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Lightfoot "Groaners"

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Wayne Francis

05.11.1997, 03:00:0005.11.97

Lightfoot has used a few well worn jokes over the years. When introducing
the song "Partners" he'd sometimes say, "This song always reminds me of the
Great Lakes - it's 'eerie'"! Obligitory groans from the audience would
naturally follow.

A long running gag in the late 70's had Lightfoot say he'd like to introduce
the band, then all of the band members, GL included, would meet at centre
stage and pretend to "introduce" themselves to each other. This routine
usually got a pretty hearty response from the crowd.



06.11.1997, 03:00:0006.11.97

>Lightfoot has used a few well worn jokes over the years.

>A long running gag in the late 70's had Lightfoot say he'd like to introduce

>the band, then all of the band members, GL included, would meet at centre
>stage and pretend to "introduce" themselves to each other. This routine
>usually got a pretty hearty response from the crowd.

I remember in the late '70's or early '80's Gordon was doing a joke about one
of the band members having a baby, I think it was Terry. He announced that
Terry's wife just had a baby and all the band members came over and shook
Gordon's hand and congratulated him! I saw him 3 times that year and he used
that gag each time. Anyone remember what year that was?


12.11.1997, 03:00:0012.11.97

In article <>, (JenRivard) wrote:
> >Lightfoot has used a few well worn jokes over the years.
> I remember in the late '70's or early '80's Gordon was doing a joke about one
> of the band members having a baby,...> Jenney

That "groaner" is much older than that, Jenney - I don' remember it being
put on when I first saw Gord at the "New Penelope" in Montreal in May
1967, but his ACTUAL words on stage at the Place Des Arts in Mtl on 15
April 1969 were "In case eveybody didn't know I'd like to uh congratulate
tonight Mr Red Shea whose wife just gave birth to a bouncing 8-pound baby
boy. I'd like to be the first one to shake hands with the father" (goes
over and shakes Rick Haynes' hand). John from Dorset, England

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