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Who (what) really heals our illnesses - God or medicines?

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Oct 12, 2011, 6:28:38 PM10/12/11
In 1985 a different science was born, which can be called the
"totaliztic science". This is because it is based on findings of a
relatively new philosophy called the philosophy of totalizm (i.e. this
one written with the letter "z", NOT with the letter "s"). More
information on the subject of this new science, its philosophical and
scientific foundations, and its role in the present and future world,
the reader can find, amongst others, in item #C1 of the web page named
"telekinetics.htm", item #B1 of the web page named "tornado.htm", or
item #A2.6 of the web page named "totalizm.htm". This new science
looks at illnesses and their healing, and also at practically
everything else that surrounds us, from a completely different point
of view than it is done by the to-date (old) so-called "atheistic
orthodox science". (This old "atheistic orthodox science" is exactly
the same "monopolistic official science" which we still learn in our
schools and universities.) Namely, the new "totaliztic science" states
that in the world ruled by God, illnesses are NOT kinds of "failures"
taking place in parts of our bodies, but are "tools of God", with the
use of which God so influences behaviours of people, that He is able
to accomplish His goals and implement His intentions. In other words,
this new "totaliztic science" explains to us, that illnesses which
affect us, do NOT stem at all from reasons which are told to us by
that old "atheistic orthodox science". (For example, illnesses are NOT
at all outcomes of such factors as our habits, cold and events that we
experience, bacteria, viruses and ill people which we encounter, food
that we eat, etc. - although in order to maintain our "free will" God
always causes that illnesses display a direct link with these factors
and display attributes as if they stem from these factors - for a
better understanding of this fact see e.g. item #G2 on the web page
named "healing.htm", or item #C2 on a different web page named
"tornado.htm".) In fact illnesses are intentionally imposed on us by
God e.g. to test our true believes, or to cause a change in our
behaviours or in our views on life, or to increase our knowledge,
determination, perseverance in selected causes, or to eliminate our
complacency and induce the increase of knowledge, etc., etc. Thus, in
order to heal illnesses that trouble us, in first place we must fulfil
conditions and requirements that God imposed onto this healing (only
one amongst which conditions and requirements is our contribution of
the required by God amount of our own effort, patience, and knowledge
into finding a correct method of healing and into implementing a
correct procedure of healing). This is because of the above reasons,
medicines and healing procedures which were effective for other
people, not necessarily must turn out to be effective in our own case.

If illnesses and healings are truly "tools of God", then the new
"totaliztic science" is able to develop and indicate to people much
more perfect and decisively more effective methods of healing and
prevention of these illnesses, than was able to do that old "atheistic
orthodox science" with its limited and calcified views. (For examples
of such new methods of "totaliztic science" for healing and prevention
of illnesses - see items #G2 and #F5 on the web page named
"healing.htm".) After all, the new "totaliztic science" scientifically
researches God. So it gradually learns and reveals to interested
people, what are goals of God, with which methods God accomplishes
these Goals, how to benefit from our knowledge of goals and methods of
God for e.g. faster and more sure regaining health, etc., etc. For
example, until the present time this new "totaliztic science"
established, that although medicines which we use and methods of
healing which we apply are vital components of regaining health or
preventing illnesses, still these are (1) just only a single one
amongst many different requirements, conditions, tests, and principles
with which God confronts us via illnesses. Further ones amongst these,
which are almost equally vital as medicines and methods of healing,
include, for example (2) morality which we practice in our lives, (3)
our believes, (4) the picture of ourselves that we developed with our
behaviours in minds and eyes of other people, (5) the usefulness of
whatever we do for goals and intentions of God, etc., etc. According
to the new "totaliztic science", our healing and prevention of
illnesses we must begin to aim also on the fulfilment of these other
requirements and principles of God.

Of course, at this point the reader probably wonders whether we really
live "in the world ruled by God" - as this is proven to us by the new
"totaliztic science", or rather we live "in the world deprived of God"
- as this is telling us (but without presenting any evidence) the old
"atheistic orthodox science". After all, the "totaliztic"
understanding of illnesses and healing explained before, is valid only
for the world ruled by intelligent God. Unfortunately, the certainty
about "in which world we live?" cannot be given for free to anyone,
but each person must earn it with own effort and own searches - see
"part #B" on the web page named "god_proof.htm". So the only manner in
which I can assist the reader in this matter, is to indicate to him or
her the literature for personal studies, and the line of thinking for
personal analysis. And so, for example, already several totaliztic web
pages explain to us, that "the world ruled by God" must decisively
differ from "the world deprived of God" - for examples of these
differences see e.g. items #B1 to #B4 on the totaliztic web page named
"changelings.htm". In turn these differences between both worlds are
in present times still sufficiently significant for every rationally
thinking person to be able to recognise them (notice, however, that in
order to maintain in people the so-called "free will", with the elapse
of time God will gradually eliminate some amongst these differences).
In turn several other totaliztic web pages indicates scientific proofs
that in spite of everything, God does exist - only that to maintain
human "free will" God is forced to hide from people the fact of His
existence (for examples of these scientific proofs for the existence
of God - see the web page named "god_proof.htm").

The problem of present times is that in reality neither religion, nor
the official science, carries out scientific research on God. (Only
this new "totaliztic science" initiated such research.) After all, for
example every religion relies only on whatever God passed on His own
topic to believers of this religion via the use of various "divine
revelations". However, God has thousands of reasons to pass to people
about Himself only as little as truly necessary - because for example
revealing to them too much on His own topic would support laziness and
would discourage own searches of people for knowledge and for truth
about God. Therefore, in spite that religions exist for thousands of
years, really they know almost nothing about God. The knowledge of
religions on the subject of God can be illustratively compared to the
knowledge that would appear in some primitive "bushmen" (i.e. the one
from behind the reach of our civilisation), to whom a television set
would be demonstrated. These "bushmen" would be able to notice only
whatever would appear on the screen of the television set. But would
NOT be able to understand what is the principle of operation of this
television set, what phenomena this television set utilises, what
physical mechanisms and circuits implement this principle of
operation, how the television set was produced, etc., etc. Similarly
is with religions and with God. Namely, God is incomparably more
complicated than the television set from the above example. But
instead of trying to learn how God works and what are goals and
methods of God, religions concentrate only on learning of whatever
appears "on the screen". But in reality, in order to understand God,
and in order to finally start to live in harmony with God and benefit
from His generosity, one need to scientifically learn much more than
just "supernatural revelations". In turn the old "atheistic orthodox
science" to-date completely negates with its philosophical foundations
the fact that God does exist, and it even does NOT tries to research
Him - as this fact I described more comprehensively e.g. in item #F1.1
of the totaliztic web page named "god_exists.htm". In the result, in
spite of present supposed knowledge and technological advancement, the
humanity in fact still knows almost nothing about God. So if e.g.
people met on a street so-called "bodily representation of God", or
even talked to such a "bodily representation of God" or worked with it
in the same institution for many years, they still would NOT be able
to recognise who is the person that they met and/or talked to. In this
situation an urgent need appears that the humanity starts finally
follow the path which is revealed to it by the new "totaliztic
science". The author hopes, that the content of this web page is to
contribute to understanding and undertaking this path at least by some
further rationally thinking readers. If also you, the reader, are in
their group, then "I warmly welcome you" amongst the continually
growing number of followers and practitioners of the formal version of
the philosophy of totalizm.

* * *

The above post is an adaptation of item #A2 from the totaliztic web
page named "healing.htm" (update of 6th October 2011, or later). Thus,
reading the above descriptions would be even more effective from that
web page "healing.htm" than from this post, as on the web page are
working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional
explanations, it is printed in colour, it is supported with
illustrations, the content of it is updated regularly, etc. The latest
update of the web page "healing.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, at
addresses: or alias:
(which always links to the most important amongst current updates)
Notice that every above web site should contain all totaliztic web
pages, including pages "text_1_5.htm" with free copies of monograph
[1/5] - which is an "official textbook" of the "totaliztic science".
But I would recommend to download this [1/5] from the address where this monograph is updated the
most frequently.

It is also worth to know, that almost each new topic that I am
researching with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science",
including this one, is repeated in all mirror blogs of totalizm still
in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number
#207E). In past there were 5 such blogs. At the moment only two blogs
of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new
"totaliztic science" and the moral philosophy of totalizm. These can
be viewed at following internet addresses: or alias:
It is also worth to have look in there at related posts, e.g. at posts
number #206E to #200E, #195E, #171E and #151E - which also discuss the
incompetence and errors of the old official science in solving the
most burning problems of our present civilisation.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

Doc Smartass

Oct 12, 2011, 8:18:43 PM10/12/11
JP3 <> wrote in news:f7319b2a-6002-463d-bb0a-9945e2ea2ef4

> In

I stopped right here. Paragraph breaks are your friend.

Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Aimin' to Misbehave aa # 1939



If Liberals Hated America They'd Vote Republican


Oct 12, 2011, 9:18:21 PM10/12/11
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 15:28:38 -0700, JP3 wrote:

> In 1985 a different science was born, which can be called the
> "totaliztic science". This is because it is based on findings of a

<snip tedious drivel>

It's clear that modern medicine has completely failed whoever authored
this screed. How sad.


If you can read this, you can stop reading now.

David Canzi

Oct 13, 2011, 3:36:35 AM10/13/11
JP3 <> wrote:
>Namely, the new "totaliztic science" states
>that in the world ruled by God, illnesses are NOT kinds of "failures"
>taking place in parts of our bodies, but are "tools of God", with the
>use of which God so influences behaviours of people, that He is able
>to accomplish His goals and implement His intentions. In other words,
>this new "totaliztic science" explains to us, that illnesses which
>affect us, do NOT stem at all from reasons which are told to us by
>that old "atheistic orthodox science". (For example, illnesses are NOT
>at all outcomes of such factors as our habits, cold and events that we
>experience, bacteria, viruses and ill people which we encounter, food
>that we eat, etc. - although in order to maintain our "free will" God
>always causes that illnesses display a direct link with these factors
>and display attributes as if they stem from these factors

Last night somebody broke into my apartment, took all my
furniture, and replaced it with exact duplicates.

David Canzi

Doc Smartass

Oct 13, 2011, 5:00:15 AM10/13/11
"David Canzi" <> wrote in news:j764e3$bqf$1@new-

I called my friend to tell him about it and he said, "Do I know you?"

Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Aimin' to Misbehave aa # 1939



Tea Parties are for little kids.

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