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Hi im beginner and I have a question

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Deborah Miller

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
I have always had a very strong will to learn magick ven when I didnt know
that it was still performed in its greater Art. I was talking to my friend
though and she said that she had been into Magick for a while and she has a
group. So I have a couple questions...
1) Is it true that there are to be 4 people to perform ritual Magick? One to
represent each element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)?

2) She told me that she read in a book that if you make a black robe and
wear it to your first gathering then after you go back home you wash it in
plain water and it will turn a certain color to show if you are a true witch
(offense not intended if this word isnt the desired one) of that certain
element? She said her freidn ha followed the instructions in the book and
her balck robe turned brown for Earth?

3) Is it true I must invoke a spirit to alter my appearance at will? What
about levitation?

4) What exactly is possible with Magick (just some examples to clue me in) I
mean I have let my imagination go and I would guess that anything is
possible but is it really?

5) Last what Magick is dangerous? Could I get some examples please? (what
should I not mess with being a beginner)

Max Katz

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
Deborah Miller wrote:

First, tell your friend to quit being so delusional, and not to take the movie
"The Craft" so seriously.

Second, witches aren't the only magickians. Anyone can be a witch, though.
(Look up paganism.)

Third, don't count on altering your appearance at will or causing levitation.

Fourth, Nothing is true. Everything is possible.

And last, all magick has the potential to be dangerous. As does any knife. But
it's not very hard to keep from cutting yourself with a knife so long as you
aren't reckless, is it?

You have to remember not to get carried away with the fancy whilst sorting
through the fact.

Hope I could be of help.

Jon Mikal

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
Deborah Miller wrote:
> I have always had a very strong will to learn magick ven when I
> didnt know that it was still performed in its greater Art. I was
> talking to my friend though and she said that she had been into
> Magick for a while and she has a group. So I have a couple
> questions...
> 1) Is it true that there are to be 4 people to perform ritual Magick?
> One to represent each element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)?

Yes. If you practice magick by yourself, you will instantly develop
multiple personalities.

> 2) She told me that she read in a book that if you make a black robe
> and wear it to your first gathering then after you go back home you
> wash it in plain water and it will turn a certain color to show if
> you are a true witch (offense not intended if this word isnt the
> desired one) of that certain element? She said her freidn ha
> followed the instructions in the book and her balck robe turned
> brown for Earth?

Yes. If you do not conform to the element that the spirits have chosen
for you the Elemental Kings will pass judgment on you and you will be
stripped of all your powers. Believe everything you read in books -
all of them.

> 3) Is it true I must invoke a spirit to alter my appearance at
> will? What about levitation?

The rite for invoking the spirit of alteration involves the use of
hot pokers and razerblades... I don't recommend you try that one.
Levitation involves total concentration and total belief... If you
do not demonstrate belief by finding the highest point possible and
simply stepping off - then you will never develop the powers of

> 4) What exactly is possible with Magick (just some examples to clue
> me in) I mean I have let my imagination go and I would guess that
> anything is possible but is it really?

Anything is possible, as long as you follow the proper instructions
to the letter. If the spell calls for golden plated paper - you have
better get some golden plated paper.

> 5) Last what Magick is dangerous? Could I get some examples
> please? (what should I not mess with being a beginner)

No magick is dangerous - All you have to do is BElieVE!

[Read the other post in this newsgroup... you will find their
rantings and ravings ridiculous. None of them know what they
are talking about... Beware!]
Hechalsimamzael (HChLSIMMZAL) 231=93

Wise Demon Website:

Leo Smith

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99

Jon Mikal wrote:

A lot of naughty things.

Fie on you, to so tease the innocent.

Do you want her death on your conscience?

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
In article <kTO04.784$2G4.11096@news>,

"Deborah Miller" <> wrote:
> I have always had a very strong will to learn magick ven when I didnt
> know that it was still performed in its greater Art. I was talking
> to my friend though and she said that she had been into Magick for a
> while and she has a group. So I have a couple questions...
> 1) Is it true that there are to be 4 people to perform ritual Magick?
> One to represent each element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)?

No it’s not true. Although some genre’s of magick due have such silly

> 2) She told me that she read in a book that if you make a black robe
> and wear it to your first gathering then after you go back home you
> wash it in plain water and it will turn a certain color to show if
> you are a true witch (offense not intended if this word isnt the
> desired one) of that certain element? She said her freidn ha
> followed the instructions in the book and her balck robe turned brown
> for Earth?

Sounds hokey. I’d be careful if your thinking of joining a group like

Think about it. Such a little phenomena is easily accomplished with
stage magic. Take a brown robe, dye it with water soluble black dye.
Then wear it to your ritual gathering. Then wash it in front of all of
your friends and show them how it “magickally” changes colors, thereby
proving yourself a “true” witch.

You’ll know you’re a true witch when after some practice you finally do
some magick ritual the right way. Internally you’ll know. Externally,
who cares?

> 3) Is it true I must invoke a spirit to alter my appearance at will?
> What about levitation?

To answer the first, “No”. As to the second, levitation is really
strange. I’ve definitely felt like I was floating when practicing
certain rites and rituals. I’ve seen what I perceived to be acts of
levitation. But detailed, third party observations haven’t denied or
confirmed any of it (I have a strong hunch it has more to do with
altered perceptive states than any actual kenetic manipulation).
Sometimes magick can be just plain wyrd.

> 4) What exactly is possible with Magick (just some examples to clue
> me in) I mean I have let my imagination go and I would guess that
> anything is possible but is it really?

Of course anything is possible with magick. You just have to remember
that magickal operations, like anything else require time, energy and
above all else a precise and detailed understanding of all the elements
involved in the operation. If you look at your average, off the shelf,
straight out of the book spell that claims to have a capability of
creating dramatic results, its only going to have a very small fraction
of all the necessary elements described and accounted for potential
manipulation. It’s almost as if such spells were written to fail, or
only make believers out of the credulous.

> 5) Last what Magick is dangerous? Could I get some examples please?
> (what should I not mess with being a beginner)

Take it slow. Study ahead of practice. Don’t due what your not
comfortable with. Magick can seriously warp your mind all out of wack,
possibly permanently if you fuck with the wrong things (anything could
be wrong for you, magick is intensely personal). Not to mention ritual
magick candles can still cause serious burns and ritual knives can
still poke your eye out, and some people can have their feelings
seriously hurt when you laugh at them skyclad.

Oh yeah. Check out more than the usually pagan and wiccan magick
systems. You’ll need a well rounded knowledge set if you wish to be
successful at magick.

Sent via
Before you buy.

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
In article <>,

What is it with you?

Your always trying to look out for someone else's feelings, someone
else's well being, someone else's conscience. Do you not feel strongly
enough in your ‘self’ or something?

Jon Mikal

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
Leo Smith wrote:
> Jon Mikal wrote:
> A lot of naughty things.
> Fie on you, to so tease the innocent.
> Do you want her death on your conscience?

All the good advice had been already given...
She needed to see bad advice for contrast...

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Love is the law, love under will."

Tom Schuler

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99

Deborah Miller <> wrote in message

> 1) Is it true that there are to be 4 people to perform ritual
> Magick? One to represent each element (Earth, Air, Fire,
> Water)?

That's one way to do it, at least when working with elemental principles.
When working in a group, various members often do take on the roles or
aspects of the forces or entities the group wishes to manipulate. When
working alone, you can visualize them instead.

> 2) She told me that she read in a book that if you make a black
> robe and wear it to your first gathering then after you go back
> home you wash it in plain water and it will turn a certain color
> to show if you are a true witch (offense not intended if this
> word isnt the desired one) of that certain element? She said
> her freidn ha followed the instructions in the book and
> her balck robe turned brown for Earth?

As far as I know, this is not a traditional practice. Did your friend tell
you what book she got this information from?

Nevertheless, all forms of divination make use of the ability of human
beings to see significance in seemingly random events in order to gain some
sort of insight into themselves or their situation. The robe-washing
practice is a form of divination. I wouldn't put too much stock in any one
such reading, though. Look for consistency in a number of omens as a way to
gain some useful information as to the state of the inside of your head.

Another thing to remember is that in magick, one is striving to master all
kinds of forces and to balance out one's strengths and weaknesses. If you
identify yourself with one element strongly, it's a good idea to concentrate
on developing your rapport with the others. It's one thing to know where
you are and another to know where you're going.

> 3) Is it true I must invoke a spirit to alter my appearance at will?

No. You can learn to alter the way you appear to others, and to yourself,
in certain situations, but it won't be like you may have seen in movies.

> What about levitation?

There are legends, but I have yet to meet anyone who can levitate, using
some paranormal ability. There are times when you may feel like you are
levitating, though, especially if you do some forms of yoga.

> 4) What exactly is possible with Magick (just some examples to
> clue me in) I mean I have let my imagination go and I would
> guess that anything is possible but is it really?

Possibilities are endless. Probabilities are somewhat more limiting.
Magick is a way to manipulate your beliefs. It can help you remove the
barriers that belief imposes on you, although it may not remove the barriers
that physicality imposes. Learning which limit is one of belief and which
is one of physicality can be difficult. One thing you can be relatively
confident about: The world is not as it appears to be. Magick can help you
discover what lies behind those appearances.

> 5) Last what Magick is dangerous? Could I get some examples
> please? (what should I not mess with being a beginner)

The magick that is dangerous is the magick that cannot ever be questioned.
Those people who get involved in cultish groups with leaders whose word is
Law sometimes come to harm because they will do things that they wouldn't do
if they had been thinking of their own welfare instead of their leader's.

Some people who practice magick are not nice people and trusting them can
lead to harm on a purely physical level. The problem here is not what sort
of magick is dangerous but what sort of person is dangerous.

If you believe that you have been cursed, you may find that you are
experiencing more problems than usual, but that goes away when you believe
the curse has been lifted or negated. Since magick manipulates belief, you
are cursed and blessed by your own power, although you may attribute it to
others. In magick, you are often your own worst enemy and your own best
friend at the same time.

Lastly, some magical experiences are fearsome. Almost everyone who explores
magick has some sort of frightening experience with it at some time or
another. Yet, no one seems to really get hurt, in the long run. Getting
scared is not the same as being in danger. There are experiences ahead of
you that will challenge your view of the world and of yourself. To explore
these experiences will require the courage to let go of everything, which
may seem dangerous, even mortally so. However, those are probably far down
the line from where you are now. By the time you face such challenges, you
should be well prepared to deal with them. If not, they will scare you away
until you're ready.

When exploring magick, keep your wits about you. Don't let yourself be
consistently fooled by appearances. Reflect on what you are doing and think
for yourself. Be open to new ideas and to old ones, too. Never stop asking
questions and never be completely satisfied with any given answer. There's
always more to it than meets the eye and there's always more than one
explanation that fits the circumstances.

Oh, and try not to upset your parents too much. They've probably been
through enough already and deserve a break.

Here are a couple of essays on beginning magick written by magicians I


Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
I was impressed with everyone's responses to your questions. Try to understand
what they said, they were very open and are giving you a lot of good stuff.

Deborah Miller wrote:

> I have always had a very strong will to learn magick ven when I didnt know
> that it was still performed in its greater Art. I was talking to my friend
> though and she said that she had been into Magick for a while and she has a
> group. So I have a couple questions...

> 1) Is it true that there are to be 4 people to perform ritual Magick? One to
> represent each element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)?

> 2) She told me that she read in a book that if you make a black robe and
> wear it to your first gathering then after you go back home you wash it in
> plain water and it will turn a certain color to show if you are a true witch
> (offense not intended if this word isnt the desired one) of that certain
> element? She said her freidn ha followed the instructions in the book and
> her balck robe turned brown for Earth?

> 3) Is it true I must invoke a spirit to alter my appearance at will? What
> about levitation?

> 4) What exactly is possible with Magick (just some examples to clue me in) I
> mean I have let my imagination go and I would guess that anything is
> possible but is it really?

Tom Schuler

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99

Code Nine <> wrote in message
> Hrmm...dunno about this one. I once washed a purple robe with a white
> robe and the white robe became more like the purple robe (Assuming of
> course that the white robe didn't dematerialize and that a manifestation
> of a duplicate purple robe didn't ensue. In which case, no color shift
> occurred and the event can be ratified according to a different set of
> phenomena. I think I'll need some time on this one.)

Well, that'll teach you to go washing magical vestments. Personally, I
think the stains and odors give 'em character. Nothing like a veteran magus
in a tattered and filthy robe to make those spirits jump to.

> Don't be silly!

That spoils half the fun.

> The key to levitation is not chakra work, pranayama, etc. The feat is
> accomplished by using the following mantra: "Light as a feather, stiff
> as a board"

You have to cheat and use fingers, though.

Code Nine

Dec 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/1/99
Deborah Miller wrote:
> I have always had a very strong will to learn magick ven when I didnt know
> that it was still performed in its greater Art. I was talking to my friend
> though and she said that she had been into Magick for a while and she has a
> group. So I have a couple questions...
> 1) Is it true that there are to be 4 people to perform ritual Magick? One to
> represent each element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)?

Yes, but you must remember the notions that were portrayed in "The
Craft". If you watch the movie closely, you'll notice that the good
chick was able to invoke all four of the elemental currents at the close
of the film to detain that wicked bitch. Run it over a few times on the
VCR. You'll see which part I'm referring to.

> 2) She told me that she read in a book that if you make a black robe and
> wear it to your first gathering then after you go back home you wash it in
> plain water and it will turn a certain color to show if you are a true witch
> (offense not intended if this word isnt the desired one) of that certain
> element? She said her freidn ha followed the instructions in the book and
> her balck robe turned brown for Earth?

Hrmm...dunno about this one. I once washed a purple robe with a white

robe and the white robe became more like the purple robe (Assuming of
course that the white robe didn't dematerialize and that a manifestation
of a duplicate purple robe didn't ensue. In which case, no color shift
occurred and the event can be ratified according to a different set of
phenomena. I think I'll need some time on this one.)


> 3) Is it true I must invoke a spirit to alter my appearance at will? What
> about levitation?

Don't be silly! Of course it is necessary. It's of paramount importance
to the Operation.

The key to levitation is not chakra work, pranayama, etc. The feat is
accomplished by using the following mantra: "Light as a feather, stiff
as a board"


> 4) What exactly is possible with Magick (just some examples to clue me in) I
> mean I have let my imagination go and I would guess that anything is
> possible but is it really?

Anything is possible. If I truly believe that I can walk into a
nightclub and get laid for the first time in five years, then astral
forces will be set into momentum to allow me to achieve my objective. If
it fails at first, then you can keep your faith that one day the event
will day.

> 5) Last what Magick is dangerous? Could I get some examples please? (what
> should I not mess with being a beginner)

Personally I believe you should start out slow, and not rush things.
Lust for immediate results is detrimental to success in Magick; you
should take things a day at a time. Get some good reading material (see
the previous thread "Magick Books For Beginners")

Humor is imperative! Without it, you'll morph into Gargamel.

Quote: "Better to fear the unknown than to experience it."
Toys: coding, crypto, comp security

Fate's Knight

Dec 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/1/99

Code Nine wrote:

> Deborah Miller wrote:
> >
> > I have always had a very strong will to learn magick ven when I didnt know
> > that it was still performed in its greater Art. I was talking to my friend
> > though and she said that she had been into Magick for a while and she has a
> > group. So I have a couple questions...
> > 1) Is it true that there are to be 4 people to perform ritual Magick? One to
> > represent each element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)?
> Yes, but you must remember the notions that were portrayed in "The
> Craft". If you watch the movie closely, you'll notice that the good
> chick was able to invoke all four of the elemental currents at the close
> of the film to detain that wicked bitch.

The good chick was a really good looking chick who is now fighting the devil with
Arnie. This is very important in magick.
You need to decide who will play you in the movie. This will lead to your full
power potential. (Hint: Seinfeld, not a good idea.)

Fate's Knight

Fate's Knight

Dec 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/1/99

Deborah Miller wrote:

> I have always had a very strong will to learn magick ven when I didnt know
> that it was still performed in its greater Art. I was talking to my friend
> though and she said that she had been into Magick for a while and she has a
> group. So I have a couple questions...
> 1) Is it true that there are to be 4 people to perform ritual Magick? One to
> represent each element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)?

No on one. You don't NEED them. If you are doing High Magick it is a very good
idea to have all four. It's convenient if you can get it together, but don't
sweat it if you can't.

> 2) She told me that she read in a book that if you make a black robe and
> wear it to your first gathering then after you go back home you wash it in
> plain water and it will turn a certain color to show if you are a true witch
> (offense not intended if this word isnt the desired one) of that certain
> element? She said her freidn ha followed the instructions in the book and
> her balck robe turned brown for Earth?

My garb is black, and will probably always stay black. I have heard no legends
of this.

> 3) Is it true I must invoke a spirit to alter my appearance at will? What
> about levitation?

Altering one's appearnace is tricky. It is not nearly as cool as what was in
that damned movie. It can be done, but minor changes. Eye color (green to
green-blue. Brown to hazel etc), hair style and other minor changes are best. No
spirit is needed.
Levitation. I've heard yes, I've heard no. That is for you to decide.

> 4) What exactly is possible with Magick (just some examples to clue me in) I
> mean I have let my imagination go and I would guess that anything is
> possible but is it really?

A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from the bristles.
The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.
(Wade through all this, and you will have an idea what is possible.)

> 5) Last what Magick is dangerous? Could I get some examples please? (what
> should I not mess with being a beginner)

Hell yes. Literally. Possesion by a nasty little spirit is possible, spontaneous
combustion (seen that), feeling compulsions to do things you would not do
normally out of some desire for more power.
More down to earth, isolation from people who do not believe in the supernatural
because of obsession with it. Mistreatment by others because you walk around
with 3 foot pentacles around your neck.
It's all dangerous. Life is risk.

Fate's Knight

Robert Mills

Dec 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/10/99
The message <QN_04.58385$>
from "Tom Schuler" <> contains these words:

> Well, that'll teach you to go washing magical vestments. Personally, I
> think the stains and odors give 'em character. Nothing like a veteran magus
> in a tattered and filthy robe to make those spirits jump to.

It sure do make dose spirits jump purty good.

"And remember, kiddies, don't fear. That spirit is more scared of us
than we are of it. RAARGH! ARGHHH! Oh gods! Its trying to eat my
soul. Get it off! GET IT OFF!"



Dec 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/15/99
In article <kTO04.784$2G4.11096@news>, "Deborah Miller" <>

>I have always had a very strong will to learn magick ven when I didnt know
>that it was still performed in its greater Art. I was talking to my friend
>though and she said that she had been into Magick for a while and she has a
>group. So I have a couple questions...

Rather than become confused by the many differant answers you will find on this
NG, I would suggest you read some good books.Two highly recomended books are
"Drawing Down the Moon" by Margot Adler(?)and "The Witches Bible" by the
Concerning the Robe changing colors to show you are a true witch, I would like
to know what book your friend read. There are some authors, Crowley in
paticular who will pepper their works with such nonsense. What do you think a
true witch is? I would also highly recomend that you do some research on your
own before you join any type of group. Magickal or Mundane.

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