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Americans terrorized by regime in power, The Regime Must Be Destroyed

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Sep 23, 2006, 3:04:38 PM9/23/06

Below is a post linked on the Site of Mobile Audit Club.

After the
last paragraph, I have put the rest on Google. I have reiterated the
first paragraph here, the remainder are new. The time to strike is
now. Have no mercy on them or it. Be merciful only in being quick and

final if the need arises. They may be untouchable. If they are
unstoppable, give us all our deaths on this damned planet, this
nightmare under the boot of beasts. In the event the regime is
attacked and loses its grip and if we start severing the heads of our
enemies in power, Save Senator Byrd of West Virginia. I want to talk
with him. He seems sincere, but somehow I do not trust any USA
government official.

Foreword September 23, 2006: In this site are links to horrors and
atrocities I and many others have endured in the USA since the Bush
regimes took power, and before. Do not believe the mask the leaders
wear, we are in a technological dark ages while they are near the
forefront. I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, informant on
government corruption after working as a federal bank examiner for the
corrupted Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), have endured
under the federal and state regimes in power in the USA, forced
injections, forced medical procedures, incarceration, murder attempts,
forced silence on the FDIC corruption, exile, and I have been partially

blinded while I was in forced exile by the federal regime in Los
Angeles and Alabama, and now I am not hired neither in the federal
government or in state governments or by the civil sector. Therefore I

will do what I was sent here to do, my manifest destiny, to destroy our

enemies as they have tried to destroy myself and have succeeeded in
destroying others. Their technological mask will require their removal

like an oyster from a rock bed. I was denied exit out of the USA by
the regime in 2006 and then I forced them to let me out by paying
exorbitant amounts for paperwork proving my innocence for daring to
defend my own life. Our enemies may not be human as we know and could
be technological manifestations or something else, or perhaps just
inhumane humans.

We must strike back now against the regime. An eye for an eye, a
spilled blood for a spilled blood, until there is no more of our enemy
on American soil. The horrors I have endured are only partially listed
and linked on this site. They or it is at war with me, with us. I will

soon place a link here to the rest of today's article.

Because the regime held me captive, forcibly injected me, extorted
money from me, stole my possessions, terrorized me at my home, excluded

me from government, and basically kidnapped me for a ransom, and then
destroyed my good reputaion, and other horrors I have endured, I want
to exact a toll, a price for them or it to pay. I want armies formed
among the American people and the humane people of the world to do the
same to the government officials of high rank and their wealthy
financiers in places like California and New York and any other city or

suburb where inuhumane men and inhumane women and beasts dwell.

The devil does not exist. It is a thought of evil, a composite of
humans or creatures actions. In all they are the devil, and they are
going to play hell with our armies. We need a technological assault
plan and attack parties and planned retribution to redistribution of
wealth and hope for what has happened to us and our nation. Protect
your children at birth from them or the "IT" factor. I have outlined
my theories on the Love Line and Quatrains pages. Move in stealth and
strength. They or it scowls at us while they preach peace. The nature

of nature is warfare. Let the war escalate so that we can regain what
we have lost. Time never ends. The shape of the universe and its
forces are bent. It is like being in a cesspool and you never touch the

sides. The metaphysical dogma is a lie. There is nothing
unexplainable under the sun. What glimmers once can glimmer again,
therefore time never ends. Do not lament for their deaths and consider

your own to be part of the valor of the creative force of all that is

Someone said, "Do not be surprised if a nuclear bomb goes off in the
middle of the next presidential election." If only they die, who gives

a damn. For our people, we will know our suffering was inevitable.
They feast on the finest while we stand back beaten, as if apes. Make
them eat their own feces. Someone said I would regret I ever stepped
foot in California. They are so pompous, those who venture here and
settle. Warfare is everywhere, it is the mindset of children. Let's
play war with those fascist pigs and their "IT" factor. Technological
tools will span them in two and grind them to dust.

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