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a.m.ninnies--INTRODUCE YOURSELF, part 2

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MC Death

Jan 7, 1995, 5:38:55 PM1/7/95
Okay, now that we've spent the past two weeks describing our physical
selves to the rest of the a.m.nin universe, let's talk about what's on
our minds, not the clothes (this is a benefit for those closet
psychologists who are curious about what kind of dementia crosses the
minds of a.m.ninnies...). Okay, I'll start, and hopefully, others will


Currently a college graduate (Oregon '93, Telecommunications and Film,
with a minor in music), still living here in Eugene, although I will be
moving to Portland at the end of the summer to look for a real job.
Speaking of which, right now I am Mcjobbing for a living--two Mcjobs
involving food. One of them is the University's catering service, which
ensures that I'll eat quality food 4-6 times a week (I only eat creamy
pb/jelly sandwich and instant ramen at home, unless I have someone
over). At my Catering job, i do everything from food prep, dishes,
driving the delivery vehicle (which is equipped with a cassette player--I
usually blast NIN at top volume through those Sparkomatic cheap-ass
speakers), clean up the office, and a.m.nin during my break from the
office (which is what I'm doing right now)...

Things that I like to do in my spare time: make music and do creative
things. I have a band/project called Attenuated Euphoria, which is very
PHM-influenced but more electronic (but NOT techno). Lyrics are very
Trent-esque, although I am trying to get out of the habit of thinking in
NIN-esque terms. Like Trent, it's my baby, as I don't want to work with
anyone else on AE--it's too personal. My other musical projects include
Distant Revolving Worm and Spooge. The next ep is coming out in March (I
hope) and a full 12-song cassette "Textures and Modulations" should be
out by the end of the school year (all are self-produced, BTW). Maybe
I'll send the finished product to Nothing, although the thought of doing
so is frightening...I have the fortune of taking an Advanced Electronic Music
course here at UO (which I've been doing for the past 4 years), so I have
access to shitloads of nice digital toys, like SampleCell, TurboSynth (which
Trent uses), StudioVision sequencer, DATs, Ensoniq EPS 16+ samplers, ProTools
digital audio software, etc.

I also write a quarterly publication, Fade To Crystalline Black, which talks
about any creative people I know and deal with (I'm hoping that I could write
articles on Wiberg and Patterson sometime soon), and also a vehicle to
publicize the things that I do. v0.3 should be out in February....

Other things I like to do is take photographs, create collage art, make
compilation tapes, send creative snail-mail, and nap. I love listening to
music--especially electronic/industrial stuff, although I have strong
affinity for 80's arty synth-pop (Ultravox, early Howard Jones, early
Human League, Re-Flex, and Torch Song--Laurie Meyer is a great singer).
My current faves include Mentallo and the Fixer, Engines of Aggression,
Sister machine Gun, Faith No More, Curve, and Ethyl Meatplow...

I am in love with gourmet coffee (fuck the canned shit and screw decaf!),
I'd die for fresh strawberries and cream, and for cool tall, pale, thin,
emaciated english, psychology, and/or fine arts majors, or so it seems like...

Incidentally, I write for a local music paper, The Void, in which I do an
industrial/electronic page, and I volunteer at a local radio station,
where I have an electro/industrial show...

FUTURE PLANS: To get the hell out of Eugene by end of August, hopefully
look for and find a job as a creative multi-media artist, working with
digital audio and video (digital audio is my main love). Ideally, I'd
love to have my own creative arts company, but that's not going to happen
for awhile. I'd love to live in a huge city (but not L.A.--sorry!), as I
have bad recollections of being traumatized by living in a small, fucking
hick-town for 13 years (Fairbanks, Alaska). Portland is the next step,
although SF or NY may not be too far off...also, grad school is a

okay, now it's your turn...any takers?

Chris Wiberg

Jan 8, 1995, 12:28:06 AM1/8/95
Self-absorbed, worthless piece of shit that I am, I'll throw my mindless
conformist ass onto this bandwagon anyday...

Charles Christopher Wiberg, born June 22, 1976. Live in Chicago,
Illinoys (not a suburb, the actual CITY), go to school at the U of I at
Urbana-Champaign (if you're cool you call it "Chambana"). I'm not
majoring in anything at the moment, but will most likely major in either
English of Rhetoric, which are both more or less useless, but then, the
state's paying for it, so who gives a toss?

As my .sig says, I'm a writer, though in the spirit of my newly
articulated appreciation for interdisciplinary art (what?), I'd call
myself a miscellaneously artistic person, except that that's really
pretentious, and I'm only pretentious when I talk to Amy Harris. Anyway,
I write short stories primarily, and also some poetry, song lyrics,
plays, etc. One'a these days I'm gonna do a comic. You can find some
of this stuff on my homepage, the URL for which is in my .sig, although
my homepage is kind of in chaos at the moment.

I'm executive editor of Cat Machine, a web literary magazine (URL below),
and I'm working to try and create some kind of network of creative
personalities on and off the net, to hook up with people, to
cross-promote, to trade tips, and to otherwise help each other out. To
that end, we run previews and promo's in Cat Machine for all sorts of
stuff, including zines, bands, other web sites, etc. F'rinstance, we've
had a preview for Amanda Summers' zine Daze, and we'll probably be
running a promo thing for MC Death's Attenuated Euphoria. If you're
interested in any of this, let me know, btw. I also used to be executive
editor of a magazine called Recurring Cricket Theme when I was in high

I also act and direct (stage), dabble in art (usually mixed-media; like
mixing drawing, painting, photocopying, etc.), and make extremely
amateurish attempts at filmmaking. And I play guitar (poorly) and I've
recorded about five songs with my acoustic, a friend's electric, and my
ancient keyboard put through a distortion pedal.

I'm also involved in a project called Hope Is Vital America, which is a
theater group of high school & college students who put together
interactive theater workshops dealing with situations and decisions
involving HIV/AIDS, safer sex, etc. for youth groups or whatever.
There're a bunch of them around the country (hence the "America"), but
the one I'm involved with in Chicago is done in collaboration with the
Looking Glass Theater Company.

My ambition is to use the "publishing company" I've set up w/ my partners
in Cat Machine (and RCT), Mind's Eye, to create a whole multi-media
independent artistic/creative production imprint that could not only put
out our work, but also others' work. I'd like to have some money in this
venture too, so we could really help people out, and I'd like to find
some way to make connections to sources of money to get people grants and
shit like that. All this because corporate America kind of bugs me.

I listen to all sorts of music, including everything from Ministry to
Genesis, but my favorite bands are NIN, the Cure, and the Beatles. I
read a lot (especially when I have writer's block), and listen to a lot
of music. I read all sorts of books, including stuff by Douglas Adams,
Anne Rice, Orson Scott Card, Kurt Vonnegut, and others. I also read
comics, like Sandman, Cerebus, Shade, & others. I'm a huge Robotech
fanatic. I don't watch much TV, but I do watch Seinfeld, Northern
Exposure, Star Trek (not the original... ugh), NYPD Blue, & David

The last good movie I saw was _Little Women_ (actually, it was the last
movie I saw period--it had Winona Ryder in it, there was no chance I
wouldn't like it). My favorite movie of the year is _Pulp Fiction,_
closely followed by _Natural Born Killers._

I'm not nearly as cool as I try to make myself seem, but then again, I'm
also not as self-absorbed as this post would indicate.

CHRIS WIBERG (writer, yeah, and I like crunchy pb too)........................
*Homepage* (writing, music, other stuff)
"I wanna hold your hand" -John Lennon, 1964
"I wanna fuck you like an animal" -Trent Reznor, 1994
My, how times change...
*CAT MACHINE* WWW Literary Magazine


Jan 8, 1995, 3:52:15 AM1/8/95
Ok I guess I'll go next:

My name is Chris, I live in Lansing Michigan. I'm almost 23, I don't go
to college, this is a friends account.

I'm a musician. I play guitar and program music on my computer. My music
sounds like nin (I hope!), although at some times it gets more like
Pantera, and other times more like the Cure. At one time, I played
keyboards for a band called Powerface. I left the band, and soon after,
they got signed,oh well. I record all my music at home on hard disk and
DAT. I'll be going into the studio soon to do the vocals, then hopefully
quit my day job and go pro.

Speaking of my day job.... I work for an apartment management company
doing odd jobs. Everything from pulling flowers to painting. I work with
a good friend of mine, and we're totally unsupervised, so it's a pretty
good job for 6 bucks an hour. Not to mention really long lunch breaks.

I like music, computers, and just about anything artistic. I'm kind of an
amatuer photographer and I paint,or did, until I got a job! I like to
work on mechanical things, from cars to computers, take them apart and
put them back together. I always end up with alot of extra pieces though.
(I just put my sampler back together and had about 10 extra screws and a
little spring.???). Basically, I like equipment, especially music stuff.

I'm also a megalomaniac and a control freak, like "The Brain" on Animaniacs.
I often find myself saying things like "When I become supreme ruler of
the universe, I'm going to make more turn-arounds on the freeway." and
other such things. You might think that this is a symptom of insecurity,
but I would really like to rule a planet or something. Or maybe I've been
playing too much SimCity 2000.

I also love philosophy, I like to hear what people think about things and
how they see life. I also like to argue and debate about anything, but
only if it's in fun. I don't like to hurt people's feelings.

Well thats enough about me. If you have any questions, just ask, I
promise to answer anything.


Nancy Paulikas

Jan 9, 1995, 12:23:45 AM1/9/95
Well, I'm still pretty new to the ranks of a.m.nin, so I guess this is
a good way to introduce myself (again). So here goes...This is pretty
different from what's been posted so far, but that's what makes this
interesting, right?

Nancy Paulikas (the name is Lithuanian, btw)

I'm a computer geek...uhhh...I mean a software engineer. I graduated from
U.C. Davis in 1982 with a B.S in Mathematics and Computer Science, and got
a master's from UCLA in 1985 in CS, specializing in computer networks and
queueing theory. Yes, at one point I could actually prove mathematically
why it is that those freeway on-ramp meters really do help the traffic
flow. I live in Redondo Beach, California, and I work for a stock brokerage
that provides computer-based trading systems.

Wait, wait! I know what you're thinking! A stock brokerage? She must be one
of those stuffy, pin-striped, money-grubbing business types. She's probably
even a Republican. (No.) But it's actually a really cool job. Our New York
office has all the traders and financial people, and the L.A. office is
purely technology and development. Almost everyone is in their 20's and
30's, we wear T-shirts and jeans, can have stereos in our offices (I am the
sole NIN fan, though), and we even have a foosball table. And the work is
pretty interesting - as a software writer, the particular application area
doesn't matter to me so much as tackling interesting and challenging
problems, and getting to see people use (and hopefully like) what I've
written. My job includes software that has to keep up with a real-time
stock ticker data feed (tens of megabytes per day), process it, and do
real-time market analysis and monitoring. For any other computer types out
there, I work on a Sun Sparc-20, in C and C++.

I will admit, it's pretty bizarre to see Spin and Business Week sitting
side by side on my coffee table. But then, my friend who first played
Pretty Hate Machine for me is an accountant. What would Trent think? ;-)

In my spare time: First off, I brew my own beer. A friend and I have been
brewing together for about 6 years. Mostly we just drink our beer and share
it with friends, but we also enter it in several competitions each year. I
could type for hours about brewing, but basically, it's a lot of fun, and
you can make flavorful, well-hopped, good beer that rivals the products of
many of the microbreweries. How we approach each batch of beer depends a
lot on our mood, and what we are trying to make. When we are trying to
achieve a particular effect, or style, we'll put a fair amount of thought
into selecting ingredients and amounts, and the timing of everything. Other
times we just semi-randomly throw things into the pot, and wait to see what
happens. We occasionally violate the German purity laws by adding
ingredients such as baker's chocolate, vanilla bean, and even spruce tree
clippings - but never any peanut products. Each batch of beer is named,
usually based on something about the beer, or something going on in our
lives or in the world. Some of our classics have been: Hair of The Dog
Stout (unexpected ingredient in the pot), You Don't Have Dick Nixon To Kick
Around Anymore (brewed after the funeral), Zappa (ode to Frank), Naked
Tuesday Brown Ale (no comment), and Nancy Didn't Come Tonight (my
punishment for missing a bottling session). My brewing partner is about 10
years older than I am, so some of our brewing sessions are accompanied by
Jefferson Airplane or Iron Butterfly at high volume.

I also get away to the mountains as much as I can, usually to go
backpacking. Last summer my boyfriend and I finished off hiking the whole
John Muir Trail (220 miles). I say "finished off", because we tried to do
the whole thing two years ago, but I broke my elbow after about 160 miles,
so we had to bail out. (Ever try hitchhiking with a backpack and an arm in
a sling, when you've been in the wilderness for 2 1/2 weeks? It takes
awhile...). On the domestic side, I like to plant new stuff in the yard,
and I bake an occasional cheesecake or two.

And last, but most certainly not least, I love to listen to music.
Everywhere. All the time. I go to sleep to music, I wake up to it, I drive
to it, I work to it at least part of every day, I think I would die without
it. The only time I don't miss it is in the mountains - the gentle sound of
a Sierra stream is enough. I've always been very interested in lyrics and
themes, which is why the first band I was ever a serious fan of was
Genesis, in the Peter Gabriel days; I still think "Lamb" is a classic work.
A sampling of some of my favorites progressing through the years: Rush,
Yes, Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, Midnight Oil, Johnny Clegg & Savuka, XTC,
Moev. And yes, I'll admit to liking things like The Cult, Soundgarden,
Hole, and the dreaded Pearl Jam. New additions to the list are PWEI and
Dink, and for those mellow Sunday mornings, Ottmar Liebert. (I've been
wondering if I'm one of the few people on the planet who saw NIN and Ottmar
in the same year.)

That being said, I don't have any particular musical talent. I took piano
lessons until about age 13, and haven't played much since. I have the piano
that was my grandmother's, but it mostly just sits, unused, lonely, waiting
for me to find the time to take some refresher lessons.

When I go out, I like to go to clubs for live music, go to movies (recent
favorites have been Pulp Fiction and Hoop Dreams), go out with friends to
drink good beer, and browse through the used CD bins at my favorite CD

My current goals in life: Figure out how to get by on 2 hours of sleep a
night, so I have more time to do all the things that I want to do. Keep
surprising people ("you don't seem like the rock 'n roll type"). Keep
believing that age is mostly a state of mind. Carpe diem.


Hey! Is anybody still awake? Sorry, didn't mean to get so long-winded,
but sometimes when you get me started about things I like, you just
can't shut me up!


= Nancy Paulikas =
= "Relax, don't worry, have a home brew" =


Jan 9, 1995, 12:28:45 AM1/9/95

Um...the piggyfucker.

I'm 19 and currently residing in Koreatown in L.A. Moved from Pittsburgh, PA
officially (ie not ru nning away from home) in late September.
Have no idea what I want to do with my life. Hobbies: writing, becoming an
Internet guru, looking for a job, listening to music, cooking for my
boyfriend, and thinking too much.

Really, I'm just a big-hearted pushover under the tough veneer. But the
veneer's been around (and was the only part of me shown to people for 9 years)
for 14 years, so it's what you see most often.

The one noticeable feature about me is that I'm really a lucky person. No
matter what, it seems, I always land on my feet.

I like NIN (gee, go fig), Sarah McLachlan, Tori Amos, Prince, and oodles of
other stuff (esp. the Revolting Cocks) musically. I enjoy reading everything
from Burroughs to Frost to Rice to Shakespeare.

Spent a year wasting away in New Wilmington, PA at Westminster College (9
miles south of Mercer, PA) studying Molecualr Biology and Biotechnology with
an emphasison Electron Microscopy.

Staunch atheist. I also enjoy philosophy muchly, and Nietzsche is a great
favorite: whenever I'm feeling particularly alone, I pick up _The Antichrist_,
finish it in under two hours, and feel good about myself again. <grin>

I feel like most of my life hasbeen a shitty kind of learning experience, and
am slowly putting things back together to get myself, my schooling, and my
mind back in place.

Um... I dunno. What else do I say?

Heh. Um...basically, I am a kinda nice person, but I take forever to be able
to deal with folks on a regular basis. ALthough I'm kinda partial to you
ninnies now.

the piggyfucker

_____________piggyfucker arm...@netcom.com_______________
"there's no one out there, no one like me..." -Sarah M.
Trent- "open my eyes wake up wake up wake up in flames!"
"here's mine: 'you haven't got laid in a long time-- in
bed.' Oh, I'm surprised. I didn't know that."
-John Stewart, having fortune cookies with
Quentin Tarantino


Jan 9, 1995, 2:15:47 AM1/9/95

I'm glad we have some respectable slacker role models around here.
Any time you feel like sending me some home brew, feel free. Boy, I love
beer,well, maybe not as much as tequila....


Robin Colleen Moore

Jan 9, 1995, 10:16:14 AM1/9/95
<sigh> After reading what everyone else has to say about themselves, I'm
starting to get into another one of those "I'm-33-years-old-and-what-the-
hell-have-I-done-with-my-life?" blues...Oh, well, here goes anyway....

As you've no doubt gathered from the above, I'm one of the oldest people
(3rd oldest, after Robert Payes & Nancy P., I think) posting to a.m.nin;
born July 15, 1961, 12:33 P.M. in Woodsville, NH, a tiny little town
approximately the size of Mercer (about 2500 people) in upstate New
Hampshire. I spent the first 18 years of my life there before relocating
slightly further south to the only somewhat larger town of Plymouth, NH
and Plymouth State College (no, Plymouth isn't quite as big as Meadsville--
it's only about 6-7,000 people or so, and that's *including* 3500 PSC
students), where I majored in Liberal Arts English and minored in Medieval
Studies and Art History, eventually graduating _summa cum laude_ in
1984. (I took a year off between high school and college to work as a
teacher's aide at my old high school--a truly horrible experience....)

I'd always been interested in music since junior high (when I used to be
able to listen to WRKO out of Boston & WABC out of NYC, back when they
were still top 40 stations), but my interest in what I like to think of as
"better" music came about during the summer of '83, between my junior
and senior years of college--I'm almost embarrassed to admit to this, but
what really got me going was seeing the video for Thomas Dolby's "She
Blinded Me with Science" (his was the very first concert I ever attended
about a year later, BTW...I'm afraid I led a very sheltered life in
upstate NH!)...hey, who says MTV is an entirely bad thing, anyway? :-)
I was even a part-time DJ at WPCR ("the waves of rock"), the college
radio station...unfortunately, I couldn't get as much air time as I would
have liked, due to the station being almost entirely run by metalsheads...
From there I went on to the Police, Talking Heads, and lots of the bands
that were big right around that time...My last roommate in Plymouth,
however, was a girl named Ann Keegan (hi, Ann!), whose brother Chuck worked
in the record dept. of the Harvard Coop (big department store-kind of place).
He used to send her lots of records from the store, so I have Ann & Chuck
to thank for turning me on to a lot of bands and artists that I still listen
to today--R.E.M., the Violent Femmes, the Velvet Underground, Peter Gabriel,
etc. etc. etc. (Thanks, guys!)

In the spring of '85 I moved to the Boston area, having decided that I was
never going to get as close to the music I liked in New Hampshire...I
actually ended up moving into my first apartment in Central Sq. in
Cambridge (right over Toscanini's, for those of you who live there) the
same weekend that I saw R.E.M. for the first everyone's
autographs in a beat-up copy of W.B. Yeats' poetry that I still have to
this day. I spend the next 3 1/2 years or so in the greater Boston area
(after the summer of '85 I moved to West Somerville and spent the rest of
my time in that part of town), working and going to as many shows as I
could manage, and getting into photography in a big way at that point...
I didn't get my Nikon FG until May of '87, but before that I was running
around getting pictures at clubs with (God help me) my trusty Pocket
Instamatic....If I told you all the bands I ended up seeing and/or meeting,
I'd probably sound like the biggest name-dropper on the group...suffice to
say that I got to meet lots of very talented people, some of whom are still
friends and acquaintances to this day (and who I miss a lot being down
here in the buckle of the damn Bible Belt!).

In May of '88 I decided to take a vacation to Athens (having been a big
R.E.M. fan for several years), and decided that I liked it well enough
that I wanted to move there, which I did right around Christmas of '88....
and I've been wondering ever since if I've made a mistake or not! (Athens
is like that...everyone I know has a real love/hate relationship with it,
but I'm too poor to go anywhere else right now, so I'm stuck....)
Bascially, I've been doing a continuation of what I started in Boston--
photographing bands (mostly onstage), and tending to feed them seriously
lethal brownies & blueberry muffins (those mother hen tendencies coming
out, you see...); trying to get involved with various arts-related
publications (with less luck than I had in Boston, unfortunately...the whole
scene here is *extremely* cliquish and snobby, which explains some of my
disdain for the self-proclaimed "arbiters of cool" on this group);
and generally trying to get somewhere with either my writing (which I don't
do enough of) and my photography (which I wish I could *afford* to do
more of!).

Other activities of mine: Cooking (although it's become a running joke
with a series of roommates that, when they see me stirring something up,
the question usually is "Oh, who's playing tonight?" ;-) ), sewing most of
my own clothes (including the long black cape I intend to wear to the
NIN show in Atlanta!), reading (usually magazines--I need to read more
good books, etc.), playing with and doting on Mojo, my brown tabby cat,
and trying to get off my ass and learn guitar so I can start doing something
musical on my own--I actually took guitar lessons for a while in Boston
(never did get the hang of strumming, though--I know that's dumb, but
hey...), and singing lessons for a few months here, so I probably actually
*could* do something if I really tried's just trying to get over
stage fright and fear of self-exposure (esp. in lyric writing) that's
holding me back (suggestions, anyone? I think I understand why so many
musicians drink & do drugs now....) Other music I like besides NIN:
Throwing Muses (Kristin Hersh is one of my all-time favorite songwriters),
Sugar/Bob Mould (ditto, plus I know Malcolm from the late lamented
Zulus, one of the best Boston bands ever, IMHO), Billy Bragg, Robyn
Hitchcock, Nirvana, Hole (hey, Courtney was nice to *me* when I met
her!), the Femmes, the Velvets, the dB's (check out the Continental
Drifters, Peter Holsapple's latest project), R.E.M. (but not as much as
a few years ago--living in Athens will do that to you!), Five-Eight (a
really amazing Athens band--my usual comparison is to the bastard offspring
of the Femmes & Nirvana), Peter Gabriel (my big thrill of last year was
getting to meet him at WOMAD just before my birthday), and far too many
others to mention here...I'm fairly musically omnivorous, and probably in
some ways have mellower taste than a lot of people on this group, but I've
noticed that the older I get, the wilder my musical taste gets--I think
you're right about that one, Nancy!

Well, this is way too long already, so I'd better stop here...hope this
gives you all some insight into yours truly!

Robin the mad photographer
******************************************************************** University of Georgia, Athens, GA U.S.A.
BLACK SHEEP STUDIOS -- Beware of photographers bearing brownies!
"Honey, I ate more things with the legs still attached...reminded
me of my twenties!"-- Bonnie Raitt, on dining out in the Big Easy

Natira Hammerstrom

Jan 9, 1995, 2:46:36 PM1/9/95

Usually the first thing people notice about me is my name. Most people
call me "Gnat," a nickname I adopted in seventh grade and have identified
with ever since. My real name, Natira, is not Russian, nor Scandanavian,
Indian, African, or is in fact Yonadian, taken directly
from the Star Trek episode "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched
the Sky." Yes, my parents did a few too many drugs back in the 70's, and
having a name like that adds a few dozen geek points to whomever claims it.

One of my first prized possessions was an Apple II+ that I adopted when I
was four years old. I learned how to spell "CATALOG" and "RUN" before I
was reading those silly "Dick and Jane" books, and my obsession has
blossomed from there. Now, as an 18 year old college freshman, I am
attempting a major in Computer Science, and I work as a Computer
Consultant at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

And thus, during my first years on AppleLink (anyone else remember that?)
I happened to find a person working at Bose Music Exchange with whom I
exchanged e-mail for a considerable amount of time. He introduced me to
the realm of techno and industrial music, and it wasn't long before, on
his recomendation, I purchased long-sought-after "Pretty Hate Machine" and
Pop Will Eat Itself's "This is the Day..." CDs. That obsession seems to
also have grown on it's own; I now am coordinating a University-sponsored
dance club called "dmf" which specializes in bringing Techno and
Industrial music free of charge to those students who are too young for
the bar scene.

My other hobbies fall into strange places. I'm beginning to enjoy
writing HTML for Web sites; I have a personal page as well as pages for
Canadian Band "Barenaked Ladies" and two new pages I'm constructing for
Pigface and Meat Beat Manifesto. C-ko Linde happens to live across the
hall from me, so she and I enjoy chasing our cats with combat boots,
going to Ella's Deli for emergency food, swapping tips on rice
preparation, and praying that C-ko's car Nutmeg can make it up the hill
after a snowstorm. I also enjoy computer-generated graphics, and I've
done some typesetting and writing for a small underground publication called
"Egg Salad" (so if you need another a.m.nin writer, look here). :)
Sewing, reading, going to's all there. Just an insanely
motivated person with a plethera of activities to put it towards.

____/| ----(
\ o.O| UW-Madison Freshman - Comp Sci ! "I'm going slightly mad..."
=(_)= dmf Coordinator/graphics guru ! - Queen
U ---------------------<>---------------

Woody Hanscom

Jan 10, 1995, 7:48:26 AM1/10/95
I do suppose, while not being necessarily one of the Śbig namesą (with a
gun? sorry...seemingly obligatory lyrics reference) on a.m.nin, I might as
well pitch in...

Currently living by the pesudonym Woody...only my family and very old
friends bother with my given name anymore, so I pretty much ignore it. 21
years old, and not currently in school. Thankfully able to avoid an address, tho...<grin>, due to a local provider, ended up with a
mildy cool address. Yippe, lifes ambition is fulfilled. Or not.

At present, biding my time here in the frozen wasteland of Anchorage,
Alaska until I can get my skinny butt out of here. Current future looks
like Iąll be hitting Seattle roundabouts late March or early April, not
through any great longing to hit that particular false mecca of the Ś90ąs,
but rather taking a chance to head down with a friend. Finally have a
realistic chance to get out, donąt care where I end up...<grin> Yes,
Anchorage _is_ that bad. Bitch bitch bitch. There, thatąs done.

Unlike the previous three posts in this that Iąve read, not currently a
musician. Bummer. Classical vocal training as a child and a passing
familiarity with the violin arenąt too high in demand these days. I wonder
why.... I fill my time making _lots_ of copies at the local Kinkoąs. Work
a swing shift, which means I get up about 2 in the afternoon, hit work at
4, off at midnight, and crash between 4 and 6 in the morning. Perfect for
a night owl. When Iąm not there, I usually move into the local Village Inn
(a classier Dennyąs type place). Friday nights I dj for a local teen
clubąs ŚAlternativeą night. Currently being screwed over by the manager
pay wise, but hey...I get six hours a week to play whatever I feel like
really, really loud, and with no place else for the under-21 crowd to go,
lots of people have fun. I can deal with being a bit of a sucker for that.

Musically, decently wide ranged. A collection of 300-some discs, ranging
from Abba to Legendary Pink Dots to gregorian chant to KLF, Sisters of
Mercy, Maryąs Danish...very into ą80ąs stuff, Jesus Christ Superstar, and
have a couple of cdąs of German Śindieą music that goes over great at the
club. Must admit to a bit of self-absorbed pride in being one of the only
people here in Anchorage who not only listens to nin, but knows what Iąm
babbling about, much of which I owe to a.m.nin. Even hassled the local
music chain for three months until they tracked down Demoąs and
Remixes...and last I looked, they still had two copies of it, the better
pressing even. The people up here just donąt know whatąs out

Computer wise, am a confessed mac fanatic. Hey...Iąm can admit to being
enough of an idiot to like the pretty little pictures. <grin> Course, some
of those Śprettyą little icons were grabbed from Geiger scans, but hey....
Refuse to be dragged into a Śmy box is betterą debate, though, as I have a
healthy respect for beemers, use the ones at Kinkoąs a fair amount, and
wouldnąt mind grabbing one, if a recent engine seizure hadnąt put me so
far in debt. Just avoid Windoze like the plague...<grin> Gerf.

So hey, thatąs me...take it or leave it. Fun fun fun.

Woody Hanscom

łi tried i gave up i threw it away˛

Daffern Maura C

Jan 10, 1995, 10:47:00 AM1/10/95
Hello, I'm Maura. I've been lurking here for a couple of months
now, and occasionally posting when I think I have something interesting
to say. I don't really like contributing to bullshit threads, and I'm
not a natural born flamer. Hence the infrequent posting. I chose to
bury this at the end of this thread instead of putting it in the
beginning of one of the newer "introduce yourself" threads in the hope
that very few people will actually read it.
I'm 21 years old, fairly petite, reddish brown hair, green eyes
and freckles. Typical Brit (I moved to Canada from Leeds, England when I
was 3). My favorite colours are green, pink, purple and black.
Hmmm ... what can I tell you about myself? I'm currently in my
3rd year of an Environmental Sciences (geography specialization) at
Queen's University. I'm not from, Kingston, where Queen's is located.
I'm from Toronto. More specifically, Scarborough (a suburb); anyone from
the T.O. area will know why I prefer to say that I'm from Toronto.
Scarberia has a nasty little reputation. Not that Kingston is much
better. It is fairly small, and after 2.5 years here I'm starting to get
bored. I miss CFNY (T.O. radio station). At school, I'm involved in
CUSEN (and environmental organization ... gotta make those contacts) and
the Yearbook. I work in the library, on the reference desk part time.
Its not very busy, so I have lots of time to play with the computers
(most specifically, mosaic and the newsgroups).
I've always been obsessed with music. I took piano lessons until
I reached the Cdn conservatory 8th grade. Often I wish that I had
continued with it further. My tastes in music are somewhat diverse. NIN
is my all time favorite (why else would I be here? My name is Maura, and I
too am a NIN-aholic). I'm into alot of Canadian acts: Sarah MacLachlan,
Rail TEC (even though some of their songs are kinda cheesy), Doughboys,
Moist (even though alot of the songs on their album sound the same. Also,
David Usher is absolutely spectacular: all that long dark hair, those dark
eyes. Sounds like Trent, but Usher is much better looking, in
conventional terms), Jane Siberry, Our Lady Peace, jale, older 54-40.
Also, Tori Amos is one of my absolute faves (she played here recently, it
was great), as well as Stone Roses (don't like the new album though),
Smashing Pumpkins, Sisters of Mercy, Curve, New Order, DM, Verve,
Adorable, Enya, Wonderstuff.
What else? I was raised a Catholic, went to a Catholic high
school and the whole bit. During the past couple of years I've been going
through a phase where I am totally confused about religion, the existence
of God and the whole bit. I do not agree with the viewpoints that the
Catholic Church has on many issues. Also, due to some deaths of people
close to me, and other personal problems, I begun questioning the
existence of God, what the afterlife is exactly or even if there is one
and other philosophical issues. I'm just totally confused, and i don't
know what i beleive any more. I stopped going to church, because I take
things like this seriously. I cannot participate in something in which I
no longer beleive.
Hobbies: listening to music, reading (sci-fi/fantasy type stuff,
Anne Rice, John Irving, Frank Herbert, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman),
swimming, the CUSEN and the yearbook, drawing (I'm a wannabe artist),
piano when I can. Much of my time is taken up by school. I don't watch
tv too much, but when i do it is ST:TNG (only in reruns now), X-files,
Twin Peaks (now that it is on the Bravo Channel ... Yahoo! Its back!),
Rosanne (it is not as good this year), Seinfeld, and Much Music ALOT.
What else can i tell you? Not too much. I could tell you what
I'm really like, personality-wise, but I don't know if I really want
too. I'm not a very good judge of character, especially of my own. And
besides, I have already typed quite a bit.
"Give me life, give me pain, give me myself again" - T.A.
(I've been listening to Little Earthquakes alot recently.)

Robin Colleen Moore

Jan 10, 1995, 12:40:33 PM1/10/95
In article <3eua5k$> (Daffern Maura C) writes:

<A very nice introductory post w/lots of good info...>

> Hobbies: listening to music, reading (sci-fi/fantasy type stuff,
>Anne Rice, John Irving, Frank Herbert, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman),
A-HA! Another John Irving fan out there! (There don't seem to be very many
of those around these days...BTW, is he still living in Toronto? I got
the impression he'd become an expatriate as a reaction to Reaganite
policies/attitudes of the '80s...) Have you read his latest yet, and is
it any good? I liked _A Prayer for Owen Meany_ overall (the title character
in particular--reminds me of a friend of mine), but the overall tone from
John the narrator was so overwhelmingly negative and bitter that it's made
me wonder what sort of follow-up he'd write. My personal favorite is
probably still _The Hotel New Hampshire_--haven't seen the movie, so I
don't know how badly they messed it up, but I love the whole squirrelly
extended family...although it probably doesn't speak well for my mental
stability that the older I get, the more I find myself relating to Susie
the Bear (in terms of her self-esteem, not her sex life...).

Oh, well, enough non-NIN content for now...just had to say that!

Robin the mad photographer [badly in need of various types of convincing
right about now...]

******************************************************************** University of Georgia, Athens, GA U.S.A.
BLACK SHEEP STUDIOS -- Beware of photographers bearing brownies!
You don't get to choose what you get famous for and you don't get
to control which of your life's many struggles gets to stand for
you. The best you can do is work at not caring too much about the
outer symbols and continuing to do whatever it is that centers you
and makes you remember your true self. -- Erica Jong

Matt Palmer

Jan 10, 1995, 1:21:06 PM1/10/95


well, i was born matthew eldon (family name) palmer, may 14 1973. i am
twenty one years old, which to the best of my guessing puts me right
about average age on a.m.n. i have spent the majority of my 21 years in
salt lake city, by no choice of my own, and have spent the last two or
three years looking for a way out.

i am currently in my third year at the university of utah majoring in
english and journalism. i hope to graduate sometime in the next fifteen
years and will probably end up teaching high school english/ debate/ drama.
also, grad school is a possibility but not immediately after my b.a.

being from utah, i of course was born into a mormon family, and spent the
first sixteen years of my life preparing to serve a mission and have a
family, and have spent the subsequent five years wondering why. i am now
a rather non-comittal agnostic. (but don't quote me on that.)

i'm a coffee snob, and a beer snob. no folgers or bud light for this
kid. give me a cup of gourmet coffee or a grolsch and i will follow you
anywhere. i quit smoking about a year ago, but every once in a while i
will still get an evil craving for a camel.

i love mountain biking, camping, hanging out with friends, reading a good
novel, reading/writing poetry, and listening to music.

my favorite authors include: shakespeare (probably my all time favorite),
mark twain, and j.d. salinger (of course.) i like to read mostly
classics because i find that most contemporary authors don't have a lot
to say. i did, however, love douglas adams' stuff, and am in the middle
of reading "good omens" by neil gaimen and terry pratchet which is
fucking hilarious.

as far as poets, i like e.e. cummings, dylan thomas, walt whitman, shelly
(byron), keats, and auden. i don't really like frost or dickinson, so
sue me. while my writing of poetry is improving i don't think i'm worthy
of my own anthology yet, but watch for my name :)

my obsession for music began when i was about five, and has just
continued to grow. i have over 400 cds at last count, and i think just
about anyone could find something they liked in it. i was raised on folk
music so i like peter paul and mary, joan biez, simon and garfunkel, bob
dylan, and arlo guthrie. some of my current favorites are: tori amos,
sarah m., beastie boys, tool, helmet, 311, mighty mighty bosstones,
insatiable (a local ska band), james, and ministry. i also like (gasp)
green day, and the offspring. (sue me again.) oh yeah, nin is in there
somewhere too.

i think my only major character flaw is that i'm a hopeless romantic, and
generally nice guy, which would explain why i'm currently single. other
than that i think i'm a relatively functional human being.

oh, and i have a pet iguana named glen.

well, i hope this has provided some valuable insight into the man known
as scrotes.

-mp (aka, scrotes, the reptile, brat, and lazy worthless piece of shit (i
love my mom.))

stephanie losi

Jan 10, 1995, 3:53:36 PM1/10/95
Okay, I have lurked here since September, and posted a couple of times, so
I figure I might as well introduce myself. My name is Stephanie, age 18,
and I live in Evanston, IL, going to school at Northwestern. I'm
currently majoring in journalism, which reflects the fact that I love to
write (although creative writing and journalism are very different,
actually), but I do enjoy it, which is a plus.

Things I like to do: writing would have to top the list--I started
writing seriously last January, and have written over 80 poems and songs,
and several shorter prose pieces. Now I really doubt I could actually
stop writing (but why would I want to?), and it's a very good way to
express emotions when I'm upset or happy, or anything. Also, I like to
draw and took art all through high school, though I've majorly slacked in
art since I came to Northwestern. I enjoy playing piano and
keyboards/MIDI, reading, listening to music, making mix tapes, wasting
time on the Internet, making lists, camping, taking walks (I am getting
*major* cabin fever from the winter), having meaningful conversations,
thinking, hanging out with friends, learning guitar (another thing I've
slacked on since coming here), playing chess (yes, I admit it), and baking

My favorite books are Flowers for Algernon, The Return of the King, all
the Robert Jordan books, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Something Wicked
This Way Comes. Music I like to listen to: NIN, the Doors, Rush, Blues
Traveler, REM, Screaming Trees, The Urge, God Street Wine, Simon &
Garfunkel, some classical music, Jane's Addiction, Cracker, The Who,
Sugar, Cream, Live, Blind Melon, Louis Armstrong, Smashing Pumpkins, Pearl
Jam. Favorite food: pasta.

Lots of other things I'd love to list, but I am already late for class
because this took longer than I expected.

Stephanie Losi
"In your vision of the world is the image of yourself."--anonymous

Don Becker

Jan 11, 1995, 12:37:13 AM1/11/95
I originally held off on introducing myself, but I've got time to
kill. :)

My name (for those of you who don't read the headers) is Don Becker, a
21 year old business management major at Adelphi University in scenic
Garden City, NY (on Long Island -- yes, Buttafuocoland). I play
keyboards and track MODs and S3Ms (in fact, my rendition of "Closer"
is on the home page now. I would release my version of Pinion to the
page, but I'm ashamed of it.)

Physical appearance: 6', about 200 lbs., red hair, blue eyes, jeans,
workboots, and long-sleeve t-shirts (such as the black NIN one I got
at MSG last month).

Other non-NIN bands I dig: Marillion, Fish, Phish, Ozric Tentacles,
Ministry, Yes, Pink Floyd, ELP, old Genesis, Queensryche, Led
Zeppelin, Helmet, Marilyn Manson, Anekdoten, King's X, King Crimson,
Living Colour, Peter Gabriel, Dream Theater, Jane's Addiction.

That's all for now. MTV is playing "Down In It", for once.

/ Don Becker at Adelphi University \
| "The big bully trying to stick a finger in my chest, trying to tell me, |
| tell me he's the best, but I don't really give a good goddamn..." |
\ --Marilyn Manson, "Lunchbox" (1994) /


Jan 11, 1995, 5:59:27 PM1/11/95
to (scrotes) doubted my loving intentions:
>piggyfucker ( wrote:
>: (Matt Palmer) writes:

>: >salt lake city, by no choice of my own, and have spent the last two or

>: >three years looking for a way out.

>: Come to L.A., lovey. Twould be wonderful.
>ah. los angeles, the city of angels, and my love the piggyfucker. i'm
>afraid i hate l.a., but i would go anywhere for you my darling. how
>about running away to washington with me?
Only if you make an atmospheric bubble so I would never be cold....

>: >a rather non-comittal agnostic. (but don't quote me on that.)
>: Oh, my. That's awful!Come here and let me ease out of some of those mormon
>: teachings. <patting the bed with a riding crop>
>you naughty girl, don't you know s&m games will keep you out of the
>celestial kingdom? (argh! get these damn mormon ideas out of my head!)
darling, my arms are your celestial kingdom, my lips are you heaven, my warmth
is your eternal salvation...

> I can handle the gourmet coffee, but how about Heineken Special Dark or Beck's
>: Dark?
>darling, i would drink a keystone if it was offered by your hand.
I would never off you a keystone...but maybe I can offer you some of patented
Love Liqueur (tm)....

>: I can get you smoking again, lovemuffin. Here, have a smoke.
>(deep drag, slight cough, extremely contented exhale) that was wonderful,
>thanks, howabout another? ;)
Certainly. <hands her darling scrotes another> Here, lemme light that for
you... <extends her zippo and flicks it, lighting his cigarette elegantly.>

>: >i love mountain biking, camping, hanging out with friends, reading a good

>: >novel, reading/writing poetry, and listening to music.

>: How about camping in the desert? With me?
>but i only have one sleeping bag, and the desert gets chilly at night.
><wicked grin> cuddle up tight love, and remember to check your boots for
Of course, and please allow me to ward off the coyotes with my blazen rapier.
<snuggling in tight to her beloved scrotes> Thank you darling, keep me warm,
and I will do my best for you...

>: >i think my only major character flaw is that i'm a hopeless romantic, and

>: >generally nice guy, which would explain why i'm currently single. other
>: >than that i think i'm a relatively functional human being.

>: You are? <batting lashes> Really? Deep down, I am, too...
>oh piggyfucker, how you make my heart race.
That's my intent, darling, to make your heart race and your senses cloud with
giddiness and make your skin tingle with love and sweat... to
make your mind frenzied in anticipation and desire and love for me.

>: >well, i hope this has provided some valuable insight into the man known
>: >as scrotes.
>: Oh, yes, darling! You *MUST* come visit me!
><sigh> oh pf, you wonderful tease! if only i could believe that you were
>genuine in your affection. but i know that i could never hope to be that
>lucky. please, don't toy with my emotions.
I would never toy with you, my love. I can take you to the edge of the abyss
and bring you back for the most marvelous ride of your life...I can make your
life marvelous, with my devotion and care and love. I will be yours forever,
darling scrotes. Forever...

>: Love,
>: the piggyfucker
><bigger sigh>
>mp (scrotes)
I love you more than you could ever imagine, darling scrotes.
nine miles of love for you...
your darling piggyfucker

the magus

Jan 12, 1995, 1:03:51 AM1/12/95
fairly quick, here we go...

i am cory rayborn.
i frequently go by the magus on most newsgroups (blame it on neil gaiman...)
i was born in the middle of the day on 11/12/75.
i am a freshman at duke university.
i am a biology major (but i'm not pre-med...).
i am 6'1''.
i have black hair.
i have hazel eyes.
i love to read and will devour almost anything, but i am susceptible to
the following authors: neil gaiman, clive barker, william gibson, grant
morrison, stephen king, h.p. lovecraft, william s. burroughs, bruce
sterling, micheal moorcock, douglas coupland, philip k. dick, orson scott
card, et al...
i am deeply ingrained in comics and the comic industry.
i am obsessed with music (especially live music), and am rather fond of
nine inch nails, r.e.m., tori amos, pavement, talking heads/david byrne,
liz phair, peter gabriel, robyn hitchcock, beck, sugar, jonathan richman,
fatima mansions, filter, beastie boys, the reverend horton heat, pj
harvey, sebadoh, they might be giants, and on and on and on...
i love films.
i love personal e-mail (hint, hint..)

that's it for now....

the magus


Jan 12, 1995, 1:21:49 AM1/12/95
to (Nancy Paulikas) writes:

>I think postal regulations only allow me to send beer through the mail
>for "evaluation purposes". I don't suppose you're a registered beer judge?


Of course I am!!! (that's all the postal service needs to know). By
the way, how does a guy get a job like that?


"This ain't LUCKY LAGER!!!"-Early Grace from Kalifornia

Xiola Blue

Jan 12, 1995, 8:26:46 PM1/12/95
Ohkay, I was born on April 14, 1978- (cripes I bet I'm the youngest), in
Alma Michigan.

I now live in Ukiah CA (a teeny town). I go to school, duh.
I listen to the Cure, the Cramps, NIN, Jane's Addiction (thus the name),
Porno for Pyros, Oingo Boingo, Marilyn Manson, Skinny Puppy, and much
I've seen NIN twice and im going to MM.

I don't know what else to say because I don't really do much. I publish
my own 'zine, do artsy stuff, I'm a photographer, and I do some acting and
video production work.

I drink anything as long as it's blue, I like red licorish and pixy stix
(and crunchy peanut butter).

Thaz all, if I think of more I'll blither.

Send love letters and hate mail to Xiola

Matt Palmer

Jan 12, 1995, 8:30:40 PM1/12/95


<big long, love sick sigggghhhhhhhh>

oh, my wonderful darling piggyfucker. how i love you. thankyou for
giving my life new found meaning. now i know the celestial perfection i
was taught to strive for in my youth.

love now and forever,


C-ko Linde

Jan 12, 1995, 9:18:20 PM1/12/95

So, here's me! I'm the infamous C-ko mentioned in Gnat's post!

C-ko comes from the Japanese movie "Project A-ko", and I got the nickname
in a science fiction group a few years ago. It stuck, to my parent's agnst.
My real name is Sara Linde; I don't like saying "Sara" because I possess a
small speech impediment which makes it hard to pronounce the letters "S"
and "R". (My friends, consequently, hear me talk about Twent Weznorw all
the time....) Being 25, I'm now getting some "I'm old" feelings, but I
generally ignore them. I graduated two years ago from the University of
Wisconsin - madison with a BA in Communication arts - Radio, TV, and Film.
This explains why I work at the Espresso Bar at Border's Book shop full
time. I also do volunteer work with Madison AIDS Support Network, handing
out condoms and safe sex information at a couple of the local bars, which
needs to be done everywhere. I did get a corporate job in Tolland,
Connecticut after I graduated, but I *really* hated corporate life, and
quit 10 months later.

Aside from CT, I lived in Wisconsin all my life. I was born in Milwaukee on
July 25th, 1969 at 3:16 am, which makes me a Sun in Leo, Moon in
Sagittarius, and Gemini rising. At age 3.5, my parents divorced, and I
lived in scenic, hellish Brookfield, WI with my grandparents. (Brookfield
is a rich, conservative suburb of Milwaukee, and should be firebombed at
the first opportunity.) At 7, Mother married again, and I moved to Madison,
WI, where I am now. I really want out, too. I'm thinking about the
South....I want total culture shock.

In my free time, I read (Harlan Ellison, Robert Silverberg, a couple
Science Fiction and Horror anthologies are on my list now) and I'm really
concentrating on writing right now. I actually got one of my stories
accepted by a tiny 'zine in (I am not making this up) Cleveland!!!!! Well,
it's a start....I also love gourmet coffee (FREE at work!) and really good,
dark beer. Spaten kicks ass. This being Wisconsin, I also love the
microbrews like Bergoff, Uff Da, etc. I live in Nottingham Co-op, across
the hall from Gnat Hammerstrom, with my hyper Buff Tabby/Siamese cat,
Qu'Appelle, my 1983 Honda Accord, Nutmeg, and my Mac PowerBook 150,
Supernaut!. Aside from NIN (which I have been familiar with for a few
years), the groups dominating my boombox are the Rheostatics, Skinny Puppy,
Machines Of Loving Grace, Ministry, and Moxy Fruvous. It's winter - I'm
listening to the hard stuff right now. And twice a week, I dance my butt
off to Goth/Industrial music at a local bar and dmf, a local non-alcoholic
dance club. Gnat works there.

C-ko Linde !:> "Returned to our mammal brothers and sisters
Madison, WI and all watched over by machines of loving grace" -Richard Brautigan- (thanks,jack!)

Nancy Paulikas

Jan 12, 1995, 9:24:33 PM1/12/95
rabarret ( wrote:
> (Nancy Paulikas) writes:

> >I think postal regulations only allow me to send beer through the mail
> >for "evaluation purposes". I don't suppose you're a registered beer judge?

> Of course I am!!! (that's all the postal service needs to know). By

> the way, how does a guy get a job like that?

Drink lots of beer.
Actually, you have to take a test. But the studying isn't so bad, at least
the part where you practice judging beers. (You need LOTS of practice,
of course).

There's only one problem with the job: it doesn't pay anything. Unless
you get really famous and start writing books. :(



= Nancy Paulikas =

= aka the brewmistress =
= =
= "escaping the twilight, drinking 'til sunrise" - pwei =


Jan 12, 1995, 10:39:21 PM1/12/95
to (Matt Palmer) writes:

>love now and forever,


I love you more than pigs, scrotes.
the scrotefucker

Amy Harris

Jan 13, 1995, 12:23:16 AM1/13/95
to (elana) writes:

>I love you more than pigs, scrotes.
>the scrotefucker

Uh. Uh. *OW*.

and I don't even have one.


Laurie Fisher

Jan 13, 1995, 8:25:21 PM1/13/95
to (Xiola Blue) wrote:
> Ohkay, I was born on April 14, 1978- (cripes I bet I'm the youngest), in

Nope that would be me. Born Jan.30 1979.
My name is Jeff Fisher(i go under my mom's account)and uhh I live in
Portland OR.
In my life i do: school(its so pointless),music(my life),read(Anne Rice,
Clive Barker(curentlly reading Imajica) Dragonlance books,anything to
do w/ vampires(i'm trying to lose the habit) Greek and Roman Mythology
(favorite god Dionysis) and Nietzsche) being on this blasted computer,doing something
simi productive(being w/ friends, chores, everything a typical teenager
does)and last but not least SLEEPING.

Favorite music:NIN(DUH), the Doors(Jim Morrison is god trent's just a
demi-god), Led Zepplin, Tool, Marilyn Manson, Skinny Puppy, Front Line
Assembly, Coil, Soundgarden, Meat Beat Manifesto, Doubting Thomas, My Life w/ the Thrill
Kill Kult,Bad Religion,and Helmet.

I'm 6'0" red hair and brown eyes.Trent type build.
I wear some blacks and off colored type stuff

I just love philisophical people and can go on forever in a good
conversation on beleifs.My favorite philisophical phrase is:

Life is like a sewer,
you get out of it what you put into it.


well thats all for now
Bye BYE......

Nancy Paulikas

Jan 17, 1995, 12:49:23 AM1/17/95
Robert Payes ( wrote:

> On behalf of Robin (Mad Photographer and Mama Hen), a.m.n's
> other ranking Old Fart offers his condolences...

Hey! You forgot me, the latest addition to the a.m.ninnie Senior
Brigade! I think I get the award for second oldest? 34, with a
mental age that varies widely...

- who won't even entertain the idea of being too old for concerts
until she starts running into her friends' children at them.

Your Name

Jan 17, 1995, 2:56:27 PM1/17/95
Well time to decloak, although I have to believe that nobody cares. I am
a 24 year old dinosaur currently studying veterinary medicine at Ohio State
University. I live only for industrial shows, and the pit is my church.
Bands I am into (NIN excluded) include; Lard, Stabbing Westward, Killing
Joke, Psychopomps, Front 242, Montello and the Fixer, Ministry, Evil
Muthers, Consolidated, MC 900 ftJesus, Primus, and Leather Strip. My
favorite book is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert
Pirsig. My fovorite movie is Pulp Fiction, or mabey Bill and Ted's
Excellent Adventure, or mabey Raising Cain, or maby Caddyshack. I saw
Trent when Maizie was taken to OSU vet hospital. It was very sad and
disturbing. I was at the 12/29 Dayton show. It was fuckin' unbelievable.
The pit was insane (loved it).


Jan 24, 1995, 11:48:45 PM1/24/95
The ever wonderful piggyfucker painfully put it like this:

>I love you more than pigs, scrotes.
>the scrotefucker


J. E. R. K.

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