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The "neo-medieval epoch" is already on the Earth

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Jan 4, 2010, 9:26:49 PM1/4/10
If we ask someone learned what the so-called "medieval epoch" was,
then he (or she) will provide us with some cleverly sounding
definition in which emphasized will be the period of time in history
of the Earth during which this medieval period prevailed. But if we
consider the matter thoroughly, then we discover that the essence of
the "medieval epoch" was not the time in which it occurred, but almost
proverbial behaviours of people who lived in these times on the Earth.
This is because people of medieval times behaved differently that
people from any other epoch on the Earth. Words which could correctly
describe their behaviour include: abnormality, cruelty,
psychopathology, deviations, greed, etc. Therefore, the correct
definition of medieval period should place emphasis just on these
deviated behaviours of people. So it should state, for example, that
"the name 'Middle Ages' is assigned to a period in history of the
humanity during which behaviours of people were characterised by a
range of glaring abnormalities demonstrating that people were ruled by
feelings, desires, emotions, etc., instead of minds, knowledge, logic,
deductions, or other qualities of their intellects - and which
abnormalities most strongly manifested themselves in the area of
morality, attitudes to others, systems of values, religion, taste,
understanding of beauty, art, etc." In other words, if the definition
"medieval epoch" was developed by present psychiatrists instead of
historians, then they would state that it was the epoch in the history
of Earth when almost all people were "psychologically sick" and had a
version of "psychopathology".

If we would try to provide here examples of deviations in behaviours
of medieval people, then the most representative amongst them would
include: continuous wars, social terror, spreading cruelty, religious
hysteria and fanaticism, greed of high society, putting down of lower
classes, common devaluation of human dignity, oppression, decay of
culture, deviations of artistic taste, deterioration of health (e.g.
famous epidemics), decrease of fertility of people and a rapid
diminishing of population, complete extinction of many known families
and dynasties, anarchy and decentralisation tendencies (e.g. the
disintegration of empires into small countries), and many more. All
such deviations prevailed then in practically the entire our planet -
including islands that were isolated from rest of the world, such as
New Zealand (where in the medieval period cannibalism emerged). Such a
wide spread of abnormal behaviours in turn means that their reasons
had a global character. To provide here examples, it was just in the
medieval period that a husband certified in Inquisition against own
wife accusing her of witchcraft, a brother killed a brother for a
throne or inheritance, sisters were given to enemies to earn a few
years of peace, while a deviated understanding of beauty by medieval
painters caused that they filled up their paintings with deformed
monsters instead of beautiful people.

#I2: Why it is vital to emphasize abnormalities in the behaviour of
people while defining the medieval epoch (instead of emphasizing the
span of time)

If we accept passively the definition of "Middle Ages" developed by
modern scientists - in which the emphasis is placed on the period of
time in the history of Earth, then overlooked is the fact that this
"medieval period" was caused by something. In other words, such
scientific definition implies "between the lines" that the "Middle
Ages" arrived purely automatically and then also automatically
disappeared - as it always happens with time and with epochs. But if
the "medieval epoch" is defined as I did it in the previous section
#I1 of this post, or in item #I1 of the web page named
"tapanui.htm" (which complete internet address is provided at the end
of this post), means with emphasizing the abnormalities in behaviours
of people, then immediately it hits our eyes that at that time there
needed to be in action on the Earth some health or biological factor
which caused all these deviations. After all, behaviours of people
NEVER become deviated and abnormal just by themselves, but always
there is some factor which causes them to be such. Thus, my definition
of the "Middle Ages" inspires the search for this factor which caused
such abnormalities in human behaviours lasting for several centuries.

While searching for the factor which caused such persisting
abnormalities in behaviours of people, we surely can eliminate a whole
range of "natural" factors, such as the composition of the air, water,
parameters of light from that time, etc. After all, such natural
factors acted upon the humanity in the same way for periods longer
than the length of the Middle Ages. After eliminating these natural
factors, it is worth to take notice of the so-called "telepathic
noise" induced technically - which is known from various paranormal
researches as the source of strong deviations in human behaviours.
(What is "telepathy" and this "telepathic noise" unperceived
conscientiously by people, but intercepted by them subconsciously, it
is explained briefly on the totaliztic web page named "telepathy.htm",
while elaborated in more details in volume 4 of monographs [8/2] and
[1/5]. Here it suffices to mention, that another name for it used in
radiesthesia and in water divining is the "negative green" vibration.
The "telepathic noise" most frequently is detected in some areas of
pyramids, over underground water streams, over the geopathic "Swiss
net", and when emitted by various totems and cult objects used in
"black magic".) After all, right before the Middle Ages appeared, on
the Earth took place a giant explosion near Tapanui in New Zealand in
1178 AD - described on the totaliztic web page "tapanui.htm". In turn,
the mechanism of that explosion supported the generation of large
quantities of just such "telepathic noise". Thus, that particular
explosion not only that took place in the year which was a beginning
of the arrival of the Middle Ages, but in addition it was sufficiently
powerful to jam the entire planet with the telepathic noise. After
all, its physical consequences devastated the entire globe, while
numerous cases of destruction that it caused are visible in the Europe
even today. These and other premises indicate unambiguously that the
arrival of medieval epoch to the Earth was caused by the "telepathic
noise" that resonated in the Earth's ionosphere for several centuries
and that was induced by a giant explosion of 1178 AD which occurred
near the town of Tapanui in New Zealand. The comprehensive analyses
and deductions which led to the establishing this fact (i.e. that
these immensely detrimental for human health "resonations of the
telepathic noise" in the ionosphere of Earth caused the arrival of
medieval epoch), is discussed in subsection D4 from the Polish
monograph [5/4] (but just mentioned in an older English monograph

When one analyses the influence of the resonations of telepathic noise
on the health, wellbeing, and behaviours of people, then it turns out
that such noise induces in people exactly the same consequences that
historic sources describe as dominating during the medieval epoch. For
example, in spite that the telepathic noise remains unperceived in a
conscious manner, in fact it is intercepted subconsciously by humans
(this is why it is detectable e.g. with methods of radiesthesia).
Thus, under influence of it, people become irritated and angry, while
being such, they easily show rapid reactions, aggression, have no
breaks in their brutal actions, everything irritates them, they loose
the sense of humour, become intolerant towards everything, etc., etc.
- means they are exactly such as we know that people were in medieval
times. In the area of physical health, the excess of telepathic noise
decreases the resistance of bodies to illnesses, and in males
decreases the sperm counts. In the result it causes all the effects
which we know from the medieval period, such as epidemics and plagues,
complete extinction of entire families and dynasties, disappearance of
human population from entire countries, etc., etc. Of course, the
telepathic noise deviates also the understanding of beauty and the
ability to think rationally - this explains the "sick" paintings from
medieval times, and numerous medieval abnormal ideas of the kind of
fanaticism, separatism, martyrs, self-destruction, etc.

#I3: The destructive "resonation of telepathic noise" is also induced
by every nuclear explosion - what this means for the humanity

During years from 1945 till around 1970, the generation of people who
then ruled over the Earth (named in item #I5 below in this post, or in
the web page named "tapanui.htm") carried out numerous tests with
exploding nuclear weapons. As it turns out, each such a testing
explosion of nuclear weapon generates a significant amount of that
"telepathic noise" which is so detrimental to health and wellbeing of
people. What even worse, the attribute of this "telepathic noise" is
that it can accumulate - means that the noise-generating effects of
each subsequent nuclear explosion add themselves to effects of
previous such explosions. Thus, the result of such tests with nuclear
bombs carried out on the Earth in years from 1945 till around 1970 was
that the total amount of this telepathic noise so immensely
destructive for human health is at present equal, if not larger, than
the amount of resonating telepathic noise that prevailed in medieval
times. In turn, the consequence of such a large accumulation of
telepathic noise can only be one - namely these nuclear explosions
already carried out, initiated in people deviations of behaviours
which manifest themselves at present as a sliding of the entire
humanity into another "neo-medieval epoch". Of course, similarly like
inhabitants from the original "medieval period" were unaware that they
live in the "Middle Ages", while their sick and abnormal behaviours
become recognised only by inhabitants of other, more healthy epochs,
also present inhabitants of the Earth have no idea that they just
slide down deeper and deeper into the "neo-medieval epoch". However,
if one carries out the comparisons of behaviours of the generation of
people that currently dominates the Earth, with behaviours of people
from the "medieval epoch", then the similarities are hitting our eyes.
Therefore, when today one looks carefully around, then without any
difficulties should be able to notice that the "neo-medieval epoch" is
already on the Earth and that it started to trouble people
increasingly more starting from around the year 1995 (I try to
document it in item #I6 below on this post or on web page

#I4: Which facts prove to us, that we really have already on the Earth
another "neo-medieval epoch"

By the term "neo-medieval epoch" one should understand the period on
the Earth which is just arriving. This period was induced by the long-
term action of the "telepathic noise" which is extremely detrimental
to mentality and to health of people. The noise was induced by tests
with nuclear bombs carried out in years from 1945 till around 1970.
Similarly to the original "medieval epoch", this new period is
characteristic by abnormal deviations in behaviours of people. There
are numerous attributes which characterise this period. The most vital
amongst them include, amongst others: (1) people being directed in
everything by feelings, desires, laziness, averse to think, jealousy,
fashion, bad examples from celebrities, etc., instead by knowledge,
mind, logic, evidence, etc., (2) people are giving out to
inclinations, temptations, addictions, deviations, etc. - means people
practice on an everyday basis the destructive philosophy called
"parasitism" (described on the totaliztic web page named
"parasitism.htm"), (3) the morality is falling down fast, and people
increasingly less listen to whispers of their conscience, (4) rampant
are religious fanaticism, love of force, the fascination with body,
muscles, weapon, etc., (5) dominant are egoism and self-centring of
people who take care of exclusively themselves, (6) there is a
galloping greed and materialism, (7) we see social insubordination,
unrests, splitting of empires and countries, terrorism, pirates, etc.,
(8) illnesses and plagues are rampaging (e.g. see item #B1 on the
totaliztic web page named "plague.htm"), there is already a decrease
in sperm count and slow extinction of dynasties, soon we will see the
depopulation of the Earth, (9) we can notice deviations in artistic
taste and in views of the world - which manifest themselves, amongst
others, in "sick" kind of art and music, (10) there is a global
diminishing of happiness and sense of humour - causing that people
almost everything consider to be an offence, that they stop laughing,
that they always appear to be angry and in a state of permanent
depression, and that increasingly more difficult is to find something
that could make people laugh; that they are prone to commit suicides,
etc., etc. (notice that there is even more similarly abnormal
attributes and behaviours of people).

Much more information about the "neo-medieval epoch" that currently is
settling over the Earth is presented in subsection D4 from the Polish
monograph [5/4] (in English a part of it is available in a slightly
older monograph [5/3]).

#I5: Generations which actively contributed towards arriving of the
"neo-medieval epoch" to the Earth

The generation of people which dominates the life on the Earth, and
which controls this life, changes every around 25 years. (Notice that
by the term "generation" we understand here a group of people of
similar age which grew up in similar times thus experiencing very
similar environmental conditions, so that their behaviours and
characteristics contain trends that are common to almost all of them.)
Thus, each such a "generation" in the duration of its domination
shapes the life on the Earth in a slightly different manner - which is
unique and characteristic just to this particular generation. The
generation of people which as the first was exposed to the destructive
action of the resonating telepathic noise from nuclear explosions, is
the generation to which I also belong. This generation in past was
called "baby boomers". But I prefer to call them jocosely the
"emotional" generation - because this destructive telepathic noise
caused that instead of being governed by mind, logic, evidence, etc.,
it started to be governed by emotions, desires, feelings, views, etc.
This "emotional" generation dominated the life on the Earth since
around 1970 till around 1995. After it, the Earth was taken under
control by the generation of their children, the governing of which
over the life of the humanity extends since around 1995 till around
2020 - means also at present. Let us now carry out the review of such
attributes of each generation that contributed towards the arrival of
the "neo-medieval epoch" to the Earth, which attributes had main
influence on the appearance and escalation of this "neo-medieval
epoch". Please notice, that to each one out of these generations a
jocose name is assigned, which in my opinion should make us laugh, and
thus should be easier for referring, but which also should
characterise better the essence of behaviours of a given generation.

Of course, in order to characterise briefly subsequent generations, it
is necessary to use a high level of generalisation. In turn, as it
always is the case with the generalisation, it indicates only the most
common and the most representative tendencies. As such, it does NOT
consider exceptions from the tendencies described here - which in real
life always exist, nor considers any individual people or specific
families. Thus, in spite that the essence of what is written here
really applies to the entire generations indicated here, it NOT
necessarily and NOT always applies to each individual person nor to
each individual family from a given generation.

1. The generation of "aggressive panic-mongers". It is the generation
of fathers of my own generation. The Earth was under their control
since around 1945 till around 1970. This generation lived through the
World War Two and with their own eyes saw the terror of wars. Thus, it
was panicking of another world war. In order to prevent a war,
according to the saying of ancient Romans that "when you wish to have
a peace then prepare to a war" it was manufacturing the multitude of
weapons and used to shake its weaponry in front of noses of its
enemies. In turn to have the most powerful arsenals of the time, it
continually tested nuclear bombs. Tests of nuclear weapons of that
generation of "aggressive panic-mongers" were the ones that generated
"telepathic noise" which since then continually resonates in the
Earth's ionosphere - similarly like sounds resonate in the resonance
chambers of musical instruments. Thus, the generation of "aggressive
panic-mongers" is really responsible for bringing to the humanity the
present "neo-medieval epoch".

2. The "emotional" generation (i.e. "baby boomers") to which, amongst
others, also I belong. It ruled over the Earth in the period from
around 1970 till around 1995. It was the sub-conscience of this
generation that, for the first time since the end of original "Middle
Ages", was deviated again by resonations of the "telepathic noise".
Therefore, the most vital attribute of this generation was that
instead of following the knowledge, mind, logic, deductions, evidence,
traditions proven in action, etc., it for the first time since many
centuries started to listen in everything mainly to feelings,
impulses, desires, unverified views, fashion, example of its
celebrities, etc. In this way the "emotional" generation broke the
tradition and trends to-date. Simultaneously it was this generation
that caused the next one (i.e. caused children of my generation) to be
brought up ...

The above presentation is continued in items #I1 to #I7 of the
totaliztic web page named "tapanui.htm" (updated on 5 January 2010 or
later), from which I would recommend to read further parts of it. The
latest update of the web page "tapanui.htm" can be viewed, amongst
others, at addresses:
(Each one amongst the above web sites contains all totaliztic web
pages that address a multitude of current issues of our civilisation
from the scientific, although non-conventional, angle.)

The same topic is also discussed on blogs of totalizm (where it is
numbered #177E), which can be viewed at following internet addresses:

Other similar current issues of our civilisation are discussed on
forums - the links to which are listed in item #E2 from the totaliztic
web page "faq.htm", the most recent update of which is available,
amongst others, at addresses:

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

Steve Hayes

Jan 4, 2010, 11:59:09 PM1/4/10

So you say.

Do you have any evidence for these assertions, or do you just expect us to
accept your word for it?

How were people in the medieval period more cruel etc than those in antiquity
or modernity?

Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk

Uncle Al

Jan 5, 2010, 7:33:58 PM1/5/10
JP3 wrote:
[snip 290 lines of crap total]

> If we would try to provide here examples of deviations in behaviours
> of medieval people, then the most representative amongst them would
> include: continuous wars, social terror, spreading cruelty, religious
> hysteria and fanaticism, greed of high society, putting down of lower
> classes, common devaluation of human dignity, oppression, decay of
> culture, deviations of artistic taste, deterioration of health (e.g.
> famous epidemics), decrease of fertility of people and a rapid
> diminishing of population, complete extinction of many known families
> and dynasties, anarchy and decentralisation tendencies (e.g. the
> disintegration of empires into small countries), and many more.

Unlimited free everything for Blacks and Browns, forever! We'll
employ $quadrillion planetary deficits and frank confiscation (direct
and by inflation) of all productive citizens' earned wealth to fuel

How is that superior in cumulative social effect to the categories you
listed? The Protestant Reformation put its boot up Church of Rome
ass, and civilization was relaunched.

> it is worth to take notice of the so-called "telepathic
> noise" induced technically - which is known from various paranormal
> researches as the source of strong deviations in human behaviours.

> Here it suffices to mention, that another name for it used in

> radiesthesia and in water divining is the "negative green" vibration.
> The "telepathic noise" most frequently is detected in some areas of
> pyramids, over underground water streams, over the geopathic "Swiss
> net", and when emitted by various totems and cult objects used in
> "black magic".)


Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)

spiritual energy

Jan 5, 2010, 8:18:42 PM1/5/10
On Jan 5, 4:26 am, JP3 <> wrote:

> If we ask someone learned what the so-called "medieval epoch" was,
> then he (or she) will provide us with some cleverly sounding
> definition in which emphasized will be the period of time in history
> of the Earth during which this medieval period prevailed. But if we
> consider the matter thoroughly, then we discover that the essence of
> the "medieval epoch" was not the time in which it occurred, but almost
> proverbial behaviours of people who lived in these times on the Earth.
> This is because people of medieval times behaved differently that
> people from any other epoch on the Earth. Words which could correctly
> describe their behaviour include: abnormality, cruelty,
> psychopathology, deviations, greed, etc. Therefore, the correct
> definition of medieval period should place emphasis just on these
> deviated behaviours of people. So it should state, for example, that
> "the name 'Middle Ages' is assigned to a period in history of the
> humanity during which behaviours of people were characterised by a
> range of glaring abnormalities demonstrating that people were ruled by
> feelings, desires, emotions, etc., instead of minds, knowledge, logic,
> deductions, or other qualities of their intellects -

That's so not true. Humans always used their minds, their knowledge
and logical deductions and other qualities of their intellects. If we
didn't use our mind and didn't use logic, our society would not have
reached the level of technological and scientific maturity and
advacement which we have today. Humanity would not have survived
without using our brains.

The bad side of using our intellect is that we discovered an atheistic
and impersonal universe. This discovered fact lead humanity to
pessimism toward others. The more atheistic and Godless the universe
appears to us, the more pessimisitic and cynical we become toward
others and toward life.


Jan 6, 2010, 11:03:11 AM1/6/10
On Mon, 04 Jan 2010 18:26:49 -0800, JP3 wrote:

> the "medieval epoch"

your thesis is based upon a simplistic over generalization which then is
force as a false historical specific making "Medieval" more slang than a
part of comprehensible human history.

You want to see only aberrant behavior.

Another, for example, might want to see only cooking and paint a then/now
history from only cooking. It would be history of cooking, not war and
not greed, that delivered more actual cohesion in the total human world

Day Brown

Jan 8, 2010, 2:24:06 PM1/8/10
Steve Hayes wrote:
> How were people in the medieval period more cruel etc than those in antiquity
> or modernity?
He hasnt read "Justinian's Flea" by Rosen. There was a weather change in
the 5th century. The cooler wetter weather also affected the highlands
at the source of the Nile. This allowed a high altitude line of rats to
come down and get on boats headed down the Nile. Which had fleas. Which
had Bubonic plague. And arrived at Alexandria...

The rest is history as the pandemic disorganized the Roman empire. The
many outbreaks which followed prevented Europeans from organizing, and
the psychological trauma of so much death was manifest in the syndromes
you refer to.

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