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Call for Military Intervention in Federal NTEU Murder Investigations of Federal Banking Regulators

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Saint Ram Bone

Jan 30, 2006, 11:08:21 PM1/30/06
Below is an excerpt from today's post at Mobile Audit Club linked
below. The NTEU must not be left alone when investigating murders. We
must involve most likely, if possible, outside militia and military.
We are not all allies here, but truth and fair play were shot in the
head like the other FDIC employee who did not survived. I survived and
their punks continue to play games. String them in the chicken wire at
440 and always watch and listen.

Foreword January 30, 2006: Today I look at the absurdity of serving
the USA military or even working for their government. Idealistic
young men serve the USA military and are told slogans like, "Be all you
can be". The truth is that if you are 100% disabled you will not even
be able to afford to buy a condo in many parts of the nation, and
barely will be able to afford rent. For instance, if you live in
Oakland California and want to have a wife and child, your income will
be roughly $2600 a month. The cost of a 2 bedroom condo is roughly
$500,000 to one million. Rent is barely affordable.

In some peoples cases the government will cripple veterans who become
government informants. Often veterans who are informants are forced to
receive felon records and labels of insanity if they uncover high level
criminals, which is what I, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, did in the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the National Treasury
Employees Union of the USA federal government. They will sometimes
give a 100% disability after they crush you, but it is not really 100%
disability. It is Individual Unemployability, meaning you are not to
hold a job even a decent part time job or you lose the benefit.

Josef Stalin of Russia once said, "Gratitude is a disease of dogs". He
must of been speaking of Russia's version of Individual Unemployablity.
They try to kill you, inject you, force you to become a felon, and
push you from government involvement and then hand you crumbs. I want
to feed them Validated wolves that ate the Kremlin. My hat is off to
the Russian Stalin in that statement. They do us more harm than good.
Back away from them and know the war is at hand. We must realize we
are at a losing position, but we are only one weapon away from victory.

I would like to call for break off surveillance from the USA military
in those avenues where the police agencies of the National Treasury
Employees Union has faltered in revealing corruption, such as the
murder labeled a suicide of the FDIC director in San Francisco in the
early 1990's and the ignored murder attempt upon myself. The NTEU and
FDIC San Francisco are initial suspects but the criminality goes to
Washington D.C. and most likely Sacramento.

I encourage militia of any sort to rise to this occassion. They drew
first blood. They force injections and other horrors. The time is
now. I feel the breaking point of the war approaching like a warm
breeze in a bubble.

Mobile Audit Club has proof with details of investigations with free
music and art that was used to draw attention to the site, so I would
not be killed with none of my people watching.

Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone

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