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RP: First appearence!

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Emanuel Henriques

May 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/5/99
I'd like to get into your REALM.

Let me present my character
I am Thor, God of Thunder and God of Rain from Asgard.

Clare Yeowart

May 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/5/99
Emanuel Henriques wrote:

A hooded black cloak expands from nowhere beside you, twisting and
turning until roughly the same size as you are. The hood of the cloak
is thrown back by the wearer, reavealing a being with the appearance
of a young human. You notice, however, that his eyes are a pure
black, and there is a suggestion of a pair of great wings of black
flame about him.

"Greetings, sir. I am the Lord of Life, and I bid thee welcome unto
this realm. My sister, the Lady of the Skies, would have wished to
have met and greeted you, but I fear she is unavoidably detained
elsewhere. There is an Inn, if you have need of refreshment; be wary
of the gryphon, for he is near mad with grief. His ward was killed
but a short while ago, and he has taken her death hard."

The Lord of Life waves an arm down the road in the direction of the
Inn, revealing shining plate armour enamelled a gleaming black beneath
his cloak. Drawing the cloak around him and raising his hood, he
vanishes the same way he arrived, leaving you alone on a road at the
edge of a forest, with a great plain and a walled city ahead.


Clare Yeowart,
Reality is what refuses to go away when I stop believing in it.
-Philip K. Dick

John E.Papa John Mayer

May 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/6/99
In article <7gpa2o$3g6$> "Emanuel Henriques" <> writes:

>I'd like to get into your REALM.

You're already there.

>Let me present my character
>I am Thor, God of Thunder and God of Rain from Asgard.

Hmmmmm. This *is* mythic animals, and they don't generally
include humans or hominic gods, but the elders in RP here
can guide you there.....

Papa John

John E."Papa John" Mayer
Magick*Musick*Mayhem Butner, NC
If it don't hurt a little bit, it ain't rock & roll!


May 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/6/99
On Wed, 5 May 1999 12:31:23 +0100, in alt.mythology.mythic-animals
"Emanuel Henriques" <> cast the entrails, and

>I'd like to get into your REALM.

>Let me present my character
>I am Thor, God of Thunder and God of Rain from Asgard.

Very origional. how did you get here? anyway, welcome.
"Damn it Jim- I'm a corpse, not a doctor!"

Joe D.

May 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/8/99

I would like to get into your REALM.

My character:

I am Mortia, an elf from the forests in North.I am master of air magic. And
I love mushrooms . If I have to use any weapon I like best the bow.


May 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/8/99
I am a grygon. Part gryph part dragon that is. Weapon of choice: my
talons, beak and wings, tail etc. I live where ever I please. See my gryph
code for more info.

GC.G/D T(Fgy/e.g Ht.b tr eg){f}d---throughd+ pk(ol+ rl--) e+++ FgyCti :Mblu
>bl ,g/s a- g- m- p+++b^ i- fa+++ c{A} s Fr-(proposed).{med} l+++
Big Brother Is Watching You ( @ . . @ )

Joe D. wrote in message ...

Clare Yeowart

May 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/8/99
Joe D. wrote:

>I would like to get into your REALM.

You're already here.

>My character:
>I am Mortia, an elf from the forests in North.I am master of air magic. And
>I love mushrooms . If I have to use any weapon I like best the bow.

A figure melts from the trees to the side of the road you stand on.
She bows, and through long bronze hair you notice the delicate points
of her ears. As she straightens, you notice her face is patterned
with red and purple markings and her eyes blaze blue. She wears green
trousers and a purple waistcoat with sheer sleeves, low black leather
boots, a short bow slung over her back and a shortsword belted to her
waist. A few arrows rest in one hand, a pointed helm in her other
hand and a red shield is belted to her arm while there is a long
dagger of elegant shape stuck through her belt. She has vambraces and
greaves of a strange material, coloured purple and edged in gold.

She smiles and speaks in a deeper voice than one would expect, though
musical nonetheless, "Hail and well met, Mortia. I am Alathriel
Allandra, a fire elf of the High Peaks, and I bid you welcome here.
There is an Inn in the plains beyond, down this road, where you will
meet much stranger creatures than myself and a great deal of
hospitality. I was on my way there myself when I saw you, if you want
to join me."

Alathriel waits for an answer.


May 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/15/99
A silver portal opens in the sky and a ebony alicorn stallion gallops from it
the silver tips on his black wings shine in the sun's light. He circles down
and back wings landing near them. ~Would ye and ye freind care for a lift there
~have a brighter day and pleasantly darker night~
Twylight the dark unipeg.

Clare Yeowart

May 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/16/99
Twyligtsky wrote:

> A silver portal opens in the sky and a ebony alicorn stallion gallops from it
>the silver tips on his black wings shine in the sun's light. He circles down
>and back wings landing near them. ~Would ye and ye freind care for a lift there

"I fear you have the wrong elf, sir. I am Alathriel Allandra, a fire
elf. Clare is the name of a friend of mine, a human." Alathriel
grins broadly at Twylight. "You're welcome to join us, though, if the
others don't mind."

Clare (sorry, I forgot the .sig break last time)


May 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/17/99
He nickers as silver hooves tap lightly on the earth along side them. ~well
tis would be nice to see if old freinds be here, but I have a pressing matter
to ask. Ye see I have many freinds in search of a place like this or near here
to stay. Be there a place about here where we could stay?~

((ok here's the story for those that skipped the Proposal post. I have freinds
form AOL who would like to come here. i'm thinking of starting a organized
group and having them meet and/or RP here. most RP as equines. and i've thought
those here to be amazing at making story lines and RP. however our posts will
likely flood your newgroup and be short. so I will have those freinds state
something like uni: before the thread to separte them from other posts. That is
if those here do not mind. Please I would like answer as soon as possible.))

Clare Yeowart

May 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/17/99
Twyligtsky wrote:

> He nickers as silver hooves tap lightly on the earth along side them. ~well
>tis would be nice to see if old freinds be here, but I have a pressing matter
>to ask. Ye see I have many freinds in search of a place like this or near here
>to stay. Be there a place about here where we could stay?~

"The Inn should be over the next hill, Sir, or so I understand from my
clanfolk. I am sure the Innkeeper will have as many rooms as you
need." Alathriel nods at the road ahead, which vanishes over the
crest of a small hill a few hundred yards ahead. The trees lining the
road are gradually getting darker as the sun sinks below the horizon.
The sky begins to turn a lurid shade of blood red, painting Alathriel
in the hues of fire.


OOC bit:

>((ok here's the story for those that skipped the Proposal post. I have freinds
>form AOL who would like to come here. i'm thinking of starting a organized
>group and having them meet and/or RP here. most RP as equines. and i've thought
>those here to be amazing at making story lines and RP. however our posts will
>likely flood your newgroup and be short. so I will have those freinds state
>something like uni: before the thread to separte them from other posts. That is
>if those here do not mind. Please I would like answer as soon as possible.))

I for one would say don't worry about it. It's not as if we're
oversubscribed at the mo, after all. As long as your people don't
mind the rest of us joining in with them as well as the other way
around, just tell them to jump in and have fun.

Just as a note, what I've seen other people do in similar situations
is organise things in a chatroom and then post the results of the
conversation on the newsgroup. This seems to cut out most of the
small messages and the need to demarcate them. Of course, that
doesn't work for everyone.



May 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/18/99
On 17 May 1999 03:24:03 GMT, in alt.mythology.mythic-animals
twyli...@aol.comSKYMAGE (Twyligtsky) cast the entrails, and saw:

>((ok here's the story for those that skipped the Proposal post. I have freinds
>form AOL who would like to come here. i'm thinking of starting a organized
>group and having them meet and/or RP here. most RP as equines. and i've thought
>those here to be amazing at making story lines and RP. however our posts will
>likely flood your newgroup and be short. so I will have those freinds state
>something like uni: before the thread to separte them from other posts. That is
>if those here do not mind. Please I would like answer as soon as possible.))

if the unicorn group ever went up you could have it as the proprietary
RP of that group... it would be a pain if they were so numerous &
short... maybe you could post the chats here every hundred lines or

Emanuel Henriques

May 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/19/99
How can I join your rpg?

Clare Yeowart

May 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/19/99
Emanuel Henriques wrote:

>How can I join your rpg?

You just did. We don't have stats or anything similar, so your
character is as you present it. Simply post a message introducing
yourself, as you did at the start of this thread, and someone will
greet you. From there on in you're in the RPG.


May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99
((nods. well it be both a place to RP and a place to discuss how we will RP in
the chats who will lead, be added to the group and all that. but those are good
ideas. just that most of the time we are not on at the same time to discuss
matters or debate them.))

They make thier way up the hill the inn slowly coming to veiw as it nears
Twylight's favorite time of day. He breathes in the cool crisp air and feels to
late day dew forming on the grass he walks through. ~perhaps it would be best
then to take them to Fortuna. It is uninhabited unlike this place.~ Grins as he
looks upon the inn. ~it has been a long time since I visted this inn. Notta
since the battle with the gorgon...~ His mind floods with memories of that
battle. Moving his jaw slightly in remeberance of a hit in particular he took.
his ears perk at teh rememberance of a old friend. ~what ever became of that
little earth drake Yaku?~

((note fortuna is a dead NG I restarted for rolepalying))

Twylight the dark unipeg.

~have a brighter day and pleasantly darker night~

*a leader amongst equals*


May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99
On 23 May 1999 03:39:19 GMT, in alt.mythology.mythic-animals

twyli...@aol.comSKYMAGE (Twyligtsky) cast the entrails, and saw:

> They make thier way up the hill the inn slowly coming to veiw as it nears

>Twylight's favorite time of day. He breathes in the cool crisp air and feels to
>late day dew forming on the grass he walks through. ~perhaps it would be best
>then to take them to Fortuna. It is uninhabited unlike this place.~ Grins as he
>looks upon the inn. ~it has been a long time since I visted this inn. Notta
>since the battle with the gorgon...~ His mind floods with memories of that
>battle. Moving his jaw slightly in remeberance of a hit in particular he took.
>his ears perk at teh rememberance of a old friend. ~what ever became of that
>little earth drake Yaku?~

"Yaku? He was the little guy who was chucking mud at us at the falls,
right?" said Coaline. " I haven't seen him for a while, but he went
into the flying palace with me and Sean & a few others."

>((note fortuna is a dead NG I restarted for rolepalying))

what group's it on?


May 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/24/99
He laughs remembering the unicorn falls mud fest. ~yes. That would be yaku.
Don't ask me why but I liked him. he remeinds me of one of my newer freinds,
Wenn. They both make things insteresting.~ Sways his tail the sharp knives on
it just missing his back legs. Nearing the Inn things seem quiet. Perhaps
business has been slow or everyone is resting but it seems oddly quiet even for
the pacful inn to him.

((alt.fortuna Muns smiles go figure. ))

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