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Lemmings Level Format

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Dec 16, 2002, 12:33:38 AM12/16/02
this is for the windows version, or for directly saved levels in lemedit...

Unless mentioned otherwise these are all two-byte even though often the
valid range is only one-byte values.

Release Rate(Up to 250(FA) works, but above 99 only shows the first 2 digits
in the game and can't be changed while playing, and look really silly. oh
and yes, 00 does work, and it's effect is a tiny bit slower than 1)
Lemmings(Crashes if above 114 when 115th lemming comes out - best to stay
100 or under)
To Save(put it above lemmings only to make an impossible level)
Time Limit(00 makes an impossible level, while FF is a virtually infinite
time level - 1 to 9 recommended)
Skills(up to 250 for each - the order is Climber, Floater, Bomber, Blocker,
Builder, Basher, Miner, Digger)
Screen Start(must be divisible by 8, you'll need to play around to get this
Normal Graphic Set(0 is dirt, 1 is fire, 2 is squasher, 3 is pillar, 4 is
crystal, 5 is brick, 6 is rock, 7 is snow and 8 is bubble)
Extended Graphic Set(Ignored in windows version)
Something(not sure - you could play around with it or just leave it at 0000)
Object 1 X Coordinate, then Y Coordinate. Y Coordinate has no restrictions
except that it must fit in the screen, but X must be divisble by 8.
Object 1 ID: This can be from 0 to 9, and depends on the type of object. 00
is always exit and 01 is always start, anything from 6 to 9 could be exit
decoration(middle of the exit in brick, arrow in bubble, flag in snow and
fire in the others) except in rock, which doesn't have one, 3 and 4 are
usually one way block, 2 and another one(usually 8) are decorative flags,
and the rest are traps or things.
Object 1 Properties: The first is 80 for Hide(doesn't appear in front of
most other stuff), 40 is Ground Only(invisible unless on ground or a
previous object) or 00 for neither. Those are hex values, not dec. The next
is 8F for Upsidedown or 0F for normal.
[Repeat above 3 things 31 more times, for the other objects. all of them at
00 indicate an empty object slot]
Terrain 1 X Coordinate(-16 to something over 4000, which won't be needed,
only up to about 1500 is)
Terrain 1 Y Coordinate(one byte, 0 to 255)
Terrain 1 ID(Probably also contains properties, which mean the same as
objects except for Ground Only which is replaced with Blackout, which uses
the terrain piece as an eraser instead of normal. one byte. it'll only need
up to 63 for ID, add 64 and/or 128 to get some properties - not sure about
them but you may not need them)*
[Repeat 399 more times, for the other objects. it's all FF for blank now]
Steel Area 1 X Coordinate(it can be from -16 to 2028, but must be divisible
by four as it is stored divided by four. if it's above 255, just put in
whatever 256 less than it is here). One Byte.
Steel Area 1 Y Coordinate(it can be from 0 to 508 but just like X must be
divisible by four as it is stored divided by four. Because this only goes up
to 127 max, you add 128 if the X is above 255). One Byte
!!!Note: The X and Y for steel areas may be the wrong way around, if they
are then Y would be multiplied by 2 under any conditions and have 1 added
ONLY if X is above 255!!!
Steel Area 1 Size(put the Y size in first, divided by four then subtracted
by 1. then add the X size just as it is). One Byte
A blank byte(ie: 00). One byte
[Repeat 31 more times for the other steel areas]
Level name(32 bytes, fill in with spaces)

*After some experimentaition, +64 and no +128 gives Hide, no +64 or +128
gives none, and not sure for the others. It's probably stored in some other
bytes too, so experiment or don't bother with them. Or get out LemEdit and
use that combined with a mother----ing hex editor.

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