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****** Nuclear War for Taiwan??? ******

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21.03.1996, 03:00:0021.03.96
About the recent troublesome development around the Taiwan Strait,
I am really worrying that my adopted mother country might be dragged
into a nuclear conflict for a senseless cause by the ego-seeking
foreign-money-influenced politicians and the biased ignorant media
(a few days ago, the Washington Post said that Chinese missiles don't
have the range to reach Taiwan so they will be launched from ships!)

What will happen if the radical separatist force (DPP) in Taiwan get
the power in the upcoming election due to the recent movement of U.S.
naval forces (without the U.S. encouragement, DPP will never get the
power)? As a person grew up in the Mainland China, I know the Chinese
leaders will have no choice other than starting to take dramatic
military actions against Taiwan, resuming the Chinese civil war which
last fought in 1958 (remember the Quemoy artillery duel in 8/58?).

(If anything at all, fighting the separatists (TIers) in Taiwan is
probably the only thing on which Chinese government has the support
of almost all Chinese. In fact, if any Chinese leader is reluctant
to take dramatic military action against TIers, he/she will definately
be branded as a traitor and overthrown immediately.

On the other hand, China will not attack Taiwan if TIers don't get
power. What U.S. doing now will just agitate a very complicated
situation and result in an outcome exactly opposite to what U.S.
want to see, just like what the Chinese missile tests achieved.)

Will U.S. do what those foreign-money-influenced ego-seeking politicians
proposed, getting involved the Chinese Civil War? Remember, U.S. and
almost all countries in the world recognize Taiwan is a part of China.

(What would Americans have felt, had some foreign powers from 6000 miles
away gotten involved in the American Civil War during 1860's???

Some facts: in 1861, most of Southern States held the referendum on
the independence/separation from the U.S.A. and they all passed with
the overwhelming majority in favor of it, e.g. 128884 vs 32134 in
Virginia and 104019 vs 47238 in Tennessee.

Remember what the greatest American president Lincoln did back then:
mobilize entire country's resources to fight the separatists and keep
the territorial integerity of U.S.A.)

I don't think Mainland China will fight with the U.S. force directly
if the unthinkable really happens (ignore those radicals in newsgroups).

One of very likely responses of a really enraged Chinese government
(just image how angry Abraham Lincoln would have been if some foreign
powers had sent in troops during the American Civil War in the 1860's)
would be: giving Iran and Libya 100 nuclear bombs each for their self

(Of course, some GPS locks will have to be put into those nuclear devices
so they won't detonated beyond 200 miles from the country's border).

The same argument about defending Taiwan could be used here: in 1984,
a foreign power held military exercise 12 miles off Libyan coast,
resulting in shooting down two Libyan airplanes; in 1989, a foreign
power's warship in Persian Gulf 30 miles off Iranian coast shot down
a scheduled Iranian passenger plane, killing more than 100 people.

Don't get me wrong here. I'm fully supporting my adopted mother country
(USA) for putting her military force in the oil-rich Middle East, since
this is the only way to ensure U.S. has a cheap and reliable oil source
for her energy need and maintaining the American way of life (remember
1973 Arab oil embargo).

I wrote the above provocative paragraphs just to illustrate nobody has
the moral highground (the Invasion of Grenada in 1983 and the Invasion
of Panama in 1989). Just to spice things a little: Iran can be also
considered as a democratic country since it has a democratically elected
parliament (there was a story about its election on CNN-Online).

I just want people to think from different perspectives (put yourself
in other's position), not acting just on your belief or the so-called
moral highground. Otherwise, there is no difference between you and
the radical Red Guards during China's notorious Culture Revolution,
or the fanatic Islamic Jihad terrorists.

China's recent (arrogant/stupid) actions, such as missile tests so
so close to Taiwan, were mainly because of the radical separatists
(DPP/TIers) gaining influence in Taiwan. There is nothing to do
with Taiwan/ROC(the Republic of China)'s so-called democratic system.

The Mainland China/PRC(the People's Republic of China)'s reunification
propose is almost meaningless. Under the PRC's so-called "One-Country
Two-Systems" reunification, Taiwan can keep virtually everything intact
(including its own army/airforce/navy), and PRC will not send officials
to Taiwan but Taiwan can send officials to Mainland as a Vice President.
In one word, a reunification on paper only.

China is not interested in the world domination (so some small countries
having nuclear weapons won't worry it much) and only want to protect
its territorial integrity as the greatest U.S. president Abraham Lincoln
did a century ago (even though it is on paper only, the 'face' factor
is very important in the Chinese culture and 5000-year history).

Finally, just for the sake of declining U.S. economy and the sad state
of U.S. competitiveness in the global market, Taiwan is responsible
to the unemployment of at least one million U.S. workers for the past
20 years!!!

(Please see my following article "Taiwan took 1 million U.S. jobs"
for details. What are we (USA) fighting for???)

Could someone PLEASE forward this article to his/her congressman/woman?
We can not let our great U.S.A. be played like a grand piano by the
foreign money (which was taken from U.S. economy in the first place),
and be dragged into someone else's civil war, fighting for a place
which is responsible for the unemployment of at least 1 million
U.S. workers!

If we don't worry about the future of our motherland (U.S.A.) and
take care her interest first, who will??? Let's unite to stop
the foreign-money-influenced ego-seeking politicians from pushing
an otherwise-eager-to-be-friendly-with-U.S. nuclear power into
other hostile camps and getting ourselves into a nuclear abyss
in the Middle East!

Sorry for using anon-service. But I don't want my boss to know
I'm wasting his time. Thanks for your understanding.

MA Tuowen
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Dwayne Allen Day

22.03.1996, 03:00:0022.03.96
an wrote:

Annonymous postings to anything other than the sex groups look really
suspicious. Want to say something? Then take credit for it.

: I am really worrying that my adopted mother country might be dragged

: into a nuclear conflict for a senseless cause by the ego-seeking
: foreign-money-influenced politicians and the biased ignorant media

No! Say what you really mean!

: (a few days ago, the Washington Post said that Chinese missiles don't

: have the range to reach Taiwan so they will be launched from ships!)

Wrong, bopphead. What it said was that the type of missile that was
likely to be tested did not have the range to reach the area that China
listed as a target--therefore, it would have to be launched from a ship.

: (What would Americans have felt, had some foreign powers from 6000 miles

: away gotten involved in the American Civil War during 1860's???

Uh, they did. Obviously you're no student of American history.

: Remember what the greatest American president Lincoln did back then:

: mobilize entire country's resources to fight the separatists and keep
: the territorial integerity of U.S.A.)

Don't you dare compare Lincoln and the preservation of American democracy
with the murderous thugs of China.

[remaining poorly-written, bombastic, incoherent bullshit deleted]

: Sorry for using anon-service. But I don't want my boss to know

: I'm wasting his time. Thanks for your understanding.
: MA Tuowen

Please stop wasting ours.


"China will never be as advanced as other nations because the Chinese
language lacks individual letters. Therefore, the Chinese cannot develop
acronyms, which are a prerequisite for a modern military."

C. Ligh

22.03.1996, 03:00:0022.03.96
Dwayne Allen Day wrote:
> "China will never be as advanced as other nations because the Chinese
> language lacks individual letters. Therefore, the Chinese cannot develop
> acronyms, which are a prerequisite for a modern military."

Interesting point, but an A-bomb by any other name can still ruin somebody's

I sure they use some goofy names for their platforms too.


Dan Ford

23.03.1996, 03:00:0023.03.96

If these anonymous propaganda posts annoy you, this is what to do: don't
reply to the (probably paid) lobbyist who's posting them through the anon
service in Finland, but flame the hell out of the anon service at the
address below. - Dan

On Thu, 21 Mar 1996 wrote: (yada yada yada)

> --****ATTENTION****--****ATTENTION****--****ATTENTION****--***ATTENTION***
> Your e-mail reply to this message WILL be *automatically* ANONYMIZED.
> Please, report inappropriate use to


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