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2001 and Thunderbirds Are Go

৬টি ভিউ
প্রথম অপঠিত মেসেজটিতে চলে আসুন


পড়া হয়নি,
১৯ এপ্রি, ২০০৫, ৪:১৫:৪৫ AM১৯/৪/০৫
Having just viewed Thunderbirds Are Go, made in 1966, I have no doubt
this was a huge influence on Kubrick and 2001 A Space Odyssey released
a few years later, not only in terms of special effects but in regards
to certain scenes, pacing and content. Since we all know Kubrick
viewed everything sci fi before making 2001, there is little doubt he
saw this film since it contained state of the art modeling elements
used in 2001 but also was sci fi in general. I believe one of the
model makers for Thunderbirds also worked on 2001.

Here is a short list of similarites between the two films:

1. The opening of Thunderbirds is a long scene of a futuristic plane
getting into position to take off. The timing of the scene is very
slow and realistic, taking time to show every technical aspect of the
ship being prepared, mirroring the Blue Danube segments of 2001. Other
scenes of ships in flight or taking off, all long and realistic,
provide striking similarity to 2001.

2. After the opening sequence, a meeting of officials occurs where they
request the others to "keep everything a secret", paralleling the
Heywood Floyd scene in 2001 exactly, down to the long meeting table.

3. A radio interview (or television I can't remember) is conducted with
one of the Thunderbirds. Very similar to the Bowman/Poole interview.

4. A long sequence at the end with one of the Thunderbirds outside the
futuristic xo ship, trying to repair it from the outside. This
sequence is the most like 2001 in all the film. Besides the obvious
similarity of Pool outside the Discovery, the sequence contains no
music, only the sound of the ships engine. Even more amazing is that
within the ship's instrument panel is a three letter code designation,
in the exact same lettering as the HAL displays (REM etc).

I think the similarities are a little more than coincidental.
Kubrick's decision to use breathing only for the later parts of the
film were a late one (according to Alex North who was commisioned to
score 2001 before the classic score was used) so his being influenced
by other sources during filming is not out of the question. Kubrick
must have really been taken with this film is my guess.


পড়া হয়নি,
১৯ এপ্রি, ২০০৫, ৮:৫১:০৯ AM১৯/৪/০৫
I forget the actors name, but the star of UFO, a show Gerry Anderson
did a few years later, was also in 2001. If I recall correctly his
speaking lines were cut from the film and he wasn't too pleased.

Mat Hunt

পড়া হয়নি,
২১ এপ্রি, ২০০৫, ১১:৩২:৪৯ PM২১/৪/০৫
I'll check the reference when I get home, but I know SK tried to poach
the special-effects team from 'Thunderbirds' in order to make '2001'. I
think one or two of them 'defected' to him, but didn't stay long. If I
remember correctly, SK even tried to take Gerry and/or Sylvia Anderson
out to lunch at this time.


Mat Hunt

পড়া হয়নি,
২২ এপ্রি, ২০০৫, ৪:০১:৪৪ AM২২/৪/০৫

OK, so I got home and checked, and this is what LoBrutto says in his SK

"Kubrick tried to hire the effects team from the 1966 British
television series 'The Thunderbirds', but the producers, Sylvia and
Gerry Anderson, caught on to him when he called asking to take Sylvia
out to lunch. Later, members of the '2001' production team were able to
convince a couple of the effects people from 'The Thunderbirds' to


Green Yammo

পড়া হয়নি,
২২ এপ্রি, ২০০৫, ৭:২৪:৫৩ PM২২/৪/০৫
Mat Hunt wrote:

If I remember correctly I seem to recall Kubrick getting a bit upset
about Space 1999 infringing on 2001 in design and thinking about legal


Mat Hunt

পড়া হয়নি,
২২ এপ্রি, ২০০৫, ৯:০৯:৪৮ PM২২/৪/০৫

Green Yammo wrote:

> If I remember correctly I seem to recall Kubrick getting a bit upset
> about Space 1999 infringing on 2001 in design and thinking about
> action.

I think it was only the title he didn't like. But having 'space' and
any near-future date in a title isn't really something you can

Green Yammo

পড়া হয়নি,
২৩ এপ্রি, ২০০৫, ১০:৩৪:২১ AM২৩/৪/০৫
Yeah that's probably it, although the moon base does look quite similar.



পড়া হয়নি,
২৪ এপ্রি, ২০০৫, ১:৩৯:৫৫ AM২৪/৪/০৫
I thought of two more 2001 references in this film.

When the thunderbirds enter the two man escape pod in the back of one
of their ships, the round design of the ship and the way escape pod
door opens and closes are duplicated in 2001 with the shuttle that
delivers Heywood Floyd to the spacestation. The round room he is
seated in with the women ("See you on the way back") and the way the
door opens is exact to Thunderbirds.

The acting. Everyone jokes how "wooden" the acting is in 2001, but
they all speak in very matter of fact, serious monotones. If you
listen to how they speak in Thunderbirds (even the female characters to
an extent) they speak in a similiar tone. Nonemotional and
professional. This one could be coincidence but it is notable

Interesting how Kubrick tried to take the crew from the Gerry Anderson
shows. The craftmanship and level to detail really is astounding in
those models. Im not surprised Kubrick was impressed with them.

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