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Living In The Love Of The Common People

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Exrxes News Network

Sep 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/14/00
It's been a fine few days for the British working class!.

Despite strenuous efforts by the toy press to portray the fuel blockade as
something of a middle class 'uprising' the reality is rather different.

It is not the middle classes (or, at least extremely few of 'em) who have
parked their articulated trucks in front of the oil refinery gates. The
burly, tattooed figures, lounging around studying Playmate Of The Month are
not, I feel certain, Doctors, Lawyers or Finacial Advisors.

Put bluntly, these heroes of struggle are the stormtroops of the working
class - elite Panzers, deploying their steel and sinew against the effete
Blair administration - that chattering Chapagne set who have abandoned solid
working class values in order to woo the Sodomite lobby and other worthless
pressure groups.

Not for Peter Mandelsson (that effeminate traitor - who applauded the
'Robust Ira') the rigours of class struggle!. This urbane financial
fraudster prefers to engage the forces of Capitalism from the comfort of his
splendid new office - lavishly decorated at the expense of an electorate
grateful to have such a Socialist lion to defend them!.

Not for Lord Chancellor, Irving, the discomforts of the barricades - his
resolve to continue the quest for social justice is, surely?, renewed every
time he glances at his £300.00 per roll wallpaper.

Whilst is good to know that we have such revolutionary stalwarts with us in
spirit, it is also comforting to realise that there are still men prepared
to picket night and day in pursuit of Socialist ideals.

I am of the common people! - the ragged subjects of Capitalism who raise
their manacled hands heavenwards in their imprecations to be set free!.

My blood is the blood of the working class! - the blood that stained the
coal seams, the blood that watered the wilderness of the Somme!.

My heart beats in unison with the oppressed, with the poor, with the
disadvantaged and with the dispossessed! - my strength is the strength of
the risen Proletariat, my impulse is their zeal for social reform!.

I walk with the lowly, I rejoice with the downtrodden, I labour with the
poor!, I feel their sorrows!, I share their hopes and aspiration! - and I
embrace their fight as one with common cause!.


"who posts all this irrelevant rubbish, totally out of sync with the subject
of this ng?"

- Paul Stephenson4, 10th Sept. 2000

Louis Epstein

Sep 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/14/00
Exrxes News Network ( wrote:

[rabid whines snipped]

Bryan J. Maloney

Sep 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/14/00
In article <8prggq$cst$>, "Exrxes News Network"
<> wrote:

> I am of the common people! - the ragged subjects of Capitalism who raise
> their manacled hands heavenwards in their imprecations to be set free!.

Y'know, I never see this kind of high-falutin' self-congratulatory stuff
written by somebody who actually IS of the common people.

"Meet the New Boss,
Same as the Old Boss."

For those in the know, potrzebie is truly necessary.

Bryan J. Maloney

Sep 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/14/00
In article <Hhdw5.1240$>,
(Louis Epstein) wrote:

> Exrxes News Network ( wrote:
> [rabid whines snipped]

Who is more amusingly pathetic, someone who posts silly nonsense or
somebody who posts a respons that says nothing more than it has "snipped"
the silly nonsense? Or is it somebody who posts asking which is more
amusingly pathetic? Could it be whomever responds to this?

Louee, at least Exrxes is a vaguely amusing irritant. That puts him a
step up on you.

Nigel Bourne

Sep 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/15/00

"Exrxes News Network" <> wrote in message

> It's been a fine few days for the British working class!.

I would just like to apologise to any non-Brits out there. We don't all
rattle on like a hyena on the same batch of Brown Acid that was at

However "intelligent" this poster may wish to pretend to be, dressing crap
up in fine words doesn're make it any less crap. It just makes it
pretentious crap. I wouldn't be surprised of this were part of Tracy Emin's
latest "work".....


Exrxes News Network

Sep 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/15/00

Nigel Bourne wrote in message <6Zpw5.2323$>...

>"Exrxes News Network" <> wrote in message

>However "intelligent" this poster may wish to pretend to be, dressing crap

>up in fine words doesn're make it any less crap. It just makes it
>pretentious crap.

"Pretentious Crap"?!!! - you dismiss the outpouring of my Soul on this group
as 'Crap'!!

Just who are you, exactly, to make such a damning generalisation? - who has
appointed you my apologist?!.

I know these people! - I have preached Socialism to them for over two years
now (and, believe me, one or two have been profoundly moved by my
utterances), I know what they need - and I intend to see that they get it!.

So, Comrade, either join me at the barricades - or piss off!.

Bryan J. Maloney

Sep 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/15/00
In article <8ptr3t$bsg$>, "Exrxes News Network"
<> wrote:

> "Pretentious Crap"?!!! - you dismiss the outpouring of my Soul on this group
> as 'Crap'!!

Pretty much, kitten, and I echo it.

> Just who are you, exactly, to make such a damning generalisation? - who has
> appointed you my apologist?!.

Pointing out the painfully obvious does not one an apologist make.

> I know these people! - I have preached Socialism to them for over two years
> now (and, believe me, one or two have been profoundly moved by my
> utterances), I know what they need - and I intend to see that they get it!.

Beer, women, food, in any order. Remember to poke air-holes in the crate
for the second on the list.

> So, Comrade, either join me at the barricades - or piss off!.

I'd rather just keep pissing in your beer, dilettante.


Sep 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/15/00
Bryan Baloney,

I am curious, are you a Royal, a pagan, a railroad or a recked caravan???

Wull--just to know where you are coming from

Exrxes News Network

Sep 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/15/00

Wull wrote in message <>...

>Bryan Baloney,
>I am curious, are you a Royal, a pagan, a railroad or a recked caravan???


Why, he's a bog Irish papist, Wulliam! - and, as for 'pissing in my beer',
the bloody Mick bastard couldn't taste the difference between that
concoction and the shit he usually bloats himself with before staggering
back to his council flat and beating up his wife!.

Bryan J. Maloney

Sep 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/15/00
In article <>, Wull
<> wrote:

> Bryan Baloney,
> I am curious, are you a Royal, a pagan, a railroad or a recked caravan???

> Wull--just to know where you are coming from

I'm coming from under the rock--the big, scary rock that terrifies you
with the monster face every time you walk by it at night.

I'm coming to get you and give you to Unki's pig.

Bryan J. Maloney

Sep 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/15/00
In article <8pu6ke$8v3$>, "Exrxes News Network"
<> wrote:

> Wull wrote in message <>...

> >Bryan Baloney,
> >
> >I am curious, are you a Royal, a pagan, a railroad or a recked caravan???

> ________
> Why, he's a bog Irish papist, Wulliam! - and, as for 'pissing in my beer',
> the bloody Mick bastard couldn't taste the difference between that
> concoction and the shit he usually bloats himself with before staggering
> back to his council flat and beating up his wife!.

Typical commie bastich. Can't tell the difference between a Mick and a Redneck!

Nigel Bourne

Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00

> Why, he's a bog Irish papist, Wulliam! - and, as for 'pissing in my beer',
> the bloody Mick bastard couldn't taste the difference between that

I can accept ignorance, I can accept egomaniacal pomposity, and in oyur case
I can accept both together. But I will NEVER accept racism on this group or
any other.

LEAVE NOW or adjust your tone.


Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00
Exrxes News Network <> wrote:

> Why, he's a bog Irish papist, Wulliam! - and, as for 'pissing in my beer',
> the bloody Mick bastard couldn't taste the difference between that

> concoction and the shit he usually bloats himself with before staggering
> back to his council flat and beating up his wife!.

Wow, so how long have you been a script writer on Eastenders?

So tell me, has Mark Fowler discovered the cure for AIDS behind his
fruit and veg stall? 10 years he has had AIDS only to make him look more
and more like Tom from the Tom and Jerry cartoons. Also, if you were
Jamie would you be fucking Sonia? I wouldn't!

You should go work for Brookside they love stereotypes overthere. The
lesbian storyline is fantastic. I love that Scouse tart with the short
hair and when she became a carpet muncher and shacked up with that other
ride, I think a lot of our dreams came true. I have been in bed with two
women at the same time and I never really got the big deal. Thanks to
Brookie and other British soaps I now understand that human life is
shite and Gary Bushell is the only voice of reason out there.

"God bless that Queen Mum...won the war for she did..."

I am sexy, good looking, talented and creative, beautiful, gifted Irish
catholic (by baptism) boy with a big acrobactic dick and a heart of gold
and I will not, REPEAT: WILL NOT say sorry for this.

This is me, this is my life and that's that.



Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00
Dear Oblivite,

It is not my customary practice to answer cross posters but I felt I must answer
your post.

I was raised in Pennsylvania amidst beaucoup Irish Catholic persons. In fact my
best friend to this day is the youngest of 12 Irish children which included 2
priests and one nun.

I never met one Irishman who was as foul mouthed as you are in the presence of
women. And there are women in abundance in all news groups. I realize that in
today's society women do stand up for their rights but there are ladies who do
not do that.
And I feel certain that you are not now a good Catholic who is hiding behind the
skirt of a pseudonym.

In Pa, an oblivit (sp) was but 2 pounds of *shit* (haven't you learned English
yet?) in a 1 pound bag. You must be one big pile of merde.

Have a nice day
Wull--leaving the cross posts because I have no idea where you are

Exrxes News Network

Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00

Nigel Bourne wrote in message <_JFw5.4165$>...

>I can accept ignorance, I can accept egomaniacal pomposity, and in oyur
>I can accept both together. But I will NEVER accept racism on this group or
>any other.
>LEAVE NOW or adjust your tone.


That is eerily reminiscent of the signs that used to hang in old public
lavatories - "Gentlemen Please Adjust Your Dress Before Leaving"!. I dare
say that many a man has argued in court, "No. your Worship, I was certainly
not exposing myself to the woman in question! - I merely forgot to re-button
my flies before emerging from the toilets at the top of the High Street".

Now, as for racism. I'm glad to see that you are a devotee of Political
Correctness - England certainly needs more people like you! - Chatterer's
who are not afraid to call a Spade an 'Easily Transportable Manually
Operated Horticultural Implement'

However, I'm afraid that I've never been able to carelessly toss my
Principles overboard to enable the Ship Of state to scud more easily through
the foam flecked billows of world opinion. I'm a plain man - and I speak my
mind plainly!.

I know that it is currently fashionable to embrace 'The Peace Process' - and
to applaud that Titan of sexual prowess, President Clinton, for his
remarkable efforts to intervene in domestic British politics (efforts that
are all the more laudable when one considers the pressing domestic social
problems that this Healer has been forced to ignore in his quest for justice
in Ulster) but, sadly, I find myself quite unable to forget the sadness of
the innumerable British families who, with tear stained faces, have lowered
their Seventeen, Eighteen or Nineteen year old Soldier son's into the earth,
while a bugler plays a final requiem for the lad's final sacrifice!

I find myself unable to erase the memory of the worshippers at Darkley
Pentecostal Church - their prone bodies riddled with machine gun bullets!,
or the glass strewn streets of our major cities - and those blinded for life
by the flying shards of glass from the bombs planted by, what Peter
Mandelsson described as 'The robust IRA'!

I find that all these things - and much, much more! - render me unable to
join in the current enthusiasm for applauding such giants of Terrorism as
Martin McGuiness as they sweep past in their new Ministerial Limousines!.

Is it not something of a paradox that I should be the ONLY one in the
Royalty forums to decry the barbarism of these bog Irish savages?!

For myself, I favour a Cromwellian approach to, both, the question of
'Monarchy' - and the 'Irish' problem!......

Rev Stapleton S Love

Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00
to wrote in message

>Wow, so how long have you been a script writer on Eastenders? <

I'm currently working on a radio script for a show (provisionally entitled
'The Murphy's) which will be a sort of 'The Archer's', set on Co. Antrim.

For those in the US, 'The Archers' is an extremely long running radio soap
which, for 15 minutes daily, deals with the trials and tribulations of the
Archer farming family. It used to be announced as "An everyday story of
simple countryfolk" (honestly!!) - but, since the emergence of Sodomites,
Drug users and assorted Social Deviants in the English Shires, the
programme's tone has changed markedly to reflect the Gender, Race and Sexual
Orientation issues so dear to the heart of the current BBC mandarins.

However, 'The Murphy's' will reflect a gentler, less technological age -
indeed, the opening scene features Dan Murphy arriving home from his nightly
drinking session in the nearby town, sweating and cursing profusely as he
pulls his rickety old cart up the muddy track to the isolated family croft -
the horse relaxing contentedly upon the drivers seat of the wagon....

It's tipped to be a big hit when Radio 4 launch it in December.......


Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00
Pardon me if I seem confused but what do the above posts have to do with
pagan beliefs?
From the last post, and the few before it I got a feeling that there is
someone posting here who is an ignorant type who approves of the IRA.
If so he is a jerk or sadistic idiot. The majority of the Irish do not
approve of those terrorists who kill innocent men, women and children.
Declaring war and fighting members of an army who are trained and will
shoot back takes courage: Car bombers who kill in cities far away from
your home is an act of cowardice.
Demeaning others with foul names makes them seem less human than
yourself and gives you the "right" to treat them so.
To return this rant to pagan (at least my pagan) beliefs: We were all
created by our Lady (if Christian, by God); we are family; I don't have
to like you or your actions; but I will not kill you (even though I
might have a reeaaally strong urge to wring your neck).
Let's not give that jerk any more of the ego stroking he is obviously

blessed be


Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00
On Sat, 16 Sep 2000 07:57:46 GMT, "Nigel Bourne"
<> wrote:

>> Why, he's a bog Irish papist, Wulliam! - and, as for 'pissing in my beer',
>> the bloody Mick bastard couldn't taste the difference between that

>I can accept ignorance, I can accept egomaniacal pomposity, and in oyur case
>I can accept both together. But I will NEVER accept racism on this group or
>any other.
>LEAVE NOW or adjust your tone.

Ignore it, Nigel, it's a troll. Just wants you to flame it.



Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00

To the users of the groups this is posted to:

Ignore it. It's flamebait by a troll.


Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00
Wull <> wrote:

> I never met one Irishman who was as foul mouthed as you are in the
> presence of women. And there are women in abundance in all news groups.
> I realize that in today's society women do stand up for their rights but
> there are ladies who do not do that.

What are you shiteing about! The ladies love it when I mount them with
my manly vigor and spout lewd phases in my sexy Northside not-so-common
accent to accompany my thrusting thus:

"Jaysus Bridget, is me flute hitting your clit at he right angle!"

"Yeah, I love when we you swish it around a few times before spitting it
out Imelda..."

you know, that kind of thing...

There is nothing wrong with the above comments except that I haven't had
sex with an Irish woman in about 10 years or so. Do I give a fuck? Of
course not, several international beauties have stepped in to fill that
position or should I say I have stepped in to fill several international
beauties. My big Irish catholic dick has done more for peace and
reconciliation on this earth that well, anybody! They should hang the
Noble Peace Prize on my end of my knob.

I may have become a lapsed catholic in recent years, but my penis will
sing a beautiful rendition of Ave Maria upon request as long as you are
not a bloke or any of the female cast of Fair City.

> And I feel certain that you are not now a good Catholic who is hiding
> behind the skirt of a pseudonym.

I a beautiful and loving catholic boy baptized in the Our Lady of the
Most Precious Blood in Cabra West on the northside of Dublin in the mid
1960's. Look it up - I am in the registry. I haven't been back there
since, but in my own way I am very religious. Mostly during kinky sex
games with adult women dressed as naughty catholic schoolgirls, but we
all must find our way to God's love. I am Unki and my boyish good looks
have paid more of my overdue bills than I care to remember.


Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00
jake <> wrote:

> Unki's cute but a git. Pay him no mind. He's had these delusions
> about the size of his willy for years now.

Why don't you ask some of the ladies on SCI who have actually seen the
thing. Fortunately you'll never be one of them.


Rev Stapleton S Love

Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00

Nick wrote in message <>...


Ah, I'm glad you popped in, Mr Burbidge.

I would value your opinion, as a Chair Of Directors of the Oakville Centre
For The Performing Arts, ( - where I am delighted to
see you gaining the recognition you so richly deserve.

I am thinking of reworking my Irish Comedy for the stage - do you think you
could prevail upon:

Frank Karman, Vice-Chair
Richard Beaumont, Past Chair
Mickie Daniel
Merritt Goddard
Mark deHueck
Christine Langevin
Paul Marshall
James McLeod
Councillor Jody Sanderson
Wendy Simpson

to preview my work in the Oakville theatre?.

Many Thanks and Every Blessing

Rev Love


Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00
Exrxes News Network wrote:

> Is it not something of a paradox that I should be the ONLY one in the
> Royalty forums to decry the barbarism of these bog Irish savages?!

"bog Irish savages?" ???
And my People ( Ani-yun-wi-ya, the Tsalagi or Cherokee Nation) still live in
teepees and scalp White man. Ugh!
I'm typing this by the light of the fire, which illuminates the animal parchment
I scrapped to write on.. Apologies for the brevity but I need to mix up another
batch of berry juice for the ribbon.
Oh, yes. Cross posting.....
Hmm. Topicality.....
Ok. I'm related to royalty. My second cousin. I've got some great gossip on him.
Let's talk.
Indians were considered by Christians to be pagan.
uk.rec.caravanning....Any one seen <Trojan Horse> lately? It's about the time
of year he goes caravanning.
soc.culture irish. I haven't been on topic yet, why break a perfectly good
That cover everybody?

Derek Bell

Sep 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/16/00
In Exrxes News Network <> wrote:
: Why, he's a bog Irish papist, Wulliam! - and, as for 'pissing in my beer',
: the bloody Mick bastard couldn't taste the difference between that
: concoction and the shit he usually bloats himself with before staggering

: back to his council flat and beating up his wife!.

You are Ian Paisley and I claim my five pounds.


Derek Bell | Socrates would have loved
WWW:| usenet.
PGP: | -

Sep 16, 2000, 10:29:28 PM9/16/00
jake <> wrote:

> Why don't you *name* the wimmen on sci who have "seen" the "thing" Mr.
> Bravecock. I'm sure they'd be ever-so-delighted to be publically
> outed like that.

Cat SCI's resident Sexzee French Maid. I presented it to her on her debs
night in Naas in 1981. I couldn't afford a box of chocolates, so I
inserted two Flakes under my foreskin and told her it was a '99.

> Seeing your wee-willy 'freed' would be about the last thing I'd need
> to see.

and how ironic as it's the thing you need the most...



Sep 16, 2000, 9:58:45 PM9/16/00
On Sat, 16 Sep 2000 19:18:47 +0100, "Rev Stapleton S Love"

Derek Bell

Sep 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/18/00
In Exrxes News Network <> wrote:
: That is eerily reminiscent of the signs that used to hang in old public

: lavatories - "Gentlemen Please Adjust Your Dress Before Leaving"!.

Did J. Edgar Hoover frequent this place?

Bryan J. Maloney

Sep 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/18/00
In article <>,
(Nick) wrote:

> Ignore it. It's flamebait by a troll.

Actually, it's both quite tame and mildly funny. I do have one
objection: No mention of partisan cheese or a pig.

Bryan J. Maloney

Sep 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/18/00
In article <>, jake
<> wrote:

> Unki's cute but a git. Pay him no mind. He's had these delusions

> about the size of his willy for years now. Most Irishmen (at least

Y'see, it all started one day with the pig. The pig had gotten hold of a
pair of Unki's trousers and this confused Unki a mite...

Bryan J. Maloney

Sep 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/18/00
In article <8pvo37$e5t$>, "Exrxes News Network"
<> wrote:

> the innumerable British families who, with tear stained faces, have lowered
> their Seventeen, Eighteen or Nineteen year old Soldier son's into the earth,
> while a bugler plays a final requiem for the lad's final sacrifice!

You really want to play "count the corpses"? It's a stupid game and the
numbers seem to change entirely depending on who's reporting them. In any
case, tossing off NI like a piece of old refuse is a Real Good Thing so
far as UK socialists are concerned, remember? Or have you switched to the
Bocialist party?

> Is it not something of a paradox that I should be the ONLY one in the
> Royalty forums to decry the barbarism of these bog Irish savages?!


> For myself, I favour a Cromwellian approach to, both, the question of
> 'Monarchy' - and the 'Irish' problem!......

You mean piss around for a few years, get everybody convinced you're a
preposterous old gobshite, then screw things up so monumentally that
people leap back to what they think they used to have before you showed up
as soon as they can get away with it?

Pretty much par for the course for English political extremism.


Sep 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/22/00

ray fisher wrote in message ...
>In article <000c01c0248c$14e2c080$2e3670c2@geoff>, Geoff Myers
><> writes
>> Dear Poster
>> It is clear that you are new to email and are unaware as to where
>> you are sending your messages.
>> This is a group with a focus on Caravanning.With no interest in the
>> kind of material you seem to want to post.
>As it would seem are you :-(
>1: These are Usenet postings not e-mail
>2: They where not posted in HTML - considered by most to be a worse sin
>than cross-posting.
>3: They didn't start a new thread when making a reply.
>4: They included enough of the previous posts to provide context for the
>> I am sure that if you contact your local college they will most
>> likely run a beginners computing course.
>> This will no doubt cover the correct way to address and send email
>> and thus make sure can connect with an audience on the same
>> intellectual level to you.
>Don't get me wrong - I'm not condoning the cross-posted junk being
>referred to but at least the people referred to obviously know how to
>use newsgroups.


Indeed they do! - and, if I might point this out, it is posts like Geoff's
that serve to prolong the debate.

It should be quite clear, to anyone with even half a functioning brain
cell, that the people involved in this Trolling (and let's be quite clear
about it! - that's what it is!!) are Masters of their craft - and could eat
a tosser like Geoffory for breakfast.

Just an observation.........


Sep 25, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/25/00
Bryan J. Maloney wrote:
> In article <8prggq$cst$>, "Exrxes News Network"
> <> wrote:
> > I am of the common people! - the ragged subjects of Capitalism who raise
> > their manacled hands heavenwards in their imprecations to be set free!.
> Y'know, I never see this kind of high-falutin' self-congratulatory stuff
> written by somebody who actually IS of the common people.
> "Meet the New Boss,
> Same as the Old Boss."

> --
> For those in the know, potrzebie is truly necessary.


"Won't get fooled again."

Baron von Stifel.

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