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Duke Coffeehouse

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Adam McKible

Mar 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/23/96
i will be first in line for "Derek Beans!"

i will eat half of my plate.

i will use the other half for target practice.

see you there, alysha.

--the mayor

derek easley

Mar 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/23/96

On Sat, 16 Mar 1996, C. WILEY RISER wrote:

> We're still planning on it, I think. What're you bringing? Our cooking
> time will be limited since we'll be in the Northeast the weekend before
> that and coming back on Sunday, but we'll do our best.

Depending on my funds, since i'll need to buy a dish that I don't
want back, and which can stand considerable mistreatment, I'll be
bringing my childhood favorite - "Derek Beans!" This hardy mixture can
not be held to such weak titles as "side dish," for it is indeed a meal.
Vegetarians beware! Kosher fans beware! "Derek Beans!" are made from a
secret chuck-wagon recipe combining baked beans, hamburger, celery, love,
affection, and a good toping of bacon! Your mouth will smile with the
party that ensues in your digestive track, (namely the g-i part of it!)
Bound to look good when thrown around the room. You've heard of power
chords, well "Derek Beans!" makes every chord a chuck-wagon chord.
"Derek Beans!" also provide more traction than your average beans,
greatly reducing unintentional injuries at your local
honkypunk/rockasilly show. "Derek Beans!"; the beans that care!


"Gabba gabba hey!" .........M.O.T.Apacolypse
"I want woman love!" .........S. Ghost

Mar 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/23/96

oh, i'll be there, no doubt. but i would like to add that i had 3 targets
in mind on pudding day: grampa bampa, mercury sable (tm), and the
gimp(!)... all that was doine to you was done by your cronies in the
english department who will remain nameless. however, if you'd like to
declare open season on my with "derke beans!" i'd be more than happy to


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