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Supernatural capabilities of Polish snakes

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Dec 2, 2009, 9:35:37 PM12/2/09
Yes, true!. Similarly like some people can levitate, while others have
the gift of prophesising, also some Polish snakes have the
supernatural capabilities. Below I am describing two most easily
verifiable their examples.

The "theory of everything" called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity
(KDG)" (described in the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") defines the
term "supernatural" as "everything that in its actions utilises laws,
principles, and capabilities offered only by so-called 'counter-world'
and not available for the 'physical world' in which we live".
Therefore examples of "supernatural actions" include not only miracles
(described e.g. in item #H2 from the web page "god_proof.htm"), but
also the utilisation of "telepathy" and the "capability to change the
speed of elapse of time". Because present official science still have
difficulties with accepting the findings of KDG, our scientists still
do NOT know that such supernatural actions as this use of "telepathy"
or "alterations of time", are physically possible at all. In turn, it
is commonly known that if someone has no idea that something does
exist, then this someone does NOT see it - even if it parades in front
of the nose. No wonder, that in spite Polish folklore discovered a
long ago that some Polish snakes have supernatural capabilities, and
in spite that this folklore describes these supernatural capabilities
to everyone who is listening to folk stories, still our scientists
ignore these capabilities and officially deny their existence. I will
not elaborate here that the supernatural capabilities of snakes are
also indirectly confirmed by the Bible. So in order to realise to the
readers, that the omnipotent God supplied snakes into various
supernatural capabilities which still remain unknown to present
scientists, I am going to present here two empirical sightings, which
illustrate these capabilities in Polish snakes. These sightings really
took place, thus are an objective evidence that whatever they reveal
is actually true.

The Polish snake named "zaskroniec" (i.e. the "grass snake") from
Stawczyk near Milicz, which was able to telepathically order a frog to
jump into its jaws:

As a teenager I had an unique chance to see with my own eyes a
"telepathic attack" of an ordinary Polish "grass snake" at a large
grass frog. I carried out this sighting on the field of my parents,
which was located in the village Stawczyk described on the web page
"stawczyk_uk.htm" indicated below. All that the grass snake did during
this attack, was to open its jaws and intensely look the frog into
eyes. In turn the frog was fighting against resistance of its own body
and on its own was gradually proceeding into the jaws in several short
jumps. Here is how this my sighting of the "telepathic attack of the
grass snake" is described in subsection R4.2 from volume 14 of my
monograph [1/4] (disseminated free of charge via the internet):

"When I started my observation, the frog was distant by around a half
of meter from the mouth of the grass snake. The concentration of the
snake was so intense, that it did not notice my approach and continued
its "telepathic attack". Because of this I was able to see exactly the
entire event. In turn the frog behaved in the manner that is
unexplainable on the basis of an old "concept of monopolar gravity".
(As it is known, this old concept denies the existence of telepathy
and makes impossible explanation of it.) Giving the loud croaking of
terror, which by the way brought my attention to the entire event, the
frog was strongly holding back the forward movement with the front
legs. But the back legs of this frog were making rhythmic jumps. These
jumps gradually led the unfortunate frog straight into the mouth of
the snake. Even when the front of the frog already went into the mouth
of the snake, back legs still kept jumping rhythmically thus helping
the snake to swallow it easier. So the grass snake only needed to make
the effort of swallowing it. After I saw this extraordinary event, of
course I asked Wincenty (Vincent) about the entire event (Wincenty is
also mentioned in subsections O2.3.2 and O2.4 of monograph [1/4]). He
was a walking encyclopaedia of folklore knowledge. Wincenty confirmed,
that grass snakes remotely hypnotise their victims, so that they do
not need to catch them physically, but these victims get to snakes'
mouths on their own."

Because such telepathic capabilities of ordinary Polish grass snakes
still remain unknown to present official science, at this point I have
an appeal to readers. Namely, if the reader saw in person a similar
"telepathic attack" of a snake at a frog, or if they know someone who
witnessed such an attack, then I would ask to describe for me the
entire sighting, while I am going to consider publishing it here.

The Polish snake named "gniewosz" from Cielcza near Jarocin, which is
able to alter the speed of elapse of time in such a way that people
are unable to notice its existence:

The old Polish folklore is telling stories about supernatural
capabilities of another snake found only in Poland, which by the
Polish folklore is called "gniewosz" (this name means "the angry
one"). The English name for similar snakes living outside of Poland is
the "Smooth snake", while their Latin name is "Coronella austriaca".
In Poland this "gniewosz" sometimes is also called "miedzianka".
However "miedzianka" is an incorrect name, because it is officially
attributed to a snake which lives in America and which in English is
called "Copper head". In spite that relatives of "gniewosz" live in
almost the entire Europe, the rare specie which I am describing here
almost does NOT live anywhere else apart from forests of Poland.
Therefore, to not spread confusion, in this item I am going to rather
call this snake with the folklore Polish name "gniewosz" (i.e. "the
angry one").

My analysis of the supernatural capabilities of the Polish specie of
this extraordinary snake "gniewosz" led me to a conclusion that it is
capable of "altering the speed of elapse of time". It means that the
Polish "gniewosz" is able with its body to do what on the web page
"immortality.htm" is explained that it will be possible to accomplish
by people only after the so-called "time vehicles" are build. This is
because "gniewosz" is capable to slow down for himself the elapse of
time, so that for people who watch it (for whom the time still elapses
with the normal speed) its movements become just almost instant, while
the snake becomes invisible to our eyes. This is why, in spite that
the snake "gniewosz" still lives in Polish forests, in fact people
almost are unable to see it. The existing descriptions of this snake
emphasize its supposed huge rarity - in reality caused by its ability
to become so fast that is almost invisible. The rarity of this snake
stems from almost all publications on its subject - that the reader
can verify through e.g. writing the key word gniewosz into
One amongst places in which lucky people can meet this extraordinary
snake are forests not far from the village "Cielcza" located around 4
km to the north from the city Jarocin of the Polish Province
"Wielkopolska". In the school year 1957/1958 myself I also lived in
Cielcza at Leœna Street - it was over there that I was almost shot
dead, as it is described in item #B1 of my autobiographical web page
"pajak_jan_uk.htm", and also in item #H2 of the web page
"god_proof.htm". It somehow happened that the person on words of whom
I rely a lot saw the snake "gniewosz" in forests not far from this
village Cielcza. Although he does NOT believe in the "supernatural"
capabilities of this snake, able to "alter the speed of elapse of
time", such capabilities are hitting our eyes in his report from the
encounter with this snake. Here is how he described his encounter with
this extraordinary Polish snake:

"The snake which I saw near Cielcza was "gniewosz" - very rare specie
and almost unseen now. Never before, nor never after, I met such a
snake. It was during the occupation around 1944 (the exact date I do
NOT remember). I was around 6, perhaps 8 years old. I went mushrooming
with my grandmother, mother, or one of my brothers. Interestingly,
that I do NOT remember details, but perfectly remember how this snake
looked like (perhaps that I was scared a lot and this caused that the
scene so much etched into my memory, that today, after some 66 years,
I see it all in my mind - as if it happened just a while ago). I do
NOT remember also whether we collected a lot of mushrooms, but I
presume that - yes, in this young forest composed of small pines and
birches always were mushrooms: we called these mushrooms with their
folklore names of Cossacks (i.e. "Clavaria corollaides"), black-
smiths, hens, butter-mushrooms (i.e. "Boletus luteus"), and others.
This young forest was perhaps around 1 square kilometre, while around
it was larger forest composed of pines, birches, and mixtures of other
trees. And then walking in this young forest, in which were small
clearings - I unexpectedly saw a snake, which jumped out of somewhere,
perhaps scared equally like myself. The snake was a dark-brown colour,
perhaps with the tinge of bronze turning into red - and speeding with
fast zigzags disappeared in some grasses and bushes. I stood petrified
for a moment and even do not remember whether the person that
accompanied me saw it too. What I was shocked by was the speed with
which this snake moved, and its colour. Myself, being a boy who lived
near forests of Cielcza, was perfectly familiar with the appearance of
snakes that used to live in there: grass snakes, adders, and similar
to snakes slowworms. Grass snakes could be met in our garden - not far
from our home. There was a lot of adders in the forest. But this one
was none of such snakes. For the entire further life I was thinking,
what kind of snake was this one, and after starting to study
literature - I come to the conclusion that it must be
"gniewosz" (rare, almost not encountered kind of snake). It was
slightly similar to a slowworm, but longer and slimmer. Its length I
estimate at some 40 to 60 cm. In turn slowworms are only around 30,
perhaps 40 cm. From the slowworm also differed by the speed by which
it moved. It moved extremely fast. In turn slowworms make an
impression of very lazy and move rather slow. This encounter inspired
me later to study literature and thanks to this I know quite well
these snakes. I also saw the "snake of Aesculapius", however not in
our country, but in Yugoslav in 1966 near the city of Dubrovnik. That
snake is also large and thick and look very scary. Fortunately, it is
harmless and has no venom.

The forest in which I saw this snake was located near the village
Cielcza in the distance of around 1 – 1.5 km to south from Czaszczew
and around 1 km to the west from the Poznañ railway. Today, after 66
years, this place may look completely different. Where was a young
forest - a large forest can grow now, while where was a large forest -
a young one can be now. The fact is, however, that around 66 years ago
in there lived an extraordinary snake, which can be a natural
curiosity and an interesting indicator for scientists."

The snake "gniewosz" is not the only creature whose attributes
indicate that it is able to alter the speed of elapse of time. Another
such a creature is the mysterious "chupacabra" (about which I believe
that it is a different, because present, name for the creature which
we known under the ancient name of "griffin"). As a teenager I was
attacked and even wounded by such a griffin. During its attack I just
felt this capability of griffins ("chupacabras") to slow-down the
speed of elapse of time. Descriptions of this attack of griffin on
myself are provided in subsection R4.2 from volume 14 of monograph
[1/4]. In turn sightings of griffins, some of these not far from the
village Stawczyk, are described in item #H1 of the web page
"wszewilki_uk.htm" and in item #E8 of the web page "newzealand.htm".

The manner on which "gniewosz" manipulate on time, in 1980s was
illustrated by the magician named David Copperfield. He recorded then
a documentary film in which he shows his walk through the Great Wall
of China. In turn as we know from research on abductions of people to
UFOs, the walk through walls in the so-called "state of telekinetic
flickering" is linked to a serious problem. Namely, inside of the wall
the person passing through it has no air to breathe. So in order to
not suffocate, the wall must be passed quite fast. But if the magician
David Copperfield went fast through the Great Wall of China, his
documentary film would loose its spectacular impact. Therefore, in
order to still be able to walk through the wall quite fast, but
simultaneously show this on the film in a slow motion, David
Copperfield changed the speed of the elapse of his time. Namely, when
for him inside of the wall just seconds were passing, for those
filming him outside of the wall entire minutes went by. (Notice here,
however, that the Polish snake "gniewosz" does exactly opposite to
what David Copperfield did - namely, when for the snake minutes are
passing, for other creatures, and for people nearby, just only seconds
are passing). In turn, to demonstrate also this slowing down the speed
of the elapse of time, David Copperfield attached electrodes to his
chest - so that his pulse was monitored and illustrated on the film.
Thus, it can be seen on the film how after his entering the wall his
pulse slows down parallel to the slowing down the speed of the elapse
of his time, in the centre of the wall amounting to just one heartbeat
every tens of seconds. Thus, the readers who wish to see the filmed
illustration how a Polish snake "gniewosz" changes the speed of the
elapse of its time, should look at this film from the walk of David
Copperfield through the Great Wall of China.

In the snake "gniewosz" practically everything confirms its
"supernatural" capabilities. As an example, let us consider here its
Polish folklore name - "gniewosz" (i.e. "the angry one"). It results
from a simple fact that in spite of NOT having venom, this snake still
does not escape when threatened, but has the courage to confront all
other creatures - including humans. Thus, during encounters with
people it sometimes pounces at them, bites, hisses angrily, and spits
at them with a smelly secretion. No other creature of nature would
behave that way if it is NOT sure that it has a "secret weapon" - with
the assistance of which it is able to always take control over the
situation. (This "secret weapon" of the snake "gniewosz" - which gives
to him such a confidence, is just the ability to "alter the speed of
time", and resulting from this, the capability to escape, when needed,
from practically every enemy.) Another fact which confirms its
"supernatural" capabilities is the appearance and the colour of its
males. Polish species of this snake have bright, almost red, visible
at large distances colour, similar to a colour of well-polished rod
made of pure copper. In nature such a bright warning colour have only
creatures that are either venomous, or poisonous, and thus which other
creatures must be afraid of. On the other hand the "gniewosz" has no
venom nor poison. So if it does NOT have its "secret weapon" in the
form of "controlling the time" in its disposal, then by being
practically defenceless towards its enemies, it would be seen by them
at large distances and unable to avoid being eaten. Simultaneously, it
would also be unable to unnoticeably surprise its own victims. Thus,
without the ability to "alter the elapse of time" it would NOT be able
to survive in the nature, in which being well seen typically means the
death either from enemies, or from hunger. In other words, its bright
colours and visibility at large distances also emphasise its
"supernatural" capabilities. Finally lets us consider its diet. Apart
from extremely fast lizards and rodents, the snake "gniewosz"
sometimes attacks and eats snakes - including venomous adders. In turn
adders are rather fast and deadly. Thus, without the ability to "alter
the speed of time", the defenceless "gniewosz" would have no chance
with them and would rather be eaten by them.

The snake "gniewosz" with the supernatural capabilities described in
this item, lives only on the area of Poland. Outside of Poland only
its relatives live who lost their capabilities to change the speed of
the elapse of time, and thus who survive only due to change its
colours from bright and visible at large distances, into grey and well
camouflaging. So in spite that scientists qualify the Polish
"gniewosz" to the same specie as related to it snakes of "Coronella
austriaca" from the rest of Europe, the Polish "gniewosz" is
decisively different specie and should rather be named "Coronella
polonica". In the typical for Poland colours, decisively Polish
temperament, and also unknown in its relatives capabilities, it
appears only on the area of Poland. Thus, scientific qualifying the
Polish "gniewosz" to species of "Coronella austriaca", in my opinion
is slightly similar to qualifying "horses" to the same species as

I know that about the "supernatural" capabilities of the snake
"gniewosz" the Polish folklore knows a lot of stories and examples. I
do NOT want to repeat these here, because when these originate from
me, then enemies of my findings and publications usually impertinently
attack these and deny. Therefore herewith I just have an appeal to
readers. Namely, should they hear such folklore claims or stories
about extraordinary capabilities of the snake "gniewosz", or any other
snake, then I would be grateful if they could share these with me,
while I would consider publishing these here. Similarly, if any reader
also saw somewhere the snake "gniewosz", or saw any other
extraordinary creature, then I would appreciate describing it for me.
My internet addresses under which I can be reached are provided near
the end of the totaliztic web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm".

* * *

The above post is adopted from item #F3 of the totaliztic web page
named "stawczyk_uk.htm" (updated on 30 November 2009 or later). The
latest update of the web page "stawczyk_uk.htm" can be viewed, amongst
others, at addresses:
It is also worth to notice that practically all totaliztic web pages
are available at each web site of totalizm. Therefore, independently
from the web page "stawczyk_uk.htm", each address (web site) indicated
above also offers all other web pages of totalizm - unless some of
these web pages just were sabotaged, or are so new that I had no time
yet to upload these at a given address (server). (But in a case when
for some reasons a page is unavailable under a given address, still at
this address a MENU should be available which has links to all other
totaliztic addresses (servers), on which a given web page should
already be accessible.) Thus, if someone wishes to view descriptions
from any other totaliztic web page, e.g. from a web page listed in
this post, or listed in other totaliztic posts, then in the above
addresses the name "stawczyk_uk.htm" is just enough to exchange for a
name of the web page that one wishes to view, e.g. for the name of web
page "prophecies.htm", "bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm", "healing.htm",
"oscillatory_chamber.htm", "eco_cars.htm", "boiler.htm",
"fe_cell.htm", "free_energy.htm", "telekinetics.htm",
"dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm", "totalizm.htm", "evil.htm",
"god.htm", "god_proof.htm", "bible.htm", "evolution.htm",
"wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", "malbork_uk.htm", "memorial.htm",
"newzealand.htm", "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm", "fruit.htm",
"text_1_5.htm", "explain.htm", "day26.htm", "ufo_proof.htm",
"katrina.htm", etc., etc.

The above post on "supernatural capabilities of POlish snakes" is
another item in a long series of discussions aimed at the improvement
of totaliztic web pages. Internet addresses of all such discussion
posts are provided at the web page "faq.htm" available, amongst
others, from the following addresses:

Each topic of totaliztic discussion, including this one, is also
repeated on several blogs of totalizm (this post carries in there the
number #176E). These blogs of totalizm can be viewed through following
internet addresses:
On these blogs were already published other posts which discussed
"mysteries of the nature", e.g. see there posts #171E, #161E, or

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

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