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Emperor - "IX Equilibrium" Review [LONG]

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The Rattler

Mar 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/4/99
"IX Equilibrium"
by Emperor (1999, Candlelight Records).

*Sigh* Where to begin?

I hate having to give this a mediocre review, because technically there
isn't anything particularly appalling here (it's nowhere near as bad as
Peccatum!) and I can respect Emperor's decision to move away from the
aggressive/atmospheric Black Metal they were doing 5 years ago into music
that isn't quite so much to my personal tastes... But, even so, this
album does very little except wash over me, as of this writing. I'm
currently listening to it for the fourth time and feel a sense of genuine
disheartenment, having stuck up for this band against many a criticism
for so long... I actually *ENJOYED* "Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk" a lot
and still maintain that it is a fine (albeit flawed at times) album. I'd
read plenty about them "going back to basics" with this one after the
admittedly overambitious and cluttered production of "Anthems" but in all
honesty, I'd much rather have the chaotic senselessness and overcramming
of ideas in that than what's on offer here.

I realise that "In The Nightside Eclipse" was recorded whilst the band
were still teenagers and I know all to well well that as we get older, a
lot of the wild energy of youth is dissolved, but whereas that record
*evoked* almost hidden feelings of aggression and fury simply by being so
powerful and musically overwhelming, this one just glides pleasantly over
my head in comparison... It's not that it's a peaceful record, quite the
contrary, there's a lot of rage still present, but there's something
missing. Perhaps it's the bizarre sense of shimmering beauty that
accompanied the earlier works, the genuinely atmospheric use of
synthesisers pushing the anger forward into something far more
terrifying... This album doesn't have a single moment that I could deem
'beautiful' or 'moving', it's all so... average. Sometimes, when
listening to pure heart and soul that virtually BLEEDS through the
speakers on "..Nightside..", I can be moved to tears, but this is just...
empty in comparison.

I have no gripes about Emperor being "sell outs" (!) though since,
despite it's flaws, this album does carry the sound of a band who are at
least seemingly sincere in what they're doing. Just unfortunately for me,
what they *WERE* doing was far more in tune with my ideals and what "IX
Equilibrium" offers doesn't appeal very much at all. Is this my problem
or their's? Who can say? This certainly doesn't sound like any other
album I've heard (although it derives influences from many), but the
connection that needs to be made between band and listener in order to
create that perfect bond just isn't happening for me. Anyway, to give you
an idea of what each track sounds like to these ears, here's something of
a review:

The opening track, "Curse You All Men!", starts off well enough with a
fairly decent thunderclap sample followed by a brief bit of rain sounds
(which perfectly compliment the impressive inlay art)... Sadly, the mood
is broken by a cringeful falsetto wail which leads into the music. The
production is so far flung from "Anthems" it defies belief, borrowing a
lot of it's ideas from a more Death Metally sound than what we're used to
from this band. Murky rifferage and hyperspeed blastbeat drumming
(courtesy of the highly talented Trym) are the order of the day, before
some synths (carefully placed behind the guitars for a change) take over.
What ruins the synth-line for me is the fact that Ihsahn plays guitar
along with them and it sounds almost like circus music, a mistake I also
noticed with the Peccatum album... But this flaw aside, the song
continues at a fairly fast pace with Ihsahn screaming grimly over the top
of the music in his usual style (albeit with significantly more clarity
and no reverb! Doh!) with one line sung in "clean" vocals. The lyrics tho
are, much as it pains me to say, almost like a medieval Korn and could
almost be deemed as "personal", an overzealous attack on Emperor's many
detractors: "Curse you all men that resent my empire 'cause I have risen
again. At war this time, the truth I speak is your decease. My word is
your defeat!" - Sadly such bold claims are wasted, because on the
strength of this song, he's not likely to win many battles as there are a
million bands who can do it better.

Track two, "Decrystallizing Reason" carries along the same themes,
musically, with slight hints of retro-thrash thrown in for good measure.
There's almost a latter day Slayer-like quality to this one with Ihsahn
outright shouting as much as he is screaming or singing. To be fair, I do
like this song a fair bit at the moment, though it's fairly simplistic
nature hints that it's liable to get old a lot sooner than the likes of
"The Majesty Of The Night Sky". It erupts into furious blastbeat about
half way through and I think that, whereas previously the synths have
been a high point of Emperor songs, on this one they are it's main flaw,
sounding forced and out of place. But that aside, this is a good track.
Not particularly atmospheric or deep, but highly enjoyable in it's own
way... The musicianship is obviously above average but you knew that.

"An Elegy Of Icaros" is the next song and a total contrast to the
thrashy, driving snarler that precedes it. It begins very mid-paced with
clean, almost Solstice-like, vocals for the first verse. The lyrics here
are actually really good, telling (as you probably guessed) the legend of
Icaros (Icarus) but the music? Inappropriate and startingly unelaborate.
It speeds up as it goes on and the vocals turn into death grunts, far
deeper in pitch than is usual for Ihsahn. Which reminds me that one of
the things that is almost completely absent from this album is his
trademarked unintelligible shrieking that was an integral part of
"Nightside"'s atmosphere... It's good to see singers experimenting with
their vocal range but these attempts at being Tom Araya circa '86 just
don't work for me. The final reel of the song is very 'trad metal' with
more clean vocals and some old-school style riffing. It ends abruptly and
then about 2 seconds later we're into:

"The Source Of Icon E" (E? Emperor? Equilibrium? Ecstacy? Eggs? 3L33T??),
the worst one on here by my mileage. It starts off with yet more
gratuitous blastbeating and Sepultura-like vocals circa "Arise" more than
anything else. Sadly, it goes over the top after that and after a VERY
Cavalera-esque grunt of "NO REMORSE!!!", things come over all Michael
Kiske-like with Ihsahn singin' and a'hollerin' away like he's the Keeper
of The Seven Keys! It doesn't really work for me and, again, the synths
seem forced... As if they shouldn't be in the song, but they were put in
for the sake of it, since Emperor are reknowned for their excellent
keyboard skills... I would've actually liked most of this whole record
better if they'd ditched the synths since, while I think they can be used
brilliantly to *enhance* an atmosphere, here they are just a waste of
time and detract from the power of all the tracks on here, most notably
this one. "Icon E" is a very aggressive and pounding track without a
great deal of melody (except in the Kiske-esque bits), so adding the
synths seems ridiculous and totally out of place.

"Sworn", the fifth song, is guaranteed to become a (ahem) "live
favourite" since it has "Moshpit Filler" written all over it. Hmm...
Unfortunately, this means it's utterly devoid of the sort of shivery,
glimmering dark magnificence that Emperor's finest pieces have. It's a
real headbanger of a song, with a driving thrash beat, thundering death
metal guitar riffs and plenty of grunting and screaming. It even has a
catchy sing-a-long refrain, "THUS APPEAR THE TRULY SWORN" which gets
shouted out at the end of every line in the middle section of the song...
I can see a market for songs like this but it's a far cry from "Black
Metal" (not always a bad thing, I should add) and has no discernible soul
to it, at least nothing that connects with me. It certainly pisses from a
great height onto the majority of bands who play this kind of chugalong
death but unfortunately is marred again by unsuited synth-playing and a
seeming lack of direction... Which brings me to my next point. The
previous Emperor albums have all had some kind of cohesive thread, a
coherance of sorts, in fact "Nightside" just sounds like one huge epic
slab of gorgeous sound split across 9 'tracks'. "IX Equilibrium" doesn't
work on that level at all. It's obvious that they are aiming for
'diversity' but sadly get something far more akin to 'disjointedness'.

"Nonus Aequilibrium" reminds me of The Haunted. The vocals in the verses
are very much like Peter Dolving with excess reverb added (although
Ihsahn does FINALLY throw in some of the patented echo-y shrieks in this
one). Unfortunately, these vox is marred by quiet synth passages over
which Ihsahn whispers spoken nonsense in a way only outdone by MayheM's
Maniac on "Wolf's Lair Abyss". The whole song (bar the aforementioned
silly bits) is pretty driving with a wonderfully fat and saw-like guitar
sound running throughout a lot of it. Even the clean vocals (layered one
on top of the other, ala "Anthems") work on this one, but there's
something amiss and once again it's any kind of discernible 'feeling'. I
could put this on and listen to it without getting distracted in the
slightest, play it as background music and not derive any kind of emotion
from it... So no matter how technically proficient and mildly enjoyable
it may be in parts, if it can't stir me and make me gasp in awe then I
*KNOW* that *THIS* band can do better. :/

The seventh song, "Warriors Of Modern Death" (oh dear, bad title alert)
steals (probably inadvertantly) it's main riff from Audioweb's "Sleeper"
and isn't really owt special. It's a bit on a Manowar tip, lyrically,
with lots of talked about "Idolised warriors, bright steel and burning
rage" and the rhythm/pace of the song reminds me a bit of "Blood Of My
Enemies"... Erk! I suppose, in all fairness, it's listenable, but it's
(again!) lacking in any real mood and there are so many bands who do
things like this a lot better. Thankfully, at least Ihsahn leaves the
clean vocals out of this one and snarls his way through it, probably to
draw attention away from the testosterone driven lyrics...

Finally, things come to a close with "Of Blindness And Subsequent Seers",
which has by far the best *vocal* performance of the whole disc on it.
Ihsahn shrieks and wails with much reverb in the same way as he did in
the early stuff for much of the first verse and for the only time on the
album, the synths actually sound appropriate! If they would rough up the
production or at least cut out the death metal overtones, then I think
this track could've worked brilliantly. As it stands, it doesn't seem to
know where it's going. As I said, the vocals are very good (even the
clean ones) and the synths work well, but there's too many different
styles trying to jump onto this. It's like they've found a good idea and
instantly all of their many influences are trying to jump on top of it
until, eventually they smother it to death. Which, strangely enough,
could sum up the majority of "IX Equilibrium"... "Anthems" had too many
ideas crammed into too few styles, whereas this has too many styles
crammed onto too few ideas.

The epilogue or hidden track at the end is actually about the best thing
on here, even if it does only last about 10 seconds. It's a very ambient
little synth/guitar piece that could (SHOULD) have lasted several
minutes, as it actually manages to create almost a mood, unlike the rest
of this which simply makes a sound. Unfortunately, it's thrown on to the
very end of the disc for a painfully short period and, as it stands, is
rendered superfluous... Shame.

So, overall, all I can do is sigh and sigh again when listening to this.
I can't say I've lost as much respect for Emperor as most people probably
will when they hear this since I feel, merely from hearing it, that their
intentions are good and they're not simply out to make a fast buck
(unlike say, Dimmu Borgir). I just think that whilst I still crave the
kind of in-your-face smack of sheer breathtaking resonance that was
"Nightside" (or even "Anthems" to a slightly lesser extent, I confess),
Emperor have decided to move on to other things. They're still no less
talented as, from a technical viewpoint, "IX Equilibrium" is very
impressive. That's sadly about the only angle that it looks good from
though, in my eyes. Incredible playing but very little emotion and, more
to the point, nothing that makes me turn my head and go "Wow"!

Considering the hype and the expectations that this album has generated,
I should've known it could only be something of a let-down, but if you're
trying to tell me that this is the Great White Hope of Black Metal then I
hereby pronounce it dead! It's just an okay album and not even a BM one
at that. Nothing dreadful but not worth getting excited about by any
means... I think what hurts the most is that the same two guys
responsible for "Inno A Satana" did this! I know that you simply *cannot*
live in the past and I'm all for musicians advancing and progressing.
Another "Nightside" would be redundant. My only point (wake up now, this
is the pinnacle of the whole review ;)) is that, in purely my own
opinion, this is a regression more than a progression. In honing their
technical skills and widening their range of styles and influences, they
have lost a great deal of passion and the simple ability to communicate
directly from the heart to the heart. Their heads just keep getting in
the way!

"Frosty the Snowman
Was peeing against the wind
In a ravenstorm" - 'Immortal Haiku' by Annatar Gorthaur.



Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99
On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 22:57:48 -0000, (The
Rattler) wrote:

<long review snipped>




Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99

Definately, post of the YEAR!

-Rocky<--EXTREME RADIO, death metal and
more,streaming or downloadable RA, 16 or 32kbps!<-Dallas Area Heavy Music
member of the R/NIGoIS

The Barrow Man

Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99
On Fri, 05 Mar 1999 01:34:54 GMT, (Sybren)

>On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 22:57:48 -0000, (The
>Rattler) wrote:
><long review snipped>

Yeah... Reading the review a sort of "I knew this would happen though
I liked to hope otherwise" feeling sort of washed over me.

I'll still buy it, probably just to hear it, but hey... shit happens.

[ Piotr F. Dubiel - Nepean, Ontario, Canada ]
[ "There is no sin except stupidity." -Oscar Wilde ]
[ Remove the NOSPAM to reply. ]

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Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99
On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 22:57:48 -0000, (The
Rattler) wrote:

>Considering the hype and the expectations that this album has generated,
>I should've known it could only be something of a let-down, but if you're
>trying to tell me that this is the Great White Hope of Black Metal then I
>hereby pronounce it dead! It's just an okay album and not even a BM one
>at that.

Well, with Immortal, Graveland and Burzum having new releases due this
year, I'd hardly say that all bets were on this. . .


"Anyone can post messages to the net. Practically everyone
does. The resulting cacophony drowns out serious discussion.
Online debates of tough issues are often polarized by messages
taking extreme positions. It's a great medium for trivia and
hobbies, but not the place for reasoned, reflective judgment.
Surprisingly often, discussions degenerate into acrimony,
insults, and flames." --Clifford Stoll

Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99
In article <>, wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 22:57:48 -0000, (The
> Rattler) wrote:
> <long review snipped>
> Shit!
> Sybren

Superb Review Mr Rattler, even if I disagree with you to an extent.

It's starting to grow on me - I think the Micheal Kiske/Geoff Tate/Angus Young
vocals are actually quite good...


Email me at
(The Legions of the Black Moon - the unofficial Bal-Sagoth homepage)

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Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99
that new immortal is gay. the new emperor had my bet...


Wozzeck wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 22:57:48 -0000, (The
> Rattler) wrote:

> >Considering the hype and the expectations that this album has generated,
> >I should've known it could only be something of a let-down, but if you're
> >trying to tell me that this is the Great White Hope of Black Metal then I
> >hereby pronounce it dead! It's just an okay album and not even a BM one
> >at that.


Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99
Wozzeck wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 22:57:48 -0000, (The
> Rattler) wrote:
> >Considering the hype and the expectations that this album has generated,
> >I should've known it could only be something of a let-down, but if you're
> >trying to tell me that this is the Great White Hope of Black Metal then I
> >hereby pronounce it dead! It's just an okay album and not even a BM one
> >at that.
> Well, with Immortal, Graveland and Burzum having new releases due this
> year, I'd hardly say that all bets were on this. . .

graveland and burzum will save us from this nonsense. i don't know about
immortal though.


John Chedsey

Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99
Heretic wrote:
> Wozzeck wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 22:57:48 -0000, (The
> > Rattler) wrote:
> >
> > >Considering the hype and the expectations that this album has generated,
> > >I should've known it could only be something of a let-down, but if you're
> > >trying to tell me that this is the Great White Hope of Black Metal then I
> > >hereby pronounce it dead! It's just an okay album and not even a BM one
> > >at that.
> >
> > Well, with Immortal, Graveland and Burzum having new releases due this
> > year, I'd hardly say that all bets were on this. . .
> >
> graveland and burzum will save us from this nonsense. i don't know about
> immortal though.

You guys are as funny as christians waiting for their messiah to

Satan Stole My Teddybear


Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99
>> graveland and burzum will save us from this nonsense.>You guys are as funny

as christians waiting for their messiah to

Screw Graveland.. Darkthrone will save us (waits for the messiah*s*)

Beware the depths of the woodland lake,
Danger is lurking there,
For Nock, who seems to sleep,
will take you down to his watery lair.
* Henrik Ibsen *


Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99
>graveland and burzum will save us from this nonsense. i don't know about
>immortal though.

The new Burzum already has. I haven't heard the new Graveland, but I have faith
in their abilities. As for Immortal, the loss of Demonaz will be a blow for
sure, but nonetheless Immortal is one of the greatest bands ever and I'm sure
they won't disappoint.

Btw, does anyone know if Demonaz is still involved in the band at all, perhaps
as a manager or something? (or even writing some material at some point in the



Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99

is the new burzum already out?



Mar 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/5/99
John Chedsey wrote:
> Heretic wrote:
> >
> > Wozzeck wrote:
> > >
> > > On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 22:57:48 -0000, (The
> > > Rattler) wrote:
> > >
> > > >Considering the hype and the expectations that this album has generated,
> > > >I should've known it could only be something of a let-down, but if you're
> > > >trying to tell me that this is the Great White Hope of Black Metal then I
> > > >hereby pronounce it dead! It's just an okay album and not even a BM one
> > > >at that.
> > >
> > > Well, with Immortal, Graveland and Burzum having new releases due this
> > > year, I'd hardly say that all bets were on this. . .
> > >
> >
> > graveland and burzum will save us from this nonsense. i don't know about
> > immortal though.
> You guys are as funny as christians waiting for their messiah to
> return...
> --

Darken IS GoD



Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99
>is the new burzum already out?

April 5th looks possible, but nothing 100% confirmed for a release date yet.
You can read a review on


Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99

> >graveland and burzum will save us from this nonsense. i don't know about
> >immortal though.

> The new Burzum already has.

That's a hell of a mimetic review ;)

>I haven't heard the new Graveland, but I have
> in their abilities.

Rob Darken rapes Madelaine Allbright's corpse. (What, after Kissinger, we
need another bellicose Jew in the white house? No thanks!
Judeo-Christianity should have nothing to do with power, whether that's a
president who thanks "god" (who?) after every hypocritical speech or Biblical
warriors like Kissinger who send 60,000 Americans to die in Viet Nam for our
corporate interests in the area.)

> As for Immortal, the loss of Demonaz will be a blow for
> sure, but nonetheless Immortal is one of the greatest bands ever and I'm sure
> they won't disappoint.

M3 T00!!1!

> Btw, does anyone know if Demonaz is still involved in the band at all, perhaps
> as a manager or something? (or even writing some material at some point in the
> future?)

Word via the interviews is he's going to manage and contribute some material.
Those guys are fucking genius. Norway's smaller than the city I grew up in,
population-wise; how is it these guys generate so much phenomenal music?
Darkthrone, Burzum, Immortal, and Emperor alone justify replacing all
Christians/Jews with cloned Nordics.


Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99
On 5 Mar 1999 23:34:56 GMT, (Svartedaun) wrote:

>>> graveland and burzum will save us from this nonsense.>You guys are as funny

>as christians waiting for their messiah to

>Screw Graveland.. Darkthrone will save us (waits for the messiah*s*)

Nah...Mayhem's "Grand Declaration of War"!



Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99
bla bla,, im waiting for the new Mysticum.
. w e e d c o r e d o t c o m .
"Cake soooo good, cake soooo moist...I'm gonna tell my momma I'm gay!"


Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99
RPadamsee wrote:
> >graveland and burzum will save us from this nonsense. i don't know about
> >immortal though.
> >
> The new Burzum already has. I haven't heard the new Graveland, but I have faith
> in their abilities. As for Immortal, the loss of Demonaz will be a blow for

> sure, but nonetheless Immortal is one of the greatest bands ever and I'm sure
> they won't disappoint.

Actually the new album is quite good. It's quite different from the 2
previous albums which were not good IMO at all. For once they have
written actual songs with actual riffs. Lots of atmosphere. It doesn't
beat "Pure Holocaust" though, obviously.

> Btw, does anyone know if Demonaz is still involved in the band at all, perhaps
> as a manager or something? (or even writing some material at some point in the
> future?)

I think he is their manager now.


> Rainer


pop ist verboten

Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99

> Actually the new album is quite good. It's quite different from the 2
> previous albums which were not good IMO at all. For once they have
> written actual songs with actual riffs. Lots of atmosphere. It doesn't
> beat "Pure Holocaust" though, obviously.

[sigh of great expectation]


Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99

waiting for the next Ved Buens Ende album... (which is rumored to go out
this year...)



Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99
>waiting for the next Ved Buens Ende album... (which is rumored to go out
>this year...)

Now that is an event of prophetic grandeur if I ever heard one... This even
surpasses my excitement for a new Darkthrone I think!


Mar 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/7/99
Svartedaun wrote:
> >waiting for the next Ved Buens Ende album... (which is rumored to go out
> >this year...)
> Now that is an event of prophetic grandeur if I ever heard one... This even
> surpasses my excitement for a new Darkthrone I think! shall I put this? I was just informed that VBE are no more.
Final. Sorry to ruin your day.

_However_ Vicotnik and Carl Michael _will_ go on making music together.
The new project is called Flux.

Not kidding,

> Beware the depths of the woodland lake,
> Danger is lurking there,
> For Nock, who seems to sleep,
> will take you down to his watery lair.
> * Henrik Ibsen *


pop ist verboten

Dennis Tencic

Mar 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/7/99
Well...i really dont think the album differs that much from Anthems... its
sounds a bit more death metal..., more complex, greater arrangements etc all
in all - the best Emperor-album to date. And by the way..the new Immortal
sure shreds!!! Not as fast as the previous albums, but the riffs are

dennis the menace skrev:

Richard Stuart

Mar 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/7/99
In article <>, Dennis Tencic
<> writes

>Well...i really dont think the album differs that much from Anthems... its
>sounds a bit more death metal..., more complex, greater arrangements etc all
>in all - the best Emperor-album to date.

Is there any clean singing on 'IX Equilibrium?'




Mar 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/7/99
>_However_ Vicotnik and Carl Michael _will_ go on making music together.
>The new project is called Flux.

There's already a "band" called FLUX on Release records - with James Plotkin
(OLD). Actually , he changed the name from OLD to FLUX since Alan Dubin, the
vocalist/lyricist for OLD left the band. I've never heard them before, but I do
enjoy OLD. Has anyone heard the FLUX album?

John Chedsey

Mar 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/7/99
> >_However_ Vicotnik and Carl Michael _will_ go on making music together.
> >The new project is called Flux.
> >
> There's already a "band" called FLUX on Release records - with James Plotkin
> (OLD). Actually , he changed the name from OLD to FLUX since Alan Dubin, the
> vocalist/lyricist for OLD left the band. I've never heard them before, but I do
> enjoy OLD. Has anyone heard the FLUX album?

I do have Flux. It's unique, to say the least. Some of the oddest
guitar playing, a lot of loops and unusual effects. A lot of the tracks
feature some girl chattering away kinda like that one Orb song about
those "little fluffy clouds". Since I never heard OLD, I don't honestly
know if the two projects can compare.


Mar 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/7/99
Dennis Tencic wrote:
> Well...i really dont think the album differs that much from Anthems... its
> sounds a bit more death metal..., more complex, greater arrangements etc all
> in all - the best Emperor-album to date. And by the way..the new Immortal
> sure shreds!!! Not as fast as the previous albums, but the riffs are
> outstanding!!!

i am reluctant to buy the new emperor for fear of accidentally supporting
judaism. looks like a trade shall be pursued.

and Abbath better not let me down either



Mar 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/7/99
>I do have Flux. It's unique, to say the least. Some of the oddest
>guitar playing, a lot of loops and unusual effects. A lot of the tracks
>feature some girl chattering away kinda like that one Orb song about
>those "little fluffy clouds". Since I never heard OLD, I don't honestly
>know if the two projects can compare.

Well, that sounds like the last OLD album called "Formula"....except the vocals
are obviously much different. Maybe we can trade tapes or something.

The Rattler

Mar 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/8/99
In article <>, says...

> Is there any clean singing on 'IX Equilibrium?'

Yep, a fair bit (as I said in my overlong review)... Some of it sounds
like it did on ANTHEMS and some of it sounds like Michael Kiske.

"Frosty the Snowman
Was peeing against the wind
In a ravenstorm" - 'Immortal Haiku' by Annatar Gorthaur.


Mar 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/8/99

> i am reluctant to buy the new emperor for fear of accidentally supporting
> judaism. looks like a trade shall be pursued.

this is what CD-R is made for

> and Abbath better not let me down either

did you hear the demotrack at:

requires more processing on my part for an opinion, but, it's not going to
fall to the same errors as emperor

Mar 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/8/99
In article <>, (The Rattler) wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
> > Is there any clean singing on 'IX Equilibrium?'
> Yep, a fair bit (as I said in my overlong review)... Some of it sounds
> like it did on ANTHEMS and some of it sounds like Michael Kiske.

I though it sounded more like Geoff Tate on helium...


> --
> "Frosty the Snowman
> Was peeing against the wind
> In a ravenstorm" - 'Immortal Haiku' by Annatar Gorthaur.

Email me at

(The Legions of the Black Moon - the unofficial Bal-Sagoth homepage)

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------

Richard Stuart

Mar 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/8/99
In article <>, Richard Stuart
<> writes

>In article <>, Dennis Tencic
><> writes
>>Well...i really dont think the album differs that much from Anthems... its
>>sounds a bit more death metal..., more complex, greater arrangements etc all
>>in all - the best Emperor-album to date.
>Is there any clean singing on 'IX Equilibrium?'

Oops. The original review wasn't posted to the DM newsgroup, whilst the
follow-ups were, hence my confusion - I've since seen the original
review on Dejanews, so all is well again in the world.


Mar 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/9/99
On 6 Mar 1999 07:41:53 GMT, (WEEDCORE) wrote:

>bla bla,, im waiting for the new Mysticum.

do you (or just anyone) know what they're up to?

>. w e e d c o r e d o t c o m .
>"Cake soooo good, cake soooo moist...I'm gonna tell my momma I'm gay!"




Mar 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/9/99
>>bla bla,, im waiting for the new Mysticum.
>do you (or just anyone) know what they're up to?

Well, I sent them an interview- after them promising to do it- but never got it
back. This was several months ago. I read from that they are still
planning on releasing the new cd "Planet Satan" some time later this year.
That's all I know- you can email the band through fmp records.


Mar 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/13/99

Heretic wrote:

> Dennis Tencic wrote:
> >
> > Well...i really dont think the album differs that much from Anthems... its
> > sounds a bit more death metal..., more complex, greater arrangements etc all

> > in all - the best Emperor-album to date. And by the way..the new Immortal
> > sure shreds!!! Not as fast as the previous albums, but the riffs are
> > outstanding!!!
> >

> i am reluctant to buy the new emperor for fear of accidentally supporting
> judaism. looks like a trade shall be pursued.

Oh brother....

John Chedsey Is Hired Jewish Pedophile

Mar 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/13/99
h3y!! its a totally valid concern!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

In article <>,

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