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American Indian Mafia

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03.03.2009, 00:06:0603.03.09
It wasn't all that long ago, I remember reading the comment made by a
well-known independent journalists, that there are certain subjects
that we can't discuss about Indian country. One of those subjects, is
Leonard Peltier. Oh we can discuss it. Only as long as what we have to
say is positive and supportive, the negative or "the other side of the
story" and there is always another side to every situation, but
different "sides" or theories about Peltier, Russell Means and other
top officials in the American Indian Movement, shouldn't be discussed
- at least not openly.

For many people, if you say anything at all about Peltier that is
negative or questioning, you are considered the enemy. However for
those of us who seek truth, or as much truth that can be learned about
any part of history, or try in a fair and impartial way to present
both sides of an issue, so people can have information to make up
their own minds, if they are willing to seek truth with an open mind -
you are suspect. This is the power that the AIM boys hold over the
young and those who were young during those turbulent times in the
early 1970's.

It never ceases to amaze me how easily some people follow others,
without question. Oh we all get fooled by people who seem one way and
then later on, we find out they are not at all what they first
appeared to be. Sometimes we are betrayed by the person. Sometimes we
are hurt and feel used because we placed our trust in them as a
friend. That has happened to me personally often throughout my life. I
am trusting by nature and I tend more to see the good in someone, then
anything bad, and unfortunately, this can be a dangerous weakness.

Anna Mae

Video Interview with Leonard Peltier


03.03.2009, 00:17:0303.03.09
> Anna Mae

> Video Interview with Leonard Peltier

I think, but i do not know what others may know, or think they know.
but i think it is not so much about peltier as a person, but as a
symbol of centuries of federal abuses.
there are always three sides to the truth.
one side, the other side, then the real truth of the situation, which
seldom matches either of the other two.

03.03.2009, 00:28:1903.03.09


unfortunately, that was created out of whole cloth by the LPDC Public
Relations crew...

what happens, has happened to or will happen in the future for mr.
pelTEARS will have No bearing on the rest of Native America...

Thankfully...folks are starting to realize that...

Unfortunately demonstrated here...that insight will
certainly bring Venom onto oneself...

as such...

your Prayers for Safety for jeanne in her effort to find her way are



03.03.2009, 01:17:0803.03.09
<> wrote

> It wasn't all that long ago, I remember reading the comment made by a
> well-known independent journalists, that there are certain subjects
> that we can't discuss about Indian country. One of those subjects, is
> Leonard Peltier. Oh we can discuss it. Only as long as what we have to
> say is positive and supportive, the negative or "the other side of the
> story" and there is always another side to every situation, but
> different "sides" or theories about Peltier, Russell Means and other
> top officials in the American Indian Movement, shouldn't be discussed
> - at least not openly.
> [brevity snip]

Sounds like Vercingetorix 2000-and-then-some years ago


03.03.2009, 02:08:4803.03.09
Looks like the fbi is worried about lizzy and the people her blog
reaches. LOL!

On Mar 2, 9:06 pm, wrote:

Dear Mr.Simon,

I appreciate your comment on my blog as I am interested in hearing
from all parties!

Unless I can find AMERICAN INDIAN MAFIA for a penny on Amazon it will
be quite awhile before I have another book and music buying spree! My
job has cut back on hours.

I must warn you that any government agency would be facing an uphill
battle when it comes to credibility with me.

Isn’t the FBI part of the same government who thought it would be a
good idea to sterilize Indian women??

Isn’t the FBI part of the same government who has systematically
cheated Indians out of their royalties. (See my post on my Uncle Vic
who worked for the GAO)

Is this the same FBI run by Herbert Hoover who was responsible for a
rain of terror against “communists”?

Is this the same FBI who was using deceitful tactics to break up AIM?

I do not doubt that there were some bad characters in AIM. As I said
previously I would not be surprised if someone involved with AIM
killed Anna Mae Aquash.

The FBI used tactics that that would ensure paranoia and division
among AIM leaders. The FBI was successful. They got what they wanted…
members turning on one another.

Do I think that any of this absolves the FBI of guilt?


The problem with corruption and lying is that you lose trust. The FBI
is no longer a credible organization as far as I am concerned. All one
needs to do is look at history and ask themselves what has changed.

I have very high expectations of our government officials. I do not
tolerate corrupt people or people who support corruption. I think that
they are cowards.

So far my opinion of the men involved in Anna Mae Aquash’s life has
not changed. They all failed her .

One more thing after all these years did new evidence suddenly come to
light….Why is the FBI suddenly so concerned with the Anna Mae Aquash
case?? Shouldn’t they have been protecting us from Wall Street

Dare I say that if the FBI put half the resources and energy of the
Anna Mae Aquash murder into investigating hedgefunds…we would not be
in a depression.

When the Government has confiscated the money stolen by corrupt CEO’S…

When the Government has prosecuted every corrupt CEO…

When the Government has jailed every corrupt CEO the way they would
any other criminal. And not in club Fed…

Then and only then will I begin to trust them again.

Only then will I believe that they are working to protect the very
Americans whose tax dollars are funding their organization.

As they say I was born on a Thursday but it wasn’t last Thursday!

What say ye?


03.03.2009, 02:12:3603.03.09
On Mar 2, 9:06 pm, wrote:

James Simon has the blog American Indian Mafia. He must read this
site. He contacted Lizzy about her Anna Mae posts. They must be really
afraid of her. Two Elves is speaking proper English. They must be
really afraid!

I am still waiting for you to answer my questions?

Of course yesterday was Sunday and I am sure you were observing the
good Lords day of rest. I hope to hear from you when I get back from

I am going to start a whole category for James because I have a whole
lot more to say whether he responds or not!

This man has 2 websites about one is AMERICAN INDIAN MAFIA, and the
other is AIM MYTHBUSTERS he also posts a lot under thenamd of SNAPPLE
but he says very little about himself and doesn’t say WHY this case
means so much to him.



03.03.2009, 02:23:4903.03.09
On Mar 2, 9:06 pm, wrote:

Her third post to James Simon is really long. This is the end of her
response to him. This lady Lizzy has integrity and courage. Find it

6. Note: It is shameful that there are a few Indian people who
mercenarily cater for maza-ska to the forces that not only murdered
their ancestors, but mutilated them as well. Historical examples of
murder and mutilations are: (1862) Little Crow and the 39 Dakota
hanged at Mankato, Minnesota, (1890) Sitting Bull at Little Eagle,
South Dakota.

But now you done pissed me off and I promise I will post everyday
about Anna Mae Aquash until the trial is over on days that I am home.

03.03.2009, 10:28:0103.03.09
On Mar 2, 10:28 pm, wrote:

> what happens, has happened to or will happen in the future for mr.
> pelTEARS will have No bearing on the rest of Native America...

> - Show quoted text -

i disagree.
i have no faith in the fbi, or the tactics used against people of
color, certain ethnic origin or beliefs.
it would be, i think, a "good faith" gesture to let the old man go.
he is of no danger to anyone anymore.
as long as he is in prison, it will be an issue to divide and
unfortunately, over time, ALL people lose their "personhood".
they either become one with the earth from whence they sprang, and be
remembered in family stories, if even there, fading quietly and
peacefully into the past.
others become "symbols" for one cause or another.
i think i won't comment on that, because i am not sure that i have an
opinion on it any more.
i think we should remember and honor the past.
and those in our past.
but the past is the past.
there never will be full justice done for actions committed from 1492
to the present.
too often that is the way it is.
what has been done, has been done.
it is the way of it.
seldom is one side totally innocent, though as we see today in other
parts of the world, the retaliation often far outweighs the orginal
there are issues of today that need our energies more than the horrors
and crimes of the past.
perhaps those who destroyed those homes and lives should at least
work towards rebuilding those homes.
but they won't, most have moved on to other and more exciting issues.
it is the adrenaline of the fight, the hate, the insults, the
attention, that feeds that rollercoaster of emotions.
and that is very addicting.


03.03.2009, 11:27:2603.03.09

Wise words.

03.03.2009, 15:51:2903.03.09

Indeed Wise words!
If all too few people know about Wounded Knee or Anna Mae or Leonard
less than that know about the 60 families left homeless. Who is going
to address
this? who is going to be brave enough to tell the story so healing and
rebuilding can
happen. WK73 made some people very wealthy and well known. Every one
of them
yelling louder than the next through the bull horn. Not one of them
telling the world why
60 families were left homeless. It is bad enough when government and
outsiders cause
horrific acts upon one of our most vulnerable poorest Nations. 60
Lakota families were left
homeless by other Natives! They just walked away? Two hundred Natives
came from around
the Country were there at WK73. Monica was one of them. How come she
never has spoken
out to help those families. Don't they count? are 60 homeless families
that easy to forget?
How can people have just walked away from that and never look back.
Brave be not proud
at the gutless acts. I wonder who is brave enough to Right the wrongs
of WK73? in our lifetime.

03.03.2009, 16:49:0903.03.09


03.03.2009, 18:56:3103.03.09

"Monica" <> wrote in message

Looks like the fbi is worried about lizzy and the people her blog
reaches. LOL!


>Is this the same FBI run by Herbert Hoover who was responsible for a
>rain of terror against “communists”?

Herbert? The 31st President?

You mean J. Edgar.



03.03.2009, 19:24:0403.03.09
On Mar 3, 3:56 pm, "tkavanag" <> wrote:
> "Monica" <> wrote in message

That was Lizzy's mistake. She was mad at Simon. She knows I'm sure.


03.03.2009, 19:31:1203.03.09
> Short Report
> Long version: (30 mins) Audio Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Hate sure makes strange bedfellows. You, debbie, lisa, Jeannie
Chadwick. Debbie hates Chadwick. Or she used to. This is too funny.
Well did you decide if you are going to send me a plane ticket or are
you going to try to kidnap me? Someone sent a link of my Arlo article
to two beads worth and she published it without asking me. You used to
think lisa is a dip and debbie is vulgar. My friends from Suquamish
read alt.native and laugh. Suquamish is the rez that debbie claims to
live on. LOL!


03.03.2009, 20:06:5903.03.09
On Mar 2, 9:06 pm, wrote:
> Anna Mae

> Video Interview with Leonard Peltier

Debbie is both Midnightskylady and redskyinmorning. Interesting
discussion of Chadwick. You do know she had a crush on you. That's why
she got angry and wrote the nasty emails.


05.03.2009, 16:09:3705.03.09
On Mar 3, 1:51 pm, "" <> wrote:
> of WK73? in our lifetime.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

The Aquash trial(s) are precisely about those 60 unsolved murders in
Sioux Country. The Feds are trying to get away with the serial murders
by distracting everyone with the Accuseds in Anna Mae Aquash's heinous
killing, only one of course among scores; and ... trying to blame
Peltier and AIM for it all.

It's not working this time, as it did against Leonard and Arlo. Their
lawyers like Bachrach are exposed. He's claiming to be representing
Arlo, but Arlo is being kept drugged and tortured, according to other
inmates where he is, and his family! They know he's recanted, to me
and others, in the killing. He had nothing to do with it.

05.03.2009, 17:11:2705.03.09
On Mar 5, 2:09 pm, Dave <> wrote:
> Arlo, but Arlo is being kept drugged and tortured, according to other
> inmates where he is, and his family! They know he's recanted, to me
> and others, in the killing. He had nothing to do with it fam to da War Chief...So U mean Me sayin dat?!

Dang davey STEALZ...wha da hick U talkin' bout...U goofy ass monkey

whatchgit Dizzy witout yer MAD MOO monkeyy JEFE?

when me went to see da War Chief last time he sho din look tortured to

den coulda bin da food dey "focin'" him to eat eh?...

silly monkey boi...

pet, pet, pet...

Now Shoe!


05.03.2009, 17:24:5205.03.09

I sure like to watch you do your lap dance. Arlo's real relatives and
friends are saying that he's so sedated he's practically comatose.
It's on the rapid city journal site. That's what you brought him to
tiny dancer.

You should have done what Arlo's aunt said and gone home to pray for


05.03.2009, 17:39:5205.03.09

You haven't talked to Arlo.


06.03.2009, 14:31:4706.03.09
On Mar 5, 2:11 pm, wrote:

Arlo said he's not related to you. He said your interview was a lie.
He said that in a statement. If Arlo made all these confessions to you
where are the tapes? You tape everyone. Where is your evidence that he
confessed that he was a part of Anna Mae's murder?

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