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child porn alert

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Barry Pickles

Nov 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/1/99
Sometime ago now, a message was posted to this site, alerting readers to a
child porn website, apparently emanating from Russia, but hosted by a US

As no-one seemed to know what to do, I notified the matter to the FBI and
I've been monitoring the site ever since.

A lot of the really nasty stuff has gone, but the site is by no means clean.
It now carries a disclaimer, saying that the content is not pornographic,
but an artisitic realisation of the pre-pubescent body and that the photos
shown are compliant with US Federal law.

The site continues to charge for viewing the private area - presumably more

As a UK citizen, I can only say that such pictures would not be legal in
this country and if they are legal in the US, then you have some strange

I invite you to view one particular page and post your comments as to (a)
its legality and (b) whether it is is pornographic or not. The URL is:

If you do view this page, please prepare to be shocked/disturbed/ offended!


Roy Smith, Jr.

Nov 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/1/99
That site is in violation of 's "terms of use ""* No
pornography or nudity of any kind will be tolerated."


Nov 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/1/99

Barry Pickles <> wrote in message


Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99

Good god, what is being done about this child porn site??

This is simply disgusting and definately against the law...

And why hasn't done anything about it?



Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99
Seems to be the same as the "lolita" sites.......

There was some scuttlebut that maybe it was a sting site designed to ensnare
child porn types.

Nonetheless they (lolita guys) had the temerity to post here in alt parents
teens again just two days ago.

I'm working on a strategy that all of us could employ to force the
termination of this activity.

It's a question of who to bring the pressure on.

No, in the US, a picture of a fully clothed pre teen in a "quasi sexual"
pose is illegal.

The laws in re are *stricter* in the US than in any other country.

"Roy Smith, Jr." <> wrote in message

Dan Abel

Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99
In article <eVE8mkQJ$GA.188@cpmsnbbsa02>, "broadcastb"
<> wrote:

> Nonetheless they (lolita guys) had the temerity to post here in alt parents
> teens again just two days ago.

They posted where? I hear a lot of complaints about spam and porn on
groups that I read. *I* don't see it. I did a search and there is
nothing with the subject including "lolita" on my newserver. My ISP
filters them out. I'm glad that you didn't respond to the post, because
then I *would* have seen it and I'd rather not.

> I'm working on a strategy that all of us could employ to force the
> termination of this activity.
> It's a question of who to bring the pressure on.

See above. Some people don't like censorship. I do, if I have a choice.
I'd rather take the chance that my ISP will filter something out that I
would want to see, rather than see all that junk. If the ISP's filter
this stuff out well enough, the incentive to post this junk will go away.

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University


Nov 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/3/99
>It's a question of who to bring the pressure on.
>No, in the US, a picture of a fully clothed pre teen in a "quasi sexual"
>pose is illegal.
>The laws in re are *stricter* in the US than in any other country.

I wrote a complaint to the provider of the web space:

I haven't had the guts to go look and see if the page is still there...
it bothered me too much.



Nov 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/3/99
Once again, makes you wonder if it's a sting....

Lot of the time, cops think they are above the law...

Cop, non cop, whoever to catch criminals or to be one......

Child porn is illegal for *everybody*, including cops trying to sting

I'm assuming the readers are mailbombing (one or two each reader please,
perhaps one each day till the site is gone.) freeyellow.......

As far as the others, working on that.....

"Aeon" <> wrote in message


Nov 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/3/99
>Child porn is illegal for *everybody*, including cops trying to sting

I'm afraid the police are definately not allowed to do that as it
would then be a form of entrapment. Any judge would throw a case out
of court that had resorted to that tactic to make the arrest.

I'm certain it's not a "sting" of any kind.

Do you know if the page still exists? Have they removed it yet?


Roy Smith, Jr.

Nov 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/3/99
Site is still up.
To report to Freeyellow goto:


Nov 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/4/99
This is kind of off topic but did anyone here about that case in Belgium
where there was a ring of people kidnapping and selling young kids to
politicians and other rich people, after being raped they were killed.
The whole entire legal system was in on it. The cops, the judges, the
lawyers. After this one couple reported that their young girl was missing,
the cops didn't do much. They knew who was stealing kids, and after a few
months or something they went to his house (he had a wife and kids of his
own). the cops even heard the voice of the young girl who was missing and
just left. didn't report any of it. After a while the kidnapping guy went
to jail for a few months during some type of ''investigation'' but during
this whole time the young girl and a few other children were still living at
his house with his wife.
Around a year later after the disappearance of the young girl the police
found her buried in this mans garden, along with 5 other young girls. It is
so sad and horrible and tragic. You wouldn't think something like that
would happen in Belgium, it sounds like such a nice little European country.
the saddest thing is that the children could have been saved but no one was
human enough to care about it.
Its a sad sad world.: (

Aeon <> wrote in message

Nov 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/4/99

>No I never heard about it and I have no doubt at all that that the story is comptele and utter bullshit--pardon me, please.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99

I wanted to thank you for your post alerting us to the disgusting child porn
at I viewed the "free" pages and I couldn't believe my eyes!
I can't see how anyone could enjoy such filth, with pre-pubescent children,

I am also a bit worried now, because I also saw some postings that said this
site might be a FBI "sting" site designed to catch pedophiles. I hope that it
isn't illegal to view the site under every circumstance. After all, I only
looked at it to better understand the decadance of some internet sites, so as
to have the knowledge to combat them better.

Does anyone know the legality of viewing such materials?

In article <7vkn1b$2a9$>,


Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
>Does anyone know the legality of viewing such materials?

It is not illegal to view it... it is illegal to have it... You cannot
have child porn on your computer, or be distributing it.

There is no way the police would set up a site like this to "catch"
bad guys... it wouldn't work.


Marc Loi

Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99

You're correct, I checked out the site, and it's pretty disturbing. There is
also another site out there that the poster has been posting around these
message boards. I had fowarded a link to AOL concerning these matters, and I
got one of those responses back in which they told me that the matter is being
taken care of. What kind of an idiot would post on a family oriented newsgroup
in the first place?

Marc Loi

Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
>Do you know if the page still exists? Have they removed it yet?

I just read the message today, so I clicked on the link, and the site still
exists. What's more disturbing is that there's been over 10,000 on the site,
and I am sure that most of them logged on to view the images for sexual
pleasures, and not to check things out as Barry's original purpose was.

Marc Loi

Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
>Does anyone know the legality of viewing such materials?

I haven't the slightest idea. Now that you mentioned it, I am a little worried
also. We'll have to wait and see what happens. Have you emailed
to report this?


Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
In the US it's actually kind of vague on the side of the police.

"downloading", transeferring, or possessing, (including on your computer or
otherwise in data form) is illegal.

So, you open up a post in *this* newsgroup, and there's a sample from one of
the child porn *that* illegal?

Yea, I go to sites all the time and look through them to see if they are
child porn sites. Many *advertise* "boys" "girls" or "teens", and it turns
up the models are plainly adults.

You should see what my inbox looks like in terms of the porn spam I get.....

Now, after I've been to someplace that turns out to be a real child porn
site, I clear my history for that entry, my cookies and cash and anything
else that related to the site.
I don't keep it at all, and I don't download any images or any of that. In
fact as soon as it becomes apparent I'm dealing with a real cp site, I
leave. Then do whatever I can in relation to complaining, ...whatever....

I don't usually need to keep a record of the url because they keep
advertising the things.....once they don't anymore it's no longer a problem.
They're gone.

Not sure about specifics in Britain, but both US and Britain share the
"common law" heritage that requires "mens rea" (think I spelled it right),
that it, you must have intent, the "evil mind" to commit a crime.

So, as far as dealing with this type of material, it probably depends on
what you do with it, and why you are dealing with it.

The US laws can and have been applied to fully clothed pic of preteens, in
quasi sexual poses, because the statutes say something about having the
material, or using it or whatever "for the purpose of sexual gratification".

By that logic, if you have a still from an old Shirley Temple movie, and you
use it for the purposes of sexual gratification, you're guilty under the

If you run across a site like that, just clear everything in re the site,
temporary internet files, history, cookies, etc, and decide what you want to
do about making a complaint.

In regards to the "sting" thing, police in the US violate the law all the
time to run stings. They're not "supposed to" but it does happen.

"Rob" <> wrote in message

> I wanted to thank you for your post alerting us to the disgusting child
> at I viewed the "free" pages and I couldn't believe my
> I can't see how anyone could enjoy such filth, with pre-pubescent
> yet.
> I am also a bit worried now, because I also saw some postings that said
> site might be a FBI "sting" site designed to catch pedophiles. I hope that
> isn't illegal to view the site under every circumstance. After all, I
> looked at it to better understand the decadance of some internet sites, so
> to have the knowledge to combat them better.

> Does anyone know the legality of viewing such materials?


Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
you are pardoned, that is ok if you want to be ignorant, my guess is you are
in the US and your ''world news'' consists of what ''great'' things the US
is doing in other countries. Have fun!
<> wrote in message

> >No I never heard about it and I have no doubt at all that that the story
is comptele and utter bullshit--pardon me, please.


Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
This is a small story about it, not very detailed.

And this is a kind of weird story on it, but it focuses on satanic stuff so
I their story is a little weird.

I will give the headline of the newspaper article I have read.

Wenn das alles herauskommt, gibt es eine nationale Katastrophe

Vor drei Jahren fand die Polizei im Garten des Kinderscänders Marc Dutroux
die Leich der achtjährigen Mélissa. Die Eltern beschäftigt heut nur eine
Frage : Warum versuchen Justiz and Politik mit allen Mitteln Wahrheit zu

Ok , I know that it won't do any use anyways-you will just shake you head
and say-no no stuff like that does not happen!!

Magazin-Im Sommer 1995 wurden Ihre damals achtjährige Tochter und ihre
Freundin Juli entführt. Können Sie mittlerweile über Mélissa sprechen?

Gino Russo- Mit anderen Leuten nie, das ist zu intim, dazu fehlt mir die
Kraft. Vielleicht in ein paar Jahren.

Magazin-Sie Ihre Tochter noch einmal gesehen, nachdem sie ein Jahr später
tot gefunded wurde?

GR- Nach damaliger Gesetzeslage durften wir ihre Leiche nicht sehen. Ich
hätten es auch nicht gewollt, im Gergensatz zu den Eltern von Mélissas
Freundin Julie.

Carrie Russo- Ich habe Julies Mutter begleitet, sie wollte unberdingt zu
ihrer Tochter. Ich wusste nich, ob ich die Kraft haben würde, aber wir
hatten die Kinder 14 Monate lang nicht zu Gesicht bekommen, wir wollten
Gewissheit. Man bracht die Berührung, um sicher zu sein. Man hat uns damm
Dinge gegeben, die wir wieder erkennen konnten. Haarsträhnen etwa.......


Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
This is a small story about it, not very detailed.

And this is a kind of weird story on it, but it focuses on satanic stuff so
I their story is a little weird.

Wenn das alles herauskommt, gibt es eine nationale Katastrophe

Vor drei Jahren fand die Polizei im Garten des Kinderscänders Marc Dutroux
die Leich der achtjährigen Mélissa. Die Eltern beschäftigt heut nur eine
Frage : Warum versuchen Justiz and Politik mit allen Mitteln Wahrheit zu

Magazin-Im Sommer 1995 wurden Ihre damals achtjährige Tochter und ihre


Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
OK--I take it back. Now that I think about it, I think that the story did
play for a bit here in the USA, but the "forced sex in captivity" angle was
played up and the "cover-up" aspect and complicity of the authorities', etc.
wasn't emphasized. That's why your original post didn't ring a bell.

Regarding the Satanist angle--I do hear a lot about a lot of Satanist
activity where children are sacrificed, etc., but there seems to be little
documentation substantiating this and I usually conclude that it is just
sensationalism of slightly aberrant behavior that is then exaggerated to make
it seem far worse than it is, to give people a salacious thrill--if not
outright falsehood to begin with.

Didn't get the non-English portion of your message.

In article <7vuete$65m$1...@news.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE>,


Nov 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/6/99

Rob <> wrote in message
> OK--I take it back.
Ok no problem, it is an old story anyways. I don't agree with the Satanic
stuff really, I just put it in there for fun : )

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