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Libbots & Limbots

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Nov 24, 1993, 11:50:52 PM11/24/93
-> From: (Fred Seals)
-> Newsgroups: alt.politics.clinton
-> Subject: Re: Family Values
-> Date: 24 Nov 1993 13:33:03 GMT
-> Message-ID: <2cvnqf$9...@TAMUTS.TAMU.EDU>
-> Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station

-> In article, (Louis Cypher)
-> s:
-> > In article <> <> wri
-> > >Our "President" seems to have discovered that America is in the shape i
-> > >in because of a breakdown in the American Family. Why is it that when
-> > >Quayle said the exact same thing last year, he was scorned and ridicule
-> > >All of the sudden, President Bubba has come to this great revelation.
-> > >Meanwhile, the conservative thinkers in america have been saying this f
-> > >years. How come when they say it, it is construed as them "forcing the
-> > >morality on people?" I guess freedom of speech really means freedom of
-> > >liberal speech in our country today.
-> >
-> >
-> > Just another example of Limbots not being able to make a point themselve
-> > Didn't Rush mention this just the other night on his show?
-> >
-> > And, BTW, I think it is bullshit. The democratic party never ridiculed
-> > 'family values' like Rush claims. They merely ridiculed The jelloheads
-> > like Qualye and Bush who tried to make family values a front page issue,
-> > and try to overshadow the condition of the economy with thier little
-> > smokescreen.
-> >
-> >

-> Lets see if I agree with something Rush says I am a Limbot. Well I guess
-> makes you and your fellow liberals Libbots. Just because someone like Rus
-> able to explain beliefs that I agree with does not mean I am blindly follo
-> him. All it means is I have found a voice for my beliefs.

Sure are a lot of labels being assigned here. Let's see if I can express an
opinion without being liabelously labeled (I tried). I think Barbra Striesand
(I hope I spelled that right) has a wonderfull singing voice. I love it. But I
don't want to see her in the senate. (You heard it here first!)

Invite me to some major parties where I can rub elbows with the CA/DC power
brokers, hear the deals, tell some jokes... maybe I'll change my mind...But I
don't think so. Rush is like that obnoxious brother-in-law that you can't win
an argument with... cause, dammit, the SOB is right. (No pun intended) I've
only seen his show a few times, but that was my impression. Makes me wish I had
cable sometimes. When (if) I agree with some loud public figure, am I to be
tagged with some witty(?) nom d'politic? How many of us have made it to the
top of any field we're in? Top 10? (There's a joke in there...who's buried in
Grnts tomb?) Don't condemn me because because I have noticed that many of my
opinions are shared by an obnoxious fellow with lots of media access...
Rather, give me a greater selection of noisey fellows or exuberant women who
can entertain me with news and views with which I happen to agree. (mostly)

Bill R. Clinton just doesn't meet that criteria for me. What was it Will
Rogers said about what happens when congress makes a joke?...

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