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Problems with the "marriage monopole" from the Christian tradition of having just one wife - as a reversal of advantages of the legal polygamy approved in the Bible

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Jul 14, 2011, 8:54:44 PM7/14/11
It took disclosing methods of present private detectives, supported by
the divorce lawyers and journalists earning from scandals, while
disseminated throughout the world by sensation-thirsty television,
press and internet, for the humanity to realise how unrealistic and
how contradictive to the human nature is the present "institution of
marriage". After all, this institution is based on the principle of
monogamy - means on the principle in which the existing laws give into
hands of a woman the "marriage monopole" in which she becomes the only
legal supplier of, amongst others, "goods" and "services" without the
access to which man simply is unable to live. It is for gaining an
access to just such "goods" and "services" that in the animal kingdom
"males" are prepared to fight till the death. However, in the
"marriage monopole" the access to these is subjected to the full
control of just a single women, which can do whatever she is pleased.
As we know, in present world which legally sanctions this "marriage
monopole", laws are so designed that man can have just one wife, while
polygamy and unfaithfulness are banned and severely punished. However,
as we probably already learned, there is nothing more destructive in
long-term consequences, than establishing laws which legalise and
reinforce someone's "monopole". From watching fates of e.g. present
countries which allowed their governments to establish monopoles that
rule over the entire their economies, it is already known that during
just around ten years monopoles can remove the wealth from even the
most rich country and push it into poverty down to the level of so-
called "third world". In turn, from the fate of still the only
official so-called "atheistic orthodox science" to-date which holds
the "monopole for knowledge" - described, amongst others, in item #B1
of the web page named "morals.htm" (addresses of which are provided
near the end of this post), it is already known that this supporting
the "monopole for knowledge" by our civilisation, brought onto the
humanity all these disasters that we see currently around, such as
warming of climate, economic depression, political and monetary
instability, wars, famine, spread of the philosophy of parasitism,
cataclysms, illnesses, etc.

Similarly as every other kind of monopole, also the "marriage
monopole" hides a highly destructive potential and is full of various
vices. After all, it sanctions the unnatural situation, when wives in
marriages neither need to consider the existence of legal
"competition" for themselves in the form of another wife, nor are
motivated by the prospect that if they do NOT meet the expectations,
then their husbands may take another wife. So if an immorally inclined
woman becomes a wife, then she can use various "tricks" and "games" to
abuse her monopolistic position. For example, she can pretend to have
"migraine", use "sexual blackmail" for gaining certain benefits - in
this for gaining power over her husband, etc. This in turn places her
man in face of the dilemma to either suffer - if the husband decides
to stand by morality, or to practice an immoral unfaithfulness and
expose the marriage to a danger of splitting and divorce.
Simultaneously, the same "marriage monopoles" do NOT create for
husbands any other option that would be more "moral" than "divorces"
in situations when e.g. their wives abuse the "marriage monopole" they
hold. Unfortunately, although a divorce is legally acceptable, in the
majority of life circumstances it is a highly "immoral" solution -
which harms and makes unhappy absolutely all people that are affected
by consequences of it.

Shockingly, it happens that the "marriage monopole" was established
and implemented on the Earth by the Christian religion - in spite that
the Bible is full of statements which reassure us that God supports
and approves "polygamy" while does NOT requires nor persuades
"monogamy", and that many forefathers of the humanity, indicated in
the Bible as examples to follow, in fact had more than one wife. (E.g.
even the uniquely wise Salomon had 700 primary wives and 300 secondary
wives - see the Bible, 1 Kings, verse 11:3.) So, as the result,
establishing the "marriage monopoly" by the Christian religion is a
significant departure from the will and recommendations of God
expressed in the Bible. Also, as every departure from the will and
recommendations of omnipotent God, this leads to many human deviations
and difficulties. For example, it is the primary reasons for many
present divorces, fall-down of the institution of marriage,
unfaithfulness, splits of ownerships and life accomplishments, and the
primary source of many children who must grow without parents or
without male role-model for learning from.

Much more moral than the monogamy is a legal polygamy, the approval
for practicing of which the omnipotent God expressed in the Bible,
because He knows perfectly-well the nature and needs of humans (after
all, God created people and thus knows them completely). In such legal
"polygamy", the old Christian "monogamy" still remains one amongst
possible "options" to choose from. Thus, the majority of marriages in
which both sides truly practice the mutual love, respect and moral
fulfilment of roles, in the "polygamist" cultures still practice
"monogamy". (In this way the wives from the polygamist cultures whose
husbands choose to stand by just one wife, receive an obvious proof of
the appreciation of their value and know that their husbands truly
treasure and love them, NOT that these husbands stay with them just
because they are afraid of a divorce, or punishments for being
unfaithful.) However, for many other marriages, such legalised wedding
another wife could turn highly beneficial and desirable. Especially in
cases when the first marriage would turn "disastrous", "unfertile", or
when having many wives would become an expression of prestige or
wealth. After all, when the first wife would NOT meet expectations of
the husband or would NOT lift the prestige or quality of life of a
given marriage, then instead of cheating and cunningly becoming
unfaithful to her, or immorally divorcing her and leaving her together
with children without male protection and role-model, many men would
rather legally marry another wife - while still continuing the
fulfilment of their marriage obligations they have towards the first

After thorough analysis everyone can discover, that the legal
"polygamy" has many advantages in comparison to "monogamy" - so
unfortunately implemented on the entire Earth by Christianity and
subjected to the present crisis and moral fall-down that we see
spreading around the world. For example, through treatment of
"divorces" as the least preferred "option" to which a given couple
resorts only in extreme circumstances, the majority of children would
NOT need to grow up without fathers and without male role-models for
watching and for learning, while a noticeable number of women would
NOT need to live alone. Children have in polygamy a larger selection
of parents and people to love, play with, take care of them, and teach
them. These less talented wives do NOT become in it unhappy divorcees
full of bitterness and hate. Immoral and destructive trends of the
"feminism" kind do NOT have a reason to eventuate in polygamy. For
every wife is less work "per person" - so they have more time for
entertainment and taking care of themselves. Life accomplishments and
wealth of marriages do NOT need to be split and wasted - but these
could benefit a larger number of people. Unfaithfulness ceases to
bloom in it - after all, instead of having an immoral, illegal,
cheating and risky affairs, in polygamy simply another marriage is
arranged. (It is worth to notice, that from practical point of view,
present unfaithful marriages almost do NOT differ from polygamy - only
that instead of accepting of the function of someone's lovers, in
polygamy women simply accept that they are second or further wives.)
Venereal diseases cease to spread in it. Both sexes are also more
healthy - after all they have more exercises. Men and women are more
sexually satisfied in it (and thus also more happy) - after all, women
do NOT waste their "turns" nor practice "sexual blackmails" or
"migraines" - because they are aware of the existence of
"competition". In turn men always have handy "someone willing" - so
they do NOT need to seek "outside" while because of the continuous
practice they are in a greater form. Men must also in it be more
ambitious than on monogamy, because if they do NOT meet requirements
of their wives, then these in the common effort always find ways to
positively reinforce whatever is missing in their husband. Also all
domestic violence and arguing disappear in it - as a single male does
NOT stand chances against a whole gang of his wives. From streets
disappear the majority of overweighed people - after all women do NOT
need to "compensate" by eating, while men do NOT have time to become
fat. Sperm counts probably do NOT fall down in polygamy because of the
lack of "idleness" in males. The required birth rate is healthier in
polygamy. Children are NOT rejected or ignored by parents. The excess
of women do NOT need to live lonely. Infertile women still receive
children of their husbands to love, while infertility ceases to be a
reason for tragedies and lonely old age. Divorce lawyers and private
detectives do NOT have jobs, so they can practice professions which
are more productive for the humanity. Etc., etc.

The above reveals, that if any present "monogamist" country introduces
a legal "polygamy", then all parties would only benefit from it.
Proofs that such benefits actually exists and awaits countries ready
to introduce "polygamy", are well visible in these cultures and
countries which still preserved polygamy until today. (No many people
probably know that until the end of World’s War Two, the "polygamy"
was still legally practiced in almost all cultures of Orient. In my
globetrotting "in search of bread", I personally met many oriental
people who originated from just such polygamist families. As I also
noted, typically people from such families are carriers of much more
moral systems of values than people born in monogamist families.)
Also, opposite to cultures from rich monogamist countries, in
polygamist countries the institution of marriages still is blooming,
number of marriages do NOT fall down in there, the birth rate is
healthy, families still remain holy in there, cheating and affairs
almost are non-existent in there, individual people are more happy in
there than in rich countries of monogamy, society as a whole still
avoids in there a whole array of social evils that become a real
plague for monogamist countries, etc., etc. So it is easy to notice,
that in a true interest of the humanity lies that also in this matter
human laws follow the path which God indicated in the Bible. Thus,
instead of further forcing the "monogamy" that is highly destructive
for the humanity, we rather should introduce the legal freedom of
practicing the "polygamy" - if only someone considers it to be
beneficial in a given life situation, while this "other half" knows
"what is getting into". It is puzzling why still no political party
make from the "polygamy" its election policy.

Only in extremely rare cases progress depends on the introduction of
something completely new, what the humanity knew never before, such as
e.g. "Magnocrafts" or "Oscillatory Chambers". In the overwhelming
majority of cases "progress" boils down to the replacement of old with
something that is also known for a long time, only that in a new
application it is able to eliminate drawbacks and limitations of this
old, and thus is able to open for people completely new perspectives.
In such adaptation (for new applications) of something known for a
long time, the most vital step is NOT the inventiveness, but a courage
and insight of noticing drawbacks of the old, and the ability to work
out how these drawbacks could be eliminated with a given new
application. So let us hope, that we are able to find in ourselves the
courage to improve the "institution of marriage", before the present
"obsession with one-stand sex" causes the disappearance of families,
while nations turn into clusters of artificially inseminated loners.

* * *

This post represents adaptation of item #J2.2.2 from the totaliztic
web page named "morals.htm" (updated on 7 July 2001, or later). Thus,
reading the above descriptions would be even more effective from that
web page "morals.htm" than from this post, as on the web page are
working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional
explanations, it is printed in colour, it is supported with
illustrations, the content of it is updated regularly, etc. The latest
update of the web page "morals.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, at
addresses: or alias: (which
always links to the most important amongst current updates)

It is also worth to know, that almost each new topic that I am
researching with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science",
including this one, is repeated in all mirror blogs of totalizm still
in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number
#203E). In past there were 5 such blogs. At the moment only two blogs
of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new
"totaliztic science" and the moral philosophy of totalizm. These can
be viewed at following internet addresses: or alias:
It is also worth to have look in there at related posts, e.g. at posts
number #202E, #201E, #200E, #195E, #171E and #151E - which also
discuss incompetence and errors of the old official science in solving
the most burning problems of our present civilisation.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak


Jul 15, 2011, 6:16:56 AM7/15/11
If you have read our messages you will see that we have
disproved the Bible.

As such, if you want three wives or three husbands, no
There is no requirement for marriage, or any form of legal
binding document.
Why should there be a restriction on love?
Think of Universal things rather than local things relative
to Earth and humans only.

"JP3" <> wrote in message

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