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Osama's tape: Latest of U.S. fabrications ?

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Jun 6, 2006, 5:58:49 AM6/6/06
Osama's tape: Latest of U.S. fabrications ?
Publication time: 2 June 2006, 15:33

In an audiotape attributed to Al Qaeda chief leader, Saudi dissident
Osama Bin Laden said that Zacarias Moussaoui - the only person
convicted in the U.S. for the Sept. 11 attacks, wasn't involved in
the operation. "He had no connection at all with Sept. 11," the
speaker, claiming

"He had no connection at all with Sept. 11," the speaker, claiming to
be Bin Laden, said in the tape posted on an Internet site earlier.

"I am the one in charge of the 19 brothers and I never assigned brother
Zacarias to be with them in that mission," the speaker said, referring
to the hijackers.

"Since Zacarias Moussaoui was still learning how to fly, he wasn't No.
20 in the group, as your government has claimed," Bin Laden said. "It
knows this very well."

But Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a non-partisan association of faculty,
students, and scholars in history, science, military affairs,
psychology, and philosophy, dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to
revealing truths behind 9/11, concluded that Bin Laden's tape was
"one more installment in a succession of evidence fabricated by the
U.S. government to deceive the American people".

"This tape is only the latest in a series of fabrications intended to
mislead the American people," said James H. Fetzer, the society's
founder. "The closer we get to revealing the truth about 9/11, the more
furiously the government fights to conceal it," according to PRWEB.

Members of Scholars with the help of other experts have evidence of
fakery, he further stated

In contrast to Osama's latest tape, in which he claims responsibility
for orchestrating 9/11 attacks, another tape also attributed to Al
Qaeda leader and released on December 27, 2001, the authenticity of
which is not in doubt, showed Osama denying having links to 9/11.

"Moreover," Fetzer added, "some of the 19 hijackers he 'personally
assigned' have turned up alive and well."

This is not the first time a tape is released in which Bin Laden
appears to take responsibility for the attacks.

"The Osama on the video tape that appeared on December 13, 2001,
confessed to planning the 9/11 attacks. But he is far darker and much
heavier than the real Osama Bin Laden. People can see the difference by
looking up 'The Fake Bin Laden Video Tape'," David Ray Griffin, a
prominent member of Scholars, points out.

Griffin's view is supported by work-in-progress by members of Scholars
for 9/11 Truth, which appears on its web site under the title, "9/11:
Have we been lied to?"

It also presented an evidence of fakery in some of previously released
videos based upon various physical properties of the figures that
appears to be Bin Laden, noting that there are differences in the ears,
cheeks, eyebrows, length of the nose and shape of the nostrils.

"The use of computer analysis can 'fine tune' these questions of facial
characteristics," Fetzer said, "but the gross differences already show
they are not the same."

"Another problem with the video of December 13, 2001," according to
Griffin, "was that its stocky Bin Laden praised two of the alleged
hijackers, Wail M. Al-Shehri and Salem al-Hazmi, by name, and yet both
the London Telegraph and the Saudi embassy reported several days after
9/11 that al-Hazmi was still alive and working in Saudi Arabia. Given
the fact that the earlier video in which Osama confessed was clearly a
fake, we should be suspicious of this latest apparent confession."

A professor at Duke, Bruce Lawrence, who has published Messages to the
World: The Statements of Osama Bin Laden, expressed deep doubts about
the credibility of the tape released January 17, 2006.

In a report that appeared two days after the release of the tape,
Lawrence said "There's nothing in this from the Qur'an,"

"He's, by his own standards, a faithful Muslim who quotes scripture in
defense of his actions. There's no quotation from the Qur'an in the
excerpts we got, no reference to specific events, no reference to past

Moreover, Fetzer, informed that Reuters news agency has reported
confirmation that the voice on the tape is indeed that of Osama Bin
Laden, Fetzer stated that "The fact that the voice is his does not
prove that the tape is authentic. We have had phony tapes before using
voices that were authentic. Mark Bingham, a passenger on Flight 93, is
supposed to have called his mother and said, 'Hi, Mom, this is Mark
Bingham!' His mother confirmed it was his voice, but does anyone
seriously believe that Mark Bingham would have used his last name in
identifying himself to his mother?"

"Back in 1999," he said, "William Arkin published an article
entitled, 'When Seeing and Hearing isn't Believing' describing the new
technology of 'voice morphing' (or 'voice synthesizing'), Arkin
explained that, if audio technicians have a recording of your voice,
then they can create a tape in which your voice, your authentic voice
says anything they wish."

The Scholars stated in an a press release on April 22, 2006, that a
tape played during the trail of Zacarias Moussaoui, a 37-year-old
Frenchman who was sentenced to life in prison earlier this month after
a jury ruled that he was responsible for at least one death on Sept.
11, included "discussion among the passengers about using a drink
cart to break down the cabin door alleged to have been picked up on a
cockpit voice recorder, which does not record conversations in the
passenger cabin".

"This is not the first and certainly will not be the last time that the
American government plays the American people for suckers," Fetzer

"We have just acquired new evidence that the Top of FormPentagon video
tapes were processed and manipulated in an apparent effort to distort
or conceal what happened there on 9/11," Fetzer stated. "Apparently,
whenever the government feels the need to bolster the official myth
about 9/11, it simply fabricates a new tape! Anybody who wants to keep
score should visit our web site."

Edward MacMahon, one of the lawyers who defended Moussaoui, said that
Al Qaeda leader wouldn't have made the best witness for his client,
even with his statements that Moussaoui had no role in the attacks.

"I'm not commenting on the credibility of Osama Bin Laden," MacMahon
said. "I never believed there was any evidence to support Moussaoui's
story [that he was the 20th hijacker], and that's what I told the
The members of S9/11T are devoted to reporting the results of research
on 9/11 to the nation and the world by means of lectures, articles, and
other venues, according to the group's website.

They believe that their research proves the current administration has
been dishonest about what happened in New York and Washington, D.C.

These experts contend that books and articles by members and other
associates have established that the World Trade Center was almost
certainly brought down by controlled demolitions and that the available
relevant evidence casts grave doubt on the government's official story
about the attack on the Pentagon.

They believe that the government not only permitted 9/11 to occur but
may even have orchestrated these events to facilitate its political

S9/11T encourages its members to vigorously express their concerns on
this score through lectures, conferences, symposia, articles, and books
as well as other access routes that publicize their findings.

Founded by professors Jim Fetzer and Steven Jones, S9/11T is devoted to
applying the principles of scientific reasoning to the available
evidence, "letting the chips fall where they may".

Currently, S9/11T has four categories of members: full members (FM),
who have or have had academic appointments or the equivalent; associate
members (AM), who have backgrounds and interests relevant to 9/11
research; and student members (SM), who are concerned about these
issues and want to pursue them. The special category of society
associate (SA) exists for others who wish to publicly support the

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