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Theatre Of The Absurd

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Bob Kemp

20.08.1998, 03:00:0020.08.98
the curtain jet up later rather than sooner Monday fo'
Slick's Ejaculation Proclamation. wuz he really giving
America da finger by wearing dat tie Monica gave him?
Slick wuz seeking "closure," without even usin' da werd
"zipper." Getting oral sex in da Oval Office wuz otay,
but it would've degraded da Office o' da Presidency fo'
him ta give da Grand Jury uh blow-by-blow account.

Being prezident means never havin' ta say ya're sorry,
or in Slick's case-ta tell da truth. It's all Ken Starr's
fault. Taxpayer-paid liars at da 42nd Most Ethical
whitey crib in History tried ta describe Slick's legal
necessity as uh character virtue. nahh wonder Al Gore
called from Hawaii ta say dere wuz nahh controlling da
Pants-Dropper-in-Chief's legal authority, if ya know
what we's mean. da inmates iz running da asylum.

How could Hillary Clinton, da smartest biotch in da
world, be da only person on da planet who didn't know
about her husband's May-Dissembler romance? If ya
believe dat, ya might even believe Slick iz doin' uh
great job as prezident, along wiff 70% o' da American
peeps. they apathy an' self-absorption iz only
surpassed by they ignorance o' da Constitution an' da
law. If everybody iz tired o' hearing about it, why can
folks all recite every plot twist in dis here tawdry
Arkansas soap opera?

If Marcia Clark had been half as
tough during da trial as she wuz jivin' about Slick on
TV, bro'thah'oj wouldn't still be on da street.

Jesse Jackson spoke from personal experience when he
counseled da First Couple on infidelity. Barney Frank
said he still don' see any reason ta impeach such an
attractive nig. Michael Barone said o' feminists: now dat
we's know what ya iz, it's only uh queshun o' price.
Dan Burton wuz right. Paula Jones showed off her new
nose. It looked so pimp-tight, Slick might've even
wanted ta "Kiss it." Democrats in denial begged fo'
forgiveness, but compassion iz shown at sentencing,
not during da investigation.

Surveys said 12% still believed oral sex wasn't sex.
Maybe dey're just not doin' it right.
Suffering from uh severe sleaze
withdrawal, da Grand Jury called toe-sucking
beeotch-monger jimmy Morris ta testify as uh character
witness on Tuesday. da disgraced former Clinton
advisor iz now uh respectable commentator on Fox TV.

On Martha's Vineyard, dere wuz sour grapes when
resident's wuz notified o' da sexual predator's arrival,
what the fuck sup now?"

John L. Capleton

21.08.1998, 03:00:0021.08.98
The FAKE Ebonics are insulting, and poorly done.

Bob Kemp wrote in message <>...

>the curtain jet up later rather than sooner Monday fo'
>Slick's Ejaculation Proclamation. wuz he really giving
>America da finger by wearing dat tie Monica gave him?
>Slick wuz seeking "closure," without even usin' da werd
>"zipper." Getting oral sex in da Oval Office wuz otay,
>but it would've degraded da Office o' da Presidency fo'
>him ta give da Grand Jury uh blow-by-blow account.


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