#B1. Analyses of questions "why" reveal that even disasters and
catastrophes are justified and also bring various benefits, in turn
being such most clearly they are unleashed on purpose:
We all know the proverb that "Out of something bad always something
good comes-out". It teaches us that everything that we humans consider
to be "bad', in fact also has good consequences. For example, every
murderous earthquake not only kills a lot of people, but also destroys
old social structures, obligations, links, and institutions which
supported the stagnation and corruption, eliminates old, mouldy and
unhealthy buildings in which without earthquakes people would be
forced to live, creates opportunity for people who believe in God to
prove the power of their faith - e.g. through the devotion with which
they help victims, etc., etc. Every war not only decimates countries,
but also forces people to new manners of thinking and acting,
eliminates and removes parasitic people from governments, removes
decadent institutions from countries - which otherwise would maintain
stagnation and conservatisms, reminds to nations the value of moral
acting, peace, and negotiations, etc., etc. In turn e.g. mosquitoes
not only spread several murderous illnesses, but also motivate
progress through forcing people to seek manners on which these
mosquitoes could be annihilated, indicate to people these areas of the
Earth in which already prevails the destructive philosophy called
parasitism - which deprives people of motivations, initiative, and
ability to act, and serve also to several other purposes. In other
words, catastrophes and disasters are just such only from the point of
view of people. In turn from the global point of view of God these are
mainly further amongst numerous tools which allow God to restore the
balance and totaliztic principles of acting in all areas where these
were already abandoned.
The present atheistic science makes us believe, that catastrophes and
disasters are exclusively "bad". In turn through such a thinking, the
to-date science deprives us the motivation to seek replies to vital
questions of the "why" type, and thus also to notice these positive
consequences of all catastrophes and disasters. On the other hand,
without learning these positive consequences, our civilisation does
NOT see why God brings to people all these catastrophes and disasters,
and thus also is unable to realise the existence of a very simple
manner on which they can be prevented and which is described in item
#B6 of the web page "seismograph.htm" - addresses of which page are
provided at the end of this post. (This futuristic manner of
preventing disasters depends on practicing in our lives the moral,
peaceful, and progressive philosophy of totalizm - which completely
eliminates for God the need to bring catastrophes to people in order
to force them to implement this philosophy in their lives.)
Atheism did NOT overwhelmed yet the entire world. Thus, there are
people e.g. like myself, who know for sure that God does exist -
because they for example learned scientific proofs for the existence
of God (of the kind of proofs described on the totaliztic web page
named "god_proof.htm"). Such people which are aware of the existence
of God, probably sometimes ask themselves these questions "why".
Unfortunately, without the knowledge of the highly effective theory of
everything called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - which provides us
with the key for getting to know God scientifically, these people
typically are unable to find correct answers for their questions
"why". (Descriptions of the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" is provided
on the totaliztic web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm" - which can be
found at addresses listed by the end of this post.) Therefore, in this
part of the web page I am going to find this answer together with the
reader - by relying on findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. But
before I begin the search for this answer, I would like to remind here
that the answer maintains its validity for a whole array of questions
"why", the discussion of which is spread over several totaliztic web
pages. So let us list here examples of such questions "why" - answer
to which is provided in this part of the web page. "Why God troubles
inhabitants of poor countries with murderous earthquakes" - of a kind
of the earthquake from Haiti described in item #C3 of the web page
"seismograph.htm". "Why God brings to people catastrophic tsunami
waves" - of the kind of these described on the totaliztic web page
named "day26.htm". "Why God destroys inhabitants of selected areas
with destructive hurricanes" (i.e. hurricanes of the kind described on
the totaliztic web page named "katrina.htm"). "Why God blows out of
the surface of Earth entire settlements with the use of murderous
landslips and mudslides" - of the kind described on the totaliztic web
page named "landslips.htm". "Why God send murderous illnesses to many
countries" - of the kind described on the totaliztic web page named
"plague.htm". Etc., etc.
For people who already acquired the scientific certainty that God does
exist, and learned methods of God's action, there is no doubt that all
these catastrophic events are send to people by God. After all, the
omnipotent God extends the absolute control over the entire our
physical world. Nothing in the entire universe happens without His
agreement and action. Thus, catastrophes could NOT appear without the
knowledge and participation on the part of God. Furthermore, for these
people who thoroughly investigate these catastrophes, God always
leaves several small details on the spot, which are to discretely
confirm that these catastrophes in fact originate from God. Therefore,
before on this post the reply to questions of the type "why God sends
catastrophes to people" is provided, we firstly should have a look in
the next item at several examples of such discrete information written
by God into typical earthquakes. After all, these examples of
information confirm conclusively, that every large and murderous
earthquake in fact is caused by God. Also these examples indicate the
simple manner (described below in item #B6) in which people can
prevent such catastrophes.
#B2. How various regularities contained in supposedly irregular
earthquakes confirm that these are NOT initiated at random:
If the universe IS NOT governed by intelligent and justice-loving God,
then earthquakes would have purely random character from every point
of view. But if our universe IS governed by a wise God who maintains
the universal justice, then even in so random and chaotic events as
earthquakes, God also writes discretely a whole array of regularities.
As it turns out, actually a thorough researcher can detect various
regularities in strikes of murderous earthquakes. On one hand, these
regularities confirm that earthquakes, similarly like everything else
that happens in our physical world, are ruled by highly intelligent
and wise God. On the other hand, they indicate "why" this wise and
justice-loving God troubles people with earthquakes. Moreover, these
also create for people the opportunity to predict the place and time
of next murderous earthquakes. So let us now review the most vital
amongst these regularities that appear in earthquakes.
1. Earthquakes always destroy the area inhabitants of which already
reached the level of so-called "agonal intellect" in their practicing
of the philosophy of parasitism. In this way the first regularity
which everyone can notice not only in earthquakes, but also in all
other catastrophes that trouble people, is that these disastrous
events "always hit the area which in a given period of time is
characterised by the most powerful 'explosive release of moral energy'
caused by the practicing of advanced form of philosophy called
‘parasitism’ by inhabitants of that area". This regularity is
explained more comprehensively in item #B3 below. Because symptoms of
someone practicing the philosophy of parasitism include, amongst
others, stagnation, corruption, ignorance, inability to improve own
situation, privacy, egoism, poverty, chaos, indecisiveness, the lack
of unity and organisation, dependency on help of others instead of own
work, etc., outside witnesses of such earthquakes notice this
regularity as a subjective impression, that earthquakes always seem to
strike and "harm" people who even without them are already very poor,
hopeless, and desperate. An excellent example of the earthquake which
hit just such a community already paralysed completely due to the
slipping down in its practicing of the philosophy of parasitism into
the state of "agonal intellect", is the earthquake from Haiti
described in item #C3 of the web page "seismograph_pl.htm" (addresses
of which web page are provided at the end of this post).
2. Murderous earthquakes prefer hitting in first days of holidays, and
also on 13th and 26th day of months. Another noticeable regularity of
earthquakes, concerns dates when these most murderous out of them hit
their victims. As this is explained in item #14 from the totaliztic
web page named "day26.htm" and also confirmed on examples from items
#A2 and "part #C" of the web page "seismograph.htm", earthquakes most
frequently hit during the first day of a longer holiday, on 13th day
of a given month, or on 26th (i.e. 13+13) of a given month. I tried to
explain reasons behind this their regularity in subsection V5.4 from
volume 16 of monograph [1/4] (see the web page "text_1_4.htm").
3. Earthquakes typically ovoid destroying religious objects. This is
yet another regularity of earthquakes. It can be noticed in
practically all natural catastrophes - unless there was a religious
reason that some objects of cult or religion were destroyed. I
discovered this regularity for the first time during the analysis of
effects of tsunami described on the totaliztic web page "day26.htm" -
during which living quarters and houses were massively destroyed, but
mosques survived untouched. Then the same regularity was confirmed
during the tsunami from the island of Samoa on Wednesday, 30 September
2009. On the island of Samoa also living quarters and homes were
completely ruined, but the local church was left untouched - in spite
that it was the structure completely closed which must create a huge
resistance to the wave of water that hit it. This church still
standing in the area destroyed by tsunami was mentioned in the article
"Devotion among devastation" from page A2 of New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post" issue dated on Tuesday, October 6, 2009. Finally,
the same regularity was also confirmed in the earthquake from Haiti -
as it is indicated in item #C3 of the web page "seismograph.htm".
4. Practically every earthquake is predicted by animals. This further
regularity of all earthquakes has the multidimensional meaning. For
example, it proves that animals are innocent of practicing the
philosophy of parasitism by their human masters. Therefore God always
allows animals sense the warning about approaching catastrophe. So
animals know well what is to come and if they wish so they can escape
the destruction. As this is to be explained in further parts of this
web page, animals learn about impending earthquakes, because each such
earthquake sends a "warning" in the form of a special beam of
"telepathic waves" which can be intercepted and decoded by both,
animals as well as by appropriately constructed technical devices (one
amongst of which is described on the web page named
"seismograph.htm"). This is why that particular regularity proves also
that if people were able to break through the inherited inclinations
to follow the philosophy of parasitism, then they could build alarming
device described on the web page "seismograph.htm" which would warn
them about approaching murderous earthquakes.
#B3. "Explosive" dispersion of so-called "moral energy" that brings
Justification of reasons for which God brings various natural
disasters on selected areas of the Earth, stems from the theories of
two opposite philosophies called "totalizm" and "parasitism". If we
would explain in one sentence these reasons, then these would state
that "in his effort to restore morality, justice, progress, and peace,
God hits with a catastrophe into every area in which the spread of
immoral philosophy of parasitism achieved the level of 'agonal
intellect', while the consequences of this catastrophe God uses to
restore on that area the practicing of moral philosophy of totalizm".
According to theories of these two opposite philosophies, everything
that we do in our lives, causes the flow of unique energy called the
"moral energy" through a border that separates two different worlds
called "our world" and "counter-world". If whatever we just do is
"moral", then this moral energy flows from our world to the counter-
world. Thus, in our physical world such morally-correct activities
have the character of "implosions" of this moral energy. It somehow
happens, that God made beneficial for people everything that works on
principle of an "implosion" occurring in our physical world (in turn
everything that is based on an "explosion" God turns to be destructive
and detrimental for people). However, if we do something that is
"immoral", then it causes that moral energy is explosively let out
from the counter-world to our physical world. Means, if someone
practices this immoral philosophy called parasitism, then he carries
out almost exclusively immoral actions. Thus, such a person,
institution, society, or country with the parasitic philosophy, causes
a local "explosion" of this "moral energy" that brings disasters.
Reasons for which God was forced to destroy areas on the Earth in
which local societies practice the philosophy of advanced parasitism,
are described in subsection KA8.2 from volume 7 of monograph [8/2].
Namely, the point is that intellects (means people, institutions,
communities, or countries) which in their practicing of the philosophy
of parasitism slip down to the level of so-called "agonal intellect",
cannot be saves and the only option which remains towards them is to
allow them to die. After all, by being already in the agonal state,
they are NOT able to change their immoral principles of behaviour,
while even if someone tries to save them and artificially extends
their existence - they just are going to consume resources and energy
of the saviour, but their moral state and principles of behaviour will
NOT improve. Thus, if they are artificially maintained alive, they
will still do a lot of harm, while their immoral behaviours
increasingly more are going to demand the restoration of justice. In
addition, their philosophy of parasitism is very "infectious". So it
is like an infectious moral disease which spreads fast to neighbourly
areas. Thus, if a larger area on the Earth slips down to this
irreversible level of such "agonal intellect", then in order to
protect neighbourly regions from spreading this dangerous "moral
illness", and also to restore totalizm on a given area, God has no
other option but to decimate and segregate inhabitants of the area
with the use of a large catastrophe. After all, every large
catastrophe annihilates various human structures, links, dependencies,
parasitic traditions, decadent institutions, etc., which previously
troubled a given area. It also abolishes the stagnation, exploitation,
forces to moral acting, to giving help mutually, to organizing
themselves, etc. In the result of such a catastrophe, a given area
experiences various external pressures, starts a new life, different
people and new ideas take hold in there, etc. Thus, instead of
previous philosophy of parasitism, this area temporally is forced to
adopt the philosophy of totalizm. In this way, all areas of the Earth
where inhabitants slipped down in their practicing of parasitism to
the level of "agonal intellects", God troubles or annihilates with
destructive catastrophes. This is because if God leaves such areas to
themselves, then their parasitic philosophy, like a kind of fatal
plague, would spread on the neighbourly areas. In turn the lack of
God's reaction to their highly immoral ways would make impossible the
restoration of universal justice. (Notice that God clearly warns
people via the Biblical story about the fate of "Sodom and Gomorrah",
that communities practicing an advanced philosophy of parasitism will
be destroyed by cataclysms - as an example see the Biblical Book of
Genesis, 18:22-33, 19:1-28.)
Of course, in order to NOT deprive people of their "free will" and to
leave their views unchanged, God always selects a kind of catastrophe
with which He hits a given community, in such a manner that it looks
like a completely "random" and accidental disaster. After all, God has
an entire arsenal of catastrophes with which He can strike, not just
earthquakes described on the web page "seismograph.htm". Other, also
"random" looking catastrophes, include: tsunamis (described on the web
page "day26.htm"), tornadoes (described on the web page
"tornado.htm"), hurricanes (described on the web page "katrina.htm"),
mudslides (described on the web page "landslips.htm"), plagues
(described on the web page "plague.htm"), collapses of buildings
(described on the web page "katowice_uk.htm"), infernos (described on
the web page "military_magnocraft.htm"), terrorism (described on the
web page "wtc.htm"), floods, explosions, etc., etc. Thus, for each
situation and community God is able to select both the catastrophe, as
well as circumstances in which it strikes, so that these look as if
they are completely random and explainable according to the "canon of
ambiguity" described in item #C2 on the totaliztic web page named
"will.htm". In this way goals of God can be accomplished without
imposing at people different views nor changing their attitude towards
#B4. What is the mechanism of change of philosophy in areas affected
by a catastrophe:
The practicing of destructive philosophy of parasitism results from
the stagnation. This is because every stagnation causes that some
people acquire permanent parasitic habits of a highly immoral
character. These habits are acquired mainly by people who do not have
a so-called "moral skeleton" which results e.g. from their religion,
certainty of God's existence, knowledge of totalizm, etc. Thus, for
example, if such a person deprived a moral skeleton for a long time is
left to itself and lives in the same conditions, then with the elapse
of time begins to take care exclusively of itself, acts only along the
so-called 'line of least resistance', does only whatever is absolutely
necessary, treats differently people whom knows and very differently
these ones whom does not know, (lies) says one things and does
something completely different, etc., etc. Of course, such immoral
individuals with inclinations to acquire parasitic habits exists in
practically every society. Therefore almost every society left just to
itself for a longer time and not exposed to external pressures, starts
to develop various parasitic behaviours. For example, it forms
informal structures and links which motivate people to immoral actions
such as employing just only own relatives and friends, implementing
the principle "matters whom you know, not what you are able to do",
practicing corruption, finding ways on which others can be exploited,
forming monopoles, paying themselves increasingly higher salaries and
premiums, etc., etc. Thus every catastrophe, even if it annihilates
just a fraction of members of a given society, breaks stagnation and
destroys these informal structures and parasitic behaviours. After
all, it eliminates people who previously formed these decadent
structures and links, forces these that survived to undertake new
activities, positions, and initiatives - about which they still do not
know how to utilise these for their own advantage, introduces new
people to the system and various new pressures, makes various key
people to shift out of the area, etc., etc. In this way every
catastrophe forces a given community to change the philosophy which it
practices as a larger "group intellect", from previous parasitic into
more totaliztic. This is why, e.g. soon after the second world war
almost all communities from territories affected by fighting started
to practice the philosophy of totalizm. (E.g. I experienced personally
this totaliztic philosophy via the community of my native village
Wszewilki - for details see the web page named "wszewilki_uk.htm".)
But as time elapsed, habits and philosophy of these communities again
started to "creep" towards the philosophy of parasitism. Thus, at
present time in almost all these communities again parasitism
prevails. In turn on territories which already for a long time did NOT
experience war nor any other serious disaster, the level of parasitic
philosophy which prevails in there is close to that irreversible
"agonal state". So probably soon God will have no other option but to
shake them again with some catastrophic events which are to restore
totalizm for them.
#B5. In the "counter-world" the explosive escape of "moral energy" is
clearly visible:
For people these "implosions" and "explosions" of moral energy remain
invisible. After all, the "moral energy" itself remains invisible to
the human sight. But God created this energy and sees its flow. Thus,
for God areas in which people practice massively the philosophy of
parasitism look like kinds of volcanoes that dissipate moral energy.
In this way God can easily notice and select these areas on the Earth,
which because of the massive practicing of parasitic philosophy
already reached the level of "agonal intellect" and thus demand some
sort of catastrophe to be send to them by God.
#B6. A simple way on which people are able to stop the arrival of
murderous earthquakes and other catastrophes:
The defence against earthquakes and against all other catastrophes is
very simple. It is enough that communities living in given areas
eliminate reasons for which God sends these catastrophes. In turn this
elimination is already accomplished when a given society begins to
voluntarily practice the moral philosophy called "totalizm" in all its
actions and behaviours. (E.g. practice an "intuitive totalizm"
described on the web page "totalizm.htm" - which boils down to a
simple listening and implementing whispers of own conscience.) In
other words, areas on which the population practices a version of the
philosophy of totalizm are omitted by all catastrophes. All possible
catastrophes hit only these areas, the population of which practices
the reversal of totalizm, means the immoral philosophy called
Of course, societies which practice a philosophy of totalizm will
display also sufficiently open minds to accept, develop, and implement
all new ideas. In turn such new ideas provide also atheistic
justifications and capabilities which cause that catastrophes are
going to omit them. In this way the practicing of totalizm will
protect against catastrophes independently whether someone believes in
God or not. For example, societies which practice totalizm already
long ago would build a device described on the web page
"seismograph.htm" and called the "Zhang Heng seismograph". (But
communities practicing a philosophy of parasitism would never be able
to mobilise themselves to such a building, while if someone gave them
this device for free, they would waste it anyway - in the same manner
as ancient Israelis wasted in past the Ark of the Covenant which they
received for free, while Mongols wasted the "Zhang Heng seismograph" -
see "Fig. #F4" from web page "seismograph.htm".) In turn such a device
would protect these communities from falling victims of earthquakes
(and also other "natural" disasters) the approaching of which this
device can detect remotely.
Between us, in recent times increasingly more areas on the Earth
approaches the level of "agonal intellect". So it is sure, that the
number of murderous catastrophes will fast increase in the nearest
future. After all, although from our imperfect (because human) point
of view not always is visible what level of advancement of the
philosophy of parasitism reached the population of subsequent areas of
the Earth, still God has a perfect knowledge in that matter. Thus God
knows exactly which community should next time be directed into a
moral path with the use of a powerful catastrophe.
The wider explanation why the humanity is persecuted by God with
earthquakes and with other disasters, provided from a slightly
different point of view, is provided in item #J1 of the totaliztic web
page named "newzealand_visit.htm".
* * *
The above post is adopted from "part #B" (i.e. from items #B1 to #B6)
of the totaliztic web page named "seismograph.htm" (updated on 30
January 2010 or later). Actually, I would recommend to readers to read
it from that web page, as on the web page all links to other web pages
are working, it is printed in colour, it is also illustrated, the
content is updated regularly, etc. The latest update of the web page
"seismograph.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, at addresses:
It is also worth to notice that practically all totaliztic web pages
are available at each web site of totalizm. Therefore, independently
from the web page "seismograph.htm", each address (web site) indicated
above also offers all other web pages of totalizm - unless some of
these web pages just were sabotaged, or are so new that I had no time
yet to upload these at a given address (server). (But in a case when
for some reasons a page is unavailable under a given address, still at
this address a MENU should be available which has working links to all
other totaliztic addresses (servers), on which a given web page should
already be accessible.) Thus, if someone wishes to view descriptions
from any other totaliztic web page, e.g. from a web page listed in
this post, or listed in other totaliztic posts, then in the above
addresses the name "seismograph.htm" is just enough to exchange for a
name of the web page that one wishes to view, e.g. for the name of web
page "prophecies.htm", "bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm", "healing.htm",
"oscillatory_chamber.htm", "eco_cars.htm", "boiler.htm",
"fe_cell.htm", "free_energy.htm", "telekinetics.htm",
"dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm", "totalizm.htm", "evil.htm",
"god.htm", "god_proof.htm", "bible.htm", "evolution.htm",
"wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", "malbork_uk.htm", "memorial.htm",
"newzealand.htm", "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm", "fruit.htm",
"text_1_5.htm", "explain.htm", "day26.htm", "ufo_proof.htm",
"katrina.htm", etc., etc.
Each topic of totaliztic discussion, including this one, is also
repeated on several blogs of totalizm (this post carries in there the
number #178E). These blogs of totalizm can be viewed through following
internet addresses:
Other similar current issues of our civilisation are discussed on
forums - the links to which are listed in item #E2 from the totaliztic
web page "faq.htm", the most recent update of which is available,
amongst others, at addresses:
With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak
Hindus have 36 crores of gods - 360 million deities. Which one,
Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
> in spite
> that e.g. Christianity is practiced officially for over 2000 years,
> while periodical checks on state of faith regularly confirm that as
Appeal to Tradition is a fallacy that occurs when it is assumed that
something is better or correct simply because it is older,
traditional, or "always has been done." This sort of "reasoning" is
fallacious because the age of something does not automatically make it
correct or better than something newer. This is made quite obvious by
the following example: The theory that witches and demons cause
disease is far older than the theory that microrganisms cause
diseases. Therefore, the theory about witches and demons must be true.
> much as around 90% of people still believe that God does exist.
The Appeal to Popularity
Sometimes a claim is accepted as being true simply because most people
are favorably inclined towards the claim. That most people have
favorable emotions associated with the claim is substituted in place
of actual evidence for the claim. A person falls prey to this fallacy
if he accepts a claim as being true simply because most other people
approve of the claim...
This sort of "reasoning" is quite common and can be quite an effective
persusasive device. Since most humans tend to conform with the views
of the majority, convincing a person that the majority approves of a
claim is often an effective way to get him to accept it. Advertisers
often use this tactic when they attempt to sell products by claiming
that everyone uses and loves their products. In such cases they hope
that people will accept the (purported) approval of others as a good
reason to buy the product.
Well after reading just a couple sentences and finding two hard
fallacies, I give up, please try agin.
>The Appeal to Popularity
>Sometimes a claim is accepted as being true simply because most people
>are favorably inclined towards the claim. That most people have
>favorable emotions associated with the claim is substituted in place
>of actual evidence for the claim. A person falls prey to this fallacy
>if he accepts a claim as being true simply because most other people
>approve of the claim...
>This sort of "reasoning" is quite common and can be quite an effective
>persusasive device. Since most humans tend to conform with the views
>of the majority, convincing a person that the majority approves of a
>claim is often an effective way to get him to accept it. Advertisers
>often use this tactic when they attempt to sell products by claiming
>that everyone uses and loves their products. In such cases they hope
>that people will accept the (purported) approval of others as a good
>reason to buy the product.
A woman was cooking a ham and cut off the small end before putting it
in the roaster. Her husband asked her why she did that. She said she's
always done it that way because her mother cooked hams that way ever
since she can remember. When the husband's mother-in-law was over, he
asked her why she always cut the end off the hams she cooked. The
mother said that when she and her husband got married, they never had
much money and she only had a small roasting pan, so she cut off the
end of the ham to make it fit and just did it by habit ever since.
Do you think there is a man in the sky with nothing better to do than
to evaluate which individuals within a group deserve to be punished,
based on your favorite orthodoxy?
Such a man in the sky would have to make choices such, "should I
punish a large group which contains many innocent people as well?"
"Should this be explained by stating that the man in the sky works in
mysterious ways?"
Was New Orleans a pool of stagnation and corruption or does the man in
the sky only use earthquakes as punishment?
I find your views to be as sick and corrupted as those you imagine
have been punished.
You state
> that e.g. Christianity is practiced officially for over 2000 years,
Immort informs you that you are using the fallacy of appeal to
tradition and you respond by attacking the concept of believing in
tradition. Hahaha!
jp3 The religeous nuts will tell you God wiped out sinfull New
Orleans,and now Haiti Next the hand of God will destroy Hoover dam,and
Vagas will be sweeped away. If a Muslin destroyed the dam it would be
better than a God. TreBert
> > =3Fparasitism=3F by inhabitants of that area". This regularity is
> > explained more comprehensively in item #B3 below. Because symptoms of
> > someone practicing the philosophy of parasitism include, amongst
> > others, stagnation, corruption, ...
> >
> > read more »
> Do you think there is a man in the sky with nothing better to do than
> to evaluate which individuals within a group deserve to be punished,
> based on your favorite orthodoxy?
> Such a man in the sky would have to make choices such, "should I
> punish a large group which contains many innocent people as well?"
> "Should this be explained by stating that the man in the sky works in
> mysterious ways?"
> Was New Orleans a pool of stagnation and corruption or does the man in
> the sky only use earthquakes as punishment?
> I find your views to be as sick and corrupted as those you imagine
> have been punished.
It is fortunate for the man in the sky (MITS) that wicked people always
live near plate convergence zones, tropical cyclone regions, flood
plains or bushfire prone areas. Otherwise MITS would be impotent.
Remove both YOUR_SHOES before replying
apatriot #1, atheist #1417,
Chief EAC prophet
Jason Gastrich prayed for me on 8 January 2009 and nothing happened.
Apatriotism Yahoo Group
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make
you commit atrocities." - Voltaire