn.  I am not a Judeo Christian in totality, but I do not dismiss all that I read as nonsense. </p>
<p> I see in my life Reggie Copeland, City Councilman of Mobile Alabama as the one with the little horn. He is dangerous.  He is afflicted with a knot on his right fore head, the temple of human conscience.  He appears to have none for me as he attacks me without cause verbally and denies my right to enter government meetings in my native city of Mobile Alabama.  I also fear fake Christians, and I fear that Clinton Johnson, City Councilman may be one of those types.  They may both be foreign to us.  Never underestimate their ability to divide and conquer.  It is the nature of warfare.</p>
<p>This insight brought to you by <a href="">Mobile Audit Club's</a>, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone.  I was once told by someone close to me that we were a different species.  I could never have dreamed we were this different.  In the end, you have a humane conscience or you do not.  Just because someone points at the ground and says you know your place, that does not mean that is your place.</p>


Dec 6, 2006, 7:35:19 PM12/6/06
ÿþ< ! D O C T Y P E H T M L P U B L I C " - / / W 3 C / / D T D H T M L 4 . 0 T r a n s i t i o n a l / / E N " > < H T M L > < H E A D > < M E T A h t t p - e q u i v = C o n t e n t - T y p e c o n t e n t = " t e x t / h t m l ; c h a r s e t = u n i c o d e " > < M E T A c o n t e n t = " M S H T M L 6 . 0 0 . 5 7 3 0 . 1 1 " n a m e = G E N E R A T O R > < S T Y L E > < / S T Y L E > < / H E A D > < B O D Y b g C o l o r = # f f f f f f > < D I V > < F O N T f a c e = A r i a l s i z e = 5 > O f f t h e m e d s a g a i n e h ? < / F O N T > < / D I V > < / B O D Y > < / H T M L >
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