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subliminal messages

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May 5, 2004, 8:54:31 PM5/5/04
I have been made aware that subliminal messages cannot be riped from a mixed
audio track and was wondering if this is really true. I was also wondering if
it is possible to do so on a DVD disk dolby digital suround sound or by some
other means. If you can do this and you know of any program that will extract
them please let me know.



May 9, 2004, 9:48:58 AM5/9/04
Puppetgrimm1 wrote:

>I have been made aware that subliminal messages cannot be riped from a mixed
>audio track and was wondering if this is really true. I was also wondering if
>it is possible to do so on a DVD disk dolby digital suround sound or by some
>other means.

Hello Mr. or Ms. Puppetgrimm,

The ability to extract individual components of a mixed audio track
depends on how it was recorded, and special effort must be made during
the mastering process to enable this. The same thing holds true for
extracting vocals from an audio track. 99.99% of the time, you won't be
able to this.

The exceptions are 1) if the subliminal component of the final track is
recorded on a different channel (e.g., if you have surround sound and
you put all of your subliminals so they come out of one speaker) or 2)
if you build your track so that the waveform is inverted.

To explain more about #2, think of the wires to your speakers. The
signal seen by your speakers is the DIFFERENCE between the positive and
negative. In other words, it is the difference between the voltages on
those two wires that dictates what the speakers play. Something you can
try at home is to connect your speakers so that both positives go to one
speaker and both negatives go to another speaker. What you'll hear in
this case is the difference between the right and left channels. If the
recording is in mono, you will hear nothing, as the instantaneous
voltage difference between the two positives or the two negatives will
be zero (or, more accurately, there will be no CHANGE in the voltage
difference between the terminals. If this part here in parentheses
confuses you, ignore it. I only add it for purists who will try to
correct me). I understand Madonna made one track that had the vocals
"inverted" when recording. By inverted, I mean that on one channel, the
voltage was the negative of the voltage on the other channel. The
result was that if you did that speaker trick I describe above, you
would hear the vocals by themselves. This took special effort on the
part of the engineers.

When I record tracks, I usually put the subliminals so that they are
embedded in the masking material.

Much of this depends on the subliminal method in use. Binaural beats,
backmasking, microsampling.... They all have their pluses and
minuses. Each have their uses. None of them are easily extracted.


Pine Tree State Mind Control

New CD, "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" available June 1, 2004!

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May 11, 2004, 10:49:36 AM5/11/04
Having just read the site of the assholes at pine tree state mind control, I
would like to start by saying that you and your bullshit should be eliminated
from the human race. You pieces of shit push brainwashing plain and simple. You
are just as bad as the bullshit religions. The only thing good about your site
is that it may expose what you and lowlifes like you are up to. There are no
good uses for subliminal messaging, entrainment devices or the rest of your
crap. The best thing people can do for themselves is to use common sense. Which
means using their brains to think and figure things out. This also means that
they need to be able to handle reality.

Now as for your bull, why don't people like you use it on yourselves? You want
people to fall for your garbage and become mind control slaves. Who would you
want to be in control of the devices that you suggest if they were used on you?
Religion? Politicians? Or assholes like you? Or maybe some fucked up computer
program? What you are pushing in reality is the same shit that religions,
cults, have been pushing for centuries. You try and scare people into thinking
that they can not handle reality, and that being a brain dead idiot will make
them happier. Governments do the same thing. Well it is time to expose all of
the assholes like you. Or if you prefer, time for the rest of the people to
wake up and tell you to fuck off. You and those like you are taking part in
crimes against humanity.

Religion and everything it causes or that has stemmed from it is the worst
atrocity ever committed by humans on humans. Psychotronic weaponry is on the
same level.

Death to psychotronic weaponry. Religion is fraud. James M. Vierling Jr.


May 11, 2004, 5:16:15 PM5/11/04
Vierlingj wrote:

>Having just read the site of the assholes at pine tree state mind control, I
>would like to start by saying that you and your bullshit should be eliminated
>from the human race. You pieces of shit push brainwashing plain and simple.

Hello Mr. Vierling,

I'm sorry that you found our material offensive. Rather than look at
our product as something negative, please consider the helpful potential.

Though I don't know you, you strike me as someone with strong feelings
and passionate character. Sometimes people like this don't need any
assistance in the social arena. On the flip side, however, sometimes
people who let their vigor infect their discourse have real difficulty
with other people. Pine Tree State Mind Control can help people like
this by reducing their desire for conflict. We provide hostility
dissolution and aggression response baselining. Please spend more time
reviewing our site, and take special care to listen to some of our audio
products. These will often make people smile.

One line we often use in our seminars is "The one common factor in all
of your bad relationships is you".

Please note that I will be unable to respond to any subsequent postings
for at least two weeks.

Thank you, and be well,

Eric Ewing

Pine Tree State Mind Control

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----


May 12, 2004, 10:51:11 AM5/12/04
To all that may come across this thread. Notice that the asshole wants me, and
anyone else, to spend more time at his site. Well considering he blatantly
states on said site that it is full of subliminal messages and other
brainwashing garbage, I wonder why he would want anyone to spend more time
there? As for some of his other bullshit, what exactly is wrong with wanting to
be in conflict with assholes like him? Why would anyone want to not be in
conflict with the brainwashing and mind control that he and others like him
push? Going back to his previous post, I certainly hope that people realize
that what he is pushing about giving up free will means giving up the ability
and or right to say no to anything. Or even the right or ability to decide to
say yes to anything. Free will can be a wonderful thing, when used in
conjunction with common sense. Also more than likely he and those like him
would have no problem doing their crap to a child before they even have the
capability to understand what is being done to them or even understand what the
word no means. If that sounds like religion, it should.

For those that fall for the garbage pushed by him and those like him, think
about what it means to say that you need to be mind controlled because you
don't trust yourself. It doesn't get much more pathetic than that.

Rev. 11D Meow!

May 26, 2004, 6:34:02 PM5/26/04
It's a performance art site raising awareness to The Insidious Threat of
subliminal and other mind control aspects of 'modern' society.

Belief is the most dangerous method of mind control and 99.999% of all
people that fall victim to it bring it upon themself, as in your case,

PS. Religion is also one of those that 'advertises' up-front that it it
exactly what it is, a belief system. When it is used as a weapon,yeah, I
guess it qualifies as evil, if one is to lead oneself into the belief system
that there actually exists something called evil.

oh well...

"Vierlingj" <> wrote in message


May 26, 2004, 11:31:05 PM5/26/04
A performance art site? You are once again showing how much of an idiot you
are. It is a site that pushes giving up free will in exchange for what they
call community programming. It is a site that pushes speaking out against
atrocities is wrong. It is a site that pushes that people are afraid of their
own free will. It is a site that pushes people can not trust themselves. It is
a site that pushes brainwashing. Just like an asshole with Rev. in their name
to push something like that. You can take your belief shit and stick it. Facts
are facts. Oh I forgot your one of the idiots that says science has never
proved anything and since you obviously push that magic bullshit here is
something for you to think about. That is if you are capable of thought.

First off magic and fact are exact opposites. For magic to exist there could be
no fact. Which in turn means that those that push it is a fact that magic
exists are contradicting themselves. In other words, magic CAN NOT exist. For
those that try and push that magic would only affect certain things, what would
they be? By affecting those things it would affect everything else. By the way
since anyone pushing magic is also pushing that there is no reality, then it
shouldn't matter if someone breaks your neck. Because after all it
wouldn't/couldn't be a fact. Twit.

Your statement about religion advertising that it is a belief system is false,
yours and other religions state that theirs is the only reality.

When is it not a weapon? When some idiot uses it on themselves? That would be
saying that if someone put a gun to their head and used it on themselves then
the gun wouldn't be a weapon.

Then to end with you push the bullshit that there is nothing that anyone can do
that would be wrong. Although you try to twist it into a religious context. You
also imply that if you believe any fact, then you are under mind control? More
inane drivel. So if I state that it is a fact that the chemical composition of
pure water is H2O then I must be under mind control huh? (* Note: I do not have
a keyboard or a progrm that would enable me to place the 2 in H2O in a small
font at the right hand bottom side of the H.) Oops another fact.

Anyway back to your belief statement how is someone being born to parents that
sacrifice them up to their brainwashing cults (religoins) bringing it on

You want to stick up for and push that site, why don't you answer the questions
I posted about it?

Rev. 11D Meow!

May 27, 2004, 2:55:09 AM5/27/04
It was certainly a pleasure chatting with you.

I went through the whole site and found it to be a performance art site.

If you disagree, I must've been hypnotized by it into believing something
other than what you saw there.

Can you show me where the parts you describe are so I can deprogram myself

PS. How many are there in the Multiversal Life Church which I created for
myself so my personal belief systems would not become tainted by evil
infidelic thoughts? What religion does the Multiversal Life Church preach,
if any? I didn't realize it had become such a global phenomenon for you to
begin making any assumptions (get it? assumptions?) about it at all. Wow!
I haven't even put up a web site about the Multiversal Life Church and
Whammo! You have it all figured out in your note below.

PPS. To be honest, I am having great difficulty finding any relationship
between what you're saying in your note below and much of anything. Where
are you getting this information? Do you have a web site so I can better
understand what you are saying and where you get your information from to
arrive at these conclusions?

Take Good Care of yourself 'Vierlingj'.

"Vierlingj" <> wrote in message


May 27, 2004, 8:41:30 PM5/27/04
I will start by saying, that it has never been a pleasure 'chatting' with you.
The site in question, go past the opening movie to the page with the thre
colored circles on the left. Click on the one that has an i in it. Three more
cirles will appear. Click on the one with the image of the bull horn.
Everything I stated is right there on that page.

As for your moron church, I don't need to assume anything. You state your
bullshit in your posts.

Fuck off Rev.11Meow. Take your cult with you. I hope many more tell you the

Death to psychotronic weaponry. Religion is fraud James M. Vierling Jr.

Rev. 11D Meow!

May 28, 2004, 2:12:30 AM5/28/04
Be Very Afraid Of The Cult Of One!
Brought to you by The Multiversal Life Church...
I read all this stuff and still see performance art in action, Vierlingj.
Stolen from the website

Community Programming Initiative

Pine Tree State Mind Control started in the middle of 1996 with the following flyers. These are presented in roughly the order in which they were created. Some may seem out of date, but that’s how they were made.

The focus of this effort, which only later became known as the Community Programming Initiative, was to provide a very different viewpoint to cause the reader to question his or her own way of seeing the world. [11D asks: Is this the part that frightens you so much, Vierlingj?]  In these flyers, Orwell’s character of Winston Smith is a dangerous miscreant causing disorder in a harmonious society. Anthony Burgess’ Alex is a criminal who is made into a productive citizen. Watching television becomes a public service.

We in the Western world tend to look at freedom with a microscope. Philosophers have pondered freedom of action, freedom of thought, and even freedom of meaning for a very long time. Most people, when asked, are willing to fight for their freedom. You would think freedom was something we all wanted. However, we continue to write cumbersome laws, build constrictive religions, and entrap ourselves with dogma and social mores.  Our actions don't match our words.

Ultimately, we are scared of freedom. Free will terrifies us. And it’s not only the free will of others that makes us want bounds. We’re scared of ourselves. We don’t want chocolate in the house when we’re dieting. We don’t want guns in the house because we think we’ll shoot someone. We don’t want access to pornography because we think we might like it. We pass the laws by telling ourselves that we must protect ourselves from other people, and that makes us feel even better about it.

What do you really think about freedom? For most of us, Pine Tree State Mind Control looks like a panacea. Read the flyers that follow. Does it really sound that outrageous to talk of eliminating free will? Some of what you read will make you laugh. Some of it will make you think. Instead of dismissing it all by questioning the sanity of the authors, ask yourself if anything you’ve read makes sense. How much freedom are you willing to give up in exchange for happiness and comfort? How much of your neighbors’ freedom are you willing to give up? What if we promised that you wouldn’t miss it?

Hypnosis, subliminal programming, and neurolinguistic programming are demons to us because they represent the theft of freedom. Huh? Is that right? If these are demons, why are there clinical hypnotists, subliminal weight-loss tapes, and power sales skills seminars? Would we pay someone to take away our freedom of choice? Of course! That’s why the time is ripe for Pine Tree State Mind Control.

The flyers were distributed throughout New England. No attempt was made to explain them. People found them in rest rooms, nightclubs, laundromats, and tacked up on walls. Some flyers have appeared in magazines. They’ve been sent to radio stations and record labels along with audio tapes. Many have been posted on the internet by people unconnected to PTSMC. Of course, in this "collection" format, some may appear repetitive. Remember that most people have not read them all in one sitting, but instead saw one them in different places at different times. What is the impact of these flyers on the public? We can’t say for sure because there is no feedback mechanism. In such a vacuum, it is up to you to decide for yourself.

You may reprint these as you wish.  If you'd like original copies to duplicate or print, please contact Pine Tree State Mind Control at  The only requirement for reprinting is that the name and logo of Pine Tree State Mind Control appear on the reproduced work.

1. Individuality is Illusory

2. Read 1984 Again

3. Whatever

4. Art 1

5. In a Modern World

6. Ignore This: Fnord

7. An Infant Lies Helpless

8. Why do people get upset

9. Non-Value-Added

10. A Termite Cannot Digest Wood

11. Security Versus Freedom

12. This Flyer Is A Response

13. Art 2

14. Freedom of Choice

15. An Experiment

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I must be really dumb or something and just don't see what there is to be afraid of for questioning the existence of the ground I walk on, Mr. V...

"Vierlingj" <> wrote in message

Rev. 11D Meow!

May 28, 2004, 2:13:18 AM5/28/04
How come you never SMILE ?
"Vierlingj" <> wrote in message

Rev. 11D Meow!

May 28, 2004, 4:51:42 AM5/28/04
Here's another performance art crew doing work in this area.

Oops! They must be doing this in order to experiment on the general public
under the guise of 'performance art', just like that pesky Selsyn Blue
shampoo does.

"Vierlingj" <> wrote in message

Mr. Mediadumb

May 29, 2004, 6:08:44 AM5/29/04
many religions in usa, such as seen on tv & radio are FBI fronts. the
preacher is a FBI agent. that is why these stinkers connect christian
god to "country" the usa is portrayed as " god land"!
Prolly true also in england.
TRUE fact: english bobbies are being trained by usa FBI how to be BETTER
COPS!!! YES FBI is in engand AND in blood drenched NORTH IRELAND.

Vote against those aipac politicians!

Kosovo, Training Grounds for NWO Terrorism in the USA? Check out:
and also or
and be warned!

Voice of Russia:

For News From Ireland (Subscription) go to:

Here in the United States, children,..... it's now 1984, forever. Media
Moguls are to USA population as Dr.Pavlov was to HIs Dog!!!!!!

Doesn't it sometimes seem that the common criminals have allies among
more than a few corrupt politicians?

The BBC is a liar murderer terrorist unit of Mi5-Mi6 espionage,
disinformation, and terror death squad organization.

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