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the inn

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1999. jan. 22. 3:00:001999. 01. 22.
Mellyna slowly entered the inn. The pall of silence and sadness was very
palable. As she surveyed the crowd within, her mind kept darting back to
the strange city that had appeared. It had emitted a familiar feeling but
also an alien one. She heard some of the patrons muttering about a dark
elf and she began to wonder just what she had missed. "Could someone tell
me about this incident?" she asked in general. Searching the faces of the
patrons seeing a couple who were familiar and a great deal who were not.

'may the shadows hold you safe'

I apologize for the long absence. I have been reading the post, I just
couldn't find an appropriate time to appear.

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Clare Yeowart

1999. jan. 23. 3:00:001999. 01. 23.
mellyna wrote:

>Mellyna slowly entered the inn. The pall of silence and sadness was very
>palable. As she surveyed the crowd within, her mind kept darting back to
>the strange city that had appeared. It had emitted a familiar feeling but
>also an alien one. She heard some of the patrons muttering about a dark
>elf and she began to wonder just what she had missed. "Could someone tell
>me about this incident?" she asked in general. Searching the faces of the
>patrons seeing a couple who were familiar and a great deal who were not.

A manticore walks forward. "If you're interested, that little dark
elf just got herself killed. A big dark elf with wings was ever so
upset about it, and a lot of other people got weepy. A few odd people
came in, then started waving swords around and making speeches. The
big dark elf with wings has offered a reward for anyone who helps her
get revenge on the people who killed the little one. Since the reward
is quite substantial, I'm going to join her. Nothing else to do, and
no-one else wants to hire me."

The manticore waves a wing towards a shaky gate in the corner. "If
you want to go help her, use that. I've picked up some food from the
Innkeeper, so I'm all set," he says, waving a large bag.

The manticore strides towards the Gate, shoving a centaur gently out
of the way with a wing, and then vanishes through it, not bothering to
wait for anyone else. The gate remains, wavering gently, in the



>I apologize for the long absence. I have been reading the post, I just
>couldn't find an appropriate time to appear.

Sorry. I'll try to leave more open spaces in the future.

Clare Yeowart, cl...@witsend.u-net.com
Reality is what refuses to go away when I stop believing in it.
-Philip K. Dick


1999. jan. 24. 3:00:001999. 01. 24.
Clare Yeowart <cl...@witsend.u-net.com> wrote in article

> mellyna wrote:
> A manticore walks forward. "If you're interested, that little dark
> elf just got herself killed. A big dark elf with wings was ever so
> upset about it, and a lot of other people got weepy. A few odd people
> came in, then started waving swords around and making speeches. The
> big dark elf with wings has offered a reward for anyone who helps her
> get revenge on the people who killed the little one. Since the reward
> is quite substantial, I'm going to join her. Nothing else to do, and
> no-one else wants to hire me."
> The manticore waves a wing towards a shaky gate in the corner. "If
> you want to go help her, use that. I've picked up some food from the
> Innkeeper, so I'm all set," he says, waving a large bag.
> The manticore strides towards the Gate, shoving a centaur gently out
> of the way with a wing, and then vanishes through it, not bothering to
> wait for anyone else. The gate remains, wavering gently, in the
> corner.

The centaur turned indignatly to look as the manticore disapears through
the gate.
She had heard what it said to the Shadow Girl and bit on her lip as she
thought it over.
She had hardly gotten to know the 'people' here, because she was apt to
appearing and disapearing as she wandered, but two of the ones she had met
and talked to had been a little dark elf and an ebony unipeg. A tiny ripple
of memories washed over her, and a few tiny pieces of a giant puzzle fell
into place.

She turned and looked into the face of Mellyna, and the other creatures in
the inn, and began to wonder if anybody else had gone through the Gate.
Without a word, she shouldered her knapsak and folded her hand over the
hilt of the dagger strapped to her belt, then walked right up to the Gate,
. She turned once again, smiled at the Innkeeper, then without hesitation
walked through the wavering Gate.

Humm...last time she was in the Lands, she was swimming under a water fall,
she disapears, comes back, and now has absoultly no idea where she's
going, how she can help or anything, so I hope no-one minds that she goes..
When the passing of time,
is marked, not in days, nor years
but in the progress our minds have made
And we are all long since mounted on deaths black horse
He will stare quietly
from beyond younder dream
And pause to wonder where sanity has flown...

Yaku Asobi

1999. jan. 25. 3:00:001999. 01. 25.

In article <01be4747$d1d686a0$0e21868b@default>, "Iceshard"
<Spir...@bigpond.com> writes:

> She turned once again, smiled at the Innkeeper, then without hesitation
>walked through the wavering Gate.

Meer seconds later the inn's door burst open as a small drake speeds into the
room. Making a quick turn he grabs the door and slams it shut.

"Quick hide me G/E/H is sooooo mad at me." Glancing about at the serious faces
that glare at his rude interuption. "Uhmmm, looks like your mad at me too."

"YAKU get out here right now." G/E/H's normally musical voice has changed
conciderably from what many of the mythics remember.

"Uh, oh. Got to go." Yaku begins to run for the back of the inn, notices the
wavering gate and changes course. "This might be a better place to hide. . . "
Jumping trough the gate; Yakus wing tips brush the edges of the gate causing
it to wobble dangerously.

Yaku, perfector of the anoying enterance.
Hmmmm, we've seemed to have lost the last story; onward, ever onward.


1999. jan. 27. 3:00:001999. 01. 27.
((writting myself in))
Glides back to the inn he once knew and hears yaku's friend yell for him. ~I
could get him for you...~ The balck and silver unipeg lands and folds his wings
remebering the big earth drac. he walks in his hooves light on the inn's floor
and looks around seeing the exit on the other end and the portal smelling yaku
went through the portal that quivers badly. he yells out. ~Yaku's not in here
maybe he went out the back....~ and follows into the portal unsure what
adventure will befall him next...

~twylight the dark unipeg~
~have a brighter day and pleasantly darker night~
Twylight the dark unipeg.


1999. jan. 28. 3:00:001999. 01. 28.
On 27 Jan 1999 03:34:06 GMT, twyli...@aol.comSKYMAGE (Twyligtsky)

We have to start putting the [RP]s on these posts; I just realized
that I'd missed a dozen rp posts 'cause & looked for the prefix...
then, just now, as I was reading the other posts, I see all of
these... yeesh. at least it seems that we're back in business!



Yaku Asobi

1999. jan. 28. 3:00:001999. 01. 28.

In article <19990126223406...@ng126.aol.com>,
twyli...@aol.comSKYMAGE (Twyligtsky) writes:

>Glides back to the inn he once knew and hears yaku's friend yell for him. ~I
>could get him for you...~ The balck and silver unipeg lands and folds his
>wings remebering the big earth drac. he walks in his hooves light on the inn's
>floor and looks around seeing the exit on the other end and the portal
>yaku went through the portal that quivers badly. he yells out. ~Yaku's not in
>here maybe he went out the back....~ and follows into the portal unsure what
>adventure will befall him next...

"Are you sure? I still sense him in the inn." Stooping down G/E/H nudges the
inn's door open, puts an eye up to the doorway, and peers inside.

"Oh dear, not another death, not so soon after E'Fish . . ." The giant eye
moves away from the doorway, and the door is gently closed. An intense
multi-hued light begins to creep under the door and between spaces in the walls
to small for ordinary sunlight to seep in; a soft sigh is heard by every mythic
inside the inn, and the door is reopened by a tall, black haired lady with fair
skin, garbed in a dress and cloak that shifts its colors across the visible and
invisable spectrum.

The woman walks softly up to the group surrounding the dark elf. "Was the
deceased a warrior, a healer, or one who toiled?" The woman's voice is
unmistakenly that of G/E/H, the immense crystal drake, but an undercurrent of
contained power is felt in every word.

Gerald Clark
a.k.a. Yaku
a.k.a G/E/H

Clare Yeowart

1999. jan. 28. 3:00:001999. 01. 28.
Yaku Asobi wrote:

>The woman walks softly up to the group surrounding the dark elf. "Was the
>deceased a warrior, a healer, or one who toiled?" The woman's voice is
>unmistakenly that of G/E/H, the immense crystal drake, but an undercurrent of
>contained power is felt in every word.

The priestess looks up at the sound of a voice. "She was a warrior, a
princess and a terror, all at once. She led the dark elves in a reign
of terror against the mythics, then disappeared just over three years
ago. We believe she thought the Goddess would look on her with favour
if she joined causes with ShadowAngel, but eventually she came to
believe in his cause with all her heart. She became too trusting, and
the assassins found her."

The priestess turns back to the mourning, and the preparations for the



Yaku Asobi

1999. jan. 29. 3:00:001999. 01. 29.

In article <36b3e19d...@news.u-net.com>, cl...@witsend.u-net.com (Clare
Yeowart) writes:

>The priestess looks up at the sound of a voice. "She was a warrior, a
>princess and a terror, all at once. She led the dark elves in a reign
>of terror against the mythics, then disappeared just over three years
>ago. We believe she thought the Goddess would look on her with favour
>if she joined causes with ShadowAngel, but eventually she came to
>believe in his cause with all her heart. She became too trusting, and
>the assassins found her."
>The priestess turns back to the mourning, and the preparations for the

G/E/H reaches down, grabs a corner of her cloak, a tears a large piece of it
off. As she drops the cloak the edges flow to fill in the loss. Pulling and
stretching the piece in her hands it begins to take on a definite shape. After
a few moments she is holding an intricate statue of two intertwined dragons,
one black onyx, the other white quartz. Both figures are wound around a ruby
red rose, with and emerald stem.

Stepping forward she hands it to the priestess who answered her question.
"'Tis the most fitting memorial I can give the fallen, for not having known her
personally. I ask that it be interrered with the deceased. I would place it
myself but I must go after my charge."

G/E/H turns toward the wobbly gate. Walking up to it she then grabs it and
stretches it out making it slightly larger; filaments of crystal race around
the edges of the gate, stabilizing it. "The gate will now remain open until
the crystal is broken. Many the goddess keep you safe." With that G/E/H steps
through the portal to what lay beyond.

ooc: O.K. now what does lay beyond the portal?

Gerald Clark
a.k.a. Yaku
a.k.a. G/E/H

>Reality is what refuses to go away when I stop believing in it.

. . . and magic is what goes away when I refuse to stop believing in it.

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