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I think Billy Boy is gone

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Gary Lighthall

не прочитано,
1 мар. 2001 г., 23:21:0601.03.2001
Well folks, think ol' Billy Literal has left the building. He is no
longer willing to match wits with the big boys, it's time for a long
nap, a fresh diaper, and a new playground to do his psychotic rooster
routine. This group has been cleansed.. bwahaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa
haaaaaaaaa! God, I love beating up bullies. Especially dumb ones.
Viva la amgoob!!!

Kegger at Reenies, let's get wild!!!! I've got some vodka jello
shots, just to get things going. ~Lori? You said you have the recipe
for ice? Let's party!!

Gary Lighthall.
Hey Knight! What's up?

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