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Regan McNichol

Feb 12, 2002, 3:15:53 PM2/12/02
Thanks for the help. But I've found lately that my efforts have been
returning more frustrations than not. Toastmasters is something I do in my
spare time (and I pay money for). So there ought to be some element of fun.
This is more frustrating than fun. Of course being the youngest member by a
long shot at my club doesn't help any.

Does anybody know of any public speaking organizations that have people
around the 25-30 year old range?

Thanks for your help!


Susan Niven, DTM PID CSP

Feb 12, 2002, 9:15:42 PM2/12/02
"Regan McNichol" <> wrote in message
> Does anybody know of any public speaking organizations that have people
> around the 25-30 year old range?

Hi Regan -

When I was campaigning for election as 3rd VP of Toastmasters
International last year (unsuccessfully, by the way!), one of the
things I talked about with TM leaders from around the world, was the
absolutely CRITICAL need that we have as an organization to attract
more 'under 30's'.

When I read your post on the NG just now, I was wishing that I knew
your telephone number to give you a call. (If you'd like to e-mail
your phone number to me, I'd love to do that ...

To address your question above: Toastmasters International is an
organization that is very much in need of members 18 to 30. People
just like YOU are the ones who can help make that happen. Would you be
interested, Regan, in leading a project to charter a new Club in your
community ... with all of the marketing efforts for the Club being
focused on people in that target group?

Unfortunately the organization does not have marketing materials that
are designed with a targeted young age group in mind ... but that
doesn't mean to say that a few dedicated members couldn't develop some
and begin using them successfully !!!! And then share them with others
in other cities ... and so on.

There are those in Toastmasters who believe that age is not an issue
... and that our Clubs are welcoming to everyone regardless of any
demographical differences. Yeah, yeah, yeah ... but the reality of the
human condition is that we tend to like to come together in groups
with people who are "like us". Age is one of the ways we make the
"like us" assessment.

Also ... I've just been chatting on AOL Instant Messenger with Wilma
Springer ... the Governor in Founders District in southern California.
Wilma was telling me about a new TM Club that is about to charter, in
a local Jaycees chapter. (All young people!). If you e-mail me, Regan,
Wilma has given me permission to give you her e-mail address so that
you can contact her for more info about the TM / Jaycee connection ...
and the high probability that you could help duplicate that connection
in your town! (I believe that Toastmasters International CAN BE the
public speaking organization for people in the 25-30 age range!)


Susan Niven, DTM PID
Blaine Harbor TM Club 5995 in Blaine WA USA - District 2
"Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting!" - Dr. Seuss

Steven Tursi

Feb 12, 2002, 10:10:37 PM2/12/02
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help in the under 30 spectrum.

Steven Tursi (age 25)
NYC Amex Toastmasters: 334-46
(my first name)

"Susan Niven, DTM PID CSP" <> wrote in message

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