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George S. Tsapanos

May 23, 2002, 4:41:52 PM5/23/02
Hellenism is the first expiatory victim of International Masonry.
Back in the early years of Christianity, Christianized Hellenism had the chance
to separate itself from the Jewish creators and initiators of that religion.
By not doing it, Hellenism ended up becoming a subtitute image of the Jewish
people and their early Nation, a Nation that our Ionians were calling it by the
name Gefyrians-Gephyraei, see about them ( Herodotus Book
Five-57,58,59,60,61,62), while themselves had taken the name of Aram, son of
Shem, and others,( Kemuel-Shamer) a common Jewish name (Genesis 10,21-22-23,
Chronicles 7-34, etc.), and the same name was given to Syria (Numbers, 23-7),
and to a district in Canaan ( 1 Chronical 7-34).
Their brothers in there were known as Urum-Urumi maybe after Urias the Greek
form for Uriah, rebuilder of the Jerusalem Wall ( (Ezr.8-33) or of that prophet
of the Israelies killed by Jehoiakim ( Jer. 26-20-21-23).

When the Ottomans arrived in Syria, they named the Leuko-Syrians of Kappadokia,
being all of them Christians by then, by that same ancient name, URUM, RUM,
that ended up characterizing all the Christians, including those Hellenes in
what used to be Hellas, and the same name in the Neo-Hellenic became ROMIOS.
But such a name was coined much earlier to define the Roman conquerors of
Hellas, and a little later, with the indicative article -a-, the Armani or
Vlachian populations of the Hellenic highlands.
The Turks did not have any reasons to name the Rum-millet after any Romans,
they named it after those being of that Christian religion.

But who were the first builders of such religion? The findings of the last
fifty years or so, and especially the Dead Sea Scrolls, are pointing towards
the people, described by Pliny-Philo-and Josephus as a sect or subsect of
1st-century Judaism, known as the ESSENES, ESSENOI--ESSAIOI in Greek.
In their book "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception", Michael Baigent and Richard
Leigh dedicate an entire chapter about these people. Listen few of the things
they have to say and their sources:

" Who, precisely, were the elusive and mysterious denizens of Qumran, who
established their community, transcribed and deposited their sacred texts, then
apparently vanished from the stage of history? Were indeed the Essenes? And if
so, what exactly does that term mean? "

"Pliny, depicted the Essenes as celibate hermits, residing, with 'only
palm-trees for company' in an area that might be construed as Qumran".

" According to Josephus, the Essenes are celibate.........despice pleasure and
wealth......they hold all possessions in common, and .......they must renounce
private property.........they elect their leaders among
themselves.......something akin to a monastic order or an ancient mystery

"At death, the soul is set free and soars upwards, rejoicing. Josephus compares
Essene teaching to that of 'THE GREEKS'. Elsewhere, he is more
specific,likening it to the principles of the Pythagorean schools".

Many wrote about the Essenes, Renan, H.P. Blavatsky, Anna Kingsford, Edouard
Schure, George Moore, even Robert Graves.
Jesus was portraited as a Gnostic thaumaturge and these Judaic Essenes as the
equivalent of the Greek Therapeutae.
It appears that a problem exist with the origins of the word ESSENES or ESSAIOI
Greek, Aramaic, possibilities were offered without a final agreement, with the
authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls refering to themselves as, for example, 'The
Keepers of the Covenant'.
As synonyms for 'Covenant' and 'Law', they would often use the same words that
figure so prominently in Taoism--'way', 'work' or 'works' ( MA' ASIM' in

From the above book, I went to the Perseus Digital Library and I checked out :

trying to find the connection with the Pythagorean schools. (
Josphus:Antiquities of the Jews, XV,x. according to the above mentioned book,
page 249).
What I was looking actually it was a possible connection of the ESSENES with
EARLIER people that those that wrote the Qumran Scrolls and the origins of such
earlier people.
I couldn't find anything ( maybe I didn't searched long enough or properly),
so.......I placed the word ESSENES in the "search" little square to see if such
word was existing in the Perseus Digital Library, and BINGO...........

""Essenes alt. Histiatores
entertainers (histiatores) of Ephesian Artemis, observe rules of purity for a
year: Paus. 8.13.1 ""

I had another name for these ESSENES, they were known to Pausanias as
HISTIATORES ( entertainers), of the EPHESIAN ARTEMIS

"XIII.[1] In the territory of Orchomenus, on the left of the road from
Anchisiae, there is on the slope of the mountain the sanctuary of Artemis
Hymnia. The Mantineans, too, share it . . . a priestess also and a priest. It
is the custom for these to live their whole lives in purity, not only sexual
but in all respects, and they neither wash nor spend their lives as do ordinary
people, nor do they enter the home of a private man. I know that the
“entertainers” of the Ephesian Artemis live in a similar fashion, but for a
year only, the Ephesians calling them Essenes. They also hold an annual
festival in honor of Artemis Hymnia. "

I didn't see any mention in the above book and I was not expecting what i had
in front of me. The ESSENES our "Greek" ESSAIOI were the "entertainers" of the
But who were these HISTIATORES, living in PURITY, just like the Jewish of
Sanctuaries, Priestesses, priests they all bring into memory secret societies,
secret rites, secret everything.(
That Artemis, in that Ephesian, Miletus, Samian areas, before being worshipped
by the Ionians and the Hellenic Dorians, was worshipped by those Non-HELLENES,
Pelasgians (Herodotus Book 1-56) speaking a non Hellenic language (Herodotus
Book 1-57).

In Thrace, the Kings of the Thracian-Paeonians were known as KTISTAI-KTISTES (
builders-MASONS). By the same name was going a certain Getian-Moesian-Thracian
religious organization having the same Orphic dogma of human resurection and
transmigration, CELIBACY and various kinds of abstinence, but look who else
believes in similar ideas:

Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher and mathematician and founder of the
Pythagorean school, flourished about 530 B. C. Very little is known about the
life and personality of Pythagoras. There is an abundance of biographical
material dating from the first centuries of the Christian era, from the age of
neo-Pythagoreanism, but, when we go back to the centuries nearer to
Pythagoras's time, our material becomes very scanty. It seems to be certain
that Pythagoras was born at Samos about the year 550 or 560 B. C., that he
travelled to Magna Græcia in Southern Italy about the year 530, that he
founded there a school of philosophy and that he died at Metapontum in Sicily.
The detailed accounts of how he invented the musical scale, performed miracles,
pronounced prophecies, and did many other wonderful things, belong to legend,
and seem to have no historical foundation. Similarly the story of his journey
into Egypt, Asia Minor, and even to Babylon is not attested by reliable
historians. To the region of fable belongs also the description of the learned
works which he wrote and which were long kept secret in his school. It is
certain, however, that he founded a school, or, rather, a religious
philosophical society, for which he drew up a rule of life. In this rule are
said to have been regulations imposing secrecy, a protracted period of silence,
celibacy, and various kinds of abstinence. The time-honoured tradition that
Pythagoras forbade his disciples to eat beans, for which various reasons, more
or less ingenious, were assigned by ancient and medieval writers, has been
upset by some recent writers, who understand the phrase, "Abstain from beans"
(kyamon apechete), to refer to a measure of practical prudence, and not to a
gastronomic principle. Beans, black and white, were, according to this
interpretation, the means of voting in Magna Græcia, and "Abstain from beans"
would, therefore, mean merely "Avoid politics"—a warning which, we know, was
warranted by the troubles in which the school was involved on account of the
active share which it took during the founder's lifetime in the struggles of
the popular with the aristocratic party in Southern Italy. The school was
instructed by its founder to devote itself to the cultivation of philosophy,
mathematics, music, and gymnastics, the aim of the organization being primarily
ethical. The theoretical doctrines taught by the master were strictly adhered
to, so much so that the Pythagoreans were known for their frequent citation of
the ipse dixit of the founder. Naturally, as soon as the legends began to grow
up around the name of Pythagoras, many tenets were ascribed him which were in
fact introduced by later Pythagoreans, such as Philolaus and Archytas of
Tarentum. It seems to be certain that, besides prescribing the rules that were
to govern the society, Pythagoras taught: a doctrine of transmigration of souls
which he probably borrowed from the Bacchic and Orphic mysteries, the whole
spirit of the doctrine being religious and ethical, intended to show, by
successive incarnations of the soul in the bodies of different animals a system
by which certain vices and virtues were to be punished and rewarded after
in a general way, the doctrine that mathematics contains the key to all
philosophical knowledge, a germ, so to speak, which was afterwards developed
into an elaborate number-theory by his followers; and
the notion that virtue is a harmony, and may be cultivated not only by
contemplation and meditation but also by the practice of gymnastics and music.

But such ideas and dogmas, survived all the way to the late Byzantine era when
large migrations, relocations and voluntary immigrations happened, from Asia
towards Thrace, mainly by Mesopotamians, Armenians, Kappadokians, Kataonians,
Cilicians, Syrians and many others bringing with them Paulicianism, Nestorism,
Satanic-worshipping as well Bogomilsm, which with the Crusades was transmitted
in Western Europe together with various others from Thrace, there is an
extensive bibliography in The Catholic Encyclopedia

One of those heretic religions was MASONRY
( .
It was named as such by people ignorant of the fact that the word
KTISTAI-KTISTES, before meaning MASONS-BUILDERS, ment the Kings of Thrace and a
certain Heresy in there.
Look what there is in the above site:

"The germs of nearly all these fantastic theories are contained in Anderson's
"The Constitutions of Free Masons" (1723, 1738) which makes Freemasonry
coextensive with geometry and the arts based on it; insinuates that God, the
Great Architect, founded Freemasonry, and that it had for patrons, Adam, the
Patriarchs, the kings and philosophers of old. Even Jesus Christ is included in
the list as Grand Master of the Christian Church. Masonry is credited with the
building of Noah's Ark, the Tower of Babel, the Pyramids, and Solomon's Temple.
Subsequent authors find the origin of Masonry in the Egyptian, Dionysiac,
Eleusinian, Mithraic, and Druidic mysteries; in sects and schools such as the
Pythagoreans, Essenes, Culdees, Zoroastrians, and Gnostics; in the Evangelical
societies that preceded the Reformation; in the orders of knighthood
(Johannites, Templars); among the alchemists, Rosicrucians, and Cabbalists; in
Chinese and Arabic secret societies. It is claimed also that Pythagoras founded
the Druidic institution and hence that Masonry probably existed in England 500
years before the Christian Era. Some authors, considering geological finds as
Masonic emblems, trace Masonry to the Miocene (?) Period [15] while others
pretend that Masonic science "existed before the creation of this globe,
diffused amidst the numerous systems with which the grand empyreum of universal
space is furnished".

""Subsequent authors find the origin of Masonry in the Egyptian, Dionysiac,
Eleusinian, Mithraic, and Druidic mysteries; in sects and schools such as the
Pythagoreans, Essenes, Culdees..............",

Our early NON-HELLENES, Pelasgian entertainers of the Ephesian Artemis, became
the Pythagoreans, became the ESSENES, Essenes who in their own HEBREW language

THE MASONS, this is the name chosen ( !!!!!!!!!!!!) by an English-Jew believing
that the Brits were descendants of the two lost tribes of Israel.
"" As the best German authorities admit [21] speculative Masonry began with the
foundation of the Grand Lodge of England, 24 June, 1717, and its essential
organization was completed in 1722 by the adoption of the new "Book of
Constitutions" and of the three degrees: apprentice, fellow, master. "".

In such a way was organized the "Above Nations, Nations-Savor" very Jewish and
for nothing HELLENIC, MASONRY.
With MASONRY the children of the white race loving and worshipping the Golden
Ox, became easy targets of the Jews and their Banks, who corrupted the Western
Churches and their Hierarchies, driving us towards the Ultimate Atomic
Confrontation, just because their brothers, descendants of the Pelasgian-Black
race and that yellow one, dared to challenge them.

I presented you with the ESSENES or ESSAIOI, the "early Church based in
Jerusalem", the "Nazoreans", the "folowers of the Way", the "Keepers of the
Covenant", the MA' ASIMS, the MASONS.

Regards to all ..................L.
"Vlachs, The Autochthonous
Of the Hellenic Peninsula".

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