This "self-autonomy" concurs somewhat with what, from time to time, I
have described on this NG, alt.politics.immigration, for years though
attacked vehemently by Mexico City's lapdogs.
Again, Mexico is one of the few, if not the only, countries in the
world which is named for its capital. It is Mexico City, even prior to
the arrival of the Conquistadors, from where Mexico's Comandantes
Maximos de Patrulias (such as Santa Anna) sally forth to sack and
subjugate all within their grasp.
Even prior to the arrival of the Conquistadors, secession has always
been a major current in Mexican affairs.
After the Californianos revolted against Mexico City and its tribute
(still legal in Mexico) collectors sixteen times in the decade just
prior to the declaration of Califorinia's independence as the Bear
State, and the Texian's the same, everywhere eighty miles from Mexico
City, there was revolt. The Yucatan had even achieved independence
Then Mexico City's subjected did know the absolute disingenuity of
Mexico City including and especially its propagandizing of its very
Mexican Constitution (that Santa Anna had nevertheless usurped to
become yet another dictator): that by merely stating slavery to be
illegal did not then or even still make it so.
The Mexican Government had even refused to fund Santa Anna's punitive
expeditions into Texas forcing Santa Anna to procure the funds for his
(not Mexico's) army from his own ill-gotten wealth, the treasury of
his native state of Veracruz and the Catholic Church: funds he then
used to purchase Mayans enslaved by the Yucatan's "Ladinos,"---Mayans
who would then have to be brought, by their Creolle officers and
masters, to the very battlefields themselves in ball-and-chain---
Mayans who, after the battle of San Jacinto, would then have to walk
from Texas to their homes in the Yucatan to their rise themselves up
in revolt in one of the most vicious wars in the history of the New
Word: 'The War of the Castes (Races)'.
Upon General Winfield Scott's eventual arrival to Mexico City,
Mexico's (liberal) central government even offered him, and the U.S.
Army under his command, the very funds they had refused Santa Anna to
accept as pay for his governance and ultimate establishment of a real
democracy---hopefully free, once and for all, of their such perennial
slavers and tyrants as Santa Anna---in Mexico.
Even now, as Chiapas seeks self-autonomy (secession) from Mexico City,
so, most essentially, are the States of Oaxaca, Tabasco, the Yucatan
and Guerrero also.
So will Mexico's northern states; and so will even Mexico's Mexicans