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Save America, Vote Kerry! just say "no" to right wing neotards!

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Oct 21, 2004, 11:16:07 PM10/21/04
My pop is in his 80's now, former WW2 carrier pilot and then a test
pilot. He urges everyone to go to "" to see what a lot of
military families really think of Bush and his policies. Of course I am
much younger than my dad, but he does not understand how the country can
be so evenly split. He beleives Bush should get about 10-15% of the vote
and no more. Obviously something has changed between his generation and

I don't understand how anyone can be "pro bush". From a strictly
mainstream conservative republican point of view, there are three
"scary" things about Kerry---taxes, the war in Iraq, and the global war
on extremists. Let's talk about these issues.

Tax cuts...okay unless you are a drooling moron, you know that Kerry is
going to cut everyone's taxes who earns under $200K a year. People
earning over $200K will pay more taxes...they will have their rates
restored to the clinton era tax levels. He will also close a huge number
of tax loopholes. From a taxation point of view, Kerry is a frickin'
godsend to the vast majority of Americans. Okay, if you're using a
loophole, your taxes will skyrocket...but you should be paying those
taxes in the first place!

And if you know anything about finances, you know the Iraq and
Afghanistan wars are financed. People, the deficit has grown to record
levels in record time. There is no historical precedent for the
financial crisis we face. There are two ways to deal with it--pay it off
soon, or pay it off later. If taxes need to go up to pay off the
deficit, do it. I personally would rather pay my share today than
finance it over the next thirty years, to the extent it's
possible--because of the massive interest. Do the math, research
this...we've got to pay this shit off, as soon as possible, let's do it
while we're young. The other way is to pay three times the amount, over

Some of the rhetoric I've been hearing is absurd. What is it with Bush?
"You can run, but you can't hide"--meaning Kerry can't hide from his
record. Sure, Kerry has flip-flopped numerous times over the years...but
that's the way congress works. Bush has never served in congress; only
as a governor. He either vetoed or signed; never created. Senators go
through several iterations of (for,against) votes while legislation is
modified. That's the way the legislature works...look at any long term
senator's record, it's how they do business.

And this stuff about Kerry cutting funding for this or that military
program--holy shit, a huge number of weapons programs were cut back in
the early 90's. The economy was in terrible shape, it was a bipartisan
vote. In the DOD and as a representative, V.P. Cheney pushed for all the
cuts that Kerry voted for!

And the idea than democrats are somehow weak on defense...well, if you
have access to a base military newspaper, go read it. Legislation just
passed congress for a new round of base closures...nearly 25% of all
military bases. Kerry and the democrats wanted the closures slowed down
by two years because we are at war...Bush said if it's slowed down he
will veto the bill. Kerry says he'll veto the bill without the
extensions, if he is elected. That's rock solid support for the troops,
and their families, and their jobs, from a DEMOCRAT.

And who won world war II? Roosevelt? Truman? Both were democrats, and
they used the best and brightest in America to kick the living shit out
of our enemies, worldwide. They maintaned strong alliances and formed
new partnerships overseas. It was a huge team effort...other nations,
americans of all political pursuasions. The nuclear weapons that forced
Japan to surrender were invented by a democratic administration
(actually a united america, something Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and
Ashcroft can never do--they are neocon rightists through and through).
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld...none of them are combat veterans...they are
"chicken hawks"...unlike Kerry, who has been "in the shit"....and no
matter what Bush says, Kerry will support the troops, both now and when
they come home.

What Bush has done in Iraq has made us weaker. We damn near stand alone,
and that makes us a target, a big juicy target. Bush is cutting support
for the troops at home--now and in the future. My tax refund was $300.
I'd give that back in a second to be out of this expensive war, and off
this huge, jobless recession, not for me, but for the the americans and
troops that are getting fucked right now.

They say you can tell when Bush is lying...his lips are moving:

1) No WMD in Iraq.

2) No link to Al Qaeda in pre-war Iraq.

3) Claimed we would be treated as "liberators". Instead, few Iraqis want
us there.

4) Claimed the "fighting was over". It isn't.

5) Claimed "If we just find Saddam, the resistance will crumble". It didn't.

6) Claimed "If we just capture Saddam's sons, the resistance will
crumble". They're dead; it hasn't.

7) Claimed that "The insurgents are from outside Iraq". Actually the
vast majority of the "insurgents" are Iraqis, native born, lived there
all their lives.

8) Claims "We got a bad the world is safer". BFD, there are a
huge number of "bad guys" all over the world...are we going after every
one of them? And will we use false evidence every time? There are more
Al Qaeda in Iraq now, way more, than any time under Saddam. Saddam was a
secular, military dictator, and hated overly religious people. He
usually had Al Qaeda killed when he caught them snooping around for
weapons in Iraq.

9) There are rumors that Colin Powell, a great military leader of the
gulf war, tore his office apart and had to be restrained when he found
out the administration put him in front of the UN with what they most
probably knew was bogus information ("yellow cake" documents;
"centrifuge tubes", "chemical trucks") I'm guessing he was on the verge
of making Bush his bitch.

10) Speaking of Blacks, Bush mentioned that "he met with the
congressional black caucus" during the last debate. This is hilarious;
actually during the invasion of Haiti the CBC kept demanding an audience
with Bush and Dubya kept refusing to return their calls. The CBC then
rented a BUS (oh the irony) and rode to the White House and were on the
verge of starting a demonstration when Bush finally let them in. This is
not how our government is supposed to work, folks--the President should
always be accessible to the congress, and vice versa!

You might not realize that Clinton was one of the most fiscally
conservative presidents in recent history. Now that the Democrats have
lost a lot of liberals/lefties (they left to form the green party) they
have no reason not to continue a somewhat rightward do the
deeds and perform the actions that help middle class america and small
to medium sized businesses, unlike Bush, who cowtows to the F-100.

Vannevar Bush, co-founder of Raytheon, professor at MIT, grandfather of
Dubya was hugely smart. Almost legendary. He was not so political; he
was a American--he thought about ways to make America better. A lot of
people say a few of his ideas led to the internet. His son, George
Herbert Bush, was a WW2 pilot, shot down, made it back. Kind of a
goofball, not a great president, but not terrible. He got us through the
gulf war without invading Iraq, with a huge international coalition and
very few casualities. We were out in record time. Now we get to George
W. Bush, the grandson. Where does one start? The smirking, the lying,
the awful language skills, a 'D' student for most of his life. Clearly
something has gone very wrong in the Bush family..I'm guessing the
brains passed straight past Dubya and whatever was left ended up in
Jenna and Barbara! Use google or whatever to look up what GWB's former
professor, Dr. Yoshi Tsurumi, has to say about Dubya...and be afraid, be
very afraid.

Does anyone really want the neocons gaining a majority in all three
branches? Forget the second ammendment, look at you really
want to roll back the clock the the 1950's?

There is absolutely no reason for a conservative to fear
fact, over time, he is a much better choice. He will do exactly what he
claims--cut middle class taxes, boost the high-end taxes and close
loopholes. Kerry is a combat veteran and will support the troops now,
and when he brings them home. Kerry will find a way to get us out of
Iraq. I think I know's actually fairly obvious. He's
smart...listen to him talk sometime. Well spoken, friendly, worldly. And
we can't win this war alone--in Iraq, or the more general battle against
extemists. Being separated from the rest of the world makes us a bigger,
juicier target. We have to work with everyone in the world to stop
extremism. We have to persuade all decent people to come to our aid, to
be our ally, not cast them aside and fight alone, as Bush has done.

America will be much better off with Kerry, in every imaginable
way--safer, financially smater, fairer. And let's not forget--the new
federal eligablility laws allow even slackers to vote, even if they are
not registered. Just show up at the local polling place with your ID and
(as I recall) they will let you vote, and verify your eligibility later.

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