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Associated Press 'Parrot Journalism' again - "Murderers Are Not Criminal Minds, But 'Muslim Separatist Violence'"

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Leonardo Been

Jun 19, 2005, 3:47:53 AM6/19/05
Associated Press 'Parrot Journalism' - "Murderers Are Not Criminal
Minds, But 'Muslim separatist violence'"

18 June 2005

Associated Press today reported as if

'kidnapping and beheading people is "normal" behavior or practice'

- that is, as long as someone calls you "separatist," etc..

'BANGKOK, Thailand - The beheaded bodies of a Laotian couple were
found in southern Thailand over the weekend and were believed to be
the latest victims of Muslim separatist violence, police said.'

Journalists Not Recognizing Murderers And Criminal Minds

30 December 2004
{HRI 20041230-V1.1}

(Version 1.1
on 31 Dec 2004)

Today, severe murderers and heavy Criminal Minds are called

"militants," "insurgents" (not to mention other wholly misleading
terms that are used)

by journalists who obviously care not

- a whole professional "ethics" that has grown, and that cares
not at all for people, not for who causes what -

caring NOT to report what anybody who wants to remedy things, would
be extremely interested in to know,

especially in WHO does or orders what and who has which actual

Instead, these journalists care only for the effects observed or felt.

That is entirely the result of being too lazy to face
Criminal Minds -

whose intention it is always to hide and camouflage
and misrepresent actions and intentions and the
causes of events observed. *(1)
[What is Lethargy]

That is, I would think, the very first thing
that any journalist - not reporting the local
football match, or Groundhog Day - is supposed
to know...

The matter is exceedingly simple:

The Americans have successfully helped the Iraqi people,

and they continue to help the people of Iraq, even at
tremendous costs to the American people

- having exceptionally a wise president, who
cares for people, and who find it wiser to
spend billions of dollars on helping the
Iraqi people, than on building another
atomic submarine,

quite unlike the dictatorial Chinese
president, who spends the possessions of
the dictatorial (meaning the "mainland,"
the Beijing-governed) Chinese people,

rather on an atomic submarine than on
helping and freeing the people of North
Korea or of Cuba,

and his "wisdom" rather on figuring out
how to get the weapons and turmoil and
hostility created so he can suppress and
steal the possessions of the non-
dictatorial, free Chinese "who should
belong to 'the motherland'."

The Americans have successfully helped the Iraqi people,

EVEN THOUGH the Iraqi government and associates, under
Saddam Hussein, did nothing BUT destroying Americans.

And under the Criminal Mind Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi
government was supported by various "respectable
heads of respectable countries," providing support

for Saddam and his government to continue to
destroy and impoverish and enslave the Iraqi

in exchange for oil from Iraq and industrial orders
placed by Saddam's Iraq,

to increase his ability to keep the people of
Iraq suppressed and

to increase his ability to threaten and destroy
neighboring people and basically any people

And the people of Iraq were wholly enslaved, by
Saddam Hussein and his government, and by other
"respectable heads of state of other countries"

who fully supported him

even to the extent of refusing to remove
him, and even MORE destructively,

by launching the most vicious lie

"dutifully" NOT reported but instead
assisted by almost all journalists,

who also were not reporting

other, more hidden activities of the
"respectable heads of state of other
countries" that tried to prevent the
Iraqi people from being helped,

also "dutifully" NOT reported, not
until well after such reporting
would have the effect of exposing
such "respectable heads of state"
of those countries,

that thus fully supported the
destruction and enslavement
and impoverishment of the
Iraqi people,

and by voting - in their international
"Security" Council - not in favor of,
but rather

against those who had enough care for people
to want to remove Saddam Hussein and to stop
his intense evil.

In other words, without a knowledge
about Criminal Minds, *(2)

the United Nations "Security" Council

provides NO security at all, but is an
instrument to MAINTAIN Criminal heads of
state in power,

and thus ENSURES and ENCOURAGES the
danger of WAR *(3)

- precisely the OPPOSITE of
security. *(4)

Criminal Minds - as it is their nature to destroy life (they) - try to
destroy the help that now finally is given to the Iraqi people.

And Criminal Minds - often giving the pretense that "they are
managing people's affairs" - in fact use that in order better to

try to destroy help and assistance, given or naturally offered to
any people, anywhere.

You are asking me all the time, "Why is this
possible that people are left to live in very bad
conditions," and "why is help not arriving or stopped
or made impossible." *(5)

Because help - as you very correctly feel - is given
and offered naturally, because it is the nature of
any normal person with a conscience, to offer and to
provide help to anyone.


So now you have the answer to that question. *(5)

It is Criminal Minds - and Criminal Minds only - who do make wars
necessary, *(6) and to come back to our example again,

that has nothing whatsoever to do with being Islamic or
Arabic or dictatorial Chinese,

even though these people currently are rather
severely lacking in the ability to tell, and be free
to tell, and to inform themselves about,

who is a Criminal Mind in their own group or
leadership, and who is not.

Being part of an Islamic or Arabic culture, or being
dictatorial Chinese, currently,

is only USED by Criminal Minds, to try and destroy life.

They USE systems or ideas or groups, that have
installed or are favoring some disability in
detecting Criminal Minds, preferably groups of people
who are already dominated into being told what and
what not to think and feel to be "right" or "wrong."

And of course, Criminal Minds create such ideas and
systems and groups in the first place.

Criminal Minds include those - to further use our example -

(whom the current UN Secretary General Kofi Annan calls
"entirely respectable heads of government") *(4)

who secretly or less secretly finance and equip and support the
murderers and Criminal Minds on the soil of Iraq.

And they also finance and support operations by
Criminal Minds elsewhere, to very deliberately create
trouble for decent people -

decent people are mis-defined by Criminal Minds
as "opponents," *(7)

while the only opponents or enemies you have,
and had and ever will have, are Criminal Minds.

They firmly believe, with the American "statesmen" Henry
Kissinger and Richard Nixon, that

"you NEED Criminal Minds in order to ensure safety"

- and they of course do not call it that, they called
it "balance of power" -

"you need to establish a balance of power"

(they like to make themselves think, that any and all
people are like they themselves are), that is, as if

"all people are evil and only care for themselves,"

and therefore "all people must be dominated" into
'doing what they are supposed to do,'

because "if people would be left free, they would be

Lies that they coat or camouflage in "political
theories" or "doctrines" that journalists diligently
report and that Nobel Prize Committee members with no
less intelligence reward. *(4)

Very vicious, very ugly lies, that for instance
the "philosopher" Ayn Rand, has not done
America a service with.

You understand, I am not naming Hu Jintao,

(or "China" as journalists like to call him, or even "the
Chinese people" or "the Chinese Army" - but it is just the
person of Hu Jintao, an individual; and *(8))

I am not naming Putin,

(or "Russia" as journalists like to call him, or even "the
Russian people" or "the Russian Army" - it is just the
person of Vladimir Putin;)

but the actions and intentions of these "very respectable heads
of state" certainly shout the very insanity mentioned above,

the common insanity of destroying your actual friends, of
"seeing" and wanting that others "see" actual friends as
"enemies" or "opponents:"

A very, very vicious insanity, *(9)

the observation of which lies entirely beyond the ethical, emotional
and intelligence horizon of "professional" journalists, as of the
Associated Press or Reuters or Agence France Press, etc., to ever
report to you.

Maybe you read it some day from Anne Applebaum of the
Washington Post, if she grows up to what she could
be - a real journalist who really cares for people.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

'If You Want Peace, Then Do Understand And Face Evil - A Short
Course In Human Rights Philosophy' {HRI 20041225-V1.02}
(25 December 2004 - Christmas Day)


(1) 'What IS Depression or Lethargy' {HRI 20041107-V2.0}
(7 November 2004 - Version 2.0 on 8 Dec 2004)

(2) 'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20030509-V3.1}
(9 May 2003 - Version 3.1 on 2 Dec 2004)

(3) 'The First International Law (Version 2.0) - {HRI 20021124-V2.0}'
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)

(4) 'Nobel Prize Committees - Promoting 'NO Peace' And 'NO Science''
{HRI 20041214-V1.3} (14 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 28 Dec 2004)

(5) 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO Causes It - Is The Question'
(10 June 2003)

(6) 'Military Professional Ethics Code' {HRI 20041203-V1.3}
(3 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 8 Dec 2004)

(7) 'If Pilate Had Provided King Solomon's Justice...'
{HRI 20041102-V1.1}
(2 November 2004 - Version 1.1 on 26 Nov 2004)

(8) 'News Agency 'Reuters' "Definition" of 'Criminal Mind' = 'China'
(that is, insulting over one billion people)' (15 August 2004)

(9) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (5 Feb 2003)

(*) AP News Article of 20050608 (June 08 1:36 AM, Baghdad)
'Official: Rebels Open to Talk With Iraq' By HAMZA HENDAWI,
Associated Press Writer

The article - including the headline - was almost immedately
taken over by a large amount of various news media, television
stations and newspapers.


'Monetary Value Of The Work Of Koos Nolst Trenite, Human Rights
Philosopher And Poet' (6 Dec 2004 - Version 2.2 on 28 Dec 2004)

'Associated Press Journalism "Definition" Of Murderers, Today
(27 October 2003)'


Copyright 2004, 2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves
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