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23 abr 1992, 11:41:5123/4/92

Hey, folks.. I just read our campus newspaper and I am REALLY steamed!
We have a fundamentalist opinion editor and he has been spewing forth the
usual diatribe that essentially says, "Hey, I'm right, you're wrong, and God's
on my side, so you're going to Hell." Today I was exceptionally peaved.

I'm still burning with anger over this article which I will transcribe
later on. I would like any responses to be emailed to
if possible or if you would like to thrash this out on the net go ahead. I
am just trying to calm down and be rational right now, but I am alerting
everyone to this pompous jerk.

From The Daily Evergreen, Thursday, April 23,1992 WSU, Pullman, Wash.


University Gay and Lesbian Associations nationwide may be affected by a
case that will soon be tried in the middle district of Alabama's federal court.

The case has the potential of overturning a 1970 decision that forced
public universities to support and fund homosexual groups. The fallout would
allow universities to combaty the mounting politics of homosexuality by
denying funds and club status to homosexual groups.

The case involves the student government at the University of Auburn in
Alabama, which denied funding to the campus Gay and Lesbian Association. The
student government rightly holds that sodomy is fobidden by Alabama law.
Consequently, there is no way to justify spending student funds on an
organization that encourages people to break the law and engage in immmoral
activity that increases health risks.

While many would argue this point the fact remains that 24 states still
have anti-sodomy laws on the books and could be affected by the ruling. While
Washington does not have such a law, Idaho does have an albeit vague anti-
sodomy lay on the books and could be affected by such a decision. While anti-
sodomy layws are largely unenforced, they are still legally binding and should
be upheld to make a statement that this nation still values its Judeo-
Christian heritage.

The ACLU is defending the Gay and Lesbian Association and wrongly
maintains that the group's constitutional right of free speech and peaceable
assembly is being violated by the denial of a campus charter and student
funding. The university did not gag the organization but separated homosexual
politics from university funding and support.

The student government is defended by the highly conservative
Rutherford Institute and according to a recent issue of Human Events has the
support of Alabama's Republican governor Guy Hunt, Democratic attorney general
Jimmy Evans and both houses of the Alabama state legislature. Most suprising
is the support of the students and alumni to defend the student government's
right to refuse GALA's demands. A petition has collected 21,000 signatures
which demonstrates the mood of the campus.

Though the student government's position seems foreign in our age of
political correctness, their defense is reasonable and legally sound. Alabama
is the buckle on the Bible belt and things are a bit different there than in
San Francisco.

Contrary to popular misconception, the right to practice homosexuality
is not protected by the U.S. Constitution. In the 1986 U.S. Supreme Court
decision, Bowers vs. Harwick, the decision was rendered.

If the case shoud happen eventually to find its way to the conservative
Court, it is hopeful that the 1970 decision supporting such groups as the
Gay and Lesbian Association may be overturned and help to separate the
homosexual agenda from public universities.

At issue is not the rights of homosexuals but rather whether or not a
university should endorse a sexual organization of any kind. Where should the
line be drawn? Pedophiles? Necrophiles? Bestiality? They are all
alternative lifestyles, albeit odd choices, but alternatives nonetheless that
could also demand campus charterers and funding under the same protections of
free speech and peaceable assembly that homosexual groups are seeking. The
line must be drawn.
-Mark Driscoll

DAMN BUT I AM PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Javier Smith

I'm Here! I'm Queer! And I'm NOT At All Pleased!!!!!

"Some people hate me because I lisp. What's all the fuss over a few extra s's?"
-Scott Thompson (the Kids in the Hall)

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