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New Years Eve-Detroit!!!

閲覧: 31 回


1995/01/02 13:45:501995/01/02
Brought the year in right this year with NIN!!!...even got to PARTY WITH
THE BAND afterward!!! (more on that later). For the show I managed to
secure a spot front-row-center, right on the barricade, and kept it for
the entire show despite what seemed like a particularly violent pit...and
I've got the battle scars to prove it. Wow, what an intense experience! I
was so close I'm sure Trent could hear me screaming the lyrics back at
him! Here are a few highlights of the show:

The set list for this 3rd leg of the tour has changed considerably.
Actually it was kind of a mix between the 1st & 2nd leg set lists. Song
order has completely changed. Most noticebly different was the addition of
"Physical (You're So)" and "Burn". In the 7 times I've seen them now, I've
never heard either one of those. Every show I've seen just seems to get

There was some sort of official NIN videographer surfing the pit all night
with a helmet-cam. I can imagine this footage showing up on an official
live video release someday. Look for me, I'm the one in the MM shirt
bleeding from the boot impression on my forehead. Ouch!

Pop Will Eat Itself was the opener. If you're not already familiar with
them I would describe them as a cross between KMFDM and Rage Against The
Machine (that's just my opinion, save the flames). PWEI put on a good show
but I really missed seeing Marilyn Manson. As always Jim Rose was

During MOTP Trent jumped into the crowd and actually passed over me and I
helped him get back over the barricade.

Trent seemed genuinely pissed at something and as usual took it out on the
equipment. Destroyed several keyboards, speakers, etc....I caught one of
the microphones that he threw into the crowd....and screamed "Happy
Fucking New Year, Trent!" into it but the roadies must have already
unplugged it (if anyone heard this, let me know). I tried to keep it but
several of the roadies "physically persuaded me" to give it up.

2 new 1995 shirts were sold at the show. Both featured the phrase
"further down the spiral" with the logo and a picture of a spiral of rope.
You know, like the kind you might tie your lover up with...or hang
yourself with?...depending on your mood. Cool shirt.

They also sold NIN dog tags that were printed up exclusively for the
Detoit New Years Eve show. These will definitely be collectors items....I
bought several.

They had a countdown to '95 on the big movie screen at midnight. After
that PWEI, all the Jim Rose freaks, and NIN came out and sprayed the pit
with champagne. I was soaked from head to toe but loved it. Robin Finck
(who now has red-blonde hair) did a little harmonica solo for the crowd
before NIN continued their encore set.

It was quite a memorble night!...but there's more....(cont')

asif chowdhury

1995/01/04 9:20:331995/01/04

I also brought the new year with Trent. I got lost on the
floor, finally bubbled my way to the front. Great show.
Let's see the tally for the show was three broken mics, 4
broken synths and two broken guitars. was it?
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