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Sivuca, Brazilian Accordionist, 76

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Dec 17, 2006, 3:11:13 PM12/17/06

Sivuca, 76; Brazilian accordionist, composer won Latin Grammy

>From Times Staff and Wire Reports

Sivuca, the white-maned accordionist, composer and arranger known for
his work with South African singer Miriam Makeba and others, died
Thursday [December 14, 2006] of throat cancer at a hospital in his home
state of Paraiba, Brazil. He was 76.

Born Severino Dias de Oliveira, Sivuca was credited with arranging
Makeba's most famous recording, "Pata Pata." During his 50-year career,
he played with a wide range of musical artists around the world,
including Harry Belafonte, Toots Thielmans, Airto Moreira and Hermeto

A master of the accordion-driven forro style of Brazil's northeast, he
won a Latin Grammy in 2005 with accordionist Oswaldinho in the
Brazilian roots category.

Born on the family farm in northern Brazil, Sivuca was an albino whose
need to stay out of the sun allowed him to avoid farm chores and devote
more time to music. He began playing the accordion at fairs and parties
when he was 9 and by 15 was performing on radio programs. In 1950 he
made his first recording, which included the hit "Adeus Maria Fulo."

He lived in Rio de Janeiro for many years before moving to Lisbon,
Paris and New York City. He joined Makeba's group as a guitarist in the
early 1960s and eventually toured the world with her.,1,1951501.story


Dec 17, 2006, 4:05:40 PM12/17/06
DGH said the following On 12/17/2006 2:11 PM:

> Sivuca, 76; Brazilian accordionist, composer won Latin Grammy

I knew his brother, Sambuca.

Neon Meate Dream Of A Octafish


Dec 17, 2006, 5:54:10 PM12/17/06


"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the
intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well
preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in
one hand, Starbucks in the other, totally worn out and

"WOO HOO what a ride!"

"Hoodini" <> wrote in message

Sweet fella, too!!

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