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Accepting the Now/Eliminating Irritation - Eckhart Tolle + AAB + Agni Yoga

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Aug 12, 2011, 10:35:22 PM8/12/11
Inner Peace
Eliminating Irritation --- Objecting to Objections / controlling our
minds /

We can't control certain things that come our way, like the weather,
unexpected traffic jams, or other unexpected complications, but we can
control the way we look at them.

By observing our resistance/objections to circumstances beyond our
control, we can also become aware of the negative effects that we
create. Whatever happens is ok.

Undesirable events that are within our means to control, we naturally
change. Events which we can't control are what they are, we can force
our minds to be "ok with it"- doing so frees a lot of energy that
otherwise would be wasted, and better doors are opened as a result.

Eckhart Tolle said:

"The moment you say 'yes' to anything that happens, completely instead
of fighting or resisting what is,you become aware of a dimension that
is deeper than the event. The next time there's a traffic jam, you
say "Right- here i am, the car's not moving it is as it is and
suddenly there is a stillness around the content and then your next
practice will be an emotion arising, anger arising, maybe you didn't
catch the traffic light in time and you become angry. Anger comes up.
and here too you can allow that, say 'there's anger - here it is.

Anger has a lot of energy to it. It is as it is. There's the energy
that we call energy. Trapped energy... trying to get out... it's not
so easy here... anything that you allow, any form that arises that you
do not resist, because you see the futility of resisting a form that
has arisen. It is. What can you do? Of course you can then, action is
possible but in the meantime, it is.

So whatever arises in the now is completely accepted and through that
the deeper diminsion suddenly reveals itself to you... Spaciousness
around things - the spaciousness around whatever the content is.
Nothing can happen oustside that field of Now. Mostly people are not
aware of the field, they are only aware of what happens in the
field not only are they aware of what happens in the field they are
identified with what happens in the field of now and they react to
what happens in the field in their search for self. In their search
for self, whatever arises in the field of now, they cling to or they
run away from... There's an identification with content that happens
and there's complete ignorance of the vastness in which it happens. So
you get trapped in form and by reacting to every form that arises in
the now, your own form identity gets stronger - the illusion that you
are this psychological form with it's story and it's physical form
gets stronger with every reaction to another form that arises.

This is the secret of life, the mystery. When you see that, how that
operates and then you can see why the self needs the reactivity for
it's continued life. It perpetuates itself through reactivity,
because everytime you react to something there's a strengthening of
your form identity, the psychological sense of 'me'. You can see how
the 'me' loves discussions, how the 'me' loves to be right and so you
react to this person's opinion... most people go through life in that
mode of 'reactivity' and whatever arises in the now they react to and
most of the time it's a 'no'...or there's a subtle turning away from

To see that is the beginning of freedom and then you see the miracle
that happens when whatever form arises - it is not resisted, it is
allowed. That form could be an event...a thought, or an emotion that
goes through you -- it's simply allowed to be, because what's the
point of saying no if it is. It's allowed. Hmmm there it is. That is
the key word. Allowed - means you're no longer a reactive entity. It
doesn't mean that you can not respond to what action is required - you
respond, but not react. Reacting is the conditioning playing itself

Action comes that is totally right for the situation, but it doesn't
come unless you first say yes .. There's enourmous power in that Yes
- the power of in that yes - it is power of life itself...

Eckhart Tolle, the enormous power of YES

Very elevant to the above

From AAB's Work

Irritation is a basic psychological complaint and has its roots in the
intensification of the astral body, which definitely produces abnormal
effects upon the nervous system. It is a disease of self-interest, of
self-sufficiency, and of self-satisfaction. Again I would say, ponder
on these terms, for these three aspects of irritation are of general

I want briefly to touch upon the most common of all causes of trouble:
Worry and Irritation. They are more prevalent at this time than ever
before, and for the following reasons:

1. The world situation is such, the problems and uncertainty are such,
that scarcely a person in the world at this time is exempt. Everyone
is more or less involved in the planetary situation.

2. The intercommunication between people has increased so much, and
men live so much in massed groups—large or small—that it is inevitable
that they produce an effect upon each other as never before. "If one
member suffers, all the members suffer with it" is a statement of
truth, ancient but new in application and today realised for the first

3. The increased sensitivity of the human mechanism is also such that
men "tune in" on each other's emotional conditions and mental
attitudes in a new and more potent manner. To their own engrossing
concerns and worries are added those of their fellowmen with whom they
may be en rapport.

4. Telepathically, and also with a developed sense of prevision, men
are today adding the difficulties that belong to someone else, or to
some other group of thinkers and of people, to the difficulties that
may be. It is not sure that they will be.

Why are these difficulties of the astral body so "perilous" and so
serious? Worry and Irritation are dangerous because:

1. They lower the vitality of the man to such a point that he becomes
susceptible to disease. The scourge of influenza has its roots in
fear and worry, and once the world settles down to freedom from the
present "fearful" condition, we shall see the disease die out.

2. They are so highly infectious from the astral point of view that
they lower in a peculiar manner the astral atmosphere, and thus make
it hard for people—in the astral sense—to breathe freely.

3. Because the astral conditions of fear, worry and irritation are so
widespread today that they might be regarded as epidemic, in a
planetary sense.

4. Because irritation (I speak not here of worry) is inflammatory in
its effects—and inflammation is hard to bear—and leads to much

5. Because worry and irritation prevent true vision. They shut out
the view. The man who is the victim of these conditions sees nothing
but the cause of his complaints and is so submerged through self-pity,
self-consideration, or in a focussed negative condition, that his
vision is narrowed....

/Part One - The Basic Causes of Disease /CHAPTER I - The Psychological
/C. Diseases of Worry and Irritation.
--- above was partial result of a search on keyword "irritation" at
the Lucis Trust's web site where all books are now available online
for reading/viewing:

"The Master Morya writes about one of the major glamours, that of
anger, of irritation, which He calls ‘imperil’. Anger imperils the
world; it enfolds the world in a fog which surrounds humanity and is
released in all kinds of violent acts. We create it all the time. One
of the major tasks of the Christ in this new age is to free humanity
from glamour...." Benjamin Creme


Following quotes from the Agni Yoga web site, also shed some light on
the importance of eliminating irritation:

Leaves of Morya's Garden I,
The Call, 1924
The Call, 249. Let Us speak scientifically, but with kindness.
Not for Ourselves, but for you, do I speak of trust.
But Our messages shatter themselves against the
heart that is barricaded.
When needless words are uttered, the currents are
Emanations of irritation deny entrance
to the thoughts We send...

Hierarchy, 272. True, in irritation lies the chief harm to the fires.
At the symptoms of irritation one is advised to inhale deeply ten
times. The inhaling of prana has not only a psychic significance but
also a chemical one, for prana is beneficial to the fires and also
extinguishes irritation

Agni Yoga, 134. How does Our Community so easily avoid irritation? Do
not overestimate the role of the quality of consciousness, for it is
the fullness of labor that is at its foundation. In labor and in the
utilization of prana lies the mystery of group harmony. Such
cooperation is possible, and Our followers must not be confused by the
diverse characters of their co-workers. Hard work and the proper use
of nature will provide the correct attitude for the laboring

Agni Yoga, 31. It is necessary to distinguish between indignation of
spirit and irritation. The fire of irritation must be divided into two
kinds. When irritation has an impersonal cosmic character, its poison
may be washed away by a current of prana. But if harmful feelings,
such as conceit or self-pity, intensify the irritation, the sediment
of poison will be precipitated upon the centers. Then there is no
means to remove it; one can only wear it away by developing cosmic
Quality of thinking must be realized as healing. Gratitude is
likewise the finest purifier of the organism. He who has found the
seed and realized the care of the Sender can project gratitude into
space. Great is the healing power of the emission of gratitude. One
must transform everything abstract into reality.

Aum, 244.
"Much has been indicated about the necessity of developing patience;
but wherein may there be discovered such a touchstone? It is useful to
begin a conversation with the most bigoted denier. Let him expound his
improbable devices; the patient thinker surmounts all ignorance
without having recourse to denial. In the creativeness of his
thinking, the thinker guards against irritation, during the lesson in
patience one is not irritated. Let the ignorant lose their tempers,
for they have no other answer, but the probationer in patience will
not debase himself with the methods natural to the ignorant. Even in
schools, tasks in patience should be proposed.
Without a realization of patience it is impossible to reflect on
Infinity. The dimensions of the tasks of the Higher World require
tests of patience."

Aum, 331. In anger and irritation man considers himself strong-- this
is according to earthly considerations. But regarded from the Subtle
World, the irritated man is especially powerless. He attracts to
himself a great number of small entities which feed on the emanations
of anger. Besides, he lets down his own bars and allows even the lower
beings to read his thoughts. Therefore, the state of irritation is
inadmissible not only as a producer of imperil but also as a gateway
for lower entities.

New Era Community, 1926 Community, 78. In each book there must be a
chapter about irritation. It is imperative to expel this beast from
the house. I welcome austerity as well as decisiveness. I enjoin you
to abolish jeering jests. Each one should be helped to get out of
entanglements. One should nip each bud of vulgarity...

Supermundane I, 204. Urusvati knows about the enemies, visible and
invisible. Those who conduct research in thought transmission should
take note of the hostile conditions that accompany their experiments.
Thoughts can be intercepted by spatial entities, and it is known that
during experiments some people can hear thoughts.
The investigator should pay attention to the particular nature
of an experimenting group, since it has been observed that harmony
among those who are present assists the transmittance and prevents
interception. Moreover, if nearby friends maintain a mood that is
harmonious, they also help to protect the thought transmission. Those
who are confused or irritated act unwittingly as collaborators with
the spatial thieves. The auras of irritated people act as the
strongest destroyers of the currents. They may deny their
collaboration with the spatial thieves, but in fact are their
accomplices in evil. At some time, when in the Subtle World, they will
regret their lack of self-control.
People do not understand that each of their light-minded deeds
is observed by invisible entities, and that thought should be
cultivated under the most favorable mental conditions.
Fools assume that thought can be strengthened by the use of
narcotics, but the mental spasms that result do not contribute to
evolution. Even the emanations of drugs attract dangerous entities,
which pick up fragments of thought and weave harmful tissue out of
them. Everyone can remember how their useful thoughts were sometimes
distorted. Look for the cause in your surroundings, and you will
surely find it.
The Thinker said, O, poor thought! You have no protection. No
sooner have you taken wing than evil talons are ready to tear you to
pieces. Just as a handful of gold disappears when thrown into a crowd,
so can a thought in space be easily seized. Thought may be received by
a worthy spirit, but there may be thieves among those passing by. We
must keep our bodies clean, but we should maintain even more purity
around our thoughts.

Agni Yoga, 336. No name will provoke so many attacks as that of
Maitreya, for it is bound up with the future. Nothing provokes so much
fear and irritation in people as thinking about the future.

Agni Yoga, 340. Most important, learn to think in solitude. And
remember the responsibility for thought. Truly, thought levels the
strongest walls. I advise that one observe oneself carefully, and
consciously eject doubt, irritation, and self-pity. Remember that no
one but the Teacher can help. I advise that the Teacher be regarded as
one's only stronghold.

Hierarchy, 422. If you know that an exalted, self-denying thought
physically changes one's aura and even induces rays from the
shoulders, then you already know one of the great mysteries of the
world. Each visibility is the reflex of a material reaction. Thus, if
irritation generates imperil, then each exalted thought must create an
opposite beneficial substance. And so it is.

Hierarchy, 460. A valiant eye will not be dulled. A valiant eye will
look into the sun of Hierarchy. Not cringing, not irritation, not
profit, will be the gates to Hierarchy. But willing Service, a
heartfelt veneration, and conscious ascent will bring one to the
threshold of Light.
We finish Our writing on this Great Day, when one more step of
Satya Yuga has begun. The step of ascent was proclaimed through
scriptures long ago, but the dust of the bazaar dulled people's eyes.
So it is today. It will again be asked, Where is the trumpet call,
where are the wings of the angels, where is the sundering mountains
and seas? The blind ones take the tempest for a call to the repast.
Thus, the cure is in the realization of the Hierarchy of the
Heart. The Teaching will be revealed to those who have perceived the
right path. The Messenger will knock at their door.

Heart, 64. It is necessary to visualize clearly the constant radiation
of the heart. It is necessary to understand why the presence of evil
hearts is so painful to good hearts. Neither a smile nor a forced grin
of evil will conceal the emanation of the heart. The assertion of good
in the heart does not exclude just indignation; but irritation is the
domain of evil. Only striving to Hierarchy can determine the boundary
between many feelings.

Heart, 558. Fear and irritation are called the gates of darkness. The
servants of darkness dispatch fear first of all, in order to confound
the spirit. Each conjuration may comprise danger inasmuch as during
the conjuration terror may penetrate thus the most precise magic may
be turned into the utmost danger. Hence one must lean upon a more
certain means. An educated heart will first of all eradicate fear and
recognize the harm of irritation. Thus the heart is that armor of
Light which will put to shame the cunning of darkness. As is ever
asserted, the heart is constantly ready to smite darkness and bridle
chaos. It is especially sad that many do not desire to think about the
power of the heart. Thus, they not only cause themselves dejection but
bring harm to their near ones. Each treasure unrealized merges into
Chaos, thus strengthening darkness.

Fiery World I, 217. During the fiery tension it is especially useful
to gather together and to give the fire a new direction. But people
may gather only if there is no irritation. So, too, the moments of
silence are like a balsam of tranquility by which a near one's heart
can be sustained.

Fiery World I, 242. Light out of darkness this truth continues to
appear to many as a paradox. These multitudes have not seen Light, and
do not understand that Higher Light is inaccessible to the eyesight,
either earthly or subtle; even its sparks tire the eyes. H. was
enwrapped by waves of these sparks, and the eyes of Urusvati were
especially fatigued. This enwrapment was necessary for Him, it was an
example of mental sending to a great distance. Thus We send
indications, but due to various tensions much is distorted. It can be
affirmed that irritation requires tenfold energy, and such shafts of
sparks can sever one's head. Therefore when I advise you to refrain
from irritation, it means We are seeking the best results. Fiery
energy surpasses all belief. People oppose this power and thus give
rise to many calamities. The manifestation of enwrapment with fiery
sparks depends upon many different causes. Fiery armor protects one
from hostile arrows.

Agni Yoga, 336. No name will provoke so many attacks as that of
Maitreya, for it is bound up with the future. Nothing provokes so much
fear and irritation in people as thinking about the future.

Agni Yoga, 431. The recognition of Hierarchy is not a formal
discipline, but a conscious cooperation. Once the spirit realizes that
it has joined an endless chain of "dynamos," it receives a special
right to move onward. However, just as oarsmen must follow the
directions of the helmsman, so must the admitted co-workers follow the
call of the Teacher. One must think in every way about economy of
Our own Leaders have entrusted to Us the vessel to quench the
conflagrations of evil, and We relay this mission to chosen
emissaries, entrusting to them the task of further transmission.
Recognition of Hierarchy facilitates movement into the Infinite.

Supermundane I, 204. Urusvati knows about the enemies, visible and
invisible. Those who conduct research in thought transmission should
take note of the hostile conditions that accompany their experiments.
Thoughts can be intercepted by spatial entities, and it is known that
during experiments some people can hear thoughts.
The investigator should pay attention to the particular nature
of an experimenting group, since it has been observed that harmony
among those who are present assists the transmittance and prevents
interception. Moreover, if nearby friends maintain a mood that is
harmonious, they also help to protect the thought transmission. Those
who are confused or irritated act unwittingly as collaborators with
the spatial thieves. The auras of irritated people act as the
strongest destroyers of the currents. They may deny their
collaboration with the spatial thieves, but in fact are their
accomplices in evil. At some time, when in the Subtle World, they will
regret their lack of self-control.
People do not understand that each of their light-minded deeds
is observed by invisible entities, and that thought should be
cultivated under the most favorable mental conditions.
Fools assume that thought can be strengthened by the use of
narcotics, but the mental spasms that result do not contribute to
evolution. Even the emanations of drugs attract dangerous entities,
which pick up fragments of thought and weave harmful tissue out of
them. Everyone can remember how their useful thoughts were sometimes
distorted. Look for the cause in your surroundings, and you will
surely find it.
The Thinker said, ?O, poor thought! You have no protection. No
sooner have you taken wing than evil talons are ready to tear you to
pieces. Just as a handful of gold disappears when thrown into a crowd,
so can a thought in space be easily seized. Thought may be received by
a worthy spirit, but there may be thieves among those passing by. We
must keep our bodies clean, but we should maintain even more purity
around our thoughts.?

Agni Yoga, 340. Most important, learn to think in solitude. And
remember the responsibility for thought. Truly, thought levels the
strongest walls. I advise that one observe oneself carefully, and
consciously eject doubt, irritation, and self-pity. Remember that no
one but the Teacher can help. I advise that the Teacher be regarded as
one's only stronghold.

Letters Of Helena Roerich II,
Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 30 August 1935.
... there is only one Hierarchy of Light, which is of course, the
Trans-Himalayan Hierarchy. Just as Light conquers darkness, so does
the Hierarchy of Light battle against and defeat the hierarchy of
darkness. The latter is very strong, since it acts through a multitude
of followers. Not one teacher, living on Earth in ordinary earthly
conditions, can be compared with the great Himalayan Masters. Those
Masters are so lofty in their spiritual achievement that they are no
longer able to accept the burden of purely earthly existence and of a
personal, direct leadership of and contact with the masses. That would
constitute an unproductive expenditure of forces. Their tasks are
planetary-cosmic to such an extent that They can allocate only a
portion of Their forces to the direct guidance of certain units of
humanity, and therefore They use Their nearest trusted ones and
disciples for the purpose of transmitting the spiritual Teaching. At
the present time, Their main forces are concentrated on the gigantic
battle with the destructive dark forces in the Subtle World and on
Earth, on staying the clashing of the nations until a certain time,
and on suppressing the subterranean fire which threatens to explode
our planet. Verily, frightful is the tension of Their forces for the
salvation of Earth; while humanity, in its madness, walls up dynamite
everywhere. Thus, because of such small numbers of co-workers on
Earth, these selfless Guardians of ungrateful and ignorant humanity
have taken completely upon themselves the incredible burden of
discharging destructive energies.


Source of the above quotes:


The books of Alice A. Bailey are now available online for


Monks in Zhongdian's Tibetan Temple - a very vigorous/powerful/moving


Aug 13, 2011, 2:11:00 AM8/13/11
q4l wrote:

> Inner Peace
> Eliminating Irritation -

The thing you need is to give up childish things -- chief among them your
sinister Maitreya cult.

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole

Aug 13, 2011, 6:24:49 AM8/13/11

q4l wrote:

> Inner Peace
> Eliminating Irritation --- Objecting to Objections / controlling our
> minds /

Something your TROLL FRIEND there is HELL BENT on Doing!
Like the POPE said when he was ordained, he intends to "Turn the Bear in to Ox and use it
as a Beast of Burden, for the Church"!
That or the BEAR, destroys the Church, for such!

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole

Aug 13, 2011, 6:26:39 AM8/13/11

Collier wrote:

You should give up your Idolatry of JEZSUS!
No "MAN", is GOD!


Aug 13, 2011, 7:03:59 PM8/13/11

I don't idolize Jesus, you fucking asshole.

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole

Aug 16, 2011, 3:45:03 AM8/16/11
ASS, of the WHOLE!
Shi't which Descendants from the ASS, TRIBE OF "JACOB"!
Au Tain, the Prick who "STOPS, Your Clock"!
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