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Obama Says Minutemen are Vigilantes

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Jun 28, 2007, 11:41:51 AM6/28/07

of course Oprah likes him , but then she is both a racist and a
hollywood Globalist - Mr. Hipster ( I want to be Martin Luther King
only I don't want to get Killed I just want a lot of groupies) half
Black Ken Doll for President says:
( ps throw him in the same pile as HIlary)

Says Minutemen Are ''Self-proclaimed Vigilantes''
Orlando Sentinel : June 28 , 2007 -- by U.S. Sen. Barack Obama

"When we first tried to fix the system last year, it was a time when
hundreds of thousands of immigrants were protesting in the streets,
while self-proclaimed vigilantes known as the Minutemen were rushing
to defend our Southern border."
I often talk about the smallness of our politics -- our inability
to move beyond the pettiness that gives too loud a voice to those who
are already yelling and too little to those who are working to find
common-sense solutions to our challenges.

It's not an abstract concept. So much of our immigration debate has
taken this tone, but we have finally arrived at a point where real
progress is possible.

Immigration is certainly a difficult issue. When we first tried to fix
the system last year, it was a time when hundreds of thousands of
immigrants were protesting in the streets, while self-proclaimed
vigilantes known as the Minutemen were rushing to defend our Southern
border. In Congress, a good-faith attempt at reform that I helped
construct passed the Senate but ultimately failed in the heat of
election-year politics.

This week, we have a second chance to act. The passions remain, but so
does the problem. More than 2,000 immigrants now cross our borders
illegally every day. Twelve million undocumented are already here,
most who work in our communities and pay their taxes.

There are legitimate concerns on both sides of the debate. I have met
countless Americans who are worried about the constant flow of illegal
immigrants not because they are racists or xenophobes, but because
they fear that this influx of low-skill workers threatens to depress
wages that are already too low. They also rightfully expect their
government to control our borders.

At the same time, it is both unproductive and untrue to tag as
"amnesty" any proposal that would put the undocumented on a path to
earned citizenship, since the bill we're debating would penalize those
who broke our laws with steep fines and require them to start their
quest for citizenship at the back of the line.

Finding a compromise won't be easy, but we cannot walk away from
reform again. The American people sent us to Washington to take on the
tough issues, and they're tired of a politics that holds progress
hostage because of our inability to come together and get things

We will all have to make concessions. As a matter of policy, I've
never been a fan of the temporary guest-worker program, but as long as
it includes provisions to protect American workers and prevent the
exploitation of immigrant workers, I will support it because I know
it's a necessary compromise. I've also worked with Republican Sen.
Chuck Grassley on a provision that would make it significantly more
difficult for employers to hire workers illegally and would protect
American jobs.

All of us in the Senate should continue to work on improving this
bill. It's not perfect by any means, and attempts to fix certain parts
should be treated as good-faith efforts, not plots to undermine

But at the end of the day, even if there are provisions that some of
us find distasteful, we must find common ground and finally take
action on the two central issues that lie at the heart of this debate
-- the need to control our borders and ensure employers are hiring
only legal workers, and what to do about the 12 million undocumented
immigrants already here.

We are a nation of laws, and we cannot tolerate those laws being
broken by the thousands who pour over our borders. That's why it's
critical for any reform to include dramatically increased enforcement
at our borders and work sites.

But we are also a nation of immigrants -- a nation that has always
made a home for those who are willing to work hard, do right and
contribute to this country. Most of the undocumented immigrants who
work here do just that.

It is also unrealistic to believe that we could actually find and
deport all 12 million immigrants, when we don't even know who or where
they are. That is why the best way to bring the undocumented out of
the shadows is to give them a chance to show that they are ready to
shoulder the obligations of citizenship.

We must finally move past the small politics and achieve real progress
on immigration reform this week, not just for the sake of passing a
bill, but so that we can finally address the real concerns of the
American people and the persistent hopes of all those who want nothing
more than their own chance at the American Dream.

U.S. Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, a candidate for the 2008
Democratic presidential nomination, wrote this commentary for the
Orlando Sentinel.

Jun 28, 2007, 11:43:43 AM6/28/07
I like that guy.
Time to get an "Obama '08" bumper sticker.

Tie Rod

Jun 28, 2007, 12:00:16 PM6/28/07
to wrote:
> I like that guy.
> Time to get an "Obama '08" bumper sticker.

And brush up on your Farrakan hate buttons...

Eggs Ackley

Jun 28, 2007, 1:03:31 PM6/28/07
Beer-gutted white guys in armchairs, vigilantes? Hardly...

Drunken Walmart Greeter

Jun 28, 2007, 1:13:37 PM6/28/07
On Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:03:31 -0700, Eggs Ackley
<> wrote:

>Beer-gutted white guys in armchairs, vigilantes? Hardly...

Really now? Describe the average firearm-carrying American. Out of the
armchair and into the woods. Or behind the corner of that building, or
what have you.

Tie Rod

Jun 28, 2007, 1:20:31 PM6/28/07
Drunken Walmart Greeter wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:03:31 -0700, Eggs Ackley
> <> wrote:
>> Beer-gutted white guys in armchairs, vigilantes? Hardly...
> Really now? Describe the average firearm-carrying American.

Policeman, clean cut, serve and protect type...

T Jr Hardman

Jun 28, 2007, 1:40:35 PM6/28/07
gringogirl wrote:

Barak Obama reputedly said:

<quote in-part>

> There are legitimate concerns on both sides of the debate. I have met
> countless Americans who are worried about the constant flow of illegal
> immigrants not because they are racists or xenophobes, but because
> they fear that this influx of low-skill workers threatens to depress
> wages that are already too low. They also rightfully expect their
> government to control our borders.

[ ... ]

> We are a nation of laws, and we cannot tolerate those laws being
> broken by the thousands who pour over our borders. That's why it's
> critical for any reform to include dramatically increased enforcement
> at our borders and work sites.

[ ... ]


Unfortunately he also promotes a path for illegal alien criminals.

He must be on Burundanga or something.

The incapacity of a weak and distracted government may
often assume the appearance, and produce the effects,
of a treasonable correspondence with the public enemy.
--Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
nam primi in omnibus proeliis oculi vincuntur.
"Sometimes, Evil drives a mini-van."
--Desperate Housewives
To study and not think is a waste.
To think and not study is dangerous.
-- Confucius, _Analects_, 2:15

hal lillywhite

Jun 28, 2007, 1:41:42 PM6/28/07

gringogirl wrote:

> Immigration is certainly a difficult issue. When we first tried to fix
> the system last year, it was a time when hundreds of thousands of
> immigrants were protesting in the streets, while self-proclaimed
> vigilantes known as the Minutemen were rushing to defend our Southern
> border.

And just when did the Minutemen self-proclaim as vigilantes? And how
is Obama defining the word? My dictionary defines it as someone who
takes the law into their own hands to the extent of becoming judge,
jury and executioner. The MM aren't dong that, they are cooperating
with law enforcement, telling the Border Patrol where the illegals are
crossing. The MM do not aprehend border crossers (though they have
been known to help some who get in trouble like running out of water).

I wonder what Obama has been smoking.

> In Congress, a good-faith attempt at reform that I helped
> construct passed the Senate but ultimately failed in the heat of
> election-year politics.

That reform is likely to be nothing but legalized status quo, should
it pass. After all the promises of getting control of the border can
anyone really believe one more promise until we see it in action?

Drunken Walmart Greeter

Jun 28, 2007, 2:14:10 PM6/28/07

You'd have to do a count, but since we're talking about "average
firearm-carrying American", I think it is the white guy with the beer
gut and a cap with the long barrel. NRA could probably enlighten you
on that.

Incidently, a vigilante is someone who provides his own Justice
System, as it were. What the Minutemen do on the border is call law
enforcement (the serve and protect type) on their radios, the LEOs
come and get em. Like Neighborhood Watch. So if Obama is indeed
referring to Minutemen as "Vigilantes", he is just another lying
shit-talker, hardly presidential material.

fact check local 225

Jun 28, 2007, 2:55:54 PM6/28/07
Drunken Walmart Greeter wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Jun 2007 17:20:31 GMT, Tie Rod <st...@ing.joint> wrote:
>> Drunken Walmart Greeter wrote:
>>> On Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:03:31 -0700, Eggs Ackley
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Beer-gutted white guys in armchairs, vigilantes? Hardly...
>>> Really now? Describe the average firearm-carrying American.
>> Policeman, clean cut, serve and protect type...
> You'd have to do a count, but since we're talking about "average
> firearm-carrying American", I think it is the white guy with the beer
> gut

But yuou're a pathetic lying shitwad, so anything you "think" is
automatically in error.

Stuart Jackson

Jun 28, 2007, 2:58:56 PM6/28/07
> This week, we have a second chance to act. The passions remain, but so
> does the problem. More than 2,000 immigrants now cross our borders
> illegally every day. Twelve million undocumented are already here,
> most who work in our communities and pay their taxes.

Most illegal aliens are paid in cash thus they pay no income tax and
those who work "on the books" generally earn too little to pay any
income tax as they are in the lowest tax bracket (further they engage
in identity theft in stealing an American's social security number to
satisfy their criminal employer who has hired them). Illegal alien
activists commonly like to talk about the "huge" sums of money illegal
workers pay into social security which, "they will never get back".
The truth is that, 1) About 1/2 of all illegal workers are paid in
cash, thus they pay no income tax including no SS tax, 2) Those
illegal workers who are "on the books" generally earn very little,
maybe at most $26,000/year, meaning they pay at most $1500/year in SS
tax. In this case, it is true that they ARE contibuting to Social
Security and if they are never legalized, they won't see that money.
But there is another angle to the equation - it's called EIC, Earned
Income Credit, which many illegal workers apply for by using a TIN
(Taxpayer Identification Number) or the SS# they are fraudulantly
using. EIC is basically free money from the federal gov't (an illegal
alien can get up to $4,000 if he/she has at least 3 kids). EIC in
theory is supposed to bring poor people above the poverty level.
Trouble is, we all pay for it, even for illegal aliens who apply. Go
to any Mexican neighborhood in the USA during tax season and you'll
see signs in Spanish (usually in strip malls) that basically say,
"Rebate... Free money", they are referring to EIC. Spanish speaking
tax preparers are more than happy to give away American taxpayer's
money to their illegal alien bretheren. Even if an illegal Mexican
worker doesn't apply for EIC, they often have lots of babies here and
each baby costs on average $10,000 in hospital bills, not a dime of
which the illegal alien woman pays... you and I pay for it. Don't
forget about the free K - 12 public education that child will get,
courtesy of the American tax payer, usually about $9,000/year for each
child. Don't forget about WIC, food stamps, federal welfare, housing
subsidies, etc. - all free for the taking by illegal aliens with the
bill passed onto the American taxpayer. Regarding property tax?? Of
course illegals pay no property tax as the vast majority of them rent.
Illegals do pay sales tax on things they buy, but there income is
generally very low, meaning their buying power is very limited, which
of course means they pay very little in sales tax. However, what they
do pay in sales tax doesn't even come close to offsetting the huge
costs associated with all the free health care they get, education for
their anchor babies, food stamps, welfare, etc.


Jun 28, 2007, 3:10:32 PM6/28/07

"fact check local 225" <ho...@cem.ent> wrote in message

>> You'd have to do a count, but since we're talking about "average
>> firearm-carrying American", I think it is the white guy with the beer
>> gut
> But yuou're a pathetic lying shitwad, so anything you "think" is
> automatically in error.



Jun 28, 2007, 3:24:59 PM6/28/07
Vigilantes kill people. Obama wasn't MLK, isn't MLK and won't ever be MLK.
MLK was a Christian minister who cared about all americans, regardless of

"gringogirl" <> wrote in message

fact check local 225

Jun 28, 2007, 3:59:52 PM6/28/07
Run, hide, run.

Jun 28, 2007, 4:20:33 PM6/28/07
Obama says Minutemen are Vigilanties,
So what ? The Minutemen think Obama is a Communist Asshole....

Jun 28, 2007, 5:31:26 PM6/28/07
You forgot to say the "N-word."

C'mon now.
You know you wanted to say it.

On Jun 28, 11:14 am, Drunken Walmart Greeter <was-steely-from-> wrote:

Lobby Dosser

Jun 28, 2007, 6:32:02 PM6/28/07
"Gatt" <> wrote:

Another bad cast! You need to brush up on technique.

fact check local 225

Jun 28, 2007, 6:34:44 PM6/28/07

I think he's too used to jigging...


Jun 28, 2007, 7:23:53 PM6/28/07
On Jun 28, 3:34 pm, fact check local 225 <h...@cem.ent> wrote:
> Lobby Dosser wrote:
> > "Gatt" <> wrote:
> >> "fact check local 225" <h...@cem.ent> wrote in message

> >>news:ZuTgi.70705$
> >>>> You'd have to do a count, but since we're talking about "average
> >>>> firearm-carrying American", I think it is the white guy with the
> >>>> beer gut
> >>> But yuou're a pathetic lying shitwad, so anything you "think" is
> >>> automatically in error.
> >> *plonk*
> > Another bad cast! You need to brush up on technique.
> I think he's too used to jigging...- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Lobby Dosser

Jun 28, 2007, 7:29:22 PM6/28/07

Was that a racist remark?


Jun 28, 2007, 7:34:01 PM6/28/07
On Jun 28, 12:10 pm, "Gatt" <> wrote:
> "fact check local 225" <h...@cem.ent> wrote in messagenews:ZuTgi.70705$

> >> You'd have to do a count, but since we're talking about "average
> >> firearm-carrying American", I think it is the white guy with the beer
> >> gut
> > But yuou're a pathetic lying shitwad, so anything you "think" is
> > automatically in error.
> *plonk*

don't forget to use the tp and flush.

fact check local 225

Jun 28, 2007, 7:59:48 PM6/28/07

nah, just fishing...


Jun 28, 2007, 8:36:57 PM6/28/07

"lein" <> wrote in message

>> > But yuou're a pathetic lying shitwad, so anything you "think" is
>> > automatically in error.
>> *plonk*
> don't forget to use the tp and flush.

Agreed. Actually, it's best to flush twice. He's a floater.


fact check local 225

Jun 28, 2007, 9:50:03 PM6/28/07

And you're a coward, guess which sinks faster.


Jun 28, 2007, 11:27:44 PM6/28/07
On Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:43:43 -0700, wrote:

>I like that guy.
>Time to get an "Obama '08" bumper sticker.

Go ahead. That way you losers can all support one another.

Don't you limp-wristed lefties call those self-help groups?

You criminal trash will need all the help you can get.

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