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Mom thinks I am crazy

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Aug 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/23/99
For some strange reason my mom thinks that I am a kook. I am forced to take
brain medicine everyday and she monitors it. My dad suggests that I throw them
away, but she's always there, so I really can't. Yesterday my mom and dad
scheduled an appointment with my psychologist for me (Haven't gone in 6
months). My dad says that there isn't anything wrong with me, and that as a
teenager, I just need some space. My mom seems to think otherwise. The dad
totally understands it, and says that mom is the cause of my anger, but for
some reason, the mom doesn't understand. Damn. I'll give my psychologist all
kinds of hell today :=)

Aug 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/24/99
In article <>, (Dstn2BGrt) wrote:
> For some strange reason my mom thinks that I am a kook.

lol !!

lets see. "brain medicine" vs "just need some space". "the mom"
says one thing--dad says another. "dad is the
cause of my anger". "i'll give my psych all kinds of hell".

why don't you try talking non-"kook"-like to your psychologist
and see if she/he can help you sort out what is really going on
here ??

"the mom". i just love that comment (freudian slip?) !!!


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Aug 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/24/99
Ahhh, an update. I went to my psychologist today, and I didn't like it. We
reached common grounds in that mom is a little obsessive at loving me. He said
that the reason was due to me being the only boy in the family, and that I am
the youngest. He also said that I have anger problems (Of which I disagreed).
We went on with the word games for about half an hour, and I didn't like it.
He also accused me of being "too White" and that was the problem. I yelled at
him for that, what an idiot! The age gap, and cultural gap are also issues, he
said. I tried to cut a deal, saying that if I don't "become angry", then I
wouldn't have to take the medication. Of course he didn't agree and put me on
it anyway. It's called ZyPrexa, and it supposedly calms me down whenever I
need help. He said to take it with me, it's much like a condom, I might not
need it, but if I feel the need to, it'll be there. The funny thing is that
the damn thing costs $350. My parents, the fear mongers that they are, took it
without questions. Now they're going to have it sit in the closet because I am
not taking it :=)

Lee Murray

Aug 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/24/99

=?iso-8859-1?Q?t=F0m=E1=A7=AE?= ( writes:
>> "the mom". i just love that comment (freudian slip?) !!!
> i think it's the beginning of his getting better, to distance himself
> emotionally from this neurotic woman that is his mother. a loving,
> nurturing mother is important to growth, a neurotic obsessive one is
> very damaging.

Not mutually exclusive, however. A lot of people are duped
by the psychiatric drug pushing. I'm not saying all psi drugs
are bad, just 90% of the time. I only went to one shrink and
he had the prescription wrote before I could sit down.


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Aug 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/24/99
Dstn2BGrt wrote in message <>...

>Ahhh, an update. I went to my psychologist today, and I didn't like it. We
>reached common grounds in that mom is a little obsessive at loving me. He
>that the reason was due to me being the only boy in the family, and that I
>the youngest. He also said that I have anger problems (Of which I

And then proceeded to punch his lights out ;-) LOL j/k

>We went on with the word games for about half an hour, and I didn't like
>He also accused me of being "too White" and that was the problem. I yelled
>him for that, what an idiot! The age gap, and cultural gap are also
issues, he
>said. I tried to cut a deal, saying that if I don't "become angry", then I
>wouldn't have to take the medication. Of course he didn't agree and put me
>it anyway. It's called ZyPrexa, and it supposedly calms me down whenever I
>need help. He said to take it with me, it's much like a condom, I might
>need it, but if I feel the need to, it'll be there. The funny thing is
>the damn thing costs $350. My parents, the fear mongers that they are,
took it
>without questions. Now they're going to have it sit in the closet because
I am
>not taking it :=)

What does this last expression mean, that they will have to cower and hide
from you in fear?

Kitty Meow

Aug 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/24/99
I'm 16 years old, and I know how you feel, trust me.

The only way that you can get to your mother, is by talking to her, and if
that doesn't work, get your dad to do it. This should be a family issue, not
just yours.
You might wanna do something fun with your mom once in a while, to take the
pressure off. And if you don't know WHY she thinks you're nuts (no specific
indications yet?) then I think she might wanna see a counselor or
psychiatrist also.

Dstn2BGrt <> wrote in message
> For some strange reason my mom thinks that I am a kook. I am forced to


Aug 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/25/99

i think it's kinda cool he didn't put you on something continuously,
they usually do that so they can say it's not like you're doing drugs,
it's "medication".

but then, see, he's a psychiatrist probably and not a psychologist.
giving meds is his job. i think it's a good idea to have that stuff
around though, just in case you really need to calm down sometime. it is
better not to allow yourself to rely on it though, just very
occasionally or never.

oh, and the more pissed off you act towards that doctor the worse it is
for you.

about the anger problem he talked about. you probably can't see it, but
i imagine you're on something of an emotional edge that you could mellow
out a bit from on your own.

it takes some time, and things being a bit more calm and rational around
you will
help. try to get a proper amount of sleep. eat well and maybe get some
regular exercise, stuff like that. try to keep your life balanced in
most every department, maybe try to look for friends that aren't too
crazy but still fun to be with. stay away from street drugs. keep busy
with the stuff you need to do, those sorts of things. it's all sound
advice for healthy living, right?

i think you're lucky that this doctor, whatever he is, actually looked
at your situation and saw significance to your environmental situation.
many would have given you a label and pills and been done with it. i
have no idea what he meant by being too "white" though.

try to remember too, that your mom is just really being a mother. the
attention you get from her is because she wants the best for you and
loves you. obviously it's not entirely a bad thing, but as you know it
can go too far. in a way that's for you to deal with as well, and you'll
find it's an asset to have someone that can care as much as she can.

good luck man, write back sometime if you want.


Dstn2BGrt wrote:

Ahhh, an update. I went to my psychologist today, and I didn't like it.
reached common grounds in that mom is a little obsessive at loving me.
He said
that the reason was due to me being the only boy in the family, and that
I am
the youngest. He also said that I have anger problems (Of which I

We went on with the word games for about half an hour, and I didn't like
He also accused me of being "too White" and that was the problem. I
yelled at
him for that, what an idiot! The age gap, and cultural gap are also
issues, he
said. I tried to cut a deal, saying that if I don't "become angry",
then I
wouldn't have to take the medication. Of course he didn't agree and put
me on
it anyway. It's called ZyPrexa, and it supposedly calms me down
whenever I
need help. He said to take it with me, it's much like a condom, I might
need it, but if I feel the need to, it'll be there. The funny thing is
the damn thing costs $350. My parents, the fear mongers that they are,
took it
without questions. Now they're going to have it sit in the closet
because I am
not taking it :=)



Aug 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/25/99

Lee Murray wrote:
> A lot of people are duped
> by the psychiatric drug pushing. I'm not saying all psi drugs
> are bad, just 90% of the time. I only went to one shrink and
> he had the prescription wrote before I could sit down.

> Lee

that's what psychiatrists do these days, they give drugs, that's their

all that talking in the past was annoying to them.



Aug 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/26/99
Uhm, my post didn't go through, I'll try to resend it.......technical
difficulties's a logistical thing....

"Dstn2BGrt" <> wrote in message


Aug 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/27/99
I'll tell you one thing, you're quite intelligent. You express yourself
well, and you seem to understand your feelings to a good extent, and you can
express them well.

Apparently the med is for anger management, and I would be curious to know
if it actually seems to work.

You don't think you *are* angry? It would seem that perhaps you should be,
perhaps have a right to be, although, don't take me wrong, I think your
mom's heart is in the right place at least. Even if her parenting strategies
and behaviour aren't. If you are (angry), eventually you will need to work
through it, kinda get angry at mom in your own mind, and one day the anger
will disappear for the most part and you can get on with your life. As well
as look at her differently, realising that maybe she did good things as well
as bad.

If you *are* angry, and you don't resolve it in some manner similar to what
I've described, if you hold it in and don't ever recognise it and realise
where it came from, if you sort of repress it let's say, you will begin to
displace it at random all around you, and this will interfere with your
trying to make your life a success in all aspects. So, we don't want

The heckofit is, if the situation in your life is making you angry, you'll
be sort of stuck in the situation for a few years to come I would imagine.
So, the situation, the thing that makes you angry, will maybe continue to do

Once the problem is solved, that is, maybe your mom can change a bit, or
maybe once you are out on your own (something I would recommend you do as
soon as you can, as long as you can do it RIGHT.......:<} .....), then, the
cause of the anger will no longer be active, and you can start to work
through it and dispose of it. If you try to work through it now, but the
situation still exists and it continues to make you angry every day, trying
to work through it won't help a whole lot. And you might become *way* too
preoccupied with angry feelings.

*Not* a good thing.

So, I would have a tendency to suggest you try to be as honest as you can
with yourself in terms of whether you are angry or not, but, I wouldn't get
*too* all wrapped up in "getting in touch with your anger" because, if the
situation that made (or is making) you angry still exists, you might end up
making yourself miserable until you *are* out on your own and the cause of
your anger is no longer active.

Certainly, then is the time to deal with things, but, in the mean time,
maybe it is a good idea to "repress" some of this, and go over and try to
deal with some of it in your mind, as you yourself determine you are able
to. If the situation is driving you nuts, there's nothing wrong with some
mental escapism, as long as, when you are older, you *do* work through
whatever feelings you may have had as a result of it.

Spend time with friends or activities maybe, and during those times do
everything you can to forget all about your family situation for a while,
give yourself a break. Start to break away on your own slowly but

This "too white" thing worries me a little, but maybe coming from a
"minority" (I hate that word, I see no real need for it, or words like
"Indian", "Black", "Asian" etc, to me they are racist labels) type person,
it might end up being an interesting perspective in a way. I'm not really

It's hard for us "white people" to really comprehend the kind of things that
"minorities" have gone through in the US and other places. To grow up being
told by the entire majority world that you are inferior, etc,
.................coming through that sort of thing can give one some down to
earth perceptions that people that haven't experienced those things usually
can't get.

But then again, maybe the guy's a putz.

If it was coming from a "white" (pink or beige actually, yes we *are*
colored too) person, I'm not sure *what* the heck to think about it.....(I'm
assuming you too are "white"),,,,........

What do you think he meant by "too white" and what did *he* try to express
to you was *his* meaning by using the phrase?

Also, what justification does the counselor use to say that you have anger
problems? Do you fly into verbal rages around the house now and then or

Love that handle........

Don't really like the ISP, but hey, I hear the chatrooms are a good place to
meet women........

Dstn2BGrt wrote in message <>...

Marc Loi

Aug 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/28/99
(responding to the post about the "being white" thing)

The situation is this: I am Asian, but having grown up in America, I've chosen
not to give in to the Asian culture. I find most of the traditions silly. I do
not part-take in prayers, or any other ceremonies that a person of oriental
decent usually does. Friends lovingly call me "Twinky". It means that although
I am Asian, everything else is pretty much White. I sound White, and I act
White. My mom seems to have a problem with that, she thinks that I have
personal issues with being Asian, and that perhaps I am shy about it. I keep
on insisting that that wasn't the case, but the lady just doesn't understand.
My psychologist said that perhaps the reason for all the quarelling between me
and mom is that I am being too "white" and the fact that mom is too
traditional. I know that I am normal. I have friends, dreams, and a bright
future as a talkradio host, there is no question at all about me being normal.
People somehow think that I am angry when I raise my voice, but the truth is
that it is about passion. I debate for my school, and as I moved to higher
levels, I've learned voice control. It isn't about me being angry, but it's
about me using my deep tone of voice to speak with authority. They need to
realize that. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am normal, and that there is
no way in hell that I am going to go back to that idiot's office ever again.
Thank you to everyone for all the feedback that you've given me, they were (and
still are) of great help.

Hans Versteegt

Aug 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/29/99
On 23 Aug 1999 20:29:18 GMT, (Dstn2BGrt) wrote:

>For some strange reason my mom thinks that I am a kook. I am forced to take
>brain medicine everyday and she monitors it. My dad suggests that I throw them
>away, but she's always there, so I really can't. Yesterday my mom and dad
>scheduled an appointment with my psychologist for me (Haven't gone in 6
>months). My dad says that there isn't anything wrong with me, and that as a
>teenager, I just need some space. My mom seems to think otherwise. The dad
>totally understands it, and says that mom is the cause of my anger, but for
>some reason, the mom doesn't understand. Damn. I'll give my psychologist all
>kinds of hell today :=)

Hello boy,
I am a mother of 4 boys, twins of 16, a single of 13, and a single of 11 years old. I must say that
there has been a period that I also thought one of my sons was crazy!
Although I realise that my thirteen year old is a sweetheart, a loving, tender, caring and
intelligent boy, I have so often problems with him! And why?
Because he thinks in a diffrent way as I do. I can't follow his thoughts. For example we all are
talking about school issues, and suddenly he changes the subject to cows....
Or: The teacher askes about feelings, and he starts telling about hunger, thirst, fatigue.... but
the issue was more like Anger, Fear, etc.
It is just an other way of thinking, like being listening to two diffrent kind of radio stations,
like being both on a diffrent wave length.... (do you understand what I mean?)
When I realised that this was the problem, I ask my son more and more to express his feelings.
He is not crazy, and I am not. We are speaking diffrent languages. My husband understands him
perfectly. But is often away from home. So when I have another problem again with my son, I tried to
figure it out with my husband....(what has he thought, what's on his mind??)
I think I have to learn thinking in many diffrent ways. It has some pofits you know? My husband and
son are very creative in solving difficulties. That is a good thing you need in life.
I hope my son will tell me his feelings and way to see things. He does not express himself very
often and very clear.
As a parent I want to see my boys grown up well, so that they can be accepted in the society, and
not as an outcast. So they need some skills.... It's part of my responsibility to learn them handle
with people, problems,emotions, life.....
But what I now realise is that it will not be necessary for hem to learn all these skillsn the way I
want. There are so many ways to do things

I do think your mum is a loving, caring person, she has her own way of thinking what is good for
you. Help her to see what YOUR feelings are about the problem, how you want to live and love...
perhaps you need the support of your father in this...
Accept her for her way of loving you, and I'm sure she will accept your way too!

Hope this will help you. With love


Aug 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/30/99
See, I just can't comprehend this. I could get you one black, (that's the
name they gave themselves back in the seventies, so I guess that's OK,
(black is beautiful, which of course it is, *love* that color)) and one
asian person and one white person and a person that is from borneo or
somewhere, and make a tape of each one, and you would all think they all
were "white"......

All I would have to do is find that many people that spoke english (mostly
pronounce it) in the usually accepted "correct" (gasp) way........ (like I'm
even one to talk, you have seen the way *I* murder the language.....)

The thing you are doing is simply fitting into the culture you live in and
doing and saying the same things in the same way that the people around you

Now, people that live in particular neighborhoods that are mostly of one
"racial group" (GEEZ I hate using phrases like that), of course, are also
doing things in the same way as the people around them, but it's not really
*mixed* you know,

Yea, I'd say that the particular counselor you mentioned is operating from
a, shall we say, "point of view". Seems a bit biased toward one side of the
story maybe, like he's made a couple of "value judgements" here and there.

Now, pure *psyciatrists* don't make value judgements. Whether their client
is Charlie Manson or Abraham Lincoln, they will regard the persons in the
same way, a positive way. They won't try to fix the way the person doesn't
fit into *society* they'll try to fix what will make the person more self
actualised sort of. They don't *care* whether or not a person fits into
*society*, except in the context of how not fitting in would affect the
person's happiness, etc.

Psychologists swing both ways,

And social workers tend to think mostly in terms of the person fitting into
society, in my humble opinion, whether or not that's good for the person
himself. In other words, they don't spend a lot of time thinking about the
person in terms of only the person himself, they think of the person mostly
in terms of society.

I'm mostly an advocate of the first point of view.

'Course, if your counselor was *really* good, he would have been playing
devil's advocate when he said you were too white.......sort of playing with
you to find out some things about you........

Maybe if you *do* happen to see this guy again you might keep watching what
he does and investigate that hypothesis.........

The interesting thing is, you're just *really* ticked off at that counselor
for saying you're "too white" , and, uhm, that sounds like *exactly* what
your parents are saying in effect. You're "too white".

Like, he was just mirroring what your parents seem to be saying all the
time. And you seem just plain *hot* at him....(slight exaggeration allowed?)

You *sure* this thing with the folks doesn't get you pretty ticked now and
then? I mean, you did sounded awfully intense when you said you'd never see
that schmuck doctor again, maybe, angry even.......

Then again, if he's just a mouthpiece for your parents' point of view, dump
him. Be sure tho......

My opinion, I wouldn't really think those meds are necessary.

But you know, selfish as I am, ........

I'm still curious if the anger med works.

Maybe one of these days, if by pure chance and bad days and all that, you
happened to find yourself so mad you could spit, what the hell?

Swallow one of them things........they're there on the shelf and ya might as
well at least find out......doc said ya could.....

THEN, you could get back to me and tell me and more importantly the
readers....if the silly things actually work, that is, after a while you're
not so angry anymore......


I mean, I hate to sort of use you as a pawn as such, or a lab rat, but you
must admit it *is* an interesting opportunity for both of us, as well as the

Hmmmmmm. well , you're probably right, so I'm screwed, ain't all that

Wait a minute, .......what if the next time you were even the slightest bit
irritated over something, you could pop one of those pills, then tell us if
they made any difference..........?

Let's see, you'd have to be able to evalutate your own state of non
irritatition or irritation by yourself, self evaluate so to speak.......that
is, *were* you in fact less irritated when you took the thing than before,

Uhm, sure. I can tell you know yourself well enough to do that just by
reading your stuff.

COULDJA? COULDJA? :>):>):>):>):>):>):>):>):>):>):>):>):>):>)

Seriously. I'm really curious if that stuff works, that is, if it gets rid
of anger.......or irritation at least, as that's all we have to deal with

See, I don't really believe it works, although, it would be *wonderful* if
there was a substance that could get rid of irritation, or even flat out
rage, if only for a period of time.....

Irritation would be just *great* for now...

Anxiously waiting,


Marc Loi wrote in message <>...


Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
I just wanted to close this thing off, I want to be sure that you know that
I feel that *you* are the most important thing here, and I don't really
believe that, from listening to you, etc, you are even close to needing
medication for the annoyances you might feel in relation to your family
situation. Someone is blowing something out of proportion.

And you may be right, it's not even anger or annoyance, just dedication to
your point of view. Though there *might* be some annoyance also, but what
big difference it makes I don't really see one way or the other. You have a
bit of a culture clash, and you have to be yourself and your family has to
learn to accept it, and not be so, clinging, or whatever it was.

I was just joking mostly about researching the anger med for me,
...............especially over usenet....I figured you probably understood
that.....somehow I didn't think you *really* would......

I don't think you really need anything like that, besides, like I said, I
don't really think there's an anger med that actually works anyway, no real
need to test it.

It's more than likely some tranquilizer or something.........

I was hoping to get some more feedback from you one way or the other, but
absent that, this post.

There is still of course, *some* stuff in the other posts I made to you that
you might find useful to one extent or the other in your situation....

One thing I can tell pretty much for sure, there's really nothing *wrong*
with you at all. You sure aren't "crazy"......

"Marc Loi" <> wrote in message

Sep 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/15/99
This is a little confusing. Zyprexa is an anti-psychotic drug. It's
generally administered for schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. I
have heard of psychiatrists prescribing it for other reasons, such as
for some children with autism or for elderly dementia. But, I have
never heard a psychiatrist say that it is okay to just take zyprexa "as
needed." That is the confusing part. It is usually prescribed to be
taken every single day without ever missing a dose.

If you have doubts about taking the medication, look up the physician's
desk reference online to familiarize yourself with it so you will know
the pros and cons of taking it.


In article <>,


Sep 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/16/99
to's beginning to look like he *does* need to look at whether or
not this particular therapist is hitting on all eight. .........

I really would like to get my hands on a recent copy of the PDR..there has
been a lot of motion in this psychotropic meds thing in just the last few
years.....thing is, I recall it being *really* spendy.....

Besides that, if it is as you say strictly an anti-psychotic, and he takes
it, it won't have any effect.

His symptoms won't go away because he doesn't have any.

All that aside, I myself *surely* don't believe he is psychotic. Just don't
buy it.

Thank you for this informative post....

<> wrote in message news:7rp4ou$48j$

Sep 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/19/99
You can access the PDR online. Here's the URL:

With the Zyprexa, if the person taking it isn't psychotic, it can make
the person a spaced-out zombie on a temporary basis. On a long-term
basis, it can cause tardive dyskinesia, where the person develops
"tics" or "twitches" permanently.

I don't understand why the doctor would prescribe it for him either.

In article <#aGtBJNA$GA.293@cpmsnbbsa02>,

"broadcastb" <> wrote:
>'s beginning to look like he *does* need to look at
whether or
> not this particular therapist is hitting on all eight. .........
> I really would like to get my hands on a recent copy of the
PDR..there has
> been a lot of motion in this psychotropic meds thing in just the last
> years.....thing is, I recall it being *really* spendy.....
> Besides that, if it is as you say strictly an anti-psychotic, and he


> buy it.
> Thank you for this informative post....
> it, it won't have any effect.
> His symptoms won't go away because he doesn't have any.
> All that aside, I myself *surely* don't believe he is psychotic. Just

Marc Loi

Sep 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/19/99
>With the Zyprexa, if the person taking it isn't psychotic, it can make
>the person a spaced-out zo....>>

Thank you for the info. I will definately look into it. I don't like the looks
of things, but I am not going to inform my parents on this until I've gotten a
definitive answer. Thanks again.


Sep 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/19/99

<> wrote in message news:7s1set$4vi$

> You can access the PDR online. Here's the URL:

> With the Zyprexa, if the person taking it isn't psychotic, it can make


Sep 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/19/99
You know, there's been a lot of teens who have posted here, a lot of very
clever and intellingent as well as perceptive ones.

A lot of funny ones, a lot of just basically cool ones. ..........

There have been none possesed of any more of the above attributes than you.

You're at least as much so as the best of them.

What was that old Crosby Stills Nash and Young song?

"Don't you ever ask them (your kids) why, if they told you you would die, so
just look at them and sigh, and know they love you."

(Talking about parents fears about kids)


"And you of tender years, can't know the fears that your elders grew by, so
just help them with your youth, they seek the truth before they can die."

"Don't you ever ask them why (your parents) if they told you you would cry,
so just look at them and sigh, and know they love you."

Take care Marc, you're a good man. Sound as a dollar.

Trust me.

"Marc Loi" <> wrote in message

> >
> >With the Zyprexa, if the person taking it isn't psychotic, it can make

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