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Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor - {HRI - 20030205}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Apr 3, 2005, 3:45:25 AM4/3/05
Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor

5 February 2003
{HRI 20030205}


The definition of Insane:

Assigning the wrong causes to things.


And from this - assigning the wrong causes to things - irrational
behavior results,

which we experience as being Insane, and we experience that
usually regarding some activity, or on some subject, or in and
regarding certain circumstances.

And indeed, if you find the right causes and act on those,
the activity or subject or reaction to circumstances stops
being Insane - and happiness returns on all faces (on all
faces that want fast and lasting remedies and progress for

The definition covers the whole scale,

from mildly insane on a few subjects - as also the wisest
amongst us are -

to cripplingly insane on one subject, or maybe on many subjects,

and very much further down, to the intention and practice of
wanting to make and to keep others insane on as many subjects as
possible, by assigning wrong causes and enforcing the inability
to perceive or determine the right causes.


The definition of Humor is related to the definition of Insane.

To put it all in one sentence:

According to the intention with which others recognize such
insanities - or fail to recognize them - there is humor and the
various types and flavors of humor.

And you have of course also insane and ugly humor from
some individuals, who try to make "fun" of the correct
assignment of causes, and who do so in order to have
those correct assignments of (themselves being detected
for instance as) cause not accepted as true and correct.


I will talk a little bit more about the connection to Humor:

It is hilarious to assign very obviously the wrong causes to
things, and to go about it very seriously, as if you really do
not know better at all.

It is so popular with people, because it matches reality - it
matches the world we live in,

immersed as we are in all kind of Insanities,

immersed in the continuous assignment of wrong causes to
the things that are happening to us or that are happening
to others in the world.


All comedies and funny acts, all comedians, are about this

- assigning the wrong causes, or acting with very wrong
importances which result from assigning wrong causes -

and when you play as if those wrong causes are right and impor-
tant - while your public knows, or suspects so, or finds out -
and if you are being very serious about it, then you have people
roaring with laughter in no time!

Actually, you are making them saner.*


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29

(*) And you might even get well-paid and
highly appreciated and famous, by doing so.


- 'Definition Of Schizophrenic' (25 Nov 2002)

- 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'
(19 August 2002 - Version 1.2)

- 'The First International Law' (24 Nov 2003)

- 'Current Understanding of Mental Illness - Consequences'
(9 Dec 2002)

- 'A Course In Human Rights Philosophy' (19 January 2003)

- 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life' V2.0i
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

- 'Living In The Present - Definition' (2 Jan 2003)

- 'Tolerance Defined In Holland (The Netherlands) (25 Dec 2002)

- 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind' (18 Oct 2002)

- 'Your Spark Of Life Into The Darkness' (on Christmas Day 2002)

Copyright 2003 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate and encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
(address unreadable for internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

Prescott Bush

Apr 3, 2005, 4:14:18 AM4/3/05
Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
> Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor
> The definition of Insane:
> Assigning the wrong causes to things.
> And from this - assigning the wrong causes to things - irrational
> behavior results,
> which we experience as being Insane, and we experience that
> usually regarding some activity, or on some subject, or in and
> regarding certain circumstances.
> And indeed, if you find the right causes and act on those,
> the activity or subject or reaction to circumstances stops
> being Insane - and happiness returns on all faces (on all
> faces that want fast and lasting remedies and progress for
> all).
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at
> (address unreadable for internet robots
> - replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

"If you really want to enslave people,
tell them that you're going to give
them total freedom."
--- L. Ron Hubbard
Mr. Karl Rove
4925 Weaver Terrace NW
Washington, DC 20016-2660

Mr. George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500

Mr. K. Rupert Murdoch
News Corporation
1211 Avenue Of The Americas, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10036-8701

[...] Ron Hubbard Jr. remembers that when
he was ten years old, his father, in an
attempt to get his son in tune with his
black magic worship, laced the young
Hubbard's bubble gum with Phenobarbital.
According to Ron Jr. drugs were an
important part of Ron Jr.'s growing up,
as his father believed that they were
the best way to get closer to Satan--the
Antichrist of black magic.

"In my father's private circle," Ron Jr.
explains, "there were lots of mistresses.
When I was younger, I participated in
private orgies with him and three or four
other women. His theory was that one has
to open or crack a woman's soul in order
for the satanic power to pour through it
and into him. It got kind of far out,
culminating in a variety of sex acts.

Dad also had an incredibly violent temper.
He was into S & M and would beat his
mistresses and shoot them full of drugs."
When asked by a interviewer how this
"soul-cracking" worked, L. Ron Hubbard, Jr.
said, "The explanation is sort of long and
complicated. The basic rationale is that
there are some powers in this universe that
are pretty strong.

"As an example, Hitler was involved in the
same black magic and the same occult
practices that my father was. The identical
ones. Which, as I have said, stem clear back
to before Egyptian times. It's a very secret
thing. Very powerful and very workable and
very dangerous.

Brainwashing is nothing compared to it.
The proper term would be "soul cracking."
"It's like cracking open the soul, which
then opens various doors to the power that
exists, the satanic and demonic powers.
Simply put, it's like a tunnel or an avenue
or a doorway. Pulling that power into yourself
through another person and using women,
especially is incredibly insidious.

"It makes Dr. Fu Manchu look like a
kindergarten student. It is the ultimate
vampirism, the ultimate mind fuck. Instead
of going for blood, you're going for their
soul. And you take drugs in order to reach
that state where you can, quite literally,
like a psychic hammer, break their soul, and
pull the power through." [...]


General Electric's revenues in 2003 totaled $134.2 billion.
Reptilian Humanoid
| From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
"Reptilian humanoids are a recurring theme in mythology,
fiction, and especially science fiction, fringe theories,
and conspiracy theories. They are described as individuals
or races of intelligent or otherwise highly developed
reptilian-like beings. They are also often called reptoids,
reptiloids or dinosauroids. They also appear in a few
fringe New Age and neofascist ideas, notably the conspiracy
theories of David Icke." [...]
Private industry is looking at the question of gravity control
with new seriousness.
A large number of giant corporations, including Bell Aerospace,
General Electric, Hughes Aircraft, Boeing, Douglas and many
others, have set up gravity projects.
... flying saucer ENGINE development was turned over to
General Electric.
The F-117A Nighthawk
About the size of an F-15 Eagle, the twin-engine aircraft is
powered by two General Electric F404 turbofan engines and has
quadruple redundant fly-by-wire flight controls.
Secrets of the Saucer Scientists
By William F. Hamilton III
House approves electronic ID cards
Published: February 10, 2005


(Time To Wake Up.)

This ability to think flexibly is useful in ordinary
life and in the pursuit of Zen.

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Kyoto, Japan. Requires Shockwave and a 4.0+ browser.

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"WAY TO GO, Oh-Hi-Oh!" -- The Pretenders

Realm of Ohio:
With the support of the Mystic Knights, the Ohio Senate
passed a law that would bar the state from
recognizing same-sex marriages. Click Here to Read More!!

THE KKKLAN RUNS OHIO! (Now it makes sense, eh, kiddies...)

"Bush Jr. was not punished or cited."

"Praise The Lord and Pass the Superior Firepower!"

Bush and Hitler, oh how history repeats itself.

"Sexual repression in the citizenry is conducive
to fascist/totalitarian reforms." --Xeno Bilderberg

America 2005
Germany 1930

everyone, nor is it meant to be."

"Wherever you go, there you are."
-Buckaroo Bonzai


"... Moon said the reformed Hitler and Stalin vouched
for him from the spirit world, calling him "none other
than humanity's Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord
and True Parent."

"The king of the south Indian province of Quilacare,
at the completion of the twelvth year of his reign,
on a day of solemn festival, had a wooden scaffolding
constructed, and spread over with hangings of silk.
When he had ritually bathed in a tank, with great
ceremonies and to the sound of music, he then came to
the temple, where he mounted the scaffolding and,
before the people, took some very sharp knives and
began to cut off his own nose, and then his ears, and
his lips, and all his members, and as much of his
flesh as he was able. He threw it away and round
about, until so much blood was spilled that he began
to faint, whereupon he summarily cut his throat."
- A Description of the Coasts of
East Africa and Malabar in the
Beginning of the Sixteenth
Century - by Duarte Barbosa


[1984] TIME WARP "In Search Of An Entrance"

"TIME WARP is a process aiming to penatrate what you
think of as you. Continued fumbling to try to get a
fix on where you are can't silence the ear-shattering

scream of the future as it perpetually hurls through
the hourglass. Sensations feel real, but are perchance
gone before striking the eyeball. The traps of therapy
and mysticism merely set you up for the next steamroller
as they consume your precious moments. Your path is
forced deeper into a tissue paper maze that might as
well be reinforced concrete. What you want is a mere
microsecond out of your reach; a hair-splitting moment
born by the fear of what you might find. A few may sense
a spark, yet fleeting dreams will not help other than
insuring a safe distance. Not the smoke, but the blazing
furor of a living reality exists for those willing to
tempt fortune." TIME WARP (c) 1984 by 'Charles'


In many ancient cultures, indeed, the king was
ritually sacrificed after a stipulated period
of time. The ritualized killing of the king is
one of the most archaic and widespread rites of
early civilised man. ... In ancient cultures
across the globe, the sacrificed king's body
became the object of a feast. His flesh was
eaten and his blood was drunk. Thus did his
subjects ingest and incorporate into themselves
something of their dead ruler's virtue and
power. A residue of this tradition is obvious
enough in the Christian Communion service.
The Messianic Legacy [(c)1986]
by Baigent, Leigh, & Lincoln;
Chpt. 3, Constantine as Messiah
ISBN 0-8050-0568-4


See also: 'Constantine versus Christ'
by Alistair Kee, 1982 - University of Glasgow

Search: "Sol Invictus"


Meanwhile... "Forward Into The Past!"


T h e Y e z i d i s o f K u r d i s t a n

Sufi Martyrs

"...the stormiest and most controversial early movements
within Sufism were led by Husayn ibn Mansur Haflaj
(crucified AD 922),'Ain al-QudAt Hamaddni (crucified AD 1131),
and Shahâb al-Din Suhrawardi (crucified AD 1191).
"Hamaddni's idea of successive reincarnation, and the
redemption of Lucifer, added to his other non-Islamic
preachings, qualified him for burning on a cross by the
Muslim authorities when he was 33.
Al Hallâj claimed himself to be an avatar of the divinity...
and that all creatures are ultimately the manifestations of
the same original Universal Spirit. He thus also declared
Lucifer to have been redeemed and elevated to the highest
universal station, as in Yezidism. He was subjected to
exquisite tortures before being crucified in Baghdad.
At present there is a shrine dedicated to Hallâj in the
sacred Yezidi religious center and shrine complex at Lâlish,
next to the tomb of Shaykh Adi."

- Sufism


"The Yezidis of Kurdistan have been called many things, most
notoriously 'devil-worshippers,' a term used both by
unsympathetic neighbours and fascinated Westerners. This
sensational epithet is not only deeply offensive to the Yezidis
themselves, but quite simply wrong. Yezidism is not
devil-worship, but something far more elusive, and interesting.

This religion, which has aroused so much antagonism, is
difficult to summarize succinctly. To generalize, seven Holy
Beings are venerated, chiefly Melek Tawus, the Peacock Angel."

- The Evolution of Yezidi Religion


"Melek Tawus is an angel who has fallen from God's grace,
and for his repentance, is restored to God's favor. While in
hell, Melek Tawus, in seven thousand years filled seven jars
with his tears of repentance which extinguished the fires
of hell, or at the last judgment will be used to do so.
Melek Tawus was banished from the sight of God because he
refused to bow down, as asked, before God's creation, Adam.
But Yezidis do not identify the fallen angel with a spirit
of "evil." The act of disobedience has been forgiven by god
as a father forgives a wayward son.

For the Yezidis, the internal aspect of Tawus Melek remains
alive. They hold that Tawus Melek is as fire with two
elementary qualities: fire as light and fire to burn-and
the apparently dual aspects of the "good" and the "evil"
exist within the same Person. Every human being is a mixture
of good and evil, and every Yezidi has Tawus Melek in himself.
This is one of the meanings evoked in a 19th century report
by Haji Zain al-Abidin al-Shirwani, who, in a conversation
with a Yezidi leader concerning Tawus Melek, asked, "Who is
Iblis (Satan)?"

'What is the reason behind your worship of him and fear of
him?" The Yezidi replied, "The learned are perplexed by the
comprehension of his reality and scholars are in ignorance
from detecting an atom of the valley of his realization but
the men of knowledge said in his description, if he shows
mankind his light they would have worshipped him as god. He
is hidden but near everyone. All-knowing in regard to men
and their deeds. Satan sometimes comes to you from the walls
and other times from the roofs. Occasionally he resides in
the deepest folds of the heart and sometimes he joins your
body and goes in it like blood. And it is related in the
tradition that Satan is from the fire of glory, meaning that
his glory was created from the fire of the glory of God.'

- Gurdjieff and Yezidism


"There is a myth that Prometheus created humans by mixing
Earth and Water to create the gross body; Athena breathed
Air into it, imbuing it with a Spirit-Soul. Prometheus added
the Higher Soul, which is the Fire that He took from the
Wheel of the Sun and brought to humanity in a Narthêx (giant
fennel) stalk. (The Narthêx corresponds to Shushumna, the
esoteric spinal column of yoga philosophy, which contains the
Fiery Kundalini power.) Recall also that the Thursos, the
sacred Bacchic wand, is made from the Narthêx and holds
Promethean Fire. As implied in the myth of our Promethean
origins, the Fire in our souls is akin to the Celestial Fire
("As above, so below")."

- The Elements: Fire


"Gnostic Christians maintained that the "light" Lucifer
brought was true enlightenment, which He gave humanity
against God's will, as Prometheus stole the fire of heaven
to bring civilization to mankind against the will of Zeus.
God denied Adam and Eve the fruit of the tree of knowledge,
desiring to keep them ignorant; but Lucifer, in the form of
the serpent, gave them the "light" of wisdom.
He became the Prince of the Power of the Air (Ephesians2:2)
who threw his lightning bolts at church towers. He wielded
the trident which, in Eastern symbolism is a triple
lightning-phallus destined to fertilize the Triple Goddess.
In Tantric Hindu symbology, He is the bindu, the spark that
ignites the sacred serpent and awakens the kundalini."

- Lucifer Rising


"Gurdjieff's choice of Beelzebub as hero of the First Series
and the principal expositor of the Teaching, surely has put
those who would take it up in a position similar to the one
the Yezidis have had to endure for many centuries. Externally,
when contacted by "outsiders" or as Gurdjieff sometimes
referred to them, "natives," the Teaching might seem, like
that of the Yezidis to be at bottom "devil worship."
They would entirely miss, for instance, the prayers scattered
through the book, let alone recognize their sacred quality.
In a world that is becoming more and more divided between a
narrow sectarian "fundamentalism" and a "liberal" scientism,
the very hint of Beelzebub as hero would bring anathema from
one camp and a condescending dismissal from the other.
That the Teaching may not be casually spoken of with either
sector, helps to protect it, making it difficult for the
student to take for granted, or worse, profane.

Gurdjieff's Beelzebub, like the Yezidis Melek Tawus is a being
fallen from nearness to God, who redeems himself and is
restored to grace. Each has fallen because in self-will,
following the dictates of his reason, he acted in disobedience
to what was higher. For the Yezidis, the "Devil" is everywhere,
a "practitioner," in the sense of the third of the types of
school about which Gurdjieff told Ouspensky, fit for the
business of the world. In his nearness and familiarity, he is
an archetype of the returning prodigal, a model for the rest
of us who have "fallen," who are much closer to "devils" than
"angels." The "Devil" is also what none of us wish to look at
in ourselves, but must nevertheless see, for that "looking"
actualizes the possibility of redemption."

- Gurdjieff and Yezidism


"The distressing struggle of integrating the shadow side of
ourselves, of wrestling with the dark angel within, is ongoing
and never ending for those who are willing to take it on.
Jung considers it a moral task of the first magnitude, and
given the godlike power conferred upon us most notably by the
ability to unleash atomic energy, the struggle assumes an
urgency and necessity for the future survival of our humankind.
Let us hope enough of us are able and willing to enter the ring."

- Thoughts on Evil
by James M. Shultz


"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring
forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is
within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

- Jesus, Gospel of Thomas


"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord:
though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white
as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall
be as wool."

- Isaiah 1:18


"Historically the chief role in the formation of
Christianity was played not by the teaching of
Christ but by the teaching of Paul.
Church Christianity from the very beginning
contradicted in many respects the ideas of Christ
himself. Later, the divergence became still wider.
It is by no means a new idea that Christ, if born
on earth later, not only could not be the head of
the Christian Church, but probably would not be
able even to belong to it, and in the most brilliant
periods of the might and power of the Church
would most certainly have been declared a heretic
and burned at the stake." -- Peter D. Ouspensky


"What fascinates me is the gap between the
mind and reality. Extreme boredom widens the
gap; so does fatigue. But the gap can be so
light that to all intents and purposes we are
in contact with reality. Then a sudden shock
fills the inner-being with music, and you
know that there was no contact. You were
deceived. You were in your private vacuum,
slowly suffocating to death."
by Colin Wilson


National Reconnaissance Office - N. R. O.

Etc.... etc..... etc..........


"The problem of anxiety in
our time is about being
in our bodies, or not.
The old system for emotional
stability was to traumatize
our children and take
sedatives as adults."
[...] --M.H. Ducey
Dissociation Dynamics, the
Alice Miller Finding
and the Social Organization
of Torture.


The Stargate Conspiracy ...
by Lynn Picknett, and Clive Prince.



"Human history becomes more and more a race
between education and catastrophe." --H. G. Wells

Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy

Bush re-election may end the human race: Nobel nominee
Dr. Helen Caldicott, MD -
Contact: "Regina Dick-Endrizzi"

Chaos in Iraq:
> ........................
> "MAN, you are come to the bitter end of your degradation.
> Drain the dregs and leave not a stain in the glass.
> "For WAR is upon you, around you and within you. You are
> submerged in WAR so totally now there is no escape.
> Like a cancer it has taken hold on you, crept stealthily
> among you and become entrenched. No force on earth can
> remove it. And no force in heaven will. For We, the Gods,
> give man what man demands, not what he pretends to want.
> And man who puts on airs and cries for peace and light
> and love, and claims that his one desire is to live in
> harmony with those around him, man who clothes himself
> soberly with proper decency and goes about his business
> saying: 'I am civilised. I am respectable. I am a
> rational being in control of all my emotions', he is no
> more than an ignorant fool, a hypocrite, a self-deluded
> imbecile. For all he really wants is death, slaughter,
> bloodshed, rape, pillage, and the violent hysterical
> screeching lunacy of WAR. That is his true desire and
> nothing less will truly satisfy him."
> <> Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, founder of the Sufi Order,
> <> offered this insight in the early part of this century:

<> "The hour is coming when women will lead humanity to a
<> higher evolution."

> <> Women have always functioned in all
> <> roles of spiritual leadership within the Order.
> <> Spiritual practices and service are fully integrated
> <> and initial attempts have been made to update the
> <> language of the teaching to include the feminine.
> <> Women teachers in the Order have made rich contributions,
> <> and have joined in developing practices that facilitate
> <> an awareness of, and a deeper identification with the
> <> feminine aspect of the Divine.
> <>
> "... Counting the number of asteroids we see in
> the sky suggests that over the past 250 million
> years, Earth should have been hit around 440 times
> by asteroids larger than one kilometre across..."
> Meanwhile...
> ****************************
> ****************************
> "In general, the more severe the disturbance, the more intense
> the God Experience. . . .
> The power of the God Experience shames any known therapy.
> With a single burst in the temporal lobe, people find structure
> and meaning in seconds. With it comes the personal conviction
> of truth and the sense of self-selection."
> -- Michael A. Persinger, Ph.D. Neuropsychological Bases
> of God Beliefs
> When the amygdala (the deep-seated region of the brain
> involved with emotion) is involved in the transient events,
> emotional factors significantly enhance the experience which,
> when connected to spiritual themes, can be a powerful force
> for intense religious feelings."
> However, when one has such experiences in a cold, clinical
> laboratory, the psychological impact of the induced "presence" is
> greatly reduced. The set and setting of the triggering experience
> is of overwhelming importance for its self-interpreted context and
> can even determine whether or not the experience occurs. This is
> akin to the difficulty in having a primal feeling in such an
> environment.
> Thus, having spiritual feelings in a religious location
> such as in a church, mosque or even in one's home without the
> helmet and without being hooked up to laboratory equipment,
> could easily convince the experiencer that he is being favored
> with God's presence.
> Having a far less intense experience, as one lives one's
> day-to-day life, can have a much more intensely persuasive effect.
> This is what happened, during periods of isolation and prayer, to
> St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Thérèse of Lisieux
> and all of the Christian and other religious mystics both in and
> out of convents and monasteries.
> Such "God experiences" when combined with unitiveness
> (feelings of being one with God) have even resulted in the
> martyrdom of some Islamic clerics (e.g., Hallaj in the tenth
> century) because of such claims. In the Catholic Church, Meister
> Eckhart's writings, for this reason, were condemned as heretical
> by Pope John XXII.
> Osama bin Laden
> "I was ordered to fight the people until they say
> there is no God but Allah and his prophet Muhammad."
> -- Osama bin Laden - in the Dec. 21, 2001 video
> about the WTC terrorist attack
> "Not surprisingly, their . . . behaviors and psychological
> experiences are predominated by a sense of personal destiny, the
> most supreme form of infantile egoism. Each one has been selected
> to give a message to the world. Like the committed preacher or the
> proselytizing prophet, they have a sense of the special - their
> experiences are somehow exceptional."
> -- Dr. Michael A. Persinger, Neuropsychological Bases of God
> "Against data, social opinion, and sometimes direct confrontation
> that the experience was a lie, people will still persist (in the)
> validity of their own perceptions. . . . I cannot overemphasize the
> importance of the sense of conviction produced by these experiences.
> Following these small alterations in the temporal lobe, the person
> becomes convinced that what he or she has experienced is absolutely
> right. No amount of rational conversation or data can sway the
> opinion."
> -- Dr. Michael A. Persinger,
> Neuropsychological Bases of God Beliefs

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