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Attention WWW users

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Joel Baxter

May 11, 1994, 8:46:12 PM5/11/94
Hello, everybody. If you _are_ a World Wide Web user, I suppose you know it
by now; if you _aren't_, then why not? You can get NCSA Mosaic, a popular
WWW client, for X, Mac, and PC via anonymous ftp from

But anyway...

I've noticed some mentions of the Web on this group from time to time;
since I'm starting some experimentation with Web clients and servers on
my workstation, I thought that a good vehicle for my poking around would
be the addition of another Web site for a cappella information.

If you'd like to take a look...and please the URL at

and select the "A Cappella Database".

I explain it fairly well in the on-line text, but here's a quick rundown.

First, I'm not trying to centralize All The A Cappella Information In The
World on my machine (if someone is offended/misled by the name I've
selected, suggest another!). However, it would be nice to do the following:

- Add info to the Web if it's not already there
- Link together the sites that have the info

This is hopefully a step in the right direction. Currently, the database

- A link to the hypertext FAQ
- An ftp link to the archives
- A link to the hypertext RARB archives (at least, I hope these
will be the archives - so far only one review here)
- Past and present CARA winners in hypertext
- A mailing program, with the addresses of
- Harmony Sweepstakes
- and me, for suggestions

There's also a list of other more ambitious things which could be implemented
either at lemur or elsewhere in the Web.

One last request: if you know of a site that maintains some a cappella info
(I believe, for instance, that at least one college group out there has
their own page), let me know about it. If you maintain such a site, let me
know and add a link to the database at your site (the complete URL for the
database is


Joel Baxter

Here's the plan. Mark does all the work.

Gregory R. Weiss

May 12, 1994, 12:30:15 AM5/12/94
In article <2qru8k$>, Joel Baxter
<jba...@lemur.Stanford.EDU> wrote:

In case anyone else missed my earlier announcements, there is set of
online a cappella links to various other a cappella groups at the URL

It has links to every WWW-reachable a cappella site I know about: the FAQ,
archives, general a cappella informatiton available through FTP, as well as
some links to general music sites. The groups with pages include The
Princeton Tigertones, various Washington University groups, MIT's
Cross Products, BYU a cappella groups (like Vocal Point), The Edlos,
The House Jacks, and the Bobs.

I've added links to Joel's site now too. Both areas are well worth
checking out!


-Greg Weiss

David M. J. Saslav

May 25, 1994, 2:46:34 AM5/25/94
Gregory R. Weiss (grw...@rogue.Princeton.EDU) wrote:
: In article <2qru8k$>, Joel Baxter
: <jba...@lemur.Stanford.EDU> wrote:


: Enjoy!

When are we going to be able to download JPEG samples?
*************************************************************** * * * *
* David Saslav + If one is both unscrupu-
* + lous and apathetic, could
* US MAIL: 1010 Noel Drive, #29 + one be said to lack both
* Menlo Park, CA 94025 + principle and interest?
* +
*************************************************************** * * * *

Gregory R. Weiss

May 25, 1994, 7:10:37 AM5/25/94

In article <>,

David M. J. Saslav <> wrote:
>Gregory R. Weiss (grw...@rogue.Princeton.EDU) wrote:
>: In case anyone else missed my earlier announcements, there is set of
>: online a cappella links to various other a cappella groups at the URL

[ extraneous description deleted ]

>When are we going to be able to download JPEG samples?

(JPEG is a compression format for computer-stored images.)
You currently *can* download JPEG samples. In fact, the Tigertones'
home page has a JPEG picture of us from this past summer's trip on the
QE2. You need a WWW "client" with graphics ability like Mosaic. (see
the WWW mini-FAQ I posted earlier or FTP it from in
/pub/ If you click on the
small "inline" picture (a GIF) of the 'Tones, you'll get a larger
version of the picture which is a JPEG. I'll add some more pics when
we scan them in for our next album layout sometime this next month.
You can also access sound files from our last couple albums. Go to
the URL, "" and check it out...

--Greg Weiss

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