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Only 'Zero Tolerance For Criminal Minds' Can Tolerate Them - {HRI 20040205-V3.0-beta-1-p1} - (Preview 1 of Version 3.0 part one, on 26 Oct 2004)

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Leonardo Been

Oct 26, 2004, 10:09:18 AM10/26/04
Only 'Zero Tolerance For Criminal Minds' Can Tolerate Them

5 February 2004
{HRI 20040205-V3.0-beta-1-p1}

(Preview 1 of Version 3.0
part one, on 26 Oct 2004)

(suitable for foreign
language students)

(layout for
typewriter font)

"I want to live - that's freedom that I want!
To be responsible myself - that's what I need!
My life sure must be mine, to choose where I should go:
THEN I can face the world and dance for you."

-- title song, Children's TV program 'Spring!' *(a)

Naturally - by your very nature - you create an atmosphere in which
you try to keep people and things safe.

So, 'Zero Tolerance of Criminal Minds' means, that you create

an atmosphere, that does not allow individuals to follow Criminal
impulses, but

where you notice these, and

where you notice what these try to hide and try to bring
about unhindered, and then

again naturally,

you will of course act according to the understanding that
you get, about what is actually going on,

and not anymore based on what a Criminal Mind or
someone acting on Criminal impulses

wants you to NOT sense, wants you to NOT
understand, wants you to NOT act naturally
towards, wants you - against your very nature -
to NOT properly defend or safeguard yourself or
others from.

Creating an atmosphere, that does not allow individuals to follow
Criminal impulses, is what you normally do, of course:

You try to keep people and things (including your own things)
safe. You intend to protect them from harm. You act, when you see
an accident about to happen, that you can prevent.

It is a normal part of life, to create the atmosphere that does
notice - and that does try to sense the intention of and protect
against - Criminal impulses, *(h)

...BUT you have to make yourself aware of the fact THAT you
are creating such an atmosphere,

so that you notice it when you are being tricked into
not creating that atmosphere,

(like "in order to be polite" or "in order to
be respectful" - to name some common tricks
that Criminal Minds use to make you agree to
not look at them and to not sense their actual
intentions that they hide)

that you have been tricked ALSO into not even
feeling THAT you stopped creating the atmosphere
so natural to life, of 'Zero Tolerance of Criminal

that you have been tricked into not feeling that
has happened to you or to others

...AND you have to know consciously, and with detailed

how Criminal Minds disturb a normal and safe

This works exactly the same in a
personal relationship, in a company or
at school, in a family, as it does in a
town, in a country, and between
countries too. *(10)(12)

And people who do not care about
Criminal impulses in their personal
life, also will not care about these in
a group or on a national or
international scale

- no matter how loudly they are
being "activists," and

regardless of how famous or
'respected' or 'holy' they are
considered or claiming to be.


- this 'creating an atmosphere of "Zero Tolerance"' THAT YOU

in order that you will ESPECIALLY do so,

when you suspect you are tricked, or might have been tricked,

into NOT creating that atmosphere

not creating it in certain places or under certain
conditions or with certain people or during and for
certain activities,

and that you will start again to do so:

To naturally create the atmosphere of

'Zero Tolerance for Criminal impulses.'

And repairing it, is best done by looking as truthfully as
possible at and by finding how you have been stopped, how

- when and where and by whom and with what lies and most
of all and mainly, by what mental force -

you have indeed been tricked or blinded into NOT anymore creating
a safe and very normal atmosphere - when you stopped doing so:

When you have been tricked into "pleasing Criminal Minds,"

into "doing them the favor and politeness and kindness and
'loving act',"

of not sensing or of not feeling or of not knowing
or of not remembering their Criminal impulses.

Very typical here, are personal "friendships"
and family "relations" and certain tribal

which mis-define good and evil in terms
of material benefit or social status that
is gained or maintained at the expense of
others "who are 'not friends' or 'not
family' or 'not of the tribe',"

or in much simpler words:

Who protect and hide Criminal
Minds, with the excuse of their
"being friends," "being family,"
"being the head of state," "being
Arab," "being Islamic," etc..

Or you may have to find and look at times when you have
been tricked,

by Criminal Minds that may be not visible as such to

into still thinking that

"you ARE alert" and "you ARE still properly caring for
your own safety or for that of others." *(26)

History abounds with such examples.

You see, building two billion dollar
submarines is not the same as spending two
million dollars on informing people about
the First International Law, *(10)

which is not based on tribal thinking,
but on your natural and responsible
caring for people,

which is, of course, entirely
regardless of what nationality
they happen to have in their
present life.

Because that is the trick that Criminal Minds are playing
on everyone, on you -

they have achieved, that nobody anymore knows
consciously the nature of perception or of awareness.

So now, they can make you believe that "you are
perceiving or feeling 'what is there'," when in fact

they have blocked or disabled your feeling (your
feeling-perception) of their intentions, and, when in

they have blocked or disabled your perception (your
perception-feeling) of their many tricks, pretenses
and deceptions, and, when in fact

- please remember, that 'feeling' is another
word for sensing, for noticing,

"thinking," it is called in some
societies where Criminal Minds managed to
sell the lie that "feeling is not
thinking" and that "thinking is not
feeling" and even "are opposites,"

(according to some even stuck into
the left and right of their body
part which - according to their
own lies - does that thinking for

and 'feeling' IS perception, as I have
explained to you in Fine Particle Physics
*(2) -

they have blocked you from feeling, sensing,

(you are allowed by them still to call it, that
'you are thinking,'

much like when you see, feel and sense
that the sun stops shining after sundown

but you are only allowed to consider and
say that "you are thinking that the sun
went below the horizon,"

that is not a joke, by the way,
if you perceive and state
something that a Criminal Mind
does not like

- for, to you entirely
mysterious reasons,

because you do not know
yet that you said it to a
Criminal Mind -

then he or she says, "That is what
YOU think,"

so you "have merely an opinion" about)

what they ACTUALLY think as opposed to what they
project (with mental force) for you to feel "exists"
and "is what they are" and "is what they think about
you or about life." *(43)

The more intelligent Criminal Minds tell you also,
then, that "it is YOUR REALITY"

- they deliberately mis-define the word

which means 'that, what is,' but

they have deliberately mis-defined it into
"what you or someone THINKS there is,"

and they make endless discussions about
that, about reality, and then they call
themselves, or want to be called

while simply, they are Criminal
Minds, who deliberately have
mis-defined 'reality' to mean a
subjective or even a non-existent
thing or a 'maya,' an illusion,
"what you or someone THINKS there
is," *(n)

and people who are or have been on
drugs, can not see or feel the
difference anymore, between
reality and illusion, and so they
feel and say that "proven by their
experience, reality does not

they WANT reality not to
exist, they WANT not to feel
reality or truth, that is
WHY they want to and do take
drugs, and

they DELIBERATELY mis-define 'reality' into
"what you or someone THINKS there is."

And then it is only one step further, for you or
others to agree and then of course also to act as if
their projections are the "reality"

while in fact they are illusions or delusions
in order to hide reality, to hide 'that, what
is,' and to prevent feeling reality,

to prevent you from feeling 'that, what
actually is.' *(n)

In other words, Criminal Minds are
perfect actors, and they are indeed
perfect 'con men' (or 'con women'). *(3)

(A 'confidence' man or woman, gains
your confidence, makes you

ACTUAL REALITY, so that you

(well, not you of
course, you and I are
totally immune to such
things, of course, but
he or she makes
others) trust *(n) and

feel totally convinced, that "you
notice and know what he or she
is doing, and what is going on,"

while in actual fact you do NOT
really see or know what you should
know most urgently

what he or she does to
people, thinks about people,
and actually wants from you
and others, by means of
deception. *(n)(n)

They do enjoy nothing more, than to deceive
and trick you and anyone around you,

in all possible ways - and in particular by
using, of course, methods that you do not know
about (yet), or can not detect (yet),

and they ENJOY thereby to destroy your
life in some way or in many ways.

And the more your life and health
is destroyed, the less you can
defend yourself, and the more they
attack, indeed without any
conscience at all.

Regardless of whether you like that
reality or not - that is how they are:

The weaker YOU are, the
more they attack - even
preferably in your sleep, or
when you are too young, or
too old, or injured, or maybe
drugged by some medical

when you are in any condition
in which you are in need or
can less easily or not defend

And THAT is reality -

again, whether you rather like to
see illusions and delusions, or

it is reality. *(n)

They ENJOY being un-imaginably evil to others,
to you - no matter how much you want peace and
no matter how much you love people -

and they are especially proud about themselves,
when they manage to be evil without being
hindered, without being detected, or without
even being suspected.

And their greatest delight it is,

when they at the same time succeed in
making you believe, that "they are decent
and helpful people," and when they

so manage to betray you - that severely,
as to get your support and also your
admiration (and your love, and your
money, and your time)

...for the "good" they pretend
to be doing.

That is one of the mechanisms, that
Criminal Minds use:

To try to pretend to be good or

so that they don't have to
force you

in other "much less pleasant
ways," to lose your Energy
or your money to them, but

so that you feel obliged and
noble to support them,

NOT ONLY for you to freely
give Criminal Minds your
support and your Energy,
maybe even your money, and
possibly your devotion, but


...even against those true
friends who have detected
them. *(35)*(26)

And Criminal Minds do that by
using the methods of projecting
"realities" and of preventing the
perception or sensing of that what
is, of reality. *(n)(n)(n)(n)

So I am teaching you to survive in all that.

And I am teaching you, so that you can help others too (also
help me, wherever I may be) to survive all those things. *(4)

You are naturally creating an atmosphere, an alertness, in which you
are prepared to do enough looking and enough feeling,

(sensing - or 'thinking' if you really insist on calling
it that as it is used in the phrase "I think of you"
which means usually "I feel something of you")

so that you do notice and do recognize not only loving and caring
impulses, but also Criminal impulses where these exist

(where these are a reality, or 'the reality,' strictly
speaking, of course):

That you are feeling these from others, is a form of perception

- feeling (connecting with Life Energy, to feel, to sense,
to think, to remember, to know, to notice) as in the
expression "I feel that you are happy," or in "I could
feel that you were happy" -

and feeling or sensing is actually the main ingredient of all

as I hope I have explained to you now, here, and elsewhere
in much more detail. *(2)

But again, and obviously, Criminal Minds do not want
you to sense and feel, but they tell you that only
light and sound and touch and smell exist,


which is sensing and feeling and
perceiving thought or intentions. *(n)

You do not just need data, but you FEEL what is there.

The data can be all wrong, and you must compare these
against your feeling (your 'thinking, your 'knowing,' your
'remembering' - all these are done by FEELING):

If there is too much conflict between the data and
the feeling, then

you need to feel more, observe more, sense more, know
more, remember more, and you need to find out more

to obtain the understanding that obviously was
lacking, about the feeling and about the data
you had or that was given to you in the

where the data and your feeling were in
conflict or

where the data and the feeling were just
too little

(too few, too limited, too narrow)

to base a good enough decision on that is carried by
understanding the reality, that what ACTUALLY is.

And data, also the realization that data is conflicting too much,
can help you of course, to decide in what direction to feel and
what to look for - it is a guide line -

but even then, you will still have to FEEL in order to
know with what intention data or knowledge is given, what
the intention of the data is. *(4)(n)

Certainly you know the jokes about statistical data,
which can be hilarious when the intention of the data
is not given, or is wrongly understood.

("If the most frequent family name on Earth is
'Chang,' and the most frequent first name is
'Mohammed,' then ... ")

And then there is the very common situation, where you have no
time or it is simply not possible to get sufficient data, or
where you are denied or actively prevented from getting the data
you do most vitally need:

Then you have no other choice, than to FEEL WHAT IS GOING
which you should do anyway all the time, so it is
a good thing to develop that ability, if you are a
decent and caring, loving and responsible person.

It is, by the way, out of sheer necessity, *(9)
that I started to direct that ability to
overcome those who were most destructively,
most evilly and most forcefully, hiding things
from me that should be known - and they were
not only hiding it from me, of course, but
from everyone to deceive and trick them,

they were most forcefully hiding how they
had been not only in the past - but were
continuously busy NOW destroying people's
lives (including mine, of course). *(36)

And then you also have to develop your ability
to recognize those PROJECTED emotions and ideas
(all these are contained in the Life Energy
projected) to deceive and to manipulate you,

to manipulate your emotions and your
thoughts, and thus THEY DO INDEED
determine your actions,

by means of those Energies containing
(entirely false) emotions and ideas (that are

which they project at you, or around
you or around another, and around

in order to confuse your FEELINGS (which are
perceptions and thinking) about a person or
about them or about what happened in the past
with them, or about what you expect from them
in the future. *(16)*(2)

Another most common situation is, that you don't know THAT you
are missing important data. *(20)*(13)

Also there, you have to FEEL whether you might be missing
something that is very important.

So, what Criminal Minds do, is they try to
block your FEELING, and they try to manipulate
your FEELING, they 'throw dust in your eyes,'

so that you will not even suspect that
you are missing the most important data
for protecting your life and that of
others from them. *(20)(n)

Living itself (the activity called Life) is entirely an
activity of FEELING, you might say correctly,

(perception, awareness, memory, thinking, interaction
with your body and with your body's organs of sense,
are all done with Life Energy that FEELS and contains
your feelings, thoughts, perceptions, memories,
awareness, etc.

- observing, in case you like to know that
more precisely, is a combination and a
working-together of 'sensing,' 'thinking,'
'remembering,' 'knowing,' and 'noticing'

and - as we will see below -

a separation between feeling and rationality is
completely artificial, and

solely intended TO MAKE YOU NOT FEEL,

which - to make you not feel - is the same as
to make you not aware, is

to make you not perceive Criminal

because indeed, Criminal impulses are detected
primarily by FEELING them,

and not - regrettably enough - by building and
keeping billion dollar submarines at work with
the most sophisticated sonar installations and
stealth techniques. *(n)

Normally you have enough feeling for life - you are FEELING so
much of life - that

you are feeling really all-around you,

and that is the normal, natural condition ALSO when
you are concentrated or focused on something, or on

You are really curious, interested, and you want to know or
sense or have an idea of what is happening all-around you, *(n)

you want to have an understanding also of that what you
sense and know is happening around you, of what is really
going on, of what is INTENDED by people around you,

so that you can act or react correctly - or decide
not to react, depending on the circumstances,

based on your sensing, perceiving, feeling, thinking and
thus knowing what is really going on.

This needs the force of penetrating observation, which
- again - is normal for you,

for a person who is alive and well,

whose looking is not too much dominated,

who is not too severely controlled, with

"what you are 'allowed' to look at and
see, and what not."

You create a force of looking and feeling and of connecting to
your memories

(that is, you create Life Energy for being aware),

and you do that all the time, without even thinking that
THAT IS what you are doing naturally,

naturally to protect and defend your life, naturally to protect
and defend the life of others (of me too):

Because you ARE life,

and you are not a Criminal Mind who basically intends
to destroy life,

you naturally protect and defend life,

THAT IS 'Zero Tolerance of Criminal impulses.'

And why I tell you so elaborately about it:

Your force of observation is most
severely changed, diverted, twisted,
blocked and deceived,

in any possible situation and on any
possible subject,

in the most unexpected ways, and

with wholly INVISIBLE purposes created
and maintained and projected by Criminal

- whether you like it or not.

THEREFORE it is highly important that you know
precisely what you naturally and normally do,

AROUND WITH by Criminal Minds.

But it is also important to know, that Criminal
Minds will avoid any responsibility for what
they have done and for what is done to them,

and so they blame everything on others,
that happens to them.

In other words, they use anything, also
this, to hide their actual condition from
you, and for demanding that "You must help
them against Criminal Minds who make them
do bad things or who give them bad

Criminal Minds solely ask that, in
order to get a way in, to destroy
your life, WHILE you try to help

I have described that elsewhere in

By itself, your natural feeling for Life already creates the type
of atmosphere, that is very likely to detect (and often also will
prevent or halt) Criminal impulses

- depending somewhat on how much you have been left

from having to follow familial, cultural,
religious or social or economic patterns
INSTEAD OF being allowed, and also demanding of
yourself, *(n)(n)

to be yourself:

NORMALLY, if you are left somewhat undisturbed by Criminal

you create an atmosphere of 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal
impulses' which is very likely to prevent or halt any bad
influence on you and on others - that is, any very bad influence

on the thinking and feeling of normal, decent

who - like you and me - are inevitably and

on Earth, day and night, wake and
especially during sleep, as Criminal
Minds are cowards always, and entirely
without any conscience,

when you, or a child or baby is
asleep, you are or it is a more
easy target,

and then parents are that cruel to
their children to say "there is
nobody under the bed or in the

- which is a very mean and
destructive thing to say to
anyone, especially to a child,
setting it up for a life of
illness and severe mental
problems for the rest of his life
by enforcing The Mafia Code
Against Mankind *(n) on a child -
when it is

subjected to the Criminal impulses that
Criminal Minds do create and do project at
people and at their bodies

- whether you or they like it or not -

but with 'Zero Tolerance' of Criminal impulses

you prevent or halt any bad influence from at least some Criminal

(Criminal INTENTIONS ON OTHERS, Criminal
ENERGIES, or Poisoned Life Energy)

that would - if not seen or felt and stopped - indeed
intend to incite wholly NORMAL people

to want to inflict some kind of harm on others
or on themselves - to commit some very great
stupidity - or to desire Ugliness and lies,

to block the natural perception that people
have for seeing each other as one is, and

to block or hinder the feelings that people
normally would and do have for each other,
for you, for me.

You see, you have to know, THAT Criminal Minds are doing
such things.

And you have to know, that Life Energy is that,
what contains (holds, has in it, and makes felt
to you and others) all feelings and intentions
and ideas and memories.

You have to know, that Life Energy is created
or used not only by you, but also by others,

and of course also by Criminal Minds, whether
you like it or not.

You have to know, that Life Energy

(as Fine Particles, which you easily feel
hitting onto your skin, or into your eyes
or making your ears ring or blocked, or
upsetting your stomach or belly, or
unwanted-ly stimulating your genitals, or
causing Pain in your heart or in any
other part of your body) is projected

- including all its content and
intention or force intended to bring
something definite about -

at you, and at others.

And you can easily feel those projections - not
only with your body, but with your soul too, of

They produce all kind of feelings, which
are not caused by "a cold current of air"
or by "the climate" or by "hormones" or
by "eating something bad" or a host of
other entirely insane "reasons" *(n)

- they are FEELINGS, and they are of
course addressed as feelings, as
Energies that are hitting you and your
body and that have been smashed into
your body by Criminal Minds.

You find out who really actually
did it, and with what intention and
what gross and extreme lies he or
she put into the Energy as 'glue,'

then it will vanish, usually.

It has countless times saved my
life, to do so. *(n)

Also that, is related in more
detail in other Human Rights

Criminal Minds already have tricked you into NOT
knowing these things, you see:

You are NOT learning this at school, and not in
college, nor in university,

at the time I wrote this.

And they will continue to do everything
possible to prevent this from being taught to


Even without that you understand what 'impulses' are, without
that you know the actual definition of 'Criminal,' you are still
of course, naturally creating a type of atmosphere that intends
to detect, to prevent or to stop Criminal impulses.

Whether you know anything at all about how you do

whether you know what kinds of Life Energy you
are producing to create such an atmosphere,

is not relevant to doing it ...much like breathing
does not require any knowledge of oxygen and of
nitrogen or carbon dioxide.

So even when you know nothing about the mechanisms involved, you

with the Life Energy that you create, and that you fill the
room around you with,

are making an atmosphere that tends to prevent or to diminish or
even to stop the Criminal impulses, that some people generate
and project.

When you do that, decent and honest people feel safe to be
around you, they treat you with great respect, some might even
'thank you for being,' for being yourself no matter what happens.

'Impulses' are Life Energies that contain intentions and
ideas and emotions, and some types of force to make the
intentions and ideas and emotions accepted, or even to
make these wanted:

"Let's do so and so," or "See it this way" or "Feel
angry or happy about this,"

are all intentions contained in Life Energy, and that
Energy can be projected (and IS continuously being
projected) at you and anybody, with the INTENTION
that you feel or think or do the same:

That is not difficult to see when you observe
a school of fish or a swarm of birds moving
all together.

But it can become very frightening and
destructive as you see in the current, still
remaining dictatorships or when you study the
history of dictators

political or religious or military
dictators, regardless of how they want
themselves and their activities named.

Criminal Minds are very particular in their projections,
because they have everything in reverse, and because they
want to have everything in reverse.

They project:

"See and feel the opposite of what is there."
"Think these lies about this person."
"Admire and support that Criminal Mind, feel any lies
(about him) as if these are true."
"Hate and ridicule and disbelieve this caring person, feel
the lies (about him) as if these are true." *(10)

YOU project with your Life Energy to others:

"See things and see people as they actually are."
"Do like people for what they really are." *(24)

And with YOUR Life Energy, you project to others:

"Do NOT admire things that are not at all admirable."

You would likely project the Energy, which others also feel:

"it is NOT admirable, to steal from or to betray or to
deceive people." *(23)*(22)

All these thoughts are created in Life Energy, and
so you can and you DO project these Life Energies,

and people feel that, it creates an atmosphere, it
creates a good atmosphere.

That is how you and others create a good atmosphere.

They have a special word for that in Dutch:


- which means that you are creating a
happy and caring atmosphere for
others, and expect the same to be
done by everyone present. *(n)

And with such a good atmosphere, you prevent or hinder the effect
that Criminal impulses would have on people.

You might well and quite correctly say, that Criminal
impulses are

'Poisoning Life Energies.'

Thus, with a good atmosphere, you prevent - or at least
considerably hinder - other people (and yourself too) from
being infected by (or maybe wholly immersed *(2) in) the
Criminal impulses projected by Criminal Minds,

that otherwise would reach others, but

that now do not reach them, or that affect most of them
much less, because of you.

Nice, isn't it.

It is actually something you can do, and even though
it seems that you are doing nothing, you are
radiating very much Energy to protect people from
harmful Energies.

ALSO when Criminal impulses are well hidden, when these
are made invisible, or when these are camouflaged as "good
intentions," *(24)

for instance when a Criminal impulse is being
mis-labeled as "helping you," or as "providing
justice," or as "necessary for the survival or for
the protection of the group," and so on

- you certainly know some of these having been
done to you - *(3)

you will however look through these - either immediately,
or eventually -


It is a very, very, very good tool to detect
Criminal Minds

either detecting them instantly, at a glance,
or in the long run,

and to help your friends when these have been
made blind (by and thus) to a Criminal Mind

- usually a spouse or a parent or their
child, or someone they slavishly admire
or unconditionally love or care for,
or compulsively 'have to help' or
'must keep peace with.'

Thus you create your own viewpoint - instead of assuming and
co-creating an enforced or demanded, false "viewpoint." *(5)

A small but true story, to illustrate that:

Two criminals were busy bashing a sledge hammer at the
front window of a jewelry shop.

While doing so, they radiated to the passers-by the Energy
which contained the following, false viewpoint:

"This is none of your business - it is not your money,
that we are taking."

"If you stop us, we will come after you and kill
you, because, as you see, we ARE criminals."

Some passers-by, however, maintained their own Energy,
their natural Energy of 'Zero Tolerance' for Criminal

And so, six of those passers-by gathered together, and
then overwhelmed the two "deadly" criminals, and delivered
them to the police.

As I said, because you create an atmosphere of 'Zero Tolerance' for
Criminal impulses, you thereby make it more difficult for Criminal
Minds to infect you and to infect other people:

Criminal Minds are literally infecting your mind and those
of others

with the compulsion or intention (which is the
Energy) that you do something stupid or harmful,

and even, quite possibly, they add Energy that
creates (induces in you, makes you experience)
a joy of executing the compulsion, and

thus they may make people "enjoy the
excitement" of inflicting harm or destruction
on others, or of doing very stupid things that
harm themselves very much,

or they project onto people a "joy of
experiencing Ugliness," or a "joy of
experiencing Hate,"

projected feelings of "joy," which are
readily absorbed by those who are in
quite a bad condition already, and
therefore most likely are people

who are not rejecting, but absorbing and giving in to and
executing Criminal impulses (compulsions) projected at

Maybe a feeling or emotion of "how joyful it is to be
unrestrained," or

something like "You will give in to (submit to) the
Energy (the compulsion) anyway, so you might as well
enjoy it now, as much as you can," or

"you want it yourself," "it is your own nature, and it
finally comes up now, strongly enough to do it,"

etc., etc.. - Many slang expressions from the lower
side of life do describe just these things.

Quite another but equally well used method of Criminal
Minds is,

to project so much confusing Hate at you, and so much
unbearable Ugliness, that

"you do not want to feel that anymore," but

"you rather want to experience the relief that is felt
by not anymore opposing, but executing the
compulsions, and 'be done with it',"

and so, by your giving in to these, by your
letting the Criminal Mind(s) direct your own

that is, by for a short time being very

- for instance by projecting Hate and
death at the person you love most,

that is, at the person the Criminal
Mind wants destroyed most -

"you are getting rid" of all the Hate and Ugliness
feeling (Energy) projected at you.

Certainly, someone has given you such "advice."

A well-known guru even has it as one of
his exercises "to gain Enlightenment"

'Float with the river' or such,
he calls it.

It provides a seeming, and temporary feeling of
relief - not unlike paying extortion money:

For the time being, you have "handled the
attack on your feelings" - for some time, by
giving in to the compulsions

with which, however, one is constantly
being bombarded by Criminal Minds,

and which are bombarded

- which they project with such
feelings at you -

in such a way, that it feels to you these
really are

- as if the projected intentions
and the projected thoughts and
the projected feelings are -

"your own feelings and thoughts and

You can see these things happening in other people - it is
an actual breaking of their own will,

even if they do not admit it or are not aware of it,

or do not want to be aware of it when you point out
that they themselves would never want or feel such

And when such a break is rather severe, it is commonly
called a 'psychotic break.' *(n)

Now - INSTEAD of seeing or fighting the CAUSE OF THE

INSTEAD of observing and thus blocking the
Criminal Mind who causes the psychotic break,

the victim goes and destroys someone whom the
Criminal Mind wants attacked or destroyed. *(6)*(7)

That is NOT nice, isn't it.

In this way, a riot (a public act of violence
by an unruly mob) or even a lynching could
take place, which, by the very nature of such

- entirely based as it is on directing
and releasing Energies of Hate -

is ALWAYS intended by a Criminal Mind,

who is usually not detected as such, but
who creates and PROJECTS the Energy, the
impulses at people, the compulsion and
desire 'to be Criminal,'

without of course making it felt,
that HE HIMSELF (or she herself)
IS the one who should be
apprehended and disabled,

without of course making it felt,
that the Criminal Mind is the
ACTUAL - but entirely hidden -
object of the wrath of the very
people he misdirects and blinds by
means of projecting his Criminal
impulses. *(n)

As you may see now, it is not all that safe for you, or for your
friends, when people around you are NOT educated about the existence
and activity of Criminal Minds. *(8)(9)(10)(4)(2)(n)

Some of the emotions that a Criminal Mind intends you to
- he (or she, of course, too) puts emotions in the
Energy of his (or her) Criminal impulses to
manipulate you or others with, and EMOTIONS are of
course ideal to manipulate you or others with -

for instance,

to make you feel agitated about something or someone,

to make you feel "courageous" about doing something,

to make you feel "very right" about feeling or doing

to make you feel "you are finally doing what is
necessary," or "you have got to do now, what you
must do in life,"

and so on.

Those are some examples of feelings or emotions projected
at people,

at you, at anyone, when Criminal Minds try to
dominate someone or many people into wanting to or
"having to" execute some projected Criminal impulse.

When people do not feel or recognize the SOURCE
(originator, creator) of the feelings and of
the ideas, (when they do not feel from whom it
comes, and it is projected as "their own,")

then they think these are their OWN unbearable
emotions or crazy feelings, and their OWN
crazy ideas, *(n)

and, not assigning the correct source to it,
(not seeing or feeling or figuring out from
whom it actually comes)

they can of course not stop what they
think are "their own crazy feelings or

(and these feelings and ideas and
emotions and intentions then become
Compulsions, by definition), *(n)

it continues to be there even though they try
to stop it, and "so it must be their true and
own nature"

- while the Criminal Mind takes great
care not to be felt or even suspected,
as the actual source, but is very
busily projecting or maintaining the
Energy, the feelings, the emotions,
the ideas,

for people to experience "as their

Decent, normal people do NOT just by themselves get ideas to be
mean and ugly

- that only applies to Criminal Minds and those
Destructive Cowards who desire to serve and admire such
individuals -


- so it is a temporary feeling only, for decent, normal

for you, at times when you were under the
temporarily maybe very strong influence of a
Criminal Mind - as certainly has been the case at
one or more occasions in your life time.

Such an influence, when it is exerted strongly and
persistently, for instance

with a "must solve it now and only in one way," and
with a barrage of "reasons,"

("reasons" that are of course lies, but that are
also projected in the Energy)

- if it is NOT opposed by an atmosphere of 'Zero
Tolerance' for Criminal impulses - then it

can make people VERY destructive, not only to others, but
also to themselves, *(11)

as you have read in the history books,

described, though, by some very insane
historians or journalists, in terms that
drive idiocy to perfection, like "'Germany' did
not like 'England'," or "'Germany' wanted more
territory," or now, "'China' wants to invade
Taiwan." *(38)(n)

Criminal Minds 'deliver' (project) their Energy of Criminal
impulses, and they impose their influence onto others even
more firmly, by making these impulses,

which are compulsions (the suggestion or
desire to do something that is not your, but
someone else's desire or intention on you)
that they constantly project at you

in order to try and determine FOR YOU,

what you must feel or not feel, and
what you must think and what you must
not think, and

what you must be aware of and what you
must not be aware of,

even more firmly, when it is

by means of a variety of tricks and lies contained
in those Energies projected,

felt by you in such a way that you want to comply with it:

As if that (what they compel) "is really necessary
now," or "it solves all the problems you could not
solve up to now;" or, (their impulses intend to make
it seem to you)

"that it is 'exactly how YOU feel about it',"
(really!) and "is what 'YOU' want to do now," that
"it is actually that, what YOU always wanted to do,
the moment you see things clearly," and so on.

I am sure, you can remember some times, that
you have been led into disaster, in your life,
just by that trick or "Enlightenment" - which
was however not YOUR enlightenment, but which
was projected at you,

often involving your bank account or your
personal relations.

You get the idea, I hope, with those examples.


The grosser the lies, the greater is the hypnotic effect
these have on you, as long as these have some 'glue' of
truth with which to attach it to you.

For example "You WOULD give in to the (projected) feeling,
and follow the (projected) ideas ...IF you had enough

Which is a lie, a complete lie, because in
fact, ALL Criminally minded acts ARE ACTS OF
COWARDICE - if you care to look at it more
closely than just the superficial emotion of

But, the more atrocious the lie, the
better it sticks, attached with some
glue of truth.

The truth that glues - in the
example - is, that you would do
certain things that YOU wanted, if
you had more courage.

Criminal Minds have everything in reverse, and,

in order to get you to accept and follow a
Criminal impulse,

they project special lies with the impulse (in the
impulse) - lies that are designed to make you accept
the impulse, or, to make you not reject the force
and pressure of it;

they project HIDDEN, entirely HIDDEN lies in order to
make the impulse 'stick with you.'

For instance:

They attach a forceful feeling of certainty:
"It is 'self-understood,' that that is the
truth - you do not have to think about that or
verify that, because 'everybody knows it is

(Some Criminal Minds even went so far as
to write their totally atrocious lies
down and call these "Ultimate Logic,"
"Cosmic Law," "Axioms of Life" and so

They project the lie (which you do not
recognize but feel as if it is your own idea)
for instance, that, if you execute "your"
'brilliant' idea or 'solution' (the compulsion
he or she threw at you), "THEN you are very

They project the atrocious lie, that "then you
are really admitting and following your OWN

They project the lie, that "it is actually
your 'own' decision..."

And so they make you fabricate by
yourself the Energy which increases the
Criminal impulse you received,

you put your own actual Energy of force
into it, and you even put your own, very
personal feelings onto it too, and your
personal "signature" Energy,

which then FOR OTHERS makes the
Criminal impulse more acceptable
and accepted,

because others see you and they do
not see the Criminal Mind who made
you follow the destructive

This is why people in cults
- whether religious or
ideological - try to get you
especially if you are by
your nature recognized by
people as a trustworthy
person, or when you are a

In this way, the source of the Criminal
impulses is hidden even further,

the Criminal Mind who originated
the Criminal impulses, becomes
less easily detectable as being a
Criminal Mind, because and

while you do not know, that that,

what FEELS to you as "your own

what feels like "your own
decision" and what feels like
"NOW you are very courageous,"

is actually an infection into your
personal Energy,

you are infected with the will of
a Criminal Mind, or several
Criminal Minds,

to make you NOT AT ALL do what YOU want,
but to make you do what THEY want you
to do.

To make you do things with insidious
control and manipulation,

to make you do things which they
can not let you decide yourself,


WITHOUT manipulating your
thoughts and feelings, and

WITHOUT hiding from you,
that THEY project these
emotions and ideas and
impulses at you in a
hypnotic manner, as

(they are preventing
your awareness from
connecting to it, and
thus they prevent you
from seeing WHERE the
ideas and feelings
come from while they
project that these "are
your own," which is)

a hypnotic intention on you,

you by yourself would not create
such ideas and feelings,

even though it FEELS to you
as if you yourself created
them because you have been
tricked into contributing
your Energy to them,

and that fact, your own
Energy contributed to it,
then makes it easier for
Criminal Minds to project the
lie, that "you are a
Criminal Mind yourself."

Without all their tricks, they would never be
able to persuade you to think of doing and to
like doing what they want you to do.

A NORMAL person would (and does) simply
ask you whether you would like to do
something, or whether you would like to
help him with something.

And a NORMAL person lets you look at the
whole situation

- also when you are 'merely' a
soldier and you are asked to do
a dangerous mission, a normal
commander fully informs you and
explains to you what you are
dealing with or can expect,

- also when you are 'merely' a
child who by the very nature of
being a child, needs MORE
explaining done to him OF THE
teacher or parent would do his
best to let the child get the
whole picture, and not "just
enough to be able to manipulate
and control the child" - or to
have the child continue to be
manipulated and controlled by
others "for its own good," or
"to spare its nerves" and all
kind of other, endless and no
doubt very clever lies.

In order to get anything evil or harmful done
at all by normal people, by you too, a
Criminal Mind - of course - MUST control, MUST
deceive, and he MUST dominate others, he MUST
dominate you, if only (he must dominate some
part of) your ability of perception: *(20)

A Criminal Mind does HAVE to do that,
and he (or she) also ENJOYS doing that.


(their creating and directing
at others the Energy which
carries the force, the false
feelings, and the lies *(20)
of their Criminal impulses)

IS THE MAIN METHOD of controlling
and dominating people into doing
evil or consenting to evil done

- as you can read in the
history books, if you look
at how Criminal Minds
managed to get very normal
people, the majority of a
a billion people, even, to
consent to major evil being
done to themselves, and
doing it to each other, how
a Criminal Mind gets normal
people to actively do evil
"for the good of all."

Criminal Minds operate in the same way as you can imagine
a virus infecting a healthy body.

When the virus is not detected by the body, or not
nullified by its immune system

(the analogy when Criminal impulses are not
detected or not opposed, or not even looked for

or felt),

or in other words, by its 'Zero Tolerance' for
harmful viruses, then

the virus might overwhelm the body's immune system
to such an extent that sickness or even death results

(the analogy of the Energy of the Criminal
impulses that might - literally - smash and
tear or hit away or push aside your normal,
own and thus healthy Energy with which you
hold your own viewpoint, smashed to pieces,

so that you are then seeing, feeling and even
co-creating the lies projected as "true,"

and in this way, the Criminal Mind then gets
you "as if it is from your own viewpoint," to
victimize even your the most responsible and
caring friend you may have

which is not only exceedingly harmful to
your caring friend, but also to
yourself). *(6)*(11)*(13)

Similar by analogy to a virus, Criminal Minds are
able to infect normal people with Criminal impulses;

if those (the Energy Particles that carry and
in fact are the impulses *(2)) are absorbed
without feeling from whom these stem, and are
mistaken for one's "own Energies," then

they become compulsions. *(6)

Defining 'compulsion':

Intentions and ideas and feelings or emotions
ARE Life Energies *(2), which are readily
absorbed by life, thus also by other people
than the originator, and

they are used in this case (by Criminal Minds)
to manipulate people. *(2)

Technically, compulsions are very much as you
have seen them used in hypnosis:

Getting you, or the person hypnotized, to
absorb the hypnotist's Energies (which contain
ideas, perceptions, conclusions, intentions,
etc.), and

making you, the hypnotized person, give up

over how some Life Energies (intentions
and ideas and feelings or emotions)
affect you,

such as whether you reject these
or not, and such as

whether you are aware or not aware
from whom and from where they come,

he is penetrating you, the hypnotized person,
with those Energies that HE creates and
projects at you,


because you were controlled,
dominated, hypnotized, into NOT
being aware, that those Energies
- penetrating you - are his,

mixing with your thoughts,
with your emotions, with
your intentions and your
decisions, as if these are
your own, now, but

that contain the intentions and the ideas and
the feelings or emotions (the lies) that the
hypnotist (or the dictator, etc.), has created
in the Energies, as

subconscious suggestions, with which the
hypnotist can, if he wants to, also compel

into thinking, and feeling, and then
quite possibly also

to do bad, ugly, mean and destructive things,
if he provides you with the Energy that make
you literally see or feel "reasons" why "you
want that,"

compelling you to do things that you, or
the hypnotized person, being normal at
other times, would not even get the idea
of doing.

In an atmosphere of 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal impulses,'
however, there is a lot of alertness

and indeed not any conscious desire at all for
being put to sleep or to be blinded to noticing
bad things going on, to have one's attention
controlled or put in euphoria,

- quite the opposite of being dulled -

and therefore Criminal Minds do not - or Destructive
Cowards who are the willing aids of Criminal Minds, also
do not - have much success,

even though they, like a hypnotist would too, intend
that their impulses are absorbed imperceptibly and
thus followed by people against their better
knowledge. *(2)

In an atmosphere of 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal impulses,'
they do not get much of a chance, because not only you,
but also

very naturally - unless they are tricked into
'having to be irresponsible' - alert

people around you create an atmosphere of 'Zero Tolerance
for Criminal impulses,'

that is, an atmosphere where those impulses are
immediately, or very soon, felt and detected,

thus THESE DO NOT PENETRATE into your thinking, into
your emotions or into your decisions, at least not
deeply enough to make you consent to or even do
harmful things.


A normal person creates, and you do so all the time, that is, by the
very nature of life itself, you create,

and - considering the enormous odds you have to face on Earth -
with quite some success, you

maintain an atmosphere of 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal impulses,'

not only to benefit yourself, but ALSO to create all around you
an environment where it is possible for you to enjoy life and to
be happy. You maintain the safety in which you can be happy,
which means, that

you naturally do so for others as well,

for those that you want to share your happiness with,

for those whose happiness you want to share:

A home, your home, your group, your town, places where you
go for sports or for your holidays, or for your business,

where, as a matter of course, you DO look out for,
and DO try to notice Criminal impulses, and where

you do NOT AT ALL tolerate Criminal impulses
to be executed - neither on yourself nor on
those you are with.

It is then precisely such an atmosphere of 'Zero Tolerance for
Criminal Minds' - which you need in order to work and to live:

It is a life-enhancing, safe and secure atmosphere, which
you create for yourself and for others, and

which you desire that others create for you too,

in which you can enjoy life with others, and where you can
make each other happy.

And when you continuously create an atmosphere of 'Zero
Tolerance of Criminal impulses,' you will achieve the greatest
gift of all:

You will become more and more yourself, and you will let
others who are like you, become more and more themselves.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



[ The Footnotes that refer to specific, published articles, are not
included in this preview version.
A general list - which I suggest you make a copy of - is available
currently at ]

[ For Footnotes that explain and give examples, rather than just
referring to other articles, I made up the word 'Textnotes.' ]

[ *(n) = Footnotes with number still to be assigned ]


(a) Free translation by Koos Nolst Trenite, of the Dutch original
song of the KETNET Children's Television show 'Spring!' [English:
'Jump!'], about teenagers who meet in a dance studio. The refrain
of the song is, in the original language:

"Ik wil leven, ik wil vrij zijn
Ik wil op mijn eigen benen staan
Ja, mijn leven moet van mij zijn
Ik wil kiezen waar ik heen moet gaan
En ik spring, spring, spring
De wereld in..."

The Internet version of the music video - with nice music too -
is, at the date of this issue, found at

(b) As regards diminishing the effects of people being influenced
by Criminal Minds, by the way, it is also what most architects
(in any branch of architecture, notably including landscaping and
interior architects) are continuously trying to tell you - in
different wording of course - that they are trying to do and

To create, by their designs and constructions, an
atmosphere where NORMAL people are less the effect of
the projection of destructive feelings at them. (Feelings
are Life Energies.)

However, even the most beautifully designed environment does
not stop the Criminal Minds themselves from generating Criminal

But they certainly can be detected and stopped more easily in
such an environment, when people are creating an atmosphere of
'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Minds.'

(c) You might be cautious in telling this to your science teacher,
because if he still believes that he or animals think with their
brain, then that part might - upon telling him the truth -
overheat, at least according to the theory he is made to believe

So maybe you first tell him "to keep his head cool,"
before you give him any such basic truths about life -
which he knows anyhow to be true, because

after all he IS thinking and remembering all the

which he is doing and always has done with Life
Energy, and always will do with Life Energy.

Thus it's a bit similar to your telling a small child, that
SantaClaus does not exist:

That can be quite traumatic, if he had accepted
firmly the belief in it.

Or when your science teacher is really into believing and
seeing Dualism in everything

('Dualism' *(+) is the lie that everything consists of
two opposing or matching things - which lie I also
will get to explaining to you, later in the text)

then he might believe, that the left half
of his brain is for feeling, and his right
half brain is for thinking.

Obviously in that case, you tell him to keep the
applicable side

- probably the left side then, because you ask him to
again feel - to keep that side

of his head cool. Offer him a bag of crushed ice, or keep
it at hand, just in case.


(d) The summit of naivity, and of having been mind controlled into
ignorance: "I know in my heart that man is good. That, what is
right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and
worth to each and every life." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004),
40th President of the United States of America


(f) Quote from Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels:

"That is the secret of propaganda: To totally impregnate,
to saturate with the ideas of the propaganda, the person
whom the propaganda wants to embrace, WITHOUT that he
notices it at all.
Of course, the propaganda has a purpose, but the purpose
is being concealed so cleverly, so masterly, that the
person who should absorb this purpose, doesn't notice it
at all."

The required feelings were provided by various activities with
propaganda that made it clear that "all demands were for the
best of the individual and the group."

(+) From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):

Dualism Du"al*ism, n. Cf. F. dualisme.

State of being dual or twofold; a twofold division; any
system which is founded on a double principle, or a twofold
distinction; as:
- (Philosophy) A view of man as constituted of two original
and independent elements, as matter and spirit.
- (Theology) A system which accepts two gods, or two original
principles, one good and the other evil.
- (Theology) The doctrine that all people of mankind are divided
by the arbitrary decree of God, and in his eternal fore-
knowledge, into two classes: The elect [chosen] and the
reprobate [rejected].
- (Physiology) The theory that each cerebral hemisphere [half of
the brain] acts independently of the other.

[Example of the lie being believed:] "An inevitable dualism
bisects [divides] nature [in half], so that each thing is a
half, and suggests another thing to make it whole." --Emerson.

See also subnote (++), on importance given to numbers.

(++) Some people look not only for opposites, for two things, but they
assign significance to a whole lot of numbers, and even letters
are given numbers too, and they do so wholly in order NOT simply
to look at what happened and seeing who caused what (which is
commonly known as the truth about something or about someone).


(h) If you want to be very precise about it, from the viewpoint of
Fine Particle Physics, then you know, that

people (including you and me, of course) create the Energy
with which they sense and with which they try to
understand what is happening and what others want. *(1)

People continuously create large amounts of Life Energy
Particles with which they connect to and feel the
environment *(1)

- not only for connecting to and feeling one's body,
and connecting to the ears and eyes of the body,

though that is what Criminal Minds would like
that you ONLY use your Energy for

meaning: NOT to sense and to perceive people,

which would also include, of course,
feeling any Criminal impulses of others,
of Criminal Minds.

And it would, and indeed does mean:

Detecting Criminal Minds easily and
sometimes even instantly with a very
workable margin of error,

if you have studied and well-
understood the Human Rights Issues

and have enough actual Love and
real Truth and genuine Beauty

to feel calmly and rationally and without

Thus penetrating their Energies and masks and
tricks and lies - mainly the enormous volume
and 'cocktails'

(mixtures of destructice Energies to
prevent you from detecting and removing,
and instead to get you to accept their
Energies and lies as "not-poisoned Life

and the unrelenting, never-ending force with
which they throw their harmful, Altered Life
Energies, that I have listed elsewhere.


(Robert D. Hare)

'Without Conscience - the disturbing world of
the psychopaths among us,' in particular its Chapter 7.,
about 'white-collar Psychopaths.'
By Robert D. Hare, University of British Columbia, 1993.
(New York: Pocket Books, 1995)
(New York: Guilford Press, 1999 - ISBN 1-5730-451-0)

From the back cover of the book:

'Robert Hare makes a strong case for the view that
psychopaths are born, not made. A chilling, eye-opening
report - and a call to action.'

'Of exceptional value to anyone wishing to look behind and
guard against these baffling predators [or parasite or
virus personalities] who live amongst us in fearful [in
large] numbers [sixty million of them on Earth].'

(Hervey Cleckley)

'The Mask Of Sanity - the acclaimed study of the
psychopathic personality'
By Hervey Cleckley, Medical College of Georgia, USA.
(St. Louis, MO - USA: Mosby Press Medical Library, 1982)
(New York: New American Library, ISBN 0-452-25341-1)

From the back cover of the book:

'Arrogant, shameless, immoral, impulsive, antisocial,
superficial, alert, self-assured, boastful, callous,
remorseless, charming, irresponsible:'

'This is the poisonous mix of traits, that make up the
psychopathic personality. [...]'

'Psychopaths also sit in corporate boardrooms [as
directors of companies or institutions,] or function
as scientists or physicians [medical doctors,] or in
any number of respectable capacities [holding
respected jobs or positions].'

'They are all legally competent. [In the legal sense,
they are not insane, because they can talk and
think as brilliantly as a lawyer, to achieve their

'None of them "hears voices" or displays any
psychosis [that a psychiatrist could easily
recognize or could recognize at all, as these can not
and also do not want to define psychosis correctly].'

'But they [psychopathic personalities] are all headed
for [causing others] big trouble, in a life-long
string of [causing] disasters [for others], that
could run the gamut [range, the whole spectrum]:

From [causing] financial ruin, to murder.'

'Psychiatrists know neither the cause nor the cure of
this disorder [and they can not and do not want to
define 'disorder' either, and they have been working
and will continue to work very hard to hide the
cause of any 'disorder,'] which evades [their]
established definitions of either sanity or insanity;

[So, I have defined all these terms, for you,
in the Human Rights Issues {the HRI's}, as none
indeed existed. So it is for the first time in
history, that correct definitions exist and
are published.]'

'indeed, psychiatrists themselves

[and any persons who try to help and to
understand Criminal Minds (psychopaths)]

are at times as helplessly manipulated by the
psychopath, as are the psychopath's other victims.'

Issue note:

Previous versions to the present Version 3.0, of this
Human Rights Issue, have not been published. I refer to:

'Writing Technique - Non-fiction - Facing Life' (17 Mar 2003)

Copyright 2004 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it,)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate, and to encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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