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The complete Joe Rogers RFD thread

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Nov 25, 2009, 6:02:04 PM11/25/09
To: ; ; ;
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: The Big Joe Polka Show Situation

You are misinformed. RFD-TV intends to continue to broadcast and
support polka for many years to come, as we have for the last 10


In a message dated 11/25/2009 2:43:12 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Hello to all,

Mr. Patrick Gottsch
Mr. Joe "Big Joe" Siedlik

I have twenty senior citizens contemplating revolt at my soda fountain
daily should the Big Joe Polka Show leave the air. In order to clear
the air, with sunshine being the best disinfectant, I figured "what
the hell" and copied all of you at the same time.

You will find a compilation of posts/correspondences concerning the
Big Joe Show and RFD-TV below.

Please, use them thoughtfully, and respectfully in order to quell the
rumor mill, and produce a peaceful and meaningful end to any questions
regarding the continued presence of the Big Joe Show on RFD-TV's


Don Farmer, R. Ph.

Note: "Joe" is not Big Joe Siedlik, however, a person posting on


I did a post on regarding the info.

My pharmacy services primarily "seasoned" citizens, as the area in
which I reside and conduct business is part of the rust belt of PA. I
first became aware of the posts/thread two weeks ago, and contacted
RFD only to receive the same answer as you. I tried contacting "Radio
Engineer" on two occasions for verification of his info, and both
times his reply stated that his info came from sources close to both
parties whom he deemed "very trustworthy", he assured me that his only
intention was to inform the public so they would (a) assist Big Joe,
as he has lost his ability to sell his product, and (b) Enlighten RFD-
TV with information about the many persons who would feel the effect
of such a negative move. He also stated that denial is a standard move
to "even the playing field", as derrogatory comments may void any
contractual obligation.

It does make sense.

What bothers me is that this is Christmas, and should negotiations be
unsuccessful, there will be many saddened by the departure of the only
real music program left on television. I have seen similar events
cause an increase of use/prescribing of anxiolytics, SSRI's, and
psychotropic meds for the elderly. These meds cause stability
problems, as their balance leaves much to be desired even during the
best of conditions.

I am actually going to pull a twenty out of my pocket to have a mass
said for "best intentions" next week.

The last time I prayed that a TV show stayed on the air was in '69,
with Star Trek, although I won't admit that in public.

Regards, and thank you,

Don Farmer,



Almost forgot....

Our priest donated the "best intentions mass", took my twenty to say a
mass for the health and blessing of Big Joe, and said that "this
week's special is an indulgence, for an additional $50.00" he then
began to laugh!

There is a group of "oldsters" who adore Big Joe. This morning, after
mass, the leader of the "Friday Afternoon Tea Society" (which meets
Thursday mornings), a retired high school art teacher, is threatening
to "make tons of signs bemoaning RFD-TV and their treatment of the

and, get this....

Drive two Winnebago's to Pasadena in order to make the RFD-TV presence
there "a not so warm experience".

These are people who drove to Shanksville to pray for the victims of
United 93 on September 12th, 2001, and helped comfort families of the


Loaded a trailer with food onto the Winnebago and drove to Sykesville
to help the Sykesville UCC and Governor Mark Schweiker as the entire
country watched the rescue of the nine Quecreek miners, during the
summer of 2002.

One gent, 83, a WWII Marine pilot, still flies, actively!

If nothing else, this should prove interesting!



Hello to both of you,

I've been watching the posts with intrigue, the latest post, number
26, which follows yours seems to contain awful news, which I confirmed
last evening during dinner with a cable television company vice-
president whom I know. They have been threatened with the loss of over
100 digital tier subscribers (on just one system) should The Big Joe
Polka Show be discontinued by RFD-TV.

It seems that you are the most sincere persons posting on that
particular thread. I notice the shows are rebroadcasts of material
that has been re-shown multipule times, and the commercials shown seem
to be permanently edited into the show itself, indicating to me that
there are no longer any new shows coming down the pipeline, or a
"Mexican standoff" is actually occurring between the network and the
company which produces the Big Joe Show.

A call to Polka Cassettes of Nebraska yielded a "no comment" for a
young woman who sounded as if she was almost in tears. I did place an
order for 2 CD's in an attempt to cheer them up. I contemplated
calling RFD-TV, but did not as I concluded they would feed me the same
BS they are feeding everyone else, and any news would come out in a
"press release".

Hopefully, you can do something to help, as I know many of my patients
will be heartbroken should his show be discontinued.


"The wayward Pharmacist"


Nov 25, 2009, 8:15:31 PM11/25/09
On Nov 25, 6:02 pm, Johnzz <> wrote:
> From:
> To: ; ;
> ;

> Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 4:21 PM
> Subject: Re: The Big Joe Polka Show Situation
> You are misinformed.  RFD-TV intends to continue to broadcast and
> support polka for many years to come, as we have for the last 10
> years.
> PG

Thanks, John,for posting these since I was unable to ( just
somehow, despite your help, haven't succeeded in forwarding emails
from others to this site) : These exchanges should be of interest,I
think to anyone interested the "politics" or dynamics of keeping
polkas' profile alive nationally at a time when the music is taking a
lot of "hits"--- and hopefully they may give some insights or prompt
someideas as to how tio deal with these problems.
Now who's up for a "polka people's caravan " to
Pasadena ,California, as proposed by some on the above thread, to
protest in front of RFD-TV headquarters ? .... Hopefully that sort of
thing won't be necessary ---and I sure hope that we can believe Mr.
Gottsch's (the RFD President's ) repeated vows that his network will
continue to promote polkas nationwide :I hope it's just a coincidence
that Mr.Gottsch keeps saying "We intend to keep supporting polkas" ,
but not "We intend to keep supporting/carrying Big Joe ) despite the
warnings of several well-spoken individuals in this discussion, who
say that they are quoting "sources close to the principals" who report
that the show's future with RFD-TV looks bleak. Again I can only
assume that any evidence of support for the BJ show by individuals or,
better yet, organizations is a good constructive gesture that
basically promotes the overall interests of polka music as a whole .


Nov 26, 2009, 4:17:12 PM11/26/09


I do agree, the "we intend to keep supporting polkas" statement in no
way assures me that the Big Joe Polka Show will be a part of the post-
December RFD-TV lineup. I don't consider Jimmy Sturr a true purveyor
of polka music, and his show does not provide the authentic feel of a
great down-home polka dance, the way The Big Joe Show does. I stopped
posting the "I have heard" references last week, however, my mind may
change if a more focused statement with regards to the future of TBJPS
does not soon appear.

In the event things break down any further, I will be watching the
Tournament of Roses parade with great interest, keeping my eyes out
for an RV staffed by well-meaning and sincere fans of the work of Big
Joe. (Note to self:buy stock in the makers of "Tempra" paint and
poster board.)

I will (regretfully) make this statement: my posts were in no way
misinformation, and the evasiveness contained within the johnzz/
Patrick Gottsch statement of the situation confirms (in my mind) that
my posts are sadly, accurate. We must all remember, the health and
well-being of a 70 + year old man who's love for the "Polka" artform
is of utmost importance. We should cherish his efforts, and do all in
our power to keep Big Joe in the homes of the many who live for that
"ho ho ho, hooray for jolly Joe" music announcing each and every

My dad used to say "son, you never know what you really have until you
lose it"

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and I'm glad this all came out in the open!


Nov 27, 2009, 11:26:36 AM11/27/09
> Happy Thanksgiving to all, and I'm glad this all came out in the open!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Just googling "Big Joe Polka Show" will show you a virtually endless
string ( I quit after 6 straight pages ) of entries ( most of which
are from the "mainstream" non-polka world and media ) raving about the
show , both in terms of its cultural and sentimental/nostalgic
importance and in terms of "just how much fun it is" : In addition to
being a priceless treasure for countless traditional polka lovers, the
show is a camp, "cult" favorite to a great "middle of the road
audience, as shown by the endless online bloggers who urge their
friends and readers not to miss it , and the many such writers who
confess to being Big Joe "addicts." The media coverage the show
generates ( in the form of up-to-date newspaper articles , complete
with interviews and often blogs and videos, as well ) has to be seen
to be believed. It's hard to believe how all of this could be
undervalued by a TV programmer --Anyone who allows this show to go off
theair despite Big Joe's, his company's and his legion of fans'
passionate concerns is surely oblivious to the fact that this is one
of the most unique and endearing programs that's ever graced our
airwaves. If RFD really "drops the ball" , let's hope someone else
will pick it up: I would think that this huge stream of google
references would suffice to establish the show as an American icon.

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