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The Error Of The Anti Human Leftist Whukwits

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Dec 2, 2006, 8:08:29 AM12/2/06

Some fucking stupid, fucking leftist envy ridden anti-human cowardly,
retarded commie cunt wrote:

"The libertarian believes that the government is evil."

Here is the truth:

The libertarian believes, that the only moral function of any
government is to act as the shield and not as the fucking sword of the
society it governs.

The libertarian believes, unlike any and ALL of the leftist / rightest
/ conservatist parasitical sadistical masochistical wanking fuckwitted
khunts, that YOU and YOU alone own YOUR life, and that YOU and YOU
alone ought be the SOLE benefactor and the SOLE decider of the results
of the products of YOUR energy, and that is so as that YOU and YOU
alone can be held responsible for whatever it is that YOU produce or

The libertarian believes, in absolute private property rights, that is
because any and ALL evil on the face of this planet can be directly
linked to the lack of, or the violation of, the NATURAL right that YOU
have to be the OWNER of YOUR life and the property that YOUR energy
provides for YOU.

The libertarian believes in the absolute right to live YOUR life
according to YOUR values, even if those values mean that NO-ONE can
pollute YOUR property.

The libertarian believes that the ONLY reason why the anti-human
creeps, e.g. the leftist cunts who lambast libertarian principles, is
because that they do NOT want to be held responsible for THEIR OWN
fucking lives and THEIR own fucking failures, sooooo shame on the
parasitical leftist scourges of the human race.

Michael Gordge


Dec 2, 2006, 8:28:34 AM12/2/06
to wrote:
> The libertarian believes, in absolute private property rights, that is
> because any and ALL evil on the face of this planet can be directly
> linked to the lack of, or the violation of, the NATURAL right that YOU
> have to be the OWNER of YOUR life and the property that YOUR energy
> provides for YOU.

So like the fucking asshole stupid shitbag lefty commies you also would
support a strong governmental agency to make sure your property was not
polluted by the neighboring corporation who could kick your libertarian
ass with hired goons any day of the week if you both were left to your
own devices.

For example.

Dec 2, 2006, 8:45:27 AM12/2/06

You stupid fascist inspired dumb commie cunts just dont get it do ewes?

The corporations of today are crony corporations, they have the power
and the wealth they have today entirely because of the deals they have
done with BOTH the fucking commie left and the fucking fascist right
governments, e.g. fucking tax breaks given by borth left and right, the
tariffs, the import/export duties, the union laws, the draconian
anti-human invented minimum wage laws, laws such as the medical drug
control laws that make becoming opposition to multi-national drug
manufacturing corporations impossible, then there's the crap arse laws
of the fucking mystics and the rightarse conservativists e.g. the drug
laws, the anti smoking laws, the forbidding of which adult can marry
which adult law.

Wake the fuck up dopey, this is YOUR life, why the fuck dont YOU want
to take responsibility for it?

Michael Gordge


Dec 2, 2006, 9:06:07 AM12/2/06
to wrote:

> You stupid fascist inspired dumb commie cunts just dont get it do ewes?

First of all you ignorant thinks he's a libertarian butt sucker, I am
not a commie, never was, nor a fascist. When are you going to wake up
and stop assuming everyone who disagrees with you fits in some category
you can write at the end of a set of expletives.

> The corporations of today are crony corporations, they have the power
> and the wealth they have today entirely because of the deals they have
> done with BOTH the fucking commie left and the fucking fascist right
> governments, e.g. fucking tax breaks given by borth left and right, the
> tariffs, the import/export duties, the union laws, the draconian
> anti-human invented minimum wage laws, laws such as the medical drug
> control laws that make becoming opposition to multi-national drug
> manufacturing corporations impossible, then there's the crap arse laws
> of the fucking mystics and the rightarse conservativists e.g. the drug
> laws, the anti smoking laws, the forbidding of which adult can marry
> which adult law.

What the fuck difference does it make you lethargic female genitalia
how the situation got to be the way it is? I was pointing out that you
had, as a property owner, in your system, total power over your own
property, including the right not to have it polluted. If you are so
pissed off all you can do is categorize me and print expletives, wake
up, you are useless. But if you are not as brain dead with tourette's
as you seem to be, you should realize my question was valid. Who the
fuck is going to keep the corporations - whoever's fucking fault it is
that they might do it - from polluting your land. You and your
shotgun? Sorry. It seems to me, you, just like lefties must advocate
a governmental force. But maybe you have some third way. Enlighten
us. Keep cursing. I don't give a rat's libertarian oozing hemmoroid
about that. Just sqeeze in there somewhere a response to the issue I
raised or shut the fuck up and let an intelligent libertarian answer
the question.

> Wake the fuck up dopey, this is YOUR life, why the fuck dont YOU want
> to take responsibility for it?

Dopey asked you a reasonable question. Dopey here has seen what
happens in,for example, Latin American when a corporation takes a
village's land and the people in the village take responsibility for
their lives and yet lose to the company goons. Don't assume you know
my politics or that it even matters. What matters is how the fuck do
you think you can protect your land. You personally. You who are
woken up and have all the answers. Show me why you deserve to hate
everyone for not being you by explaining how individuals should act.
At least show you understand the question, you skinbag wrapped around
farts. You picked off the side of my nose after a sneeze. You smegma.
You populist isn't getting enough sex too fucking proud to buy
lubricant takes it out on the internet thinks he's a real man but not
in person prick.

Thank you. I await your cogent response.
> Michael Gordge


Dec 2, 2006, 10:24:02 AM12/2/06

The True Libertarian understands that he doesn't own the land but rents
it. Since this involves an uncoerced market transaction, he does not
complain that the landlord has conditions in the contract that may be
enforced by force. (Funny how the words are similar, eh.)

The True LIbertarian understands that only if he can enforce his own
conditions is he the 'owner' of the property.



Dec 2, 2006, 1:00:34 PM12/2/06
to wrote:
> Some fucking stupid, fucking leftist envy ridden anti-human cowardly,
> retarded commie cunt wrote:
> "The libertarian believes that the government is evil."
> Here is the truth:
> The libertarian believes, that the only moral function of any
> government is to act as the shield and not as the fucking sword of the
> society it governs.

And the Libertarian throws his fist down and declares his position with
derision by various ad hominem portrayals of his opponent as an idiot
by name calling and othe "argument weaking devices" and obviously the
Libertarian must necessarily be a drunkard or reactionary barbarian
with little civilized sentiments aside from the slime of green which
shiteth can be smeered upon the valued flesh!

In other words your name calling makes people want to tell you to fuck
off before they even look at the real worth of your position. Anyone
who cripples themselves in front of us in such a way deserves to be

Dec 2, 2006, 6:41:02 PM12/2/06

OK Sam, fair comments snipped, but its not really my fault if you've
beaten yourself up in the head over what I said, but I will calm down
the alcohol has warn off, I didn't like the tone of the fuckwit's
question either, but hey I'm over it already.

Sammybaby wrote:
> I was pointing out that you
> had, as a property owner, in your system, total power over your own
> property, including the right not to have it polluted.

Thats right, however as someone who is objective and places reason as
the ONLY means of ALL of man's knowledge, which lets not forget,
objective reason based thinking is the arch enemy of socialism and is
therefore not taught in state schools, I digress but had to, as reason
is the ONLY means of my knowledge, I know that progress is not possible
without pollution. I LOVE PROGRESS.

I also know, through the application of reason, that if pollution is to
be controlled and kept to an absolute bare minimum, then it MUST be
owned by the producer of it.

Ownership in a libertarian system of politics means being held
responsible and held accountable. Freedom does NOT mean being left free
to pollute, it means you have the freedom to OWN what YOU produce
INGLUDING especially pollution that way YOU can be held responsible,
flip side of the coin of freedom is responsibility and that IS what the
socialists hate.

.....Further fair comments snipped.... I really hate leftist commie and
fascist cunts eh? there is NO fundamental difference between ANY of
them, they ALL demand human sacrifice as a means to their bogus
invented glorious ends. disgusting fucking creeps.

Not them as human beings, but rather their ideas, they are evil ideas
and MUST be hated by the objective rational reason based mind.

> Who the
> fuck is going to keep the corporations - whoever's fucking fault it is
> that they might do it - from polluting your land. You and your
> shotgun? Sorry. It seems to me, you, just like lefties must advocate
> a governmental force.

You have to keep in mind, that the *initiator* of the harm is at fault,
libertarians say defence of peaceful human being against any initiated
physical harm, even if that harm is pollution is, a morally legitimate
function / requirement of the state.

You have to also keep in mind, that that does NOT happen now under the
West's statist system of politics, where the state gives itself the
bogus authority to set the maximum levels of pollution, which logically
means, there are no incentives to find lower levels, other than where
the pollution is a waste of product, which is why smoke is now mostly
white rather than gray, why? because gray means there's unburnt fuel
being wasted, BTW it was a capitalist and not a fucking greenie who
discovered that fact.

Another problem with the state maximum standard system is, say in 50
years time when deadly toxins are discovered in products not known
about at the time of pollution, then those who caused the pollution get
to walk away scot free because they are able to prove they acted within
the law and state levels and that happens almost on a daily basis.

You have to at all times understand that the removal of responsibilty
from human individuals creates irresponsibility within those human
individuals and that is the biggest down fall of any and all other
system of political systems except of course libertarian.

Look, please understand, that libertarians are NOT saying that in a
libertarian political system that things will be all peaches and cream,
what the libertarian political system does do is, it sets in place
clear precise unambiguous standards, it demands that all of man's laws
be kept as natural as possible, that laws be held and used as shields
and not used as swords, that laws be objective and clearly understood
PRIOR to action, rather than as happens now, where people are too
fucking scared to act, and progress is held back in case a new law was
made last night that forbids a new idea.

The idea that ignorance of the law is no excuse, when those laws could
only be as old as an hour, as is used by the courts today, results in
many appalling and inhumane injustices, we have also seen fucking
judges making new law on the hop, and we have the fucking police today
in many Western civiliazations being judge jury and executioners, e.g.
where cars are being confiscated by the police for no fucking good

Michael Gordge

Dec 2, 2006, 6:56:45 PM12/2/06

Immortalist wrote:
> And the Libertarian throws his fist down

Nobody owes the virtue of niceness to a blatant leftist envy ridden

Besides I was a little pissed last night, first time this year, and I
should have gone straight to bed.


Dec 2, 2006, 7:06:19 PM12/2/06

Immortalist wrote:

An attack of me and not the subject.

Your post was a contradiction.


Dec 2, 2006, 7:14:07 PM12/2/06

I own your life.

Brian Fletcher

Dec 3, 2006, 2:19:22 AM12/3/06

<> wrote in message

First time? Must have been one helluva pissup, to last for 332 days.



Dec 3, 2006, 2:43:02 AM12/3/06

Hey Brian,
How do you keep your sense of humor with Mike?? Is he saying his
uninspired, uncalled for, abusive replies are due to his inability to
hold his liquor??? So he doesn't know what he's writing; like say this
gem (from this thread!!):

Immortalist wrote:


Mikey complaining about a "personal attack"!!!!!!!!!! The phrase
"height of hypocrisy" comes to mind. I think people who give him
credit (should there be any), have not read enough samplings of his
"work" to detect the repetition of the "same" accidental
coherence mixed with the overwhelming abundance of expletives,
pejoratives, invectives, slurs, slander, and general-all-around
misanthropic tenor of his delusional rants.

Oh yeah, IMHO..................

Fun never ends (and only three weeks of actual work!!!!!!)
K e v

If I had known this was a "mikey" thread, might have popped in
sooner!!! Should have known from the title, I bad!!!!


Dec 3, 2006, 7:31:02 AM12/3/06
to wrote:
> OK Sam, fair comments snipped, but its not really my fault if you've
> beaten yourself up in the head over what I said.

If you can't tell I was enjoying myself.....

In a general way, I understood that, but it was good, for the sake of
our discussion, that I heard your version. I understand your problem
with the current system. Fine. I am not a big fan of it. But still,
you haven't really answered my question. You accept that there will be
some pollution. But let's say a corporation finds something in the
earth in the land near yours. They decide to strip mine. Various ugly
compounds start trailing (pun) into the lovely stream on your property.
Your air, or the air above your house and land, smells not as nice as
it used to. Fish die in the stream, even the trees on your property
drop their leaves earlier and look sicker. Maybe you don't feel so
good yourself. OK. I overdescribed. What does the libertarian see as
the process through which you solve this problem. Guilt trip the
members of the board and say they are not taking responsibily for their
actions? Physically confront them? Sabotage? What is the
non-governmental approach you have to redressing this situation? How
do you avoid involving police and governmental bodies? I am not saying
it cannot be done. I just do not have a sense of your version.

And explaining to me the problems that have arisen or are now present
because of people whose politics you disagree with does not answer my
question. Of course you're free to rant.


Dec 3, 2006, 7:37:49 AM12/3/06
Then the libertarian will find his or her land taken from him or her.

Of course a few libertarians will have the resources to keep others
from taking their land.

Sounds like the Middle Ages. The nobles are libertarians and the other
classes are work slaves.


Dec 3, 2006, 1:24:47 PM12/3/06
to wrote:
> Immortalist wrote:
> > And the Libertarian throws his fist down
> Nobody owes the virtue of niceness to a blatant leftist envy ridden
> liar.

Libertarians throwing down fists don't necessarily imply that leftists
or rightists are owed anything.

> Besides I was a little pissed last night, first time this year, and I
> should have gone straight to bed.

Your forgiven, give a hobo a Benjimen.

> MG


Dec 3, 2006, 1:35:09 PM12/3/06

The irony is so rich.

If you want to see how libertarianism would work all you have to do is
pick an example where business works outside of most of government
There is a perfect example where business is able to dodge government
control: the big multinationals. Here is a rich example of how lassaiz-
faire capitalism works: CORPORATIONS.
If you want to lose all your jobs to different countries; if you want
your businesses to be free of minimum wage restraints; free of labour
laws; free of regulation; free of health laws; free of pollution
directives; free of union laws ; free of import export levies; and
give massive tax breaks to the rich - just move your business to India.
That is what the corporations are doing.
This is the error of the anti-intelligence Rightist sheep-shaggers


Dec 3, 2006, 10:06:07 PM12/3/06

<> wrote in message

You know, I'm not libertarian [libertarian looks awfully close to anarchist
to me]...but the more I think, the better does libertarianism looks to me
considering how government has pretty much ruined life on the planet now
[learn any Rap lately?].

In my own personal misery resulting from the sellout of my heritage, I have
been greatly invoked to 'study' how this came about...'what influenced what'
in this once great society to have allowed it's own demise from within like
it now has. I have made note, for example, that most of the great
'revamping' social decisions have not come from legislation, which is the
arm of the people to govern themselves [through representation]. What has
so greatly changed life in America, and then the world that has taken on the
Kenndy/LBJ 'great society' model as their own, has come through the court
system...a few 'unelected' officials; elites appointed to their post. That
is hardly 'will of the people' but quite the opposite, the same old 'end
around' political ploy of macheavellian politics.

I have no doubt whatsoever that if the majoritive will of the masses had
been the true modicum of direction, we'd not see the social deteriation that
has now taken place. Our way of life has been dismantled, step by step,
piece by piece, until now, the very social landscape has been altered,
erasing what the 'will of the people' even once looked like. THE PEOPLE,
given their own design back in the 50's and 60's and even to some degree the
70's, would never have allowed this to happen. Now, we all have to monitor
the Hispanic vote to see which way the tide is going to turn in our personal

Who the fuck allowed this to happen? TRAITORS ONE AND

Government's purpose is only to offer remedy for those areas that free
markets do not the case of public goods, public bads,
education, defense, and to act as a moderator for commercial disputes.
Other than that, whatever else it takes upon itself is a power grab not
necessarily freely given over by the Will of the People. To this point, the
libertarians have it right.

Does government have the right to 'tax' people though? This is probably
what disqualifies me as being a libertarian, because I see a necessity here
if there is to be a strong centralizing force to government [which melds a
country together creating stability] [versus a weaker federalist
functionality as perhaps the EU now exists as].

Government also acts to give a 'face' to a society...a figment perhaps, but
a body that 'voices' the culture and sentiments and gives us an icon of
belonging. Nationalism and Government often go hand in hand...though they
are not necessarily the same thing. It is when the Government STOPS serving
the nation, becoming harbringer to attempt change to the nation that
problems arise. And boy, under multiculturism, are problems ever arising.

Government since FDR has taken on an ever increasing 'social advocacy' over
the years, entering into our personal lives in every way now, with rules and
bylaws and regulations and overseeing to where one no longer even 'feels'
they own their property anymore [ref emminent domain debacle]...

The supreme court will be hearing two cases that seek clarification of
school integration in the modern era. Even with all the forced busing, the
bending over backwards of government, institutions, and all facets of
society, it is recognized that neighborhoods still remain segregated.
Finally, some elites are being forced to re-evaluate their initial
assessments and realize stronger forces are at work in the 'will of the
people' to congregate and associate each according it's own, bedamned the
shallow nerdbrains and baboon scientists of Harvard and Oxford.

Multiculturism is an ideal of dreamers who have no footing in reality. They
see human beings just like Jane Goodall see baboons.

People do NOT want to be forced to live next to others who are not of their
own kind [of a great disparency], to be forced to give up their personal
heritages, their familial bonds to ancestry and history, no matter what that
ancestry is. Otherwise, we exist, as I do now, in a 'strange land,
surrounded by 'strange' and 'alien' things, and I no longer safe, but a
prisoner in a foreign land, no longer my own. This is the legacy of
multiculturism, where ALL members feel the same...a stranger in a strange

If only these liberal nuts could understand the harm they have now done.
What was once a promise in the world, is now a nightmare, probably only to
deteriate into only growing misery for everyone. Here's hoping the supreme
court will take a more pragmatic view of this issue, and work to at least
correct some of the harm that has been done in these two cases coming before
them involving school busing.


Brian Fletcher

Dec 4, 2006, 12:54:57 AM12/4/06

"kevirwin" <> wrote in message

> Brian Fletcher wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> >
>> > Immortalist wrote:
>> >> And the Libertarian throws his fist down
>> >
>> > Nobody owes the virtue of niceness to a blatant leftist envy ridden
>> > liar.
>> >
>> > Besides I was a little pissed last night, first time this year, and I
>> > should have gone straight to bed.
>> >
>> >
>> > MG
>> First time? Must have been one helluva pissup, to last for 332 days.
>> BOfL
> Hey Brian,
> How do you keep your sense of humor with Mike??

How do I not? Akin to maintaining my height :-)



Dec 4, 2006, 8:30:20 AM12/4/06
You still haven't answered the question. The government now acts like
libertarians wish. A corporation buys land neighboring yours and
pollutes the shit out of your land. What happens next?


Dec 7, 2006, 2:45:25 AM12/7/06
still waiting.

Dec 7, 2006, 3:24:51 AM12/7/06

Sammybaby wrote:
> If you can't tell I was enjoying myself.....

Masochist huh?

> you haven't really answered my question. You accept that there will be
> some pollution.

In the name of progress yes.

> But let's say a corporation finds something in the
> earth in the land near yours.

OK, but your question has an underlying faulty premise, you imply that
a corporation is something other than the intermediary between human
individuals who produce goods and services and human individuals who
wish to purchase those goods and services.

Corporations have an ultimate human individual or specific human
individuals who are the owners, and who run them and who work within
them, which means, an individual, or specific individuals are
ultimately responsible for ALL OF the actions of that corporation.
Unlike NOW.

As I said, each and every single human being is responsible for his/her
actions and in a libertarian political system, the buck stops with the
human individual, unlike NOW where the method of socialism is to shift
and transfer any and all responsibilities.

Sooo now you can ask your question with the new mindset, e.g. the human
individual who turned on the tap (what ever the ultimate cause) that
polluted my waterway IS and WILL be held responsible for HIS / HER
actions in a libertarian political system, (dont forget the law doesn't
soo too bad a job now working out who did what, plus of course the boss
is going to cover his arse by installing cameras etc etc get the
drift?) now you tell me, IF you were that individual, wouldn't you
think twice about each and every one of your actions, knowing that YOU
and YOU alone will be held responsible for YOUR actions?

Michael Gordge

Dec 7, 2006, 4:04:29 AM12/7/06

chazwin wrote:
> Here is a rich example of how lassaiz-
> faire capitalism works: CORPORATIONS.

Here is a good example of how laziaz-chaz socialism works: PARASITISM.

Michael Gordge

Dec 7, 2006, 4:17:21 AM12/7/06

kevirwin wrote:

> Mikey complaining about a "personal attack"!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, you fucking useless as all fuck knuckledragging commie cockheaded

> The phrase
> "height of hypocrisy" comes to mind.

Look you dopey confused cunt, the subject is libertarian politics and
the desperate lies of that lunatic fucking anti-human left-tit
knuckle-dragging Randaphobic retard who hasn't a fucking clue about
anything, the subject is NOT about ME, you fucking egghead, as much as
you useless cunts would like to try and make it, it aint, now grow up

Michael Gordge

Dec 7, 2006, 5:11:20 AM12/7/06

tooly wrote:
> Government's purpose is only to offer remedy for those areas that free
> markets do not function...

NO its not, the ONLY moral purpose of any government is to up-hold
liberty with objectively based laws and objective justice.

> in the case of public goods, public bads,
> education, defense, and to act as a moderator for commercial disputes.
> Other than that, whatever else it takes upon itself is a power grab not
> necessarily freely given over by the Will of the People. To this point, the
> libertarians have it right.

You dont understand libertarian politics very well at all tooly,
education is the absolute LAST thing ANY government ought get involved
in and would be one of the first to get the chop if a libertarian
government were elected ANYWHERE in the world.

> Does government have the right to 'tax' people though?

You can not sanction a right you dont have.

Just as it is wrong for one man to steal from another, it is equally as
wrong for the identical reasons to get a third party to do that
stealing for you, e.g. a government. An individual who hasn't a right
himself can not sanction that right into someone else

If you want to put your finger of the pulse of problems in the human
race, then feel or look for the pulse of contradiction, contradiction
is the ONLY thing which can destroy reality.


Nah its better for mankind if they all dropped dead or stayed asleep,
Hitler was intelligent, intelligence is NOT a measure of morality.

In all not too bad a post from you tooly.

Michael Gordge

Dec 7, 2006, 3:47:27 PM12/7/06

Sammybaby wrote:
> still waiting.

Cat gotcha tongue?



Dec 7, 2006, 4:34:36 PM12/7/06

Do they have IQ tests in New Zealand? Did you skip that day?? I think
you might qualify for handicapped parking (they do have cars where you
live, don't they???)

You really do need some one to proofread your posts. Will your excuse
be you were drunk again (it's a good one, it's easy to believe your
drivel is due to an intoxicated state of mind)

But enough insults, my good friend!!! Notice the absence of expletives
and vulgarities in my reply!!! Then read what you wrote and try and
figure out:


See, you insult me and I still try and help,

you're so lucky to have me for your best internet buddy,
K e v

Dec 7, 2006, 4:48:59 PM12/7/06

kevirwin wrote:
> Do they have IQ tests in New Zealand?

What the fuck are ewe on about now you stupid commie cunt? Stick to the
subject you stupid stupid stupid moronic goon.

The subject is not about me, you dumb arse, its about your Randaphobic
retarded left-tic ilk's lies, about libertarian concepts and your
cowardly refusal to face up to your own life and your own

Why dont you share with the world what exactly it is about YOU being
the sole benefactor and the sole decider of the results of YOUR enegry,
so as that YOU alone can be held responsible for what YOU do, that
scares you so much kev?


Dec 7, 2006, 4:56:21 PM12/7/06

kevirwin wrote:

> See, you insult me and I still try and help,

Insults are self-inflicted you stupid commie cunt, sooo go ahead make
my day.



Dec 7, 2006, 5:36:37 PM12/7/06

Goon??? hey, that a new word for you!!!!!

What's up with that last paragraph??? As fas as I know, I'm the only
true individual on the planet....Ya' wanna know how it feels to be
FREEEEEE???? I retire in 2 weeks Mike, and for the next 20 years, give
or take 5, I can do whatever I want. I completely don't care what the
rest of the adults on the planet do, I ain't playin' that game any
more. I'll let you know how good it feels over the course of the next 6

HA HA HA HA, always a pleasure doin' business with you....

Oh BTW, I have only "one" fear since you asked what I'm "scared
of"....It's physical, not mental, and highly unlikely. (Hint: while
serving in southeast Asia I **KNEW** I'd never let myself be captured,
NO surrender {granted, I was on a support base outside Vietnam, so odds
were low of being overrun})

I guess that leaves out -"fear of death" , huh??? Good existentialist

Say what ya' want Mike,

K e v, the happy camper


Dec 7, 2006, 7:31:42 PM12/7/06
Hey Kev,
I'm still glad to see you keeping Mike in his place. I've
given up answering his posts or even reading them. I'll get back to him
when I feel the need to feel superior. I have had a nice time ignoring
him - nearly as much fun as answering him.
Have fun.



Dec 7, 2006, 10:38:54 PM12/7/06
OK. I guess you can't answer a reasonable question about
libertarianism. You can bitch and moan in the abstract, but you have no
idea how it would actually work out. Or...?

Fairly straight forward question. The neighboring corporation pollutes
your land, badly, whatever that means to you. What do you do?
Shotgun? They pay people to stop you.
Appeal to authorities? That would be big government.
Tell the corporation they are curtailing your liberty? and when they
don't care?
Look, so far you've communicated pretty poorly in a few different ways,
yet here I am asking as simple practical question about your system.

Oh, yes. Cat got your tongue was really funny. Good mockery. Though
I am suddenly thinking you are actually 12.

Dec 8, 2006, 1:41:33 AM12/8/06

Sammybaby wrote:
> OK. I guess you can't answer a reasonable question about
> libertarianism.

Cat gotcha eyes ears and brains as well? I answered your question, here
it is again.


Dec 8, 2006, 2:47:19 AM12/8/06

There would be widescale pollution. How would an individual whose land
is polluted ever get redress? A multibillion dollar corporation would
hammer the little guy into the earth with the legal system. The legal
system itself, responsible only to itself, would favour the big guys.
In a libertarian system no one would be available to mediate such
disputes that were not self interested.
It is easy for a libertarian to say "everyone is personally responsible
for his actions" just like the communists used to say "everyone will be
equal". But unless you have the means of enforcing such grand ideas,
making sure that everyone behaves in a responsible way, they will act
according to their own short term desires. The means of enforcement
require an independant police force, laws, regulations, legally defined
restrictions, and people who will decide what restrictions are
necessary - all the sort of stuff libertarianism seeks to wash away.
WIthout government polluting a field cannot be illegal.

> >
> > MG

Dec 8, 2006, 2:48:17 AM12/8/06

chazwin wrote:
> Hey Kev,

Hey kev nothing you fucking commie dimbulb, the world is still waiting
for you to explain which of the many definitions of *truth* have you
used for truth in your claim that:

*Truth has many definitions and philosophic meanings*

Michael Gordge


Dec 8, 2006, 7:46:07 AM12/8/06
to wrote:
> Sammybaby wrote:
> > OK. I guess you can't answer a reasonable question about
> > libertarianism.
> Cat gotcha eyes ears and brains as well? I answered your question, here
> it is again.
> > But let's say a corporation finds something in the
> > earth in the land near yours.
> OK, but your question has an underlying faulty premise, you imply that
> a corporation is something other than the intermediary between human
> individuals who produce goods and services and human individuals who
> wish to purchase those goods and services.

No, I merely assume that they exist, which they do.

> Corporations have an ultimate human individual or specific human
> individuals who are the owners, and who run them and who work within
> them, which means, an individual, or specific individuals are
> ultimately responsible for ALL OF the actions of that corporation.
> Unlike NOW.

Great. (in the abstract)

> As I said, each and every single human being is responsible for his/her
> actions and in a libertarian political system, the buck stops with the
> human individual, unlike NOW where the method of socialism is to shift
> and transfer any and all responsibilities.
> Sooo now you can ask your question with the new mindset, e.g. the human
> individual who turned on the tap (what ever the ultimate cause) that
> polluted my waterway IS and WILL be held responsible for HIS / HER
> actions in a libertarian political system, (dont forget the law doesn't
> soo too bad a job now working out who did what, plus of course the boss
> is going to cover his arse by installing cameras etc etc get the
> drift?) now you tell me, IF you were that individual, wouldn't you
> think twice about each and every one of your actions, knowing that YOU
> and YOU alone will be held responsible for YOUR actions?

No, because my boss asked me to put the shit there. They did not
install cameras because they didn't care. When you complain they deny
the toxic levels are higher, that their corporation is the source of
the problem, and that these toxins actually cause problems.

I think it is odd that you don't know this is what happens now. You
can write in the constitution that everyone is responsible for his or
her actions and this will not change corporations or the individuals
who make them up. They will deny and cover their asses. I don't need,
I hope, to point out why they will do this. I agree, they are not
taking responsibility. Which some of them won't.

Then what?

You did not answer the question before, despite condescension here that
implies you did. You are beginning to answer the question, but it
still seems to me you are in denial of certain portions of reality.
Show me I am wrong.

> Michael Gordge


Dec 8, 2006, 7:50:50 AM12/8/06
And by the way, you seem to think in a libertarian world everybody will
take responsibility for their actions.

I can also hallucinate a world with any -ism where everybody is nice
and ethical. This is useless fantasy.

Dec 8, 2006, 8:07:45 AM12/8/06

Sammybaby wrote:
> No, I merely assume that they exist, which they do.

Corporation exists as the name for the intermediary between human
individuals who produce goods and servives and those human individuals
who wish to purchase them, and that in reality is all they are.

Corporations have owners and in a libertarian political system,
ownership, unlike in a socialist system, ownership has the automatic
implication of responsibility and that is what scares the left-tic (tic
as in parasite) retards about their freedom so much.

> No, because my boss asked me to put the shit there.

Oh, that means you would have made an excellent General in Nazi
Hitler's Army.

> I think it is odd that you don't know this is what happens now.

What the fuck I DO FUCKING WELL KNOW and what's more, I fucking well
know that that is precisely why its far too important an issue to leave
up to dopey fucking socialists to sort out, why? oh I thought you would
have guessed, its because socialists have spread individual
responsibility out so fucking far and sooo thin that no one has any

> Then what?
> You did not answer the question before, despite condescension here that
> implies you did. You are beginning to answer the question, but it
> still seems to me you are in denial of certain portions of reality.
> Show me I am wrong.

What the fuck are you on about? FACT, even in a libertarian political
system some individual human beings will still act irrationally and
irresponsibly and that IS the role of moral law, to redress the wrongs

Perhaps you could answer the question the way you are expecting it to
be answered because fucked if I know where you are trying to go with



Dec 8, 2006, 7:38:53 PM12/8/06

When you post lunacy like this, do you pray the casual reader doesn't
go back to find the whole post to find the context????

BUT WAIT; I'm **not** here to tell you that as a verbal sparring
partner, you are in affect fighting with: both hands tied behind your
back, lead boots on your feet, and blind-folded!!!!!!

No, anyone who can read already knows that!!!

I'm here to help again; some one has viciously attacked your fanatsy
woman and I fear you haven't seen it!!!!!!

Look for this thread:
"a far right ayn rand propaganda documentary for intellectually
challenged fascist creeps to wank away with"

No need to thank me, that's what friends are for!!!!

K e v


Dec 9, 2006, 6:52:43 AM12/9/06
to wrote:
> Sammybaby wrote:
> >
> > No, I merely assume that they exist, which they do.
> Corporation exists as the name for the intermediary between human
> individuals who produce goods and servives and those human individuals
> who wish to purchase them, and that in reality is all they are.
> Corporations have owners and in a libertarian political system,
> ownership, unlike in a socialist system, ownership has the automatic
> implication of responsibility and that is what scares the left-tic (tic
> as in parasite) retards about their freedom so much.

yeah, yeah. I know this. Take that in. NOt important in relation to
my question. Corporation is a shorthand for the experience one has
when one is on the bad end of relating to individuals who work in one.

> > No, because my boss asked me to put the shit there.
> Oh, that means you would have made an excellent General in Nazi
> Hitler's Army.

This means nothing. You still can't deal with a very common experience
and show how you as a libertarian would deal with it and how the
society you imagine, with its more restricted government, would work.

> > I think it is odd that you don't know this is what happens now.
> What the fuck I DO FUCKING WELL KNOW and what's more, I fucking well
> know that that is precisely why its far too important an issue to leave
> up to dopey fucking socialists to sort out, why? oh I thought you would
> have guessed, its because socialists have spread individual
> responsibility out so fucking far and sooo thin that no one has any
> anymore.

This is more noise and blaming. You sound like you feel victimized by
another group. You sound like a socialist.

> > Then what?
> >
> > You did not answer the question before, despite condescension here that
> > implies you did. You are beginning to answer the question, but it
> > still seems to me you are in denial of certain portions of reality.
> > Show me I am wrong.
> What the fuck are you on about? FACT, even in a libertarian political
> system some individual human beings will still act irrationally and
> irresponsibly and that IS the role of moral law, to redress the wrongs
> objectively.
> Perhaps you could answer the question the way you are expecting it to
> be answered because fucked if I know where you are trying to go with
> it.

Wow. that's sad. Here's the point. Large governments can and
sometimes do counterbalance the powers of rich individuals in society.
Rich and powerful, I should say. LIbertarians tend to want to restrict
the scope of governement powers. One can now appeal in most western
societies to governments for help in dealing with individuals who
commit crimes for the profit of their corporations adn themselves. I
am trying to figure out how you see this working out. I don't need a
lecture about how poorly things work now or who you think is to blame
for that. I am trying to see if you have anything to offer beyond
blame and analyses of what is wrong. I have no idea what your answer
would be: take them to court, but they will have vastly greater
resources and they will likely kick your ass, hide evidence, hire
experts who say what is happening is nto happening and so on. This
happens now, but there tend to be governement agencies who will also
join or run a parallel struggle against the individuals running the
corporation or whoever is to blame. Again, no need to say how poor
things are being run now or whose fault it is. YOu sound like some
whiny teenage anarchist with slightly different politics and AS LITTLE

My point was I think you are probably naive about the consequences of
your system. But I don't know. So I picked an example from your
original post to find out how you saw things happening better. This
was beyond you. I give up. I'm gone.

You are someone else's child who thinks the adult world is fucked up
and has all the answers (though you keep these to yourself).

Keep your thread and your anger and your blame and have a blast. I
don't know why I thought you might in the end actually get down to
something constructive.


Dec 9, 2006, 7:10:48 AM12/9/06

Sammybaby wrote:

> Here's the point. Large governments can and
> sometimes do counterbalance the powers of rich individuals in society.

Go fuck yourself you commie cunt.

Michael Gordge

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